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Everything posted by phoenix240

  1. Re: Invincible Cool! Looking forward to seeing what you've come up with. Will you be posting it here or starting another thread?
  2. Re: Invincible Finally caught up to the current issue. The story sure took some interesting turns. I've decided to abandon the write up though. I never could get it the "feel" quite right using Hero System. The characters might work better in Aberrant or GURPS Supers as superhumans are bit more fragile in those systems by nature.
  3. Re: Cheshire Cat question That does cost a phase and requires no roll, doesn't leave you prone? Pesonaly I always charged Endurance for the movement used in Dive for Cover. The Speedster also risks taking some damage from a Move By/Through. Edit: and somewhat reduced damage (str/2 as base). The I put"Dive for Cover" in quotes to indicate that's not exactly what it is but it was the most similar: Evading an attack my moving out of the way/not being where it hits. IF that effect (or was intended to) let CC move out of the way of an attack automatically with no roll required in a manner similar too a Dive for Cover except with none of the drawback (and a 0 phase or No Time action) that seem awfully powerful for 22 pts. Hopefully that's not how it works or would work.
  4. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Oh geez, that's just pathetic.
  5. Re: Cheshire Cat question The Speedster also suffers manuever modifiers and most likely spends Endurance. If that ability works as an instant 0 Endurance "Dive for Cover" that's a very poweful effect.
  6. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Powers that restricted your character's choice of partners wouldn't nessecarily make them asexual. Highly frustrated maybe but not asexual.
  7. Re: Superhero Images Stupid question: Where do you get it from?
  8. Re: Do you use Dr Destroyer in your campaign and if so, which version & how? We may use a verion of him in our game as the mastermind behind the 4th Reich eventually if that counts. Probably one of the lowest powered incarnations since I don't think even Free Spirit could tangle with high end versions.
  9. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Can I have a copy when you're done?
  10. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings
  11. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Dr Destroyer always struck me as potentially asexual. I recall it being mentioned more than once where some women have been interested in him romantically but know he "doesn't concern himself with such things" or similar.
  12. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Agreed. You have to break something sometimes. Edit: and to be fair our games probably lean more towards Soap Opera than many would find enjoyable.
  13. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Fair enough and a good point but I think there is something of a market out there. Strictly anecdotal but three of the longest running and most well attended Champions games (online or f2f) I know of focus on GLB characters and many of the players share those orientations. The players I've talked too enjoy the game because it make them feel more a part of the world than the "traditional" supers settings. I admit, sometimes those games seems to go too far in the opposite direction but that may be because I'm simply not used to seeing the subject matter handled so openly and directly.
  14. Re: Ultimate Powers Book character generation game pt 1 Bump
  15. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings
  16. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings
  17. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Different strokes for different folks. Personally I enjoy character interaction, dealing with relationships and their difficulties and rewards both as it relates to being a costumed crimefighter (or whatever), your kidnappings, hostage situations and whatnot and more mundane things like dealing with family, children, trying to maintain a relationship in a stressful lifestyle, finding time to spend with a loved one etc. A game that was a consecutive string of fight scenes and investigation rolls would be dull to me.
  18. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Let me clear something up since it keeps being mentioned. I am not talking about explicitedly detailing sex in game when I say "dealing with sexuality and romance". You can do that, I see no problem with adults doing it if the want too and enjoy it but that's not a requirement for having characters with romantic lives and functional sexualities any more than its required to detail trips to the toilet to have characters that eat and drink. I have noticed that the superhero/comics genre is one that seems to make people more hesitant to deal with the topic than others, at least in role playing games. Actually most types of interpersonal play and stories seem to be frequen4tly ignored in supers role play IME. I find that a bit regrettable since its such a rich ground for role playing and interaction but different strokes for different folks. And I can fully understand the desire for more representation for alternate sexualities but homosexuals. Most people like to have characters that can identify with to some degree and a person's sexual orientation is a big facet of their life. Many characters are black slates so to speak but that's not quite the same as having it acknowledged. Imagine if the gender of a most characters wasn't mentioned or stated to be male and women were told "You could just imagine they're women if you want" or "Just change some characters to women". It wouldn't be quite the same as having actual superheroines.
  19. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Are you familiar with White Wolf's Aberrant setting? It actually addresses this.
  20. Re: Ultimate Powers Book character generation game pt 1
  21. Re: Ultimate Powers Book character generation game pt 1
  22. Re: The Seven Sisters Excellent!
  23. Re: Counterpunch Counterpunch? Isn't that the upcoming sequel to Suckerpunch?
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