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Everything posted by handleyj

  1. Re: Manouevre and combat bonuses I just recently started GMing a Champions game, and we've noticed that missing an attack is the exception. Most attacks hit. So giving out extra damage for surprise maneuvers would be a much better bonus as far as we're concerned. Of course I know there are ways to make people miss more often, but we're keeping things simple at the moment. I think I like Sean's idea the best, but I probably wouldn't call them "Bonus CSLs." But yeah the idea would work the same.
  2. Re: Confused by Penetrating Ah ha! Thank you both!
  3. This is one thing in the main book that I wish had an example. So if I have a RKA 4d6, Penetrating. What does that mean? Does that mean the target of such an attack takes the full BODY damage (i.e. they get no benefit from their rDEF at all against the BODY damage)? But their DEF still affects the STUN damage? Thanks in advance! -joe
  4. So I have a teleporter, and he wants to teleport a parked car 20" above an enemy. When does the car land? This phase? Next segment? Next phase?
  5. Re: Math Help: Suppress Armor Awesome! Thanks, Chris!
  6. So check my math. If I have Suppress Armor 12d6. Armor costs 3 character points for 2 armor points. So if I roll a 40 on the dice, I divide that by 3, then multiply that by 2, and that would be the number of armor points suppressed? (40/3)*2 = 26.66666... And of course, when using an Adjustment power on a defense, the effect is halved. So the equation is actually: ((40/3)*2)/2 = 13.333333... Which simplifies to: 40/3 = 13.333333.... Right? Wrong? Thanks!
  7. handleyj

    Money Perk

    So I've started a campaign, and I have a character from the future, and he wants to be Filthy Rich because he knows the history of the stock markets. So I came up with an idea to make the Perk a little more useful than window dressing. I haven't played with it too much, but so far it seems OK (i.e. the character spent 15 character points on the perk, but has only saved 13 so far on his starting character -- see below): Perk: Money: If you spend 5 character points on this perk (called "Well Off"), then you can own most normal items. You probably have a home and a car. You can get things like a flashlight or a pocket knife or even a non-military grade gun for free. But we'll limit the number of useful things to like 3 or 4 (you can still buy normal items with character points any time). If you spend 10 character points on this perk (called "Wealthy"), then you can start to use money to build technological/magical/whatever doodads (i.e. the power has to take the "Focus" limitation). When you spend character points to build something, you get a -1/4 "limitation" for "Bought with money," thus making the item cost fewer character points. You can build no more than half of your powers with this "limitation." If you spend 15 character points on this perk (called "Filthy Rich), then you get the same benefits as the 10 point version above, but you can build 3/4 of your powers with this "limitation." For both the Wealthy and Filthy Rich levels, if you want to put the "limitation" on a Framework, you can only apply it to the Framework itself, not any of the slots in that Framework. He's a cyborg-gadgeteer, so not all of his powers are build with Foci. But only those powers that do have Foci qualify for the "Built with money" limitation.
  8. Re: Suppress in a Multipower Continuing Charge {hand to forehead}! Thanks guys!
  9. Re: Suppress in a Multipower Another question on this one, please (maybe I'm making this more complicated than it is): The Multipower that this Suppress is in is represented by a gun. I'd like the Suppress slot to have only 1 charge, so the Suppress can only be used once, and then it needs to be reloaded back at the Hero's base. But then I want the Suppress to only last a set amount of time (say 1 turn). Which seems like the Suppress would also be powered by a Charge. So a Charge fueling the ammo, and only 1 shot in the slot! Any ideas on how I could model that? Thanks! -joe
  10. Re: Suppress in a Multipower Thanks GA! Repped.
  11. Re: Suppress in a Multipower And even another question: is there some combination of advantages I could add to this power to make it "fire and forget" and basically free up it's slot in the MP, but it continues to work ("Continuous" or something maybe)? Thanks, -joe
  12. Re: Suppress in a Multipower Thanks, GA! A follow-up, if I may: Does the Suppress turn off instantly? I.e. can I fire my EB, and the Suppress is still active say until the end of my phase? Or does the Suppress drop first, before I can fire the EB? Thanks again, -joe
  13. If I have a 60-point Suppress as a slot in an 60-point MP, can I use any of the other powers in a phase after a successful use of the Suppress? For example: Botman uses his Suppress Forcefield on Dr. Destroyer. Next phase, Botman decides to continue paying the END to keep the Suppress running. And now he wants to use his Energy Blast on the Doc. But the Energy Blast is another slot in the same MP as the Suppress. Yes? No? Thanks! -joe
  14. Re: Multipower Gadgeteer Thanks, JmOz! Those are a great help. Any chance I can get the HDC files (assuming you used Hero Designer)? Thanks again, -joe
  15. Hey all, I'm looking for a Gadgeteer character for a player of mine. The problem is that I'm not allowing VPPs in the game at the moment. Mainly we're all too new to the system to have a VPP in play right now ... I just think it would slow the game down too much. However, one of my players wants to play a Gadgeteer, and I was hoping to find some examples around these boards for Gadgeteers made with Multipowers, but I've only found one: Killershrike's Makeshift. And while Makshift is pretty good, I was hoping to find a few more examples. HDC files would be most helpful! Thanks! -joe
  16. Re: Buying Off Multipower Limitations Excellent! Thanks!
  17. So if I buy a multipower with "all slots Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2)" then later in my career, I want to buy that limitation off. Do I: Buy the limitation off of the reserve only, and all the slots automatically benefit (this is how Hero Designer works)? Have to buy the limitation off of the reserve, and buy the limitation off of each slot individually (this is the way I think it really is)? Thanks! -joe
  18. So as I've been reading a few of the enemies books, I've realized that I have no idea how to pronounce some of these names. Perhaps some of you also have names that you're not 100% sure how they are pronounced. Well post 'em here, and let's see if we can come to a consensus. Here are the two that have me perplexed the most at the moment: Mechanon - is it MECK-a-non or perhaps Meh-CAN-on or something else? Teleios - Tee-lee-os? Tell-ee-os?
  19. handleyj


    Re: Recoil (Full Disclosure: I'm going to be the GM for this one. My first time to GM Hero...) Of course an EC doesn't allow powers that cost 0 END (unless the GM overrules), and the only power he has that costs END is his Leaping. He could use a Multipower, but then he couldn't use all the powers simultaneously (unless he bought a huge reserve -- and then I don't think it would save him any points .... ?).
  20. Re: [Review] The Ultimate Martial Artist I have to agree with your review. But I also think that the book Ninja Hero fills in a lot of the blanks that you mentioned from UMA. I really think if anyone is interested in a martial arts campaign, or even just adding more details to martial arts in an existing campaign, you should have both books. IMHO.
  21. Re: Predictions for the year 2000 Sounds to me like they predicted the Internet (or at least TV) back in 1900:
  22. Re: Universal Framework Proposition [LONG] I guess no one else likes this idea? If ever there was a 6th Ed of Hero (and it was a massive overhaul of the system), then I'd like to see something like this implemented. I think the three different Power Frameworks is a hurdle for new comers to the game. I'm not sure if Doc Democracy or zornwil are still active on the forums much, but it looks like things are pretty much hammered out, but there is still a feeling of leaving things hanging from zornwil's last post. If you guys are still around... have you ever used this framework in a game?
  23. Re: Thread Linkage: New Power Ideas Universal Framework I wish that thread would get resurrected and a final writeup...but what's there is still really cool.
  24. Re: So I went to EBAY Here ya go, ready for immediate shipping: click here.
  25. Re: Vampires, RKA No Range, Continuous, Desolid Thanks for the help LL (now I can't get "Goin' Back to Cali" and "Momma Said Knock You Out" out of my head). I think you're right about the vamp and the victim not being able to separate. That would seem to jibe with movie vampires. So I guess the RKA thing will just annoy and anger me for the rest of my days (Why!?!? Why God, Why!?!?). One new question: The Drink Blood power says that their Fangs power must first do 1 BODY. Is that two attacks, and thus two phases? So they have to make a successful attack roll with the Fangs (and do 1 BODY), then they also have to make a successful attack roll with the Drink Blood on their next phase? I think this would indeed go with the source material (i.e. movie vampires). And reading the "Powers and Tactics" section more closely, I see that they would use their Mind Control before attempting the Fang/Suck combo. All in all, I'm really happy with the way our GM decided to run the encounter, it was a ton of fun (especially since it wasn't me running around with blood gushing out my neck). But these were just post-session questions about the vampires in The Book. Thanks again!
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