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Posts posted by DEFCON Clown

  1. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share your ideas!


    This one is primarily VIPER but does include the IHA and it works as a great way to introduce the IHA's militant side.


    Breaking and Rescuing

    The PCs are alerted to a break in at a high tech research facility. When they get there they find that VIPER has broken in, but strangely they've only left a small rear guard, there is no sign of the rest of the agents. Either by searching the facility or interrogating a VIPER agent they find out the rest of them are in the secret sub-basement. They find much heavier resistance here, but also a lot of downed VIPER agents and an other type of grunt they don't recognize. They come to a large lab with a lot of VIPER agents and a number of VIPER scientists and Medical agents too. They are gathered around a large vertical tube, before the PCs get a chance to interfere the scientists open the tube revealing Freon! The medical personal get him out of the tank and on to a stretcher and start treating him. And thats when the Minuteman robots crash in through the ceiling! Now its VIPER and the PCs versus the IHA! Make sure you have enough Minutemen that the PCs need help to take them down. And have Freon wake up in mid battle for extra fun!

  2. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share your ideas!



    Leonardo Di'Foxbat

    Foxbat decides he should be an artists. When the museum he calls doesn't want his masterpiece (a 25' tall statue of him) he breaks in and installs it anyway!


    The Legion of Ultimately Unlimited Squad

    Those heroes are always fighting unfair with their stupid teammates! Well Foxbat will start his own team! And incredibly he manages it! But one of the people he recruits is taking all the fun out of being the world's most powerful badguys!


    LOUUS Roster

    Captain Chronos


    Lady Blue

    Black Harlequin

  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Two PCs are talking about their powers. Champion has a power suit and Twilight uses magic.


    Champion: Okay now prove that was magic.

    Twilight: It doesn't really work that way.

    Champion: I could go on wining this argument all day but I want to check out the hotel.

  4. When your players are making characters for your game do you ever I have them fill out a questionnaire about their character? I'm trying to come up with one I can use from now on. I've got some of the questions already but I'd love some suggestions for other ones. As always though all questions and comments are appreciated.

  5. In the Urban Fantasy: Warnings thread I mentioned that I would post my take on Urban Fantasy. Well I finally got off my lazy butt and decided to write this thread.


    The Magical World

    The magical world doesn't contain fairies, gnomes, elves, dwarfs, goblins, orcs, or really any of the typical fantasy races or monsters with a few exceptions. Dragons do NOT exist. There are werewolves and vampires.


    Vampires are NEVER attractive or "good" they are predators that view humans ONLY as food. They don't have to feed very often (about once a month).


    Werewolves are also NEVER good. Most people who are werewolves never know. Werewolves cannot willingly transform from human into wolf form or from wolf to human. Werewolves are pack creatures they always attempt to form new packs when alone. A single werewolf is a savage and unthinking beast. As more pack members are acquired the whole pack gets more intelligent and dangerous.


    Magic is kept hidden but there is no secret group of mages running the world behind the scenes. It is kept hidden because the mages fear for their lives if the world at large finds out about them.


    All magic is ritual magic, some rituals are short and simple enough to use at a moments notice others require much much longer. Most people can't provide the energy to power their own magic those who can are called Adepts. Everyone else needs to get their power from someone or somewhere else.


    Figures from mythology, King Arthur, Apollo, ect.. are not real.


    I'll add more to this later.

  6. Re: Humans are "Special"


    I've always thought that Humans main advantage was their instinct and ability to "close ranks". If an outsider (whether it be humans from a different planet or country or alien invades) attacks humans they temporarily forget their differences and disputes just long enough to kick the holy crap out of the outsider. Then they go right back to squabbling amongst themselves.


    And Heinlein is awesome. You grok, Enforce84?

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