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Everything posted by Klytus

  1. This is entirely correct. He also had a blue crescent moon insignia on his costume and over the left eye of his otherwise full-facial mask. Actually, I think he had +10 Dex, Only for Determining Who Goes First. This was the first appearance of the Lightning Reflexes tallent before it was actually called Lightning Reflexes. Point being, there was no way anybody would ever go before Harbinger, not even the 4th Edition Rainbow Archer! As a proud owner of the original Dar Champions, I can also look this stuff up when I get home...
  2. Q: Which "old-spy-trick" will be featured in the next Get Smart motion picture? A: Oh, no reason.
  3. Saved by a 6-pack of Coke My workplace has been shutting its doors almost every day we've had snow or ice. Except for this morning - when all the parking lots are like skating rinks. But work was closed on Monday, and as a contractor, if I'm not in work, I don't get paid. I nearly slipped and fell 3 times just scraping the ice off my car, which should have been my first warning. But once I'm in and going, things are reaonably well. The roads are as slush, but no ice. The Metro parking lot, however, was another story. I could barely get out of the car, as it was solid ice under my feet. I was heading for a "clear" spot when I finally failed my DEX check. My feet went forward, my head went backwards, and I landed right on my back. I was wearing a backpack. Luckilly, my backpack had two of those those covered legal pads in them, a soft-covered gaming book, and a thermal lunch container with a 6-pack of Coke. IN the city, everythign is way too expensive, so i take my own drinks into work. I dare say it was those sodas which cushioned my fall. Amazingly enough, only one of those can broke, and it was just a small pin-hole leak. Anyway, I kept trying to make the trek, but I amlost fell down again just trying to leave the sodas in the car, and then a few more times going down the side walk. At this time, i also realize how wet my clothes are, and my back is starting to hurt. I made it back home, and am waiting to go to the emergency room some time this afternoon so I can get some nmeds before my back get REALLY bad - I've a history of back problems. Still, were it not for those sodas, I may have have needed an ambulance to get out of that utterly unsalted parking lot.
  4. Q: What may prematurely end Kerry's run for the White House? A: A nutcracker with a twist, and a side order of onion rings
  5. Q: What item desperately needs to be added to that "Do Not Eat" list? A: At least it wasn't from Texas
  6. Q: What was your 8 year old daughter wearing this morning that sent you into fits? A: Ignorance of the press
  7. Q: When is the next Ash Wednesday? A: Tarzan of the Grapes
  8. Q: After a hefty bribe for the head waiter to get in, what were you able to afford at that new French restaurant? A: Dwarf tossed salad
  9. Hatred and bigotry rarely are rational, I never said that they were. But if we are to suspend our disbelief, the conventions used need to make sense. With the exception of the Thing, ane one of the Fantastic Four are normal-looking enough to move in next door. Heck, almost all of the supers in the MU and DCU look perfectly normal (well, except for having perfect bodies and the women being top-heavy in the extreme) People hate Spider-man because J.J.J. has him made out to be a costumed menace, but no one seems to think he's a mutant. How can the general public tell the difference between an altered human and a mutant? They can't. And to me, that simply makes no sense.
  10. Q: How do you best describe an experience with telmarketers in five words or less? A: It was all very sudden.
  11. Re: Important Rant Another problem is that it seems that the vast majority of humans are not simply biased against mutants, but have an outright bigoted hatred of them. In a world where we have been working to overcome prejudice for the past several decades, the notion that anti-muatant prejudice is so potent and pervasive is just out and out wrong. I agree that it is logical to assume that people would be fearful and suspicious of those who have such fantastic powers. But only some people would have the burning hatred exhibited in the Marvel titles. This is how it is in my Champions universe: People are, by and large, accepting of metahumans, but this is because the first metahumans on the scene in recent public memory were heroes who set good examples with their use of their powers. Those who have earned the public trust with good deeds and bravery are hailed as heroes - those who are criminals are feared and hunted. Heroes who betray public trust are especially reviled. But still, there are those who power who mistruct metahumans to the point that they try to "contain" them with registration acts and the whole bit. There are also radical anti-metahuman extreemists who so hate and fear metas, they are like Genocide in their efforts to "cleanse" the world of them. In short, there is a diversity of attitudes - just like in real life.
  12. Q: What was the #1 thing the world learned on Superbowl Sunday? A: Them's fightin' words!
  13. I'm stuck home today, again, because of bad weather. Not because I have chosen to do so, mind you, but because my office (Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind in Washington DC) has shut down. On the one hand, it is nice that they value the safety of their worker. On the other hand, I am a contractor, and when they shut down, that is a days pay lost to the wind. And for reasons of their own, they can only "afford" to pay me for 32 hours a week. No, I can't make up hours lost one week on a following week, as they can only pay me week to week, even though the money they budgeted for me is still there. Last week, I got to go into work twice, and the weather was only really bad one of the three days I missed.
  14. Q: Worldmaker, can you give me a cop-out question to an answer meant to test creativity while giving me a follow-up answer that deals with formica? A: It was the second-largest Twinkie I'd ever seen.
  15. Q: Tim, why are you standing there muttering "otherwise" to yourself over and over again? A: It's PvP and a Q&A along with the FAQ and the BLT.
  16. Q: What lament is often heard at CIA headquarters among spies filling out paperwork for "special equipment"? A: Win2K Porno
  17. Q: What ever happened to the old guy who used to hang out at the laundromat? A: Unethical and time consuming. BTW, Worldmaker, I really dig your new sig line... "Villiany wears many masks, none of which are more dangerous than virtue."
  18. Q: How do low-level characters in D&D do detective work? A: He grafted it to an Anglican Bishop
  19. Gives the obvious oral sex jokes a pass... Q: Your wife just fell into gallons of sewage and knocked herself out cold. I hope you at least gave her a bath? A: Bucky Emerson Goldstein III, Esq.
  20. Q: In retrospect, what would have been the best battle slogan for General George Armstrong Custer ? A: Agamemnonmageddon
  21. Q: Can you describe the damage to Defender's helmet in layman's terms? A: Well, I figured he wouln't be needing this anymore.
  22. Q: What is the most common penalty in Foot-Chicken? A: Utterly innapropriate, but damn good technique just the same.
  23. Cool. Then the 10 points per level of Hypertasking isn't out of line. It looks like I may need ot buy this book...
  24. Q: Why did that rhino trample that dude with the large coke? A: Fortunately, I had a cat.
  25. In my games, we have a House-Rules power called Hypertasking (I borrowed the ideas from these boards, but forgot who first posted it). This is a Power that costs 10 points per level (based on the cost for an Overall Level) and what it does is allow you to complete a task one level down on the Time Chart for every level. Say a task normaly takes an hour. With 1 level of Hypertasking, it takes just 20 minutes, and it is the same as if you actually spent an hour doing it. This Power is very common for speedsters to have in our games, and it sounds like this character is a perfect candidate for it.
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