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Everything posted by azato

  1. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? This is a great guidline. I am out of rep to give
  2. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? 1. Lowering the point cost is one possible solution. I have thought about dropping characters about 25 points. 2. I do not disagree about having more non-combat skills. I am just making the statement that, at least initially it will be a more combat oriented game. I am not saying that I will not try to better round out the characters, nor am I saying that I will not add more non-combat skills to give the charactes more depth, I am just saying that all games will initally lean more towards combat than not. As we get used to the game we will add more complexity. As he gets older we will add more depth. But I do know my son. We have Star Hero stuff. He wanted to make an alien that had a claw and a poison stinger tail. When the claw would hit it, it would trigger the tail to sting. You see, archers shooting people in the head every time is a significant move toward conservatism!
  3. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? Super analysis.
  4. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? Thank you all for your replies, I will need to go through all of them a little slower BUT: I am playing a game with my 13 year old son. There is nobody else. The types of games we will be playing are more along the lines of old DnD games. Are they the types of games I would choose? No. But this the level of playing we are at. It is basically going to be simple scenarios with mostly action. As my son gets older OR if some other people show up then perhaps we can advance the plots. I do not disagree that having more non-combat skills is better for having a fleshed out character. But given the types of games we will be playing, it does not seem to me to be worthwhile to have a bunch of skills that will never be used. I do not have any personal attachement to the character - he is just a guy whom I made up who failed (in my opinion) the two times I used him. I got a lot of great advice, but my questions were based more on the balance in combat not having a well rounded character. Again, you gave a lot of good advice AND spent a lot of time answering my questions and I do appricate all of you. Some of the suggestions I will take to heart and use at a later time when I can have more storyline in the games. In the meantime i will be making up combat heavy characters that will hopefully be better balanced than the archer. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I am getting the feeling I am sitting on the psychoanlyst's couch. Then again, that may not be a bad idea. You see guys I had an unhappy childhood. I am a child of divorce and.....
  5. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? Sorry, I was just being silly. I was thinking of something absurd to conterbalance his absurd combat capabilites. I do not disagree with any charge leveled at this character build.
  6. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? Imagine your chance to play a game revolves around two people. One is yourself. The other is your thirteen-year-old son. Not a whole lot of opportunities for epic storylines (yet - maybe in a couple more years). Am I new to point based games? Yes and No. I played heavily back in the 80's and have not played anything since. Again, the characters built are still, what I consider, rough drafts. The combat I am running is also a "rough draft" I do not have anything to compare the characters with (i mean with other people who are playing). I tried out a scenario I made up, and I quickly saw that the way I built the characters was WAY over the top. I do realize that not everything that CAN be done SHOULD be done, that is why I started this tread in regards to balance. Again, I will probably keep the point base of the characters the same but use restrictions as mentioned before to force points to be spent elsewhere. Perhaps some KS:Basket Weaving will be what the archer needs.
  7. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? Good point. Hopefully for this character not too many people would get too close.
  8. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game?
  9. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game?
  10. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? Yeah, but an archer can use his RKA at point blank range but a swordsman cannot throw his sword. If you are going to spend the same amount of points why would you not choose the one that is both ranged AND HTH?
  11. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game?
  12. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? Perhaps it is the +4 or +5 DC ability in certain martial arts manuevers that is more of the problem. If a Longbow does 2d6 a head shot will kill an average person with 3 def less than 50% of the time (rolls 8-12 kill - rolls 2-3 do no body- rolls 4-7 do increasing amounts of body (2-4-6-8 pts). But doing 4d6-1 (I don't know the odds) is going to Kill or almost kill in one hit the vast marjoity of the time. If is doesn't kill it will almost certainly stun or knockout with one hit. I think I am getting analysis paralysis. Perhaps some play testing on my part is in order. (4 out of 5 Gnolls say....)
  13. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game?
  14. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? I did post it under System Discussion but I was actually thinking more along the lines of Fantasy Hero. Having a Super Scope isn't so bad IF it is truely a sniper situation. However I made up an archer that it INSANELY powerful - with MA with a bow he can do 4d6 killing attacks to the head - every time. That is just way too powerful - especially coming right out of the box. BUT... Making the high PSL take on some limitation - like a 1 turn "sight in" and/or "opponent may not move more than X inches" might not be that bad. It would still allow for snipering buy limit it to a more real-world approach.
  15. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? All suggestions given are good, but I think that you may be right on this. When someone mentioned capping OCV's I thougt of something like (Total pts -100/10) Everyone thus would start out with the option of +5 levels. But no one would waste their points on PSL. If you have to wait every 10 pts. to get another level, you would be better off spending it on a normal 3 pt CSL rather than a PSL. I think capping may be the way to go.
  16. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game?
  17. A character with a +8 PSL vs Hit locations added to Martial arts feat that adds +5 Damage classes makes for an EXTREMELY leathal character. Such characters are very easy to make when starting out at 150 total points. Every time they shoot or swing something dies or nearly dies. If multiple hits are allowed then the lethality goes up even higher. What are your opinoins on this?
  18. Re: What to do with your stuff... Maybe after slaying the big bad guy they all want to go out for some dinner. Or perhaps just general living while in town.
  19. Re: What to do with your stuff... I was wondering if you would merely go to a better Inn and perhaps they would have guards for hire (babysitters).
  20. What does an adventurer do when he goes to town and be normal for a bit. He has expensive armour and for a short period of time he does not want to wear (nobody wants to wear it full time). So, what does he do with it when he goes for supper? Does he leave it in his room? What if he has magical stuff?
  21. Re: Weapon poisons: show me what you use I got bit by a dog and I needed to get a tetanus shot. I don't care much for shots so I asked the doctor if I waited until I got lockjaw symptoms, could I then come in for a tetanus shot. He told me the story of his first patient as an intern in the hospital. He was supposed to get information out of the guy and they fellow could not communicate very well. The doctor went to lunch and came back afterward to finish up on getting the information and the man had died! So, I took the shot. So after any battle people that were injured could have a chance of getting tetanus.
  22. Re: Weapon poisons: show me what you use Do you mean "example" instead of sample?
  23. Re: Character Creation Challenge: Horror Speedster With a 1 charge RKA!
  24. Re: Can you drain Power Defense? My desire is to have a poison multipower. One of the slots would be a poison that would lower the immunity of the victim. BTW, I did not know about defenses costing 2x to take out. THANKS.
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