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Christopher R Taylor

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Everything posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. Yeah I could enjoy a game of MLB, with the life stuff going on behind the scenes, the training, the games (basically combat), etc. Its a valid form of role playing as any other, just not necessarily for everyone.
  2. In many cases the END Cost for powers will be the same based on Active or Real, since many powers have no advantages at all.
  3. The challenge is really depicting the difference between nightvision and UV vision. UV has to have its strengths and weaknesses, but in literature and games it ends up just being violet-hued night vision. Its said to only work outside where UV light is provided, although the Dark Elves in EverQuest for instance could see clearly underground (it was very superior to IR vision). In game terms I guess you would have to make night vision something that works less well than UV but also works underground, more the "dim outlines" version of 5th edition quoted above, while UV gives clear vision but only with sources of UV light. Anyway that's how I would do it, I think. This is probably the right direction to go in a hypothetical 7th edition.
  4. I think that velocity and movement and other words are being used interchangeably and not strictly to rigorous engineering standards.
  5. I think it would be a fascinating undertaking to build a "combat" system usable to simulate athletic competitions, but I don't actually think its possible, at least not without heinous amounts of math and rules and engineering.
  6. And what happens when you hit the ball? How is it a grounder instead of a fly ball? What direction does it go? All of that is tied into what kind of pitch in what location against what kind of batter with what kind of swing and what kind of contact. Which is why you use something like PS: Baseball Player instead of trying to simulate it with combat.
  7. Almost without exception, it is extremely difficult to model athletic competitions and sports using game rules. Just try to work out how you would handle something as straight forward as pitching a ball to someone trying to hit it. Just batting an object someone throws is not immediately clear in Hero or any other game, but adding in things like change in velocity, direction of throw, spin of the ball creating movement, etc makes it even more complicated. And this is something most people grew up with just doing in their back yard.
  8. IR gives you details and information that night vision would not. I define nightvision in my campaign as "enhances available light" so it doesn't help underground, for instance, without a light source. IR works everywhere, and further, makes hot things (like enemies) stand out against the background.
  9. I think... I think that's what I was doing as well, its been decades. But I was doing something really wrong with Multipower costs like that.
  10. Yeah you are right, its massive light enhancement, not UV. UV goggles are a lot more simple. I cannot actually find any night vision goggles based on UV, only UV blockers. I am pretty sure its a thing but maybe I read too much sci fi.
  11. I agree that its getting excessively complicated but I don't find this a compelling argument for equivalence or reciprocation
  12. UV vision is used by starlight scopes etc. They don't give full daylight but they let you see in the dark well enough to function.
  13. But... that's my question. How do you come up with these values? Why is -½ the opposite of -2? What is the basis for choosing one compared to the other?
  14. When I first started making characters (by hand, this was even before Heromaker) I thought that you added up all the advantages on a power, then subtracted the limitations and the result was what applied. So if I had +2¾ and -1¼ of limitations, then the end result was a +1½ advantage. If it was +½ advantage and -1½ limitations, then it ended up a -1 limitation! I had a weird understanding of Multipower too, but I cannot remember how I did the math on that one. Anyone else have any stories of misunderstandings or confusion from their early days?
  15. Well, not only that, but what's the base? What I mean by that is where do you start your reciprocation and by what amount? Is +1 the reverse of -¼? is +2 the opposite of -2?
  16. I always assumed healing worked on anything but the Restore power in Fantasy Hero was distinct from healing. I love 1st edition Fantasy Hero so much I came ][ this close to doing something similar with my fantasy hero campaign books, but decided it was a needless complication that would harm sales.
  17. Yeah I was not happy with what I was hearing about that show and certainly not with how hornhead was shown in the awful She Hulk show. Still, the same knuckleheads will be involved with a new take on the show so... I dunno if there's any cause for hope. However the big read I am getting from this information is that Marvel was running things kind of sloppy and arrogantly. They would come up with a show idea, hire people to make it, and film a season or two, then throw it out and assume it would make a billion dollars because that's how it used to work. It sounds like Disney is changing how things work and making them have to pitch a pilot and decide if the show will be greenlit from that or not based on the merits of produced work. And that's getting stuff in progress scrapped and rebooted, like Daredevil.
  18. I mean it literally has but not as common as some might fear
  19. Um, people have laced candy with drugs in the past, so...
  20. All they had to do in the previous movies was have even one line mentioning her being interested in science or how pym particles worked. They didn't because they were relying on previous knowledge from comic books or just assuming it happens because that's how they did it in the comics. Its bad writing when you don't set up a major shift like that. Having her be the bestest evar better than Hank Pym himself and smarter than them all leaves a bad taste in people's mouths. And having three girls suddenly show up out of nowhere as super genius uber scientists better than everybody else feels like a pretty forced pattern, as well. Yes, the comics do it too, and its lame there, as well.
  21. Peter Parker building his webshooters is an offshoot of his personal ability as a scientist that showed up his entire life before that. As a character he was established as a geeky science kid as part of his identity. Obviously nobody could create webshooters (nobody ever has) but it was consistent with his persona. They just turned Cassie into Wonder Science Girl #3 because they needed her for the plot and wanted to push STEM girls but its a bit tedious and forced in an otherwise pretty lame movie.
  22. Martin Luther hammering 95 theses on the Wittenberg Chapel door
  23. Probably should have more than one side effect, always goes off
  24. Yeah its up to discussion really. Does a berserk person want to be berserk? I would argue that yes, very much at the time they are totally into it, but equally you could argue that deep down they really don't want to be berserk, so its just a push to free them. But does it being buried so deeply make it more challenging to accomplish? A panicked person probably doesn't want to be panicked, but their entire nature and psyche at the time is wrapped up in fear and anxiety, so do they really want to not be? How do you define what someone's will is in this context? Is one of it surface and the other deeper?
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