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Posts posted by Dino

  1. My group has traditionally used the local university game guild as a recruiting pool. Every semester, we go up and run a game for the sole purpose of finding players we like and inviting them into our regular games. Kinda mercenary, but effective.

  2. I think you might save a few points my making the VPP a multipower. You can always add new tricks as slots with experiance later.


    Pretty cool write up, overall. I question the imbalance beween the character's high STR and CON and his average BODY (although most people seem to do this). I would make his stats more balanced in general, except for the ones that are directly related to his powers (like DEX).

  3. I think you might save a few points my making the VPP a multipower. You can always add new tricks as slots with experiance later.


    Pretty cool write up, overall. I question the imbalance beween the character's high STR and CON and his average BODY (although most people seem to do this). I would make his stats more balanced in general, except for the ones that are directly related to his powers (like DEX).

  4. I equate the number of Superpowered beings in a given campaign to movie stars. There are probably only a few thousand in the world, but they get a lot of attention from the media. They also tend to gravitate to big citys, so people in those areas are more likely to run into them on a day to day basis.

  5. My friend just picked up a copy of this book and I thought, well it might have some ideas I can rip off and do better, but I've been playing Hero for 14+ years, what do I need this for?


    This book rocks. The powers are simple enough that they can be easily modified, and come in several power levels to choose from for easy scaling. They fit into frameworks nicely and really give players alot of ideas to build on. I started a new superhero game last night with three relative newbies and got solid characters out of them all.


    I highly recommend it for all players, even if you don't think you need it.

  6. Re: Hero Sys, GURPS, and Star Hero books.


    Originally posted by projecktzero

    For someone who's thinking of running a Star Hero game, which books would you recommend? FRED, Star Hero, and ???


    GURPS Space. Now as in the past, Hero system is great for rules and ideas, but has virtually no usable source material. GURPS remains as un playable as ever, while continuing to crank out the world's best sourcebooks.

  7. Originally posted by BlackCobra

    On the other hand (paw?), it probably wouldn't be something we'd want to do for 4 hours.


    Yeah, It sounds like something that would be good for a one shot, like at a Con or something, but I couldn't see finding enough players who would be interested in a full campaign.

  8. I played in a D&D game once where one of the players had lost his voice the day of the game. So our DM ran a scenario where a whole town was under a silence field. We couldn't talk to each other about anything but game mechanics, and had to invent ways to get each other's attention in character and hand signals. It was quite fun. (Did I mention the demons, or the fact that most of our spells had verbal components?)

  9. Originally posted by mudpyr8

    Active point limits don't work on "special" powers like movement and defenses because they are so cheap.


    Other than that, I think your VPP idea works fine.


    Yeah, things like Life Support and Mental Defense are way to cheap for game balance in a Heroic game. I basically had to write up all the spells myself to make sure they had the right "feel".


    Also attacks are much less usefull if you only get one shot: That 2d6 RKA with one charge is pretty useless next to the warrior armed with a bow that does the same damage, and can do it every phase...

  10. Way back in 3rd Ed. I figured out how to write up D&D style magic in Hero:


    Start with a VPP. Give it limitations such as Need spellbooks to change slot and Must be well rested to change slot. Then write up each spell as a slot for the Pool with a single charge limitation (fuel or continuing is ok), as well as things like Incantation or Concentrate.


    Because the spells are slots for the VPP, a character can acuire new ones in character and add them to his spellbook without spending Character points. Because each one has a single charge, it "goes away" when he casts it (unless he memorized multiple copies of it), and takes up it's real cost in points out of his pool.


    When the mage buys up his pool, he gains the ability to cast "higher level" spells (more AP) as well as memorize more spells at the same time.

  11. Since people are plugging thier favorite artists here, I should show off my friends' art. This is HotBlood by my friend Marc Curlee, and Silver Sorceress by Jacob Blacmon.


    Hmmm... I can't seem to get the attachment to work.

  12. Originally posted by Mutant for Hire

    My big alteration, if we're going to go all the way to a sixth edition is to take the basic powers and break them down into their component parts.


    That is, instead of having separate powers for Armor and Force Field and Force Wall, for example, there is a base effect Armor and then you figure out whether or not it costs END to use, whether or not its personal or on a wall, how it gets invoked, etc. Essentailly to build every power from the ground up.



    This can ultimately shrink the power list considerably and make it easier to build new and interesting power such as a wall of flame (using the Force Wall with the Armor effect ripped out and a KA used instead).


    The idea is, HERO is really about having the ultimate power construction toolkit and I'd like to see it go to the logical conclusion. Instead of advantages like Constant and limitations like No Range, why not make choices like these part of the power construction process?


    Here Here! I would like to see most powers start out no range/no end/visible ect. and let people pay more uniform base costs. (If you want your normal damage attack to work at range then buy ranged for it. Want it to add to your STR? buy and advantage for that. Otherwise it just does it's base damage as a touch attack.)

  13. Mind Control implies that other people are affected by the character's emotional state (I'm angry so now you are too). If the character just telegraphs his emotion to anybody around, then this is just a Distinctive Feature. It's wrong to make a character pay points for a power that doesn't do anything.

  14. I know it sounds kina juvenile, but (for high COM female characters) PS: Stripper is a really great job. Flexible hours, great money, and no real qualifications other than being able to dance. Plus you can troll for weirdos to thug and make the world just a little bit safer (and less sticky...) :D

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