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Posts posted by unclevlad

  1. 2 hours ago, death tribble said:

    My name is Death Tribble, dictator and president for life of the NGD forum of the Hero Boards and loyal servant to the TRUE creator, Steve Long. Poster of a maligned challenge, instigator of a disputed frodown. And I will have my vengeance, in this life AND the next.


    That's nice.


    Don't forget to wash your hands before dinner, now.

  2. Oh yeah.  The polarization is extreme.  I even question the loyalty to our side aspect, relative to the kneejerk rejection of the other side.  I think politics is driven by the negative...so what that Trump is a terrible choice, he's not Clinton!!!  And that strikes across the board.  Our guy might be a nightmare but as long as he'll vote Our Way, he's golden.  Oh, if he's white, and yes, male is *strongly* preferable.

  3. 11 minutes ago, BoloOfEarth said:

    So, maybe a 50/50 chance then.  ;)


    I don't think I'd give Trump a 50% chance;  I'd take the under.  That might be my hopes speaking but...we'll see.  The whole "I'll shut down the government.  I'll own that!" rant has to rattle the Republicans.  The various allocutions, all the things that are coming out, provide a foundation for an impeachment.  Statements like the shutdown provide the impetus to bail on the idiot before he draws the entire Party down with him.  It can't happen with what we have right now, not even come January, but the potential is definitely on the upswing.



    On a different front:



    Yet we can barely manage a restriction on even such a fringe aspect of guns as bump stocks.

  4. The other aspect of the Intelligencer article is, it's trivial for Trumpeteers to ignore.  Just another bash.  At least in public.  It would be interesting to hear their thoughts in private.  The RNC has to be terrified, because the midterm elections were a debacle.  If Trump is still President a year from today, then the Party will be completely swept out in 2020...White House, House, and Senate.  I'd also be worried that the backlash would damage the Party for a couple election cycles.  To be sure, some of this may depend on the Democrats finding a candidate with a clue.

  5. Yep.  The Brits shot themselves in the foot with an autocannon.  Hey, guess what, Brits...you've got no leverage here, beyond the fact that a decently clean separation is also in the interest of the EU.


    Get used to it.  Populist SCREAMS will be the New Normal moving forward.  The major shifts that will be necessary in the face of climate change will ensure that.  Or, of course, they'll be in response to all the ongoing disasters that are triggered.

  6. The detail's there but it still looks like mid-level video game quality.  Some of it might be poor POVs.


    But yeah, the story's very dark in places, and how much pastoral, rabbits all hopping happily in the meadow, can we take?  Certainly, the dark tone is in the book.  Adams didn't push it that much, that I can recall.  Granted, it's been 30-40 years.  But that's the part that makes for the conflict to drive the story.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Cancer said:

    Another week, another coordinator or coach fired after a loss to Seattle.  The Vikings just fired offensive coordinator John DeFilippo.


    That's in lieu of firing Zimmer midseason.  


    The Vikes are, IMO, backing the wrong horse...not that Zimmer or DeFilippo are geniuses, but Kirk Cousins simply has not shown he belongs in the kitchen.  He can't stand the heat.  The Vikes massively overpaid.  Plus, the offensive line is bad.  Don't care who the QB is, he's never going to be consistent with a bad line around him.  

  8. I have Prime.  I stream a game every now and again when there's some other event I want on the TV screen instead.   Unfortunately, it's still Buck and Aikman, so no relief there.....


    And it's still sloppy, ill-prepared TNF.  Leave that to meaningless games like the Battle of the Bird Cage...Cards/Falcons.

  9. So, the notion is a healer with a nasty streak too...4d6 HKA, conceived as literally unweaving flesh.  The power to help is the power to harm.  Ergo, I decided...No STR Bonus seems to fit that.  OK, that's fine.


    Now, the character also has some martial arts, mostly with a defensive focus, but with a couple strikes and a couple bonus DCs.


    So...when using the HKA with a Defensive Strike, where I've got +4 DCs coming...do I get those, when I'm not using any STR?  Because it feels like, yeah, the OCV and DCV adjustments make perfect sense...but the extra DCs don't.

  10. Don't have any at the moment;  I probably use books more than TV, too.


    And there's something of a serendipity factor...you need the TV character concept and the campaign to dovetail.  Had one great situation like this...a Vampire game where coldly calculating and incredibly efficient made sense.  The character's style was based on Michael from La Femme Nikita...which also tells ya how long ago that was....:(


    I've also taken inspiration from a song.  Vampire again.  The song:  Charlie Daniel's Still in Saigon.  Good song, good story.  PERFECT for a creepy Malkavian.

  11. 2 hours ago, L. Marcus said:

    ... And you are ... non-tiny?


    Edelman's only lsted as 5'10, and 200, so he's 6-8 inches shorter and anything from 60 to 130 pounds lighter than tight ends, linemen, and linebackers.  And often 5 or more inches shorter than most other wideouts.


    The imagery happens in the NBA too, from time to time.  Steph Curry looks like a midget compared to the rest of the Warriors lineup....but recognize he's 6'3".  

  12. Browns are not mathematically eliminated but they're behind too many others.  I don't think 8-7-1 will quite cut it even if they can get there.  I will give them this much credit:  they're in a Last Gasp game at Denver next week.  


    Now, granted, this week proves beyond any doubt that Anyone Can Die At Any Time.  IF the Browns can win out, too, this means they beat Denver and Baltimore.  It's not too much of a stretch to see that week 17 game being crucial, with the loser eliminated.   Not necessarily the winner getting in, as there's also a week 17 Colts-Titans matchup.

  13. The only encouraging aspect is...it's Australia.   For them it's par for the course.  The question is going to be how successful they are in enforcing it, and we'd better hope...not at all.  Because we know damn well that once the backdoors are in place, and the technical arguments become moot...a similar law will get pushed here VERY hard.  

  14. OK, so unless they come back, the Broncos leap frog off a trampoline to win Worst Loss by a MILE, considering the opponent.  Game they had to win.  The only mild consolation is, it's a non-conference loss, but...is 8-8 gonna make it?  They'll have to beat the Chargers to reach 9-7, and that's assuming they beat the Raiders (should, but this one's leaving doubts) and the Browns, who are actually...competent this year.  Man, that's frightening to say.

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