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Everything posted by Threnody

  1. Howdy. I'm working on a character who's cold related. I wonder how much a Lim people would recommend for these? A] "Only While It's Snowing" B] "Not While It's Snowing" Assume the character don't often get more than 150 km from her headquarters, and assume her headqaurters are at----- 1]New York City 2]Churchill, Manitoba 3]Top of Mt. Chimborazo, Ecuador {6310 m high, 1.5º S lat.} That's six Lims. All ideas welcome.
  2. Re: How to have long combats Make "taking a REC" less dangerous-stupid. Right now, no-one does cause it paints a big target on your behind. Taking a REC is a 1/2 Phase action, occurs at the end of the Segment after everything else, but can't be paired with an END using action. Character has his full DCV, called shots on him get no benefit. This encourages folx to use up time, "topping off" their END.
  3. Re: New Advantage: Disorienting The way I figure it is, if you bought a second power just as big as the first, with the Lim "Only Does STUN (-1/2)" you'd get to the same place. So if the cost for the first power is 60, then the second costs 40, the total is 100. 100/60 = 1 2/3, so it's a +2/3 Advantage. That's closer to +3/4 than +1/2, so I'd go with your amount.
  4. Re: It stays that way BINGO! That's perfect! Thanks a B-load. I've shown it to my GM and she's with it. She says it's the perfect way to do it, and she's happy I found something that works in the rules. Everyone else---thanks for trying. My GM says Inherent on Multiform means it's changing all the time; otherwise it's not the Multiform that's Inherent, it's the alternate form. I think she's right. Oh, and Power Def. can be overcome, which is not the idea I was trying for. But I 'preciate the work.
  5. Re: It stays that way Oh dang! I forgot an important part——the character should be able to go to a different form after its first change. That is, it buys a bunch-load of forms, can switch to any, but can't be switched to its "nat'ral" form cause there ain't one. My GM says Inherent on Multiform means once it changes, it can't go to no other form (even tho' it wants to). My GM ruled no "Transforms on self"——Yeah, some people are cool with that, but not my GM.
  6. Re: Medieval Farming Villages Problem here! In medieval times people would think of their family as parents, siblings, kids, sib's kids and such like, so that's 'bout the right size for a family, but it ain't a household. A household would be husband+wife, and 1 to 4 kids. The "man of the household" would own strips of land, and see to the plowing, sowing, and harvesting of it. So X acres feeds only 3-6 people. Like someone said, 5 acres was barely enough for a household. You've still got 3 to 4 times too high a pop density. Back to the drawing board.
  7. Howdy. I been kicking round a char. idea, but I don't know how to do it. What I want is an undismissible Multiform. What I mean is, when the char. changes to a form, it plain out IS that thing (whatever it is). There's no way to force it back to its "natural form" cause they just ain't such a thing. The result is Drain, Transfer, Supress, and Dispel have nothing to work with; there's no "off" to turn the Multiform. Before you all yell "Munchkin!"'; my GM is cool with the idea, but she's got no more idea nor me how to do it. Any of you wonderfully bright people see a way to do this?
  8. Re: Transfer Electricity? Howdy. I'm not tracking all of this so this may be a dumb idea. The part of your post I've kept sounds like two (more?) END Reserves with different recovery conditions. Could you do it that way?
  9. Re: STUN, not END, for fuel OK, looks like folx have pretty much come up with the two ideas I had. Least it confirms I'm on the right track. My first way was just whip up a Lim-Lim: "Lose 1 STUN for every 10 Active Points used." Second was call it a Side Effect, Always Happens. Now this gets tricky. I don't want a Drain cause it's random, and saying "Lose X STUN" isn't fair if the gal only uses part of the Power ('suming it's a so-many dice power). You all reckon "1 STUN per 10 Active Points" is OK as a Side Effect? Anyways, what would you all say it's worth? -1/4, -1/2? Oh, and I don't go with it costing half as much STUN as it'd've costed END. You REC STUN at the same rate as END, y'know. BTW, I'm thinking this for a spell/power that's not used much, so what Vurbul said about it making REC less powerful won't happen nuf to matter. Good thinking, tho'.
  10. Re: Steve Long; Please Build Me a Power: H_I_B_B Thanks. Asked my friend/GM with that book. We looked it up. Slick! Anyone needs a page, it's on page 133 at the last corner, goes onto page 134.
  11. Re: Medieval Farming Villages Nope. That kinda specializing isn't medieval. They grew some of everything needed, with spare area going to cash crop. Nope. Cows were rare; they take a lot of land. The rich have some. Plain folks have goats or pigs, sheep not often. Chickens are right tho. Everybody had chickens. Right. That's where you'd have sheep; not in the villiage. Cow's milk was considered unsafe an unhealthy. People prefered goat's, donkey's, mare's an maybe sheep's milk.
  12. Re: Steve Long; Please Build Me a Power: H_I_B_B AoE "Voice Range"?! I've never seen that. Where from you get it?
  13. Re: Dispelling Advanced Technology You can Dispel an Advantage?!?? How'd I miss that? RKA or EB, IPE to normal Sight, cost doubled to hide effects (+.5). You break it, but only its innards, so it doesn't show. Could IPE Sight Group instead, or more Groups, but keep the "hide effects" part. Threnody
  14. Howdy. I'm trying to figure how to change round a power so it uses STUN for fuel, not END. Obviously if it uses END to start, it'll need "Red. End., 0 (+.5)". The rest I've got ideas, but I want to see what you all come up with. Threnody
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