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Everything posted by Tedology

  1. Thank you, @Simon. Yep, figured out I needed to download Tasha's format to work. I appreciate your help.
  2. Hello all, I have done some reading in the forums, and I see the "Print to PDF" feature was removed on a previous update. So, is there now no way to print to a PDF? I looked at the documentation, and it seems there is no mention of any other way. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  3. Thanks for the help and answers, @Duke Bushido and @Grailknight! Duke, I'm curious - what do you oppose of the current Shape Shift? It's taking me quite some time getting used to it, seeing as I learned from the 4th edition! LOL
  4. Hello all, I'm creating a master of disguise NPC/villain who can resemble anybody, even to mental probing. I originally thought about an invisible mental illusions damage shield with the limitation (only to give illusion of current form), but then I started looking at Shape Shift (the power) and wonder if just having it address the Mental Sense group would accomplish the same thing? Thanks for any guidance!
  5. Thanks so much for the fast response and help, @Simon!
  6. Hello, Please forgive this question, but I've done a search on the forums and paged through the eight pages. I'm wondering if Hero Designer will run on my Mac (OS 10.14.6). I did read I need to install Java, but wasn't sure if this was Windows only. Thanks so much! Ted
  7. Thanks for sharing this, Scott!
  8. Yes, this is where I get a bit confused, it seems. In "Champions Powers", many of the Barriers do take the Limitation: "Must pay END to maintain"...so that is why I am a bit perplexed.
  9. With Barrier, does one pay END only when cast, or for each phase it's up?
  10. Okay, I guess this is more confusing that I had originally thought.
  11. Wow! Okay...thanks. Great to know.
  12. Hello all, I've searched through my Champions Complete book as well as the forum here for an answer, but to no avail. If a Barrier is placed in a Multipower as a fixed slot, would that indicate that once a character switches slots, the barrier vanishes? I'm guessing yes...since it's listed as an "Instant" power, but I just wanted to double-check. Thanks for any clarification!
  13. VERY good point, Grailknight...thank you!
  14. Great...thanks for your help, Greywind.
  15. Good point, SteelCold. What's the smallest radius I could purchase Darkness at?
  16. Massey, thanks for your input. You explain it quite clearly. Cassandra, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Self Only". Wouldn't it need to be a damage shield so that if somebody tried to use Telepathy on him, it would trigger?
  17. Hi Bob and thanks for answering. Well, I'm the GM, so I think I'm fairly safe in that regard. I just wanted to be able to justify it if my players questioned how I did what I did. I could have the chair have "Invisibility to the Mental Group", so I think if a player tried to "Detect Mind" in the room, the chair would not show up...as it's Invisible. I'm guessing the same could be said about the chair's pulse. I'll think about the Mental Illusions damage shield...but it would need to have invisible power effects...otherwise the telepath would "see" the damage shield. Or, being the GM...I could simply say it is that way... I just like to be able to justify (as I already said).
  18. Well I did a Google search of "length of ant" and came up with this: https://www.google.com/search?q=length+of+ant&oq=length+of+ant&aqs=chrome..69i57.2293j0j8&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8 A black garden ant (worker) is about 0.5 cm or about 0.005 m You asked about 0.008 (rounded) m So you're in the ballpark. 0.003 m difference isn't going to be that much of a difference game-wise.
  19. Funny you should mention this... I installed a conversion app on my Android phone for just this purpose. 0.0084 m = about 1/3 inch. (roughly the midway point of the tapered end of a sharpened pencil). 32 m = 105 feet (roughly the height of an eight- to ten-story building)
  20. Hello all, Question about Shape Shift and Invisibility. (At least I hope it's quick!) I have a villain who can change his shape to look like anybody/anything. I understand (at least I think I do) that if he purchases Shape Shift to something like the Mental Group, that if he were to Shape Shift into an individual (e.g. Officer Thomas, a random NPC), that if anybody were to try to read his mind, they would "sense" it was Officer Thomas' mind? (If I'm reading Psychomorph, from the Champions Powers book correctly). Is that a correct understanding? Yes, their Telepathy would read his true thoughts, but it would seem as if it was Officer Thomas' mind. (Of course, the shapeshifter would need to have Telepathy and would have had to sense what Officer Thomas' mind was like as well, correct? Or would he (the shapeshifter) somehow need to get a Mental Illusions damage shield of sort...that would cast the Mental Illusion that the mind was not his own? Also, what about inanimate objects? If he, for example, altered his shape to appear as a pencil...and a mentalist came in and tried to Detect Minds...would my shapeshifter have to purchase Invisibility (to the Mental Group)? Seems rather powerful. Of course, I guess the mentalist PC could try to read the mind of the pencil on the table. And along the same lines, would the pencil have a pulse? Or would Shape Shift to Touch Group help with that? Sorry for the many questions... I'm trying to grasp the best way to make this shapeshifter. Thanks much! Ted
  21. Thank you. Hmm...now I'm questioning what I may be doing! LOL If I have a 90 MP, then quite often the "pure blast" includes reduced END (either 1/2 or 0 END)...which means it may be as little as 12d6 0 END...he can keep going...but do about 42 damage on average. I figure I'll just fudge the numbers as necessary...watching the battles as they progress.
  22. Thanks, Greywind! (I'm sensing a pattern with all the "Gr" responders!) And you're right. I'm thinking my mega-villain at the end of the campaign will be more a planner/mastermind than anything else.
  23. Such excellent advice, Gravitron...thank you for it! I especially appreciate the "and finally..." portion. I sometimes feel guilty, but then that's what the GM screen is for...what they don't know won't hurt them and will enable them to have more fun.
  24. Thanks for your help and insight, Grailknight. I especially appreciate the tip of OCV and DCV; I can see how hitting/missing snafus would cause much grief! I also agree with keeping the characters fluid. I've already told the guys they have one free "re-roll" (either to tweak their current hero, or to create a different character, altogether). I figure this way they should have the opportunity to, after they see how a Hero Games session runs...make alterations as they see fit. Because as you say, after all, it's a game.
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