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Everything posted by azato

  1. Re: Making a Post-Apoc "logical" http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p30.htm http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/topo/state.html'>http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/topo/state.html The flooded topo is somewhere in here http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/
  2. Re: Making a Post-Apoc "logical" Some Maps of a flooded world/US
  3. Re: Making a Post-Apoc "logical" Keith, I like the work you have done with your campaign world. I especially liked the black globes that randomly messed with people. You have some real creative stuff. Here is what I was thinking about today. Suppose an alien force came in and decided to use us like a corn or soybean test plot. The intent was to provided a "garden" of which to later harvest for repopulating other worlds. 1. They wiped out or captured most people but allowed some Pure Strain Humans to continue. 2. They created some Trans-humans that are "better" than PSH and are able to in-breed, to an extent, with other races. 3. The brought some other creatures from other planets. 4. The aliens combined some human traits with alien creatures (Arms on already sentient snakes) 5. Genentically modifed some humans. The groups are tailored to maintain a edge in certain domains but have a saftey mechanism to keep them from becoming dominant (like fertility rates) Perhaps the climate has been altered in a drastic way such as melting icecaps. Pehaps each continent has it own unique configuration. Maybe the dinosaurs were an early programme and were removed. Now they can be repopulated. The most adavanced people would be the PSH but their extreme xenophopia (they remember exactly what happened) and their attempt to "restore" areas in their domain keep them from gaining too much power. They have some high technology which they can repair but cannot replace. The Trans-humans are not much differetn than PSH. They know they are not PSH which give them a more open attitude. They share the general human culture. As a group they have the most diverge range of habitats. They have some fairly decent cities - refining oil (to a point) and manufacturing (to a point) but something keeps them from dominating (I am not sure what - maybe the jungle/forest grows to aggressively to be tamed) For modified humans - a Psi group with low ego workers. Very weak physically, and very low birth rates keep them in check. They beleive themeselve superior and most groups believe them to be a severe threat. Ghouls - live in wrecked cites. Other than their eating habits, they are not bad people - just misunderstood. They have been modified to be night creatures and to digest nasty stuff. They savange technological stuff and are willing to trade. They war with the transhuman survivors who rule during the day. Fish men - Since many of the cities are fully or partially underwater they would have access to soggy technology. They would be a possible threat to maritime activity. Some of the races from Jourune would work very nicely especially since they were adapted to hero. What happened to the Aliens? I don't know. They spent a few decades messing with the planet and collecting people. They spent a hundred years repopulating and policing it, of sorts, and then *disappeared*. Their ultimate plan was to use this planet as a hybrid test plot. The stuff that worked would be used in other planets and maybe for different applications. While the species were "balanced out", the suvival of the fittest would take hold and weed out the weaker ones. Not only did this planet provide a test plot - it also provided a storage container. Thoughts???
  4. Re: Systems Operation The problem is that the 5th ed. rules are confusing due to its terseness.
  5. The good gentlemen who wrote Traveller Hero broke Systems Operation down as follows. My question is this - Hero 5th says that it is a 3pt. skill. I am not sure how others handle this skill. But based on this breakdown would you buy the 3 pts skill for the main groups or the sub groups? If you buy a skill for a subgroup (which I assume that is how it works), would you get a discount for buying another in the same group? I assume that is what is meant when the 5th says (p. 72) "see Weapon Familiarity, below". Any thoughts?? Communications - Radio Wave - Light Wave - Communication Jammers Environmental - Life Support - Personnel Support - Recreational Support Medical - Medical Sensors - Medical Systems and Autodoc Sensors - Medical Sensors - Passive Detector Sensors - Radar - Lidar - Sonar - Sensor Jammers Weapon Systems - RCM (Remote Controlled Missiles) RCV (Remote Controlled Vehicles)
  6. I do not have Terran Empire (yet - it just got in my price range). But I am looking at TravellerHero and Hero 5th. While I have the Traveller books (CT, MT, TNE, T4) they base money on mustering out - which (thankfully) does not fit within the Hero System. But the Hero 5th rules seem more to fit Champions. So, based on points or not - how do you figure how much cash characters start with?
  7. Re: Making a Post-Apoc "logical" I don't disagree that taking people out of the cities would have a major effect on civilization but here is the quandry -- For the wild Post-Apoc stuff to happen you need a lot of time - say at least a hundred years. The GW setting is basically medieval society (some higher and some lower). But unless there is almost a complete loss of people society should be past that by then. ++AND++ in order for it to be populated by intresting people/mutants/beings there would need to be a fairly large population. If enough people were wiped out in the cities there would be a lot of food to draw on - canned foods and such. There would be a large outbreak in rats. I imagine it would be easy to input a "de-evolution" of man. Radation doing bad things (real life radiation effects) - living off of refuse and bodies and canned food and rats. You might be right about throwing out the logic, but it pains me to do so. I have been out of Role Playing for years and have gotten some books and have been hacking away. It may just be an "acedemic" exercise. I went though the same thing with Fantasy Hero. I decided on Greyhawk because 1. I had the map and 2. Once I got the book the whole world seemed "logical" (the migrations and such). I would like to see a post-apocolypic world fleshed out as well. I did think that something along the lines of War of the Worlds. The "bug-eyed-monsters" started anti-terraforming the earth and got stopped part way through. Perhaps they introduced some new species. Perhaps they introduced a smart "virus" that started attacking the genetic code of people/being infected. Perhaps they just experimented for the fun of it, like the bad boys in Ringworld.
  8. If one were to run say a somewhat Gamma-Worldish campaign. How would one expain it? It seems to me that, despite the severity of any event, civilization would reform within decades. While knowlege would be lost, it would not be back to day 1. It seems that it might hang on at the 19th and early 20th century for awhile. The human race would have to be *almost* wiped out, and yet kept from cities. While the nuclear strikes would work to keep people out of cities, they would not destroy enough people, nor would it destory all important cities/refineries/etc. Biological may take out enough of the population, it would leave most of the intellectual and technological infrastucture intact. It also seems that wild mutations and new creatures with stable genes (as in new races)are contrary realities.
  9. ...does it count towards active points? In other words, is the active cost of a 12D6 EB with 0 end - 60 active points or 90?
  10. Re: My Cool Color Hudson City Map
  11. Fantasy Hero 5th Edition is coming in the mail. I was wondering what benefits would be gained by buying the 4e suppliments...Or is there any?
  12. Re: Dragon Wing-Buffet Would it be +2" of movement in the opposite direction?
  13. +30 Str, 0 End (+1/2), Does not affect Figured Char (-1/2), Only affects HTH Damage (-1/2) = 20 pts Or am I all wet???
  14. I see that a +1 DC for MA is 4pts. For a super heroic campaign, I would rather buy a limitation on strength (works only for MA damage). What would be the modifier for that? (I know it is in 5eR, but I cannot find it).
  15. Re: Curiousity about vampires and werewolves There wolves! There castle. (Sorry, I couldn't resist)
  16. Re: Old supplement question. Thanks all, I think I will go with it.
  17. How good is the old Atlantis sourcebook? I can pick it up for $5.
  18. Re: Starting from the beginning...help me! I think you are sweating the small stuff. If I were a bettin' man I would wager that you really get into the details. Instead of thinking why something won't work, think about how to make it work. In my scenario, make it fairly easy to beat the captain and his cronies - so that it doesn't matter whether they pick door numer one or door number two. For the crazy druid story - throw is some "bigger" sized animals, humanoids or some weresquirels. You get my point. 1. Spend you energy being constructive. 2. Remember everbody there loves you, so even if the game flops you won't. 3. You need to think about having fun running the adventure. If you have fun they will also.
  19. Re: Starting from the beginning...help me! How about this: Travellers are hired by a merchant to see a shipment of goods across a remote landscape. Due to weather the players stop at this remote outpost. The captain is suspicious because he thinks they are spys. They are thrown into a dungeon of the only tower in the base. If they go through the locked iron door it takes them to a subeterranian cave (is there any other kind?) while walking a distance they see a group a low powered humaniods. One approaces and asks if they came through the door. The jist of the story 1. The captain is being paid to allow a group of humanoids to create a base. 2. This base is the site of an abandoned dwarven town 3. The humanoids are there to set up for a larger army that will come. 4. The captian has papers in his study regading this plan. 5. Either nobody else knows about it, or there are a couple guards who know. 6. The players can either alert the other guards or the players can escape to the next nearest outpost with the evidence (which would take a lot of time unless they get their horses back). Combat can be avoided. Dialogue can ensue. A mystery to be solved.
  20. Re: Jedi and evil actions
  21. Adventures Club #7 had these two villians within its pages. Phosgene had some neat powers/problems that were described in the narrative but did not show up in a coherent way on the character sheet. I was wondering is people were willing to take a stab at making this guy work: 1. He explodes at will 2. If an energy blast (fire/heat) hits him, he explodes automatically 3. He can go desolid. I think it would be cool that when he explodes he turns desolid for a set number of segments/phases until he "reforms" Mercuria She is made of Mercury. I would like her to be "fluid". I assume a combo desolid and shapechange. Any thoughts?
  22. If I englobe someone with a pd only Force Wall would that mean that they cannot destroy the wall with an energy attack?
  23. Re: Armour weight Calculator I cleaned it up a little. [ATTACH]20655[/ATTACH]
  24. Re: Armour weight Calculator 1. I got these number breakdown from fantasy hero 1st ed (yeah, yeah, I know). 2. The totals equaled FRed p. 488 3. I do not think that the non-linear weight progression is non-realistic. Perhaps I should not comment since I do not know about actual armour weights but I don't imagine that a full suit of chain mail (def 6) is only twice as heavy as good leather (def 3), or that full plate (def 8) is only four times as heavy as good cloth. Geometic progression (which I am not sure if this qualifies) occurs quite often in the natural world and I think it seems reasonable here. (Actually, I just thought the numbers were too low.) 4. If you do not like the weights they can be easily modifed on the array tables. If you don't know how, drop me a line and I will tell you.
  25. This is a very rough draft of a spreadsheet. You can only input where the the two columns are highlighted yellow. Under the "pick" column type a character in the cell that you want to make selection. Type in a number between 1 and 8 in the "defense" column. In the lower right-hand corner the "Location" table will put x's in locations that you have armour and ERROR in locations where you doubled up on armor. I am sick of looking at it right now and I will not get back to it for awhile. If anybody want to play with it and post a revision feel free. My goal was to be able to type in a character's strenght and have the DCV modifiers calculate. BTW - I borrowed somebody's HIT LOCATION DUDE. [ATTACH]20648[/ATTACH]
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