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Posts posted by Ndreare

  1. I was only answering the question asked in as simple a format as reasonable.


    I did not include, intelligence, the fact that destroyer is faster, has a sex of 30 making he goes first or his damage negation.

    Yes destroyer is 3300 points, but close to half of those are not related to combat, and instead just expressions of his awesomeness.




    There was a official and licensed version of hulk published a while back in a document called Hulk Smash.


    They listed hulk as 70 going up to 130 strength. He was not as powerful as Dr Destroyer, and would not have torn a modern MBT apart by mechanics alone. But he was pretty awesome for a 700 point character.

  2. Destroyer versus M1A1 MBT

    Speed = 8 versus 3

    OCV = 10 versus 6

    DCV = 8 versus 3 (strategically would use CSL to make it 14 versus 3)

    Combat Skill Levels +8 versus +3

    Defense = 40r (50% damage reduction) versus 30r

    Body = 30 versus 25

    Attack = 10d6 RKA versus 8d6 RKA +1 stun multiplier

    Alternate Attack = 10d6 Body drain from 100 point VPP

    Alternate Attack = 10d6 entangle locking down tank


    I estimate that 100 tanks could surround Dr. Destroyer and he would be frustrated with how long it takes to destroy them, but as they would only hit him on a natural 3 he would only take a couple points of damage in the end.

  3. That really depends on how much disposable income you have.


    I have them and found a couple times they were useful, but I am one if those guys that buys books to read even if we never use it.


    I would say but the Bestiary first, the extensive examples are priceless IMHO


    As to the page summarizes the changes, search the downloads section. I know I have seen one, but cannot think of where.


    The two big ones that come to mind are as follows, I cannot think of any others at the moment.

    1 Class of mind for mental powers disappeared.

    2 Extensive FAQ and thesis on using the game gone.

  4. Over the years, I have tried many systems. Some requiring pages of explanation and others only a few simple rules. All of them work as long as you have player buy in. Our current game only requires them to take "requires Skill Roll -1 per 10 active points" after that the advantages and limitations placed on the power frameworks represent casting styles.


    As a note for fantasy games I usually treat Healing type powers as Special powers and Stop powers. I do not like the style some games have of instant heal after every battle. This makes the players play more intelligently IMHO.

  5. I normally use the penetrating advantage to represent such high levels of supernatural strength. I also don't allow the arms race so only one level of hardened and only one level of impenetrable can be selected. this generally allows for the superheroes who can resist everything at the same time it allows for the super heroes with super strength you can always do some damage. I know it doesn't address the primary topic but it does address the way it feels and play to match expectations.

  6. I did, and I disagree with you.


    As a general guideline, characters define what

    their Powers look and sound like. “Perceivable”

    can mean many things, from the perceptibility of

    the actual power itself (for example, a blue energy

    beam that projects from the character’s hands

    and hits the target) to just the source of the Power

    being perceivable (for example, few characters can

    perceive a bullet in flight, but they can all see the

    gun, hear the shot, smell the gunpowder, and see

    the bullet hole in the target). However, unless the

    GM rules otherwise, a character who can perceive

    a Power can determine the following about it:


    Blah, blah, blah....


    The GM has the final say on how perceivable a

    Power is, and what characters can perceive about

    it, based on common sense, dramatic sense, game

    balance, and other factors.

  7. Of course it's context dependent.  The obviousness of the user is the whole point.


    You could decide that the visual aspect of his Force TK was the slow, unsteady, floaty effect that they used in the movies.  It might require a raised hand or eyes closed in concentration.  But you don't have to -- it's obvious because the rules say it is obvious.  Can your character see?  Then you can tell who it is.  What it looks like is unimportant.


    Player:  Who is using the power?

    GM:  It's that guy over there, in the black cape and hood.

    Player:  How can I tell?  He's standing in a crowd.

    GM:  You can just tell.  It's definitely that guy

    Annoying Player:  But how do I know that?

    Exasperated GM:  Ominous theme music is playing and the camera focuses in on him.

    Simply awesome. I love this and have been in this situation before.

  8. When playing without all the optional rules, combat normally takes about 20 minutes for our group. However if the fight is important such as a final showdown versus the campaign big bad a fight can take hours as the players start talking about their actions and working in sync with each other.


    The biggest difference is always in the player decision tree. If their decision is as simple as find the closest mob and stab it, then combat hours fast. But when they are talking about build ups for doing a haymaker in a phase that they will not sure in, but needs to file the wizards magic net, while still holding off long enough to get the warlock's chasm owned first it can become very tactical, with presence attacks, sages, haymakers, entangle and flash all being needed to get a blow that is worth it, all while hoping not to sure before that phase 10 action comes up

  9. Great that you had fun.


    Here is some unsolicited advice on counting dice.

    Look for patterns that add up to 10, I tend to group the dice in sets of ten and can count them very fast that way. It takes a little time to get used to, but you could master it in half an hour of practicing if you choose.

  10. I would suggest if you can afford it get the following two books.


    Champions Complete: all the rules and basic stuff needed.


    Champions Universe: list of group, discussion of laws, some tables for example power selection and I think a bunch of example trash mobs like agents and ninjas.


    The 600+ pages in sixth edition are basically the equivalent of a built in FAQ and thesis of using Hero IMHO so you will not be missing much.

  11. Lol, It has been a long time since I was in school but as I recall plutonium appears in parts per billion measurements in uranium. It would make atium down right cheep to refine.


    Of course they also use aluminium which prior to modernized technology was significantly more expensive than gold Without a nod or mention of the price.


    Overall Brandon Sanderson is my favorite author so please do not take this as critical of his work.

  12. We had a group of panic clones once, each of the characters started off the exact same with normal characteristic maximum and a 45 point cosmic VPP.


    Hero handled their fights very easily, and greatly rewarded the players who used modified attacks such as indirect.


    Overall it really depends on what you believe is needed to represent reality warping, for us it was a VPP.



    PS: The characters became distinct based on personality and skills purchased with experience, including the big bad.

  13. I had some good luck, using the pre-generated characters and couple adventures I posted in the downloads section. I have used them at a con once, ran my Mom, Wife and Brother through them (my moms first game) and used them for some other groups. 


    Twice it turned into longer running games, with the player customizing the character with their experience as the game grew. Skim it and consider giving it a try.



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