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Everything posted by phoenix240

  1. Re: North American Super team names My mistake I put this in the wrong forum!
  2. Looking for team names for Super teams for North America (Canada, the US, Mexico, etc) for use in the Wildstrike Universe (the shared setting my current Champions games are set in). Current extant teams are: Gateway Guardians (America) Hollywood Knights (America) The Paragons (America) Freedom Force (America) The Bay City Defenders Canadian Shield (Canada) Northern Guard (Canada) The Splendid Six (Mexico (and part of Central and South America) The Redeemers (America based but international in scope)
  3. It's a pretty common shtick for utra tech (or ultra magic) vehicles and structures to be bigger on the inside than they appear to be from the outside. What are some ways to represent this mechanically?
  4. Re: Sound of one hand clapping "Sound of One hand clapping" would make a cool name for Darkness vs Hearing Power.
  5. Re: A Bit Of Fun - Super Sentai Pesticide Man!!! Coolest Roach Spray commerical ever.
  6. Re: Captain Cambodia That's pretty cool. I hadn't heard of the style before.
  7. Re: What defines a Superhuman? Me. I do. There was a memo. Didn't you get it?
  8. Re: What defines a Superhuman? Nah, he's smarter than the average bear but not vastly more intelligent than every bear or by extension, smarter than any bear could ever be. I wouldn't say he's much smarter than say, Boo-boo, perhaps even less so.
  9. Re: What defines a Superhuman? I had a thought after watching the Captain America movie. I don't expect it to settle the debate (its too much fun for one thing) but maybe present a different way of looking at it. The thought was perhaps it might be best to look at Captain America (and characters like him) as "superhuman" in the sense of how far above the common everyday man they are yet still human in the sense they're not a radical departure from baseline human physiology or genetics. If you examined Steve Rodgers or Batman they'd be human down to the smallest details but with the flaws in the human body mininalized or mitigated, the processes as efficient and tough as they can be without radically altering them, basically a "perfected" but human body. For the rest of us flawed, typical mortals this results in a performance that might as well be superhuman. We can never reach that level of performance without some exterior aid (Super Soldier serum vita rays etc). similarly to how most of us, even if we trained and studied for the rest of our lives might never reach the abilities of Michael Jordan or Stephen Hawking. But the potential for that level of performance does lay in the human form. So are Captain America and his ilk superhuman? Relative to most of humanity? Yes but by their basic nature, no as humanity can potentially reach that level.
  10. Re: Powers for a Time Manipulating “Speedster” Self Only Healing for End and Stun defined as taking a 0 Time Recovery? Or perhaps just more Rec over all (He gets several for every one he takes).
  11. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings
  12. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Who's Ravenspeaker?
  13. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Didn't Scarlet Witch believe he'd fathered her children? I'd imagine they had to do something to give her that impression. OTOH, she's been shown to be pretty mentally unstable...
  14. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Dbp
  15. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings
  16. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Personally, I enjoy developing a character's romantic life and relationships even their sexuality. These are major aspects of the human experiences after all. It doesn't feel right to completely ignore them. Not to mention it can be a great source of plots and motivation. I think some of the best role playing I've experienced has been generated from relationships and the inevitable drama (and comedy) that stem from them. But as always, YMMV.
  17. Re: Madame Echidna, maker of Monsters (1239 pt Mastervillain) More seriously, wicked character! She's got allot of story potential and has a "Pulp" villain vibe that I really like.
  18. Re: Madame Echidna, maker of Monsters (1239 pt Mastervillain) Several. I'll be in my bunk.
  19. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings
  20. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings And Data always had a "Tin Woodsman" thing going on, IMO. The show just never settled on it enough to do anything with it. But I agree that him being anatomically correct and functional made sense given Soong's goals.
  21. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings That's pretty good. Makes sense with the background I wanted to say its a pleasure to participate in a thread on this subject matter that doesn't explode into a flamefest and holier than thou competition.
  22. Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See? I agree. I like fleshed out, developed antagonists but a few simple and straight forward bad guys you can blast, punch and dismantle without angst is fun too.
  23. Re: What is MIGHTY? I ran into this problem with a shape shiftig android: M.Y.R.I.A.D. Ended up cheating and calling her: M.I.R.I.A.D
  24. Re: How can mutants be discriminated against while other "supers" get a pass? Oh that's hilarious
  25. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Thanks!
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