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Everything posted by FlyBoy

  1. Re: Silverfist vs. Mandroid Is it because of the Marvel characters known as Mandroids? Because it would be odd of him to request such a change when he didn't ask you to change the name of Quasar (another Marvel character)...
  2. Re: Um... I thought his name was Silverfist...
  3. Being a big fan of Ultraman and Captain Marvel, I am in love with the OHID concept, so I can't really fault them for it. Acroyear- WHat's HFO?
  4. In a one shot, I had a character who was resurrected by God herself. He had a susceptibility that would go off anytime he broke one of the 10 commandments. Perhaps susceptibility would work better for the character than a psych lim. Anytime he does something evil, the implants give him a shock, or he has "Clockwork Orange" type nausea, or something similar...
  5. Truthfully, I didn't like "Underworld Enemies". I thought the redesign of Crusader was fantastic, but I found a lot of it to be really disturbing. On the other hand, did anybody ever pick up "Dystopia", also written by Mr. Avellone? That was a great sourcebook...
  6. I second that. "To Serve and Protect" was one of the best adventures ever to come out of 3rd edition...
  7. Brad Pitt. He's youthful looking, muscular, and Mark Millar all but endorses the choice in The Ultimates.
  8. It doesn't look like our group is going to be dealing with a war in Iraq, since, according to our campaign, 9/11 was the day that Dr. Destroyer wiped Detroit off the map (Millenium CIty hasn't happened yet), and there is much less anti-American sentiment in the world...
  9. I'm speaking out of sheer favoritism, but I'd give it to the Phantom, and he would win either by outthinking him, or sic-ing his wolf, Devil, on him.
  10. Re: Martial Artist Suggestion I cannot recommend Combat Luck more highly...
  11. Re: Need help with a character idea Have the GM squirrel away half of your earned XP. At a dramatically appropriate moment a few sessions later, ask for a "radiation accident" and enjoy your new surprise power... Firebird works rather nicely. Or you could translate Phoenix or Firebird into other languages and see how those sound...
  12. My Top 10: 1. The Flash (Barry Allen, one power used creatively) 2. Jack Hawksmoor (the most innovative power set I've seen in a long time) 3. Superman (without him, we wouldn't be here) 4. Wonder Woman (proof that girls can play with the big boys and not be out of place) 5. Cyclops (the best example of a power being a blessing and a curse) 6. Green Lantern (All versions; the coolest toy anybody could ever own) 7. Ultraman (literally larger than life, and cool as hell) 8. Starman (Jack Knight; probably the most fully realized personality out of any superhero) 9. The Thing (the most inventive uses for STR ever) 10. Robin (all versions; the yin to Batman's yang, he swung alongside him because I couldn't)
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