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Everything posted by azato

  1. azato

    An Adventure

    Re: An Adventure It will be a bit before this adventure gets played... Some more information: Sojurt Neibart, the kidnapee can be taken to his home city for the reward. To his surprise, his father is not that happy with his son. It appears that Sojurt has played a bit of the prodigal and the father will pay the adventures for rescuing his son...by paying them what remains of the son's inheritance. He, in discharging his son's remaining money, demonstrates in a very dramatic way that he absolves himself of ANY responsibility for his son. During a very dramatic scene, the father declares that the son has to find his own way now. He can expect no further assistance and is, in effect, cast out. It appears that, as in the biblical story, the son demanded most of his inheritance to chase after riotous living. While a very capable person, he has never grown up. The players are not payed with any of the father's money. It is what remains of the son's inheritance. You may want to make that figure a reasonable amount that can be divided among the adventurers to cover their expenses and then some (say $3,000 apiece). The father is very impressed with the group. While he will not financially reward them for rescuing his son, he is very willing to provide them employment, or at least assignments. If they are willing to work some jobs for him, he will also provide contacts and favors for the party as well. What happens with the son? Well that is up to the GM. Very likely he will try to hang with the players until he reaches a city of common destination. He can provide some plot hooks in future adventures. Here is the way I see it. He can: 1. Determine to prove his worth to a. Enact revenge on his father b. Reconcile with is father c. prove he is better than his father. 2. Determine to follow a different path a. A life of doing good. Wealth was a source of woe, he now seeks a life of doing good works b. A life of evil. Revenge on his father. Revenge on the adventures for taking his inheritance. c. Start all over 1. Farmer 2. Adventurer Perhaps a combination could work out as well.
  2. Re: What gives the "rightful" king the right? The word "right" implies to a set of rules set by a higher power that does not necessarily involve God. For instance, if somebody secures a majority of votes during a certain time and place and fulfills certain obligatory restrictions that person has the "right" to become president/mayor etc. That right comes from the set of laws established by our country. For a Fantasy campaign the concept of "divine right" needs to be looked at from a chosen perspective. If you want to take a "non-theistic view" you would have to say that it was an artificially devised system to keep people entrenched in the status-quo. IF you are looking at it from a theistic view then you would need to say that the god(s) indeed has set up criteria for who is to be ruler. (this could get existential - what gives the god(s) the right to give a right?) Going back to the real world, that issue could be explored for years. I will add this, in England there were a number of dissenters (Samuel Rutherford) who held that the king was more of a position and that he wasn't the law but was accountable to the law. If he violated those laws he should be removed. This was done worked out from a completely orthodox Christian point of view (the book Lex Rex).
  3. Re: Is there a 'random alien race generator' anywhere? Well -- Yeeee-aaa-yuh!
  4. Re: Need a resource idea Perhaps that is the most convenient place to put a port. The subjugation of the people has nothing to do with the value of the land but the people's labor. Perhaps this is a convenient place to raise a crop or livestock that is perhaps not indigenous to the area. For instance elk. Maybe these people produce some fine cloth and rope from the weeds that grow in the marsh. Maybe these people produce paper from the plants that grow in the marsh. Perhaps the subjugation of the people has more to do with filling in the marsh to make the place more convenient to live.
  5. I did not get a chance to read it. I just downloaded the PDF. Looks very interesting. From the website -------------------------------------------------------------- The sky burns with shooting stars. When some of them hit the ground, the very earth trembles -- and horrifying new creatures and magic arise. Shake up Your Campaign! This event book serves as a guide for DMs and players whose world is struck, and struck hard, by a meteor. Following the model of the popular event book Requiem for a God, D&D Epic Level Handbook designer Bruce Cordell brings you When the Sky Falls. This book presents a variety of new prestige classes for characters close to ground zero, a variant magic system powered by residual meteor fragments, and many new feats and spells. When the Sky Falls also describes frightening new monsters -- creatures twisted by their proximity to the Afterfall. http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=675&it=1
  6. Re: The Secret History of America. I got the Ken Burns video, THE WAR, from the library and was watching the first disc tonight while thinking about this thread. There is a portion about the interment of Americans on the West Coast who happened to be of Japanese descent. On one hand we have a nation acting in the way it best felt would make it safe during the war and on the other hand we violated the Bill of Rights for thousands of American citizens. So much for Habeas Corpus. Here is what I have come up with....Being a Caucasian I don't know how I would have felt about the decision if I lived on the West coast at the time. I don't know if I would have had the moral clarity to see the wrong being done to fight it. I sit here tonight and hope that I would, but looking at the ease in which thousands of citizens were rounded up without much of a stir is rather disturbing. Likewise, I do not know if living back in the days of the slavery if I would have had the moral clarity that I do now. I sit here hoping that I would have been part of the underground railroad or whatever. But I cannot say that I would have. We are so much a product of our times. Furthermore I would like to think if I was transported back in time and space, I would be willing to risk the life and safety of my family and me to hide Jews from the Nazis. But I cannot say with certainty, given the potential threat that I could do that act for any extended period of time. I sure hope that I would. But the point of playing these silly role playing games is that we can be heroes. That is what we really want to be. We want to at least have some sort of sensation that we are willing to risk life, limb and fortune to do the right thing. We want to stand up for the little guy against impossible odds. When it comes to areas that are a bit touchy, I think the moral choice should be obvious. It should not be about the fine points of Constitutionality, or even how characters at that particular time period would have acted. It should be about saving lives and defeating evil. Beating up the Klan is a no-brainer. On the other hand, giving the characters the option of stopping or supporting John Brown may not be wise. I think what you are attempting to do, if done right, may prove to be something very significant. Good luck and keep us posted.
  7. Re: The Secret History of America. Apparently you think there is a risk of you becoming angry. Is it worth the headache and the potential bad feelings over this? Feelings strong enough to destroy friendships? I think you need to know your audience very well before treading on volatile ground. While anybody would by angry/embarassed from people making crass comments about slavery, etc., you may need to ask yourself how you would feel if a player was to take a pro-south position for reasons other than slavery. (for example - Some people are against slavery BUT feel that the NORTH was violating the rights of the Southern states and that the war was not about slavery but about state's rights against the growing power a northern coalition banding together to use the Federal government to strengthen the north economically). So, if you are uncomfortable with any other position except a pro-North position then you will need to ensure that all players feel the same way. This topic is probably on the same level as religion and politics. Each is a rich subject but a virtual minefield. Tread with caution my friend.
  8. Re: Is there a 'random alien race generator' anywhere? DUDE! I just pulled out of my head four of the most unlikely things I could put together in some ways to demonstrate how such a system can go wrong and you actually pulled something interesting and workable out of it! I am impressed.
  9. azato

    An Adventure

    Re: An Adventure Yeah. I was mispronouncing it and spelling it phonetically. I have a problem with that.
  10. Up to this point since "getting back into gaming" I have not been able to play one single game. I have finally rounded up a couple people (an maybe two more) and it looks like I am on my way to gaming Nirvana. I came up with this introductory scenario and I present it to you for comments and criticisms. It is mostly finished. This takes place in Central Flaneass and a map can be found via the link at the bottom. The pirate's cove mentioned below I planned to use from the SLAVERS book i downloaded from Paizo. The Hommlet stuff can be found in THE TEMPLE OF ELEMENTAL EVIL module, which likewise can be downloaded very cheaply from Paizo. BTW: Shadowcat, if you think you may be interested in playing a game in Decatur, refrain from reading this. CLSAGE: refrain from reading. -------------------------------------------------------- The story begins when a local mercenary broker recommends you to Ziger Belvin, who is seeking to augment the security of his trade caravan. Being a man of modest means, Ziger has done well in the Principality of Ulek. He has planned a rather large expedition to Dyers and has entrusted this venture to Synt’n Maygrith. Synt’n has ‘risen in the ranks’ over the last couple years and has been partially instrumental in Ziger’s success. Synt’n’s not only leads caravans but also hand-picks the entire crew allowing Ziger to put his energies in securing new partners and increasing his political influence locally. Ziger has personally hired the characters because he does not trust that Synt’n has a large enough troop to ensure safe passage for this latest venture. He has good reason to be nervous since this is the shipment of goods (in value) to date. While Synt’n has convinced him to take this economic gamble, Synt’n’s assurances of having adequate manpower has not been successful. Ziger does not question Synt’n honesty just his judgment at this point. What Ziger does not realize is that he should be questioning Syntn’s integrity. Synt’n worked hard to make Ziger successful and to win his confidence. This is the last caravan trip for Synt’n is going to steal it all. The loyalty of all the men-at-arms resides with Synt’n. They do not know of the duplicity that is about to happen and may well fulfill the whole mission without realizing anything is amiss. But, even so, they are being paid by Synt’n and if things complicated, will expect a bonus. Since Synt’n is going out, he decided to go out with a bang. Not only is he stealing Ziger’s wealth from under his very nose, but Synt’n is going to add kidnapping to his crime. After all, he never expects to be going back to Ulek, so he may as well make the most out of his leaving. Synt’n has Sojurt Neibart, a son of an influential merchant from Furyondy, will be leaving the country rolled up in tapestries. Synt’n is the middleman who will sell Sojurt to the Slavers. Their intention with the boy is to “wrong a slight” and to extort his family for various reasons. The trip was to go as follows From the Duchy of Ulek Travel through a pass in the Lortmil Mountians to Celene From Celene through the Iron Hills to Verbonic. From Verbonic, by boat, to Dyvers. At Dyvers the goods are to be given over to the trade associations’ broker. The broker will, for a fee, sell the goods with all money (minus the commission) going to Ziger’s account. While Synt’n plans to make it to Dyvers, he will make sure that the goods never arrive. He cannot sell the goods in this town because he will be recognized and may be arrested for suspicious activity. Members of the Merchant’s guild take their goods to the guild’s brokerage service. Since Synt’n is known to work for Ziger, his selling the goods outside the guild will arouse suspicion. Money made on the sales is deposited in Zigler’s account (which Synt’n cannot touch). If Synt’n tried to sell the goods here, it would become obvious what his true intent was. Synt’n does have access to a set amount of credit. This is to cover expenses such as mercenary fees. Synt’n will hate to pass that up and will do what he can to drain that account. How to shake the PCs: Once the party makes it through the Lortmil Mountains, Synt’n will try to pay the adventures off. He will pay them their FULL PAY plus 20%. The reasons given are as follows: 1. They can have all their pay plus extra without having to perform the extra work. 2. He feels that the extra people will put a burden on his resources. 3. The have already passed the greatest danger, even ambush while traveling through the mountain pass. 4. The adventures are an insult to him and his honor. They are more than was what he judged for the mission and he does not appreciate being second-guessed – even by his boss. 5. He does not trust the adventurers. They are not part of his hand-picked banned and their loyalties are suspect. It is so easy for things to come up missing and he would rather limit the number of people with access to the goods. If that doesn’t work, upon reaching the town of Hommlet Synt’n will slyly suggest that the party encamps in the abandoned, collapsing castle as this would prove to be a very defensible position especially since they are getting into questionable areas. He will use whatever tactic possible to shake the PCs at this point. His purpose is to try to get the party to check the lower-level for brigands – or at least “lead” the party (think of the Biblical story of Uriah) . Once they head down the stairs, Synt’n will simply close and barricade the door and leave them there. After a certain number of days, the party will be found by a band of rangers who are heading through the area. They will not aid the party except to free them of their prison and information. If the ploy in Hammlet does not work, he will attempt a “blind-side” them on the way to Sobanwych. He will drive the main wagon forward while the mercenaries dispatch the adventures. It is not Synt’n’s intent to kill the adventures but f it becomes necessary, he will do so. Synt’n dislikes killing since it make the situation too “messy”. So, if the ambush is successful, he will, if possible, have them bound up and thrown into the woods. They will be found after a few days by some villager traveling between towns. Order of Events Travel through the Lortmil Mountians (70 leagues) 12 days of Travel plus 2 days to rest and trade. Sell foodstuffs (fresh fruit, dried fruit and smoked clams, quality leather Purchase silver ingots, raw gems, cut gems.) Travel to city Enstad in Celene (10 leagues) 1 day forced march. Plus 1 day to rest and 1 day for trade. Sell silver ingots, raw gems, purchase finished fine silverwork and tapestries.) Travel to the Iron Hills (20 leagues). 3 days. Travel through the Iron Hills (30 leagues) 5 days plus one day trading in Kron after traveling through the hills. Sell horse and wagon, fine furniture, Dwarvish tapestries from Urlek.) Travel to Hommlet (4 leagues) 1 day . Plus 1 day of rest. Planned forced march to Sobanwych and then Caltaran. Planned diversion to be rid of Adventures. If he rids himself of the adventures he will hid directly to Verbonic as planned. Here he will sell the horses and wagons. If not he will take the land route through the Gnarley Forest. He will send a mercenary on to Verbobonc to let he ship know to meet up with him in Caltaran. Travel to Sobanwych. (6 leagues) 1 day. This gives them time to rest up for the next day’s forced march. Travel to Caltaran (10 leagues) 1 day, forced march. Here Caltaran will meet up with the ship and finish his journey to Dyvers. The horses and carts will be sold here. Once in Dyers, Synt’n will draw money from an account that Ziger has given him access. The money is enough to cover the payment of the caravan workers and guards as well as a little extra. Synt’n will not sell any of the goods here as it would draw too much attention. He will keep as low a profile as possible. All the mercenaries, except the captain will be dismissed. From Dyvers he will travel NE around The Great Southern Peninsula. As he rounds the bend there is a secret cove. The ship, by rowboat, will unload the prisoner to remain here. From here the ship will travel to Fort Harbor, in which the ship will unload/load it normal goods. Next will be the dtip down the Selintan River to Greyhawk. This is the final destination for Synt’n. The Elvin silverworks will be sold at Synt’n’s leisure and his account should be filled with his reward for delivering the prisoner. Clues that something is amiss: 1. Synt’n is overly cautious (almost paranoid) about the good in his wagon. While of value, they are not as valuable as other good in the caravan. 2. If the adventures can get a good peek in the rolled up tapestry they will see the body of the hostage. 3. Given a certain amount of time the tapestry will start to stink. 4. Every few days Synt’n will need to unroll the tapestry give the hostage some fluids and nourishment. To anybody seeing this, it will be real obvious that something is really wrong. To accomplish this, Synt’n will send the adventures way ahead on reconnoiter on ahead to scout. 5. If Synt’n hasn’t rid himself of the adventures by the stay in Hommlet, he will become extremely agitated. And make a change in travel plans. He will come up with some excuse that will seem ‘odd. An excuse to go through the Gnarley Forest to be rid of the adventures. Clues for adventures to find Synt’n: 1. Every city he travels to knows of his general arrival and departure. 2. Bar patron in Hommlet knows of the general route Synt’n plans. One of the mercenaries “spilled the beans” in regards to the itinerary. The patron does not know of the nefarious situation at hand. 3. Which ever city they disembark from will contain some news about the boat’s being loaded and the next port of call. Also if the adventures go into the market, they will recognized some of the livestock and carts being auctioned off. Synt’n did not wait to haggle for the highest amount, rather sold them for the best price he could get on a moment’s notice. The buyer, of course, has the time to exact the best price possible. 4. If enough time is spent in Dyvers, some of the mercenaries who worked for Synt’n will be found. If the proper economic incentive is applied (perhaps even plying with liquor) they will come to find out in general where Synt’n was headed as well as the existence of the mysterious stranger that was stowed away. Synt’n told them a wild story about this man’s situation that they neither believed nor questioned. Since they have been paid and have fulfilled their contract, they feel no loyalty to Synt’n Maps http://www.canonfire.com/cfhtml/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=TopRated
  11. Re: Possible explanation for PAH scenario This catastrophic scenario would play well to almost ANY genre even if it doesn't produce the apocalyptic effect. Fantasy Hero: A boiling sea Champions: Mr Bad Guy is going to use this to extort the world. Etc.
  12. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aiUsVKaqDA7g
  13. Re: Is there a 'random alien race generator' anywhere? Here is a crazy thought... Pick a couple attributes: Body Like a... Intelligence like a.... Personality like a eating habits of a.... Get a "Monster Manual" of some sort and randomly roll page numbers. You could get something like Body like an UMBER HULK Intelligence like a MIND FLAYER Personality of a PIXIE Eating Habits of a RUST MONSTER. Well, it won't work all the time.
  14. azato

    Glassy Mars

    Re: Glassy Mars So that means there can't be more than one woman crew member. OOPS! Did I say that?
  15. Re: Having Star Hero Parallel this world in the 18th-19th Centuries Well, unless of you know of some 3D mapping software that can be be easily used then this is what I am stuck with. Yes, I could add a z coordinates to stars mapped on a 2D piece of paper, but that is not very helpful and, to me, makes things worse.
  16. Re: Having Star Hero Parallel this world in the 18th-19th Centuries Another thought I had was that the jump destination point would start emanating energies in relation to the size of the vehicle jumping AND the approximate time the vehicle would enter normal space. Thus in the "civilized" areas, a mass navy will not simply appear unannounced at the enemy's capital.
  17. Re: Having Star Hero Parallel this world in the 18th-19th Centuries That is a good thought. Perhaps launching the robots into space via a cannon of sorts? In the paradigm of this time period - Napoleon had an unbeatable army and Britain had an unbeatable navy. Napoleon could move around freely throughout the continent, but naval exclusions were problematic. That is hard to translate into space since travel between all stars is via ship. Another thing I would like to simulate is this: Today, for cargo transport we have various means - Boat - Train - Truck - Plane. Each has a different transport time and Cost. How to simulate this in a space game? I am thinking that the ship drives increase in cost exponentially in relation to increased distances. Also the better drives are not capable of transporting, interstellarly that is, as much mass as the older, slower drives.
  18. Re: Having Star Hero Parallel this world in the 18th-19th Centuries Now of all the races in Traveller, Terran Empire, and Alien Wars, who should have what country?
  19. Re: Having Star Hero Parallel this world in the 18th-19th Centuries Basic history (except for china) 1. Star faring all started with Egypt but was very limited in scope. They "dominated" some of africa and some of Italy. 2. Italy then became the major power after defeating Egyt. Their conquests spread throughout europe. 3. Over time Italy wore itself out. Populations from Germany and France (not on a national level) pushed back Italy. 4. The "WORLD" was at relative peace. Borders were normalized and alliances were more concretely formed. 5. The European Powers rose in technology and aggressiveness. Alliances switched often. The powers started an aggressive colonization/empire building phase. 6. France currently is on top. Through diplomacy and force, they are becoming the top power. Due to the complicated nature and histories of the various powers alliances still can sway often. 7. England is currently master of the "seas" taking the title from Spain. They seek a contrarian way to diplomacy. They work hard to make sure that none of the continental powers grows too great. Their alliances and programs are designed to maintain a sort of equilibirium. During stage 4 England lost some significant planitary holdings into what is labeled France. Both lay claim to it, but France, for the last hundred years or so has possession.
  20. Re: Having Star Hero Parallel this world in the 18th-19th Centuries That is where I was headed. As in the maps above I like to think of continents as having higher density of stars with usable planets---- and the oceans as being sparse. From the beginning I liked the idea of the Traveller model since there was a great limitation as to the distances one could travel at any jump. This is crucial since it makes certain planets very strategic in their location. What I don't like about the Traveller system is the 1 week limitation. It seems silly that, no matter what, a drive can only keep you traveling for a week at a time. Thus to travel for 1 year requires 52 separate jumps. I would like to come up with some sort of "compromise" or hybrid that would both be restraining and simulate a bit more closely "sailing" (i.e. being able to travel for long periods at a stretch but still be vulnerable between point a and point b.) Any thoughts?
  21. Re: Having Star Hero Parallel this world in the 18th-19th Centuries Here is the rough map, both in a Excel spreadsheet and a gif. I forgot INDIA!!! This is a simplistic representation. No borders are going to line up so nicely on a grid. I kinda used the Traveller sector format for this.
  22. Re: Having Star Hero Parallel this world in the 18th-19th Centuries One of the books I am reading now, at a very slow pace, is THE AGE OF NAPOLEON by the Durants. And while reading the events I think "this would make a great background for a game". It has the intrigue the action and the chaos. It would be an opportunity to place characters in historic events but in a futuristic setting. I plan to come up with a rough map on Saturday.
  23. Re: Having Star Hero Parallel this world in the 18th-19th Centuries I am in the middle of a few books right now. One I get those done I will take you up on your offer.
  24. Re: Having Star Hero Parallel this world in the 18th-19th Centuries I am thinking more of focusing the exploitation in Africa and India with perhaps Egypt becoming a key strategic point of contention. The Americas (with the possible exception of South America) would focus less on exploitation and more on wild areas to explore.
  25. Re: Having Star Hero Parallel this world in the 18th-19th Centuries Thanks. Next library run to Decatur I will see if they have it.
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