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Everything posted by CrazySaga

  1. As I've been searching about for HERO system games, I've really been craving something with a more proper, superheroic level of game. Preferably something set in the Champions universe since I haven't dealt with it all too much in the long run compared to plenty of others. Just hit me up if you got a spot and let me know what the game is about!
  2. While this is a 'tad' off topic, and we can use private messages if need be to keep this thread on track, but I have a question considering you're from Queensland. I have a couple characters who reside in Brisbane (okay the three I use are related by blood but anyways), and one of them I have a hero who has been around for several decades, including involvement in World War II (although this involvement is a more recent venture). How do you think things would change over time in that area regarding supers-type of involvement? Is that likely to be based on the narrative, or is it something where things may have developed relatively the same when it comes to Golden Age > Silver > etc.? I'm wondering how much those 'status of society' type of factors will have any major effects for any heroes and villains in a fictional hero-verse.
  3. While my HERO system knowledge is lacking, more so having the most access to 6e pdfs, though I believe I have some 5e somewhere on my laptop along with the character maker, I've been considering finding a HERO system game as of late, more so Champions. Been really on a kick for wanting a true superhero game at last! I was going to do a Champions Now game a while ago this year, but stress got to me and I ended up dropping before it began. Regardless, I'm more than willing to form up a group with ya if you're still looking! Though my preferred manner of conversation if we use voice is Discord since I'm not all that familiar with other programs.
  4. Yes, I will make sure to alert my GM about these changes once I alert him. While I do see him every week, the game is bi-weekly, giving me time to change things up if need be. Doing the math using the hero builder, I got only about 5 extra points out of it. The real purpose was to just adjust the multipower to keep up with the rest of the party: at most I can dish out 3d6 Killing damage in melee, while another player is dealing out 4d6 Killing, placing mine at a lower damage. However, those 5 extra points was all I really needed to update the character build a bit better. While I do have a decent amount of Recovery which offsets my use of constantly changing slots if need be, at a current rate of 20, a bit over half of that is a boost with a specific limitation that it turns off if hit by attacks made of a certain material, akin to silver hitting a lycanthrope. Kendrium materials, for the record. That drops how much I recover, and it's far from being overpowering thus far since we've done enough sessions that the math all works out.
  5. Alright, for sake of ease I'll go that 1/4 limitation, just so I don't wrack my brain around END Drain. Since it will be for all the MP power, going MP-only is my best bet then. Thanks for the input here!
  6. So, I'm currently in a game where my character is a beast-man sort whose claws are being played as a multipower, indicating various uses of his claws ranging from the standard, cut your face open to more mystical means such as a ghostly aura around his claws that drain physical defenses. I'm trying to think of how to get the most out of this multipower, especially since we started with only 300 character points, and I'm currently at 31 experience points earned. Looking through the Limitations, I noticed Increased Endurance Cost has a section noted as Under Certain Circumstances. What I got to thinking, is to change his tactics/powers around with the multipower, he has to increase his endurance use to alter and suppress what he can do. I'd imagine it's a MP-Only modifier, unless I'm reading into this whole thing entirely wrong. Regardless, is it viable to essentially increased the endurance cost only for activation and use normal END costs after, or is that a whole issue that a DM might have trouble with?
  7. So, while working on a character for a potential game in the near future, I came across the idea of using the Unified disadvantage to combine Regeneration and additional Recovery to act as a 'healing factor' of sorts for the character's body. However, my dilemma comes to this: Do powers with the Unified Disadvantage each get their individual costs reduced, or is it just one or the other? In addition, can said powers combined with Unified still okay to have additional disadvantages unique to said powers?
  8. Ah, so it's better to just apply a bunch of factors than Multiform is what I'm getting, if I want less files to deal with. Fair enough, caused I figured Only in Alternate ID was going to be a dominant factor to some degree. I'll take a look at that. Thanks for the advice!
  9. So, I've been fuddling around in HERO Designer again, and looked into making a character of mine who does the whole 'Magical Boy/Girl Transformation with Awesome Powers' deal-io. While I did find Multiform to be the best option to go about the 'Hero Transformation' aspect to a point, I'm not sure how I would go about doing so to where the character keeps his stat, skills, etc., while in his hero form. I do know in previous editions there was a Partial Multiform thing, but I don't have the resources to look into it too well. Is there a way to mimic that in 6E?
  10. So, that means the Active Points has to equal his 40 STR, 5 point cost CSL for Unarmed Strikes only, and the highest point cost for Martial Arts (a kick at 5), right? Will that include the +2 to HTH Damage Class as well?
  11. Mkay, the Naked Advantage seems to work well here. The only concern I have is under Variable Special Effects, is the system is telling me it has no direct effect on combat. Would this Naked Advantage still apply the moment this character, say, goes and punches somebody right after changing the special effect?
  12. Think of the imbue part as a buff of sorts to the character's attacks. It'd be a magic sort of ability, where he enhances his body to make ALL his unarmed strikes be considered, say, Fire/Heat damage for the duration of the effect. If you've played D&D, think the Flaming enchantment, only it doesn't tack on extra damage: the AMOUNT of damage from punches and kicks for example remains the same. Best way I can explain it, unfortunately.
  13. I never saw that advantage before, so I'm probably blind. lol! Anywho, that solves the 'different special effects' problem, but how would I go about the 'imbue' part of the ability? As in, should I treat it as Hand-to-Hand, Aid, etc.?
  14. I've recently been fiddling around with the 6E Hero builder, and while I've figured out how various things work with powers and such, there's one thing I've been unable to figure out for a character I'm building: How would one go about making a power that allows me to add and switch around Special Effects to, in this character's case, unarmed attacks? I've been unable to find a power which works for it. For example: in a phase of a fight he takes, say, a Half Phase to imbue any unarmed attacks he makes with fire, effectively making his attacks considered Fire/Heat for purposes of effects. Then another phase he decides to change it to ice or lightning, etc. While I've tried looking at Blast to see if I could do it that way, I've been unable to make it an 'Elemental Imbuement' sort of thing, so that one is probably out of the question. More than likely I've figured this would be a Multipower or something akin to that.
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