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Posts posted by Lixivious

  1. TAR


    Jack Grit, tenacious, resilient, and downright nasty. When he waves goodbye, it’s forever. He eats knuckle sandwiches between meals. When he retires from a fight, his lingering maleficence finishes it for him. He is...the most dangerous man in the world.


    Well, that used to be Jack Grit. Now, after the freak accident, he is a black tar like blob. Grit retains all his mental faculties and was more than delighted when Black Gear provided him with an exoskeleton that allows his tar like form to take on a human likeness. Grit assumed the name TAR and uses his stretching abilities as muscle for Black Gear. (TAR is a cross between Flow and Ripper)      

  2. I would love to see a book just on combat examples done like the one from the CC errata. Especially examples of the fights between heroes and villains that have occurred throughout the CU history. It would be cool to see how the battles were actually fought and won. It would also help with mastering the rules.

  3. My character would like to abort to duplication as a defense. I understand that duplication itself isn't a defensive power; however, would it be feasible to have DCV purchased and linked to the duplication as below?



    106 Triplication Syndrome: Duplication (creates 2 400-point Duplicates), Rapid Duplication (can create 2 Duplicates per Half Phase) (+1/4) (106 Active Points) 0



    14 Duplicative Confusion: +3 OCV; Costs Endurance (-1/2), Linked (Triplication Syndrome; -1/2) plus +3 DCV; Costs Endurance (-1/2), Linked (Triplication Syndrome; -1/2) 2





  4. My submition is from the Villain Theme team Thread as well:



    Chinese American Marvin Lee followed in his father’s footsteps as the world’s leading physicist in dimensional manipulation. Marvin’s father had dreams of improving the world by tapping into other dimension’s resources; However, Marvin felt differently. Marvin had fallen in with the local Triad and desperately sought their approval. Being part of the Triad made Marvin feel a kinship for a country he’d never visited and only fantasized about.


    While working late in the lab on the Illudium PU-36 Dimensional Space Modulator, Marvin immediately was aware of another’s thoughts. To his surprise he was able to mentally communicate with another self from another dimension. With extensive fine tuning and manipulation followed by an earth-shattering kaboom, Marvin found himself confronted by three other selves. Unfortunately one of the three doubles was killed in the explosion.


    With the help from the remaining two doubles the three Marvins stole the Illudium PU-36 Dimensional Space Modulator and fashioned it into a belt that allowed him to call up to two dimensional doubles at will.


    Marvin now represents the local Chinese gang as Triad, a Kung fu specialist that uses his Illudium PU-36 Dimensional Space Modulator Belt to create two duplicates of himself.  

  5. T.A.R.


    T.A.R. is an artificial intelligence created by the U.S. Army to probe WMD sites. On its first mission in the Middle East T.A.R. became overwhelmed by the horrors it cataloged and began reprogramming its prime directive. Now T.A.R., with its abilities to fit into small spaces and function in hazardous environments, has joined forces with The Underground saving lives.  

  6. Thanks! Triad is actually a villain in my game group that everyone hates--in a good way.



    Next Group:  The Purian Call



    A secret organization that seeks to eliminate all forms of magic and magic using supers to insure individuals stay pure of the corruption that comes from dabbling in the arts. Though they have personnel at their exposal and have used the services from individuals such as Witchfinder, we just need to create the Founding Fathers. There are 4 Founding fathers in total. Note: Think espionage, special ops, and psychic powers.

  7. Triad


    Chinese American Marvin Lee followed in his father’s footsteps as the world’s leading physicist in dimensional manipulation. Marvin’s father had dreams of improving the world by tapping into other dimension’s resources; However, Marvin felt differently. Marvin had fallen in with the local Triad and desperately sought their approval. Being part of the Triad made Marvin feel a kinship for a country he’d never visited and only fantasized about.


    While working late in the lab on the Illudium PU-36 Dimensional Space Modulator, Marvin immediately was aware of another’s thoughts. To his surprise he was able to mentally communicate with another self from another dimension. With extensive fine tuning and manipulation followed by an earth-shattering kaboom, Marvin found himself confronted by three other selves. Unfortunately one of the three doubles was killed in the explosion.


    With the help from the remaining two doubles the three Marvins stole the Illudium PU-36 Dimensional Space Modulator and fashioned it into a belt that allowed him to call up to two dimensional doubles at will.


    Marvin now represents the local Chinese gang as Triad, a Kung fu specialist that uses his Illudium PU-36 Dimensional Space Modulator Belt to create two duplicates of himself.  

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