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Posts posted by AnotherSkip

  1. read the Cia Handbook for interesting notes about Antartica.


    ill post a link if anyone wants it's a common enough resource Annnnnnd

    Antartica is just weird, imagine a 10 + nation race for the alien tech 'resource' with battles in the international courts as well as over a desolate wasteland(or is it? post accident).


    and there are about 14k visitors every year. plenty of people to carry back the radiation.


    My daughter wants me to run a Minime and the Rook campaign there.


    so much fun so little time!

  2. Heck I disagree with Monolith.


    Limitations _can_ be useful.


    The evil villian may need me alive but If I kill myself he loses _everything_!


    1d6 healing , 12d6 EB

    repeat ad infinitivium nauseum.




    It only take a smart player to make a disad into an advantage.

  3. Allright Seeing as how I have found the masters of weird martial arts

    Anyone know what movie Cooking fu was in?


    I rather liked the goof sidekick and his martial "power" of 'rolling my eyes' as a martial ability.



    saw it many years ago on TV as part of a "Kung Fu Theater" weekly movie scheduling in dallas. And was wondering where the hack it came from.

  4. I think part of the problem is with Steve.


    now then don't get me wrong im a Fan of What Steve and 5th has Done for this system, but honestly everyone has their blind spots and I think this is Steves.


    Steve Admits there is a problem.


    Steve has not officially _solved_ this problem. Though he has had a few opportunities to do so.


    We as gamers have come up with a temporary solution to increased characteristics problem presented by NCM. IF I AS A GM SET THE RACIAL STAT INCREASES AS POWERS IT IS MY DECISION AS A GM. Im not talking about +10 Str im talking about +/-1-5 and "negative powers" to boot. All under the purview and decision making of the Gm


    "IMO, the NCM rule is not for making sense for non-human characters. It's for balancing PC's with one another".-PhilFleischmann


    I happen to disagree with you on this particular quote for several reasons.

    I do have as possible PC characters Non-human characters. I agree they should be balanced with other Pc's but they should be _different_

    than what Joe Schmoe can do. If i have a Character who has the shape of a horse for _whatever_ reason I feel that His NCM should be no different than any other horse. Not spending a buttload of points (that any joe Schmoe with the points could do _anyways_ if allowed) so that he costs twice as much as a horse so that he can be "balanced" with the Hummies. We are trying in case you don'

    t get it to make the races different with different advantages and disadvantages for choosing each race. a Halfling with 13 STR is just as unusual as a human with 23 STR, not as powerful, but certainly as rare.


    Therefore i propose to you that NCM _Must_ make sense for Non-human as well as human. Hell if you are going to argue that it doesn't make sense for non-humans then ill Play non-humans and not have the NCM limits and Do Exactly what I am doing _with_ NCM and the Characteristics as Racial Powers. What the heck is the point then?



    Now then in case someone brings up buying Increased NCM stats for points I laugh in their face. I spent _23_ fricking points to buy a Dwarf(more accurately to buy up the maximum stats for a dwarf, most of which I would never use!). I could have spent those 23 points as a human and built a better human that the fricking Dwarf!!!!!!!!!!



    "I'd set the NCM for STR at 30 or so. ".-PhilFleischmann.


    Actually, According-to-Steve you can't do that IIRC.

    Otherwise i'd reset the racial NCM's as I so desire (and if they flippin fall exactly where they'd be if I used Racial Characteristics as Powers Ooooopps!) and we would not be having this discussion!


    Oh yeah Old Man, I recommend using a Phisical limitation: Hobbits to repersent STR 5-10 double after that.

  5. Look NCM is a problem. Steve in as much admits its a problem.


    NCM is decent for supers but it causes problems just about everywhere else.


    Giants are a good excample

    to build an ordinary large man (as a type of giant) costs 51 points. PER THE BEASTIARY.


    When you throw in NCM it actually costs 51 + 5 for Strength over NCM, + 4 for running NCM= 60 points.


    Or do you ignore the NCM limts for some obscure/unstated reason?

    does Inherent Override the NCM limitation?


    and why does not NCM apply to horses and warhorses? After all they are a "race" in many worlds with NCM. Yet they blatantly defy the rules of cost. (if you happen to wonder where this is going go read Mercedes Lackey)


    Personally I disagree with Steve's decision that "NCM is a Genre thing".


    It is a Gm decision.


    adjust as you see fit and for heavens sake try to be fair.


    Steven Long can no more tell me how to run my game than anyone else. Pretending otherwise is silly.

  6. Re: Re: Bejita


    Originally posted by Rage

    Quick lets get him to go over and poke Morningstar in the eye!!!!!


    naaaaaaaaaah let's be even more evil and send him to the animated sauces heroes video thingy....

    (the one with the ketchup girl in it.)

  7. read the Golinds Armor, Golinds Axe, and Dysons Mask entries, Old Man. There are a few others here also. but most of the "bland ones" are Dadeluses. Ell he posted most of the list as a "drop in and use" file for random/quickstarts/NPC's. Rather than filling in a paragraph on the genera of a potion of Strength he went with brutish and nasty items. Common stuff for his commoners. The really good stuff he was very reluctant to post due to players in his game possibly reading them. Though a few did surface.

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