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Posts posted by Certified

  1. Re: Starfall - A Gamma HERO campaign


    Will this work for a character concept?


    A girl goes out looking for Cargo hoping to prove herself dies in a radioactive forest. There a predictor fungus overtakes her body but somehow the thoughts and memories of the child linger changing the fungus. Overtime it grows large enough, building a body of plant mater in the likeness of the girl. She does not remember everything and no longer identifies as the original child but she knows that if she is ever going to find peace she must complete the girl's last trial. A decade or more later this new Weed-child wanders into Fedrex ready to seek Cargo for them.

  2. Re: Superheroic Planets


    Char: This blackened rock floats lifelessly through space. Expeditions to the planet's surface have revealed a once thriving culture of humanoids able to heat up their bodies to the point of combustion and generate massive amounts of heat. There seems to be no external power sources for any of the machinery instead most devices use a series of ceramic nodes to capture heat from the user to power electronics and machinery.


    Although it is purely a speculation at this point a partly damaged video record shows footage of what may have caused the end of the world and it's population. A group of children race each trying to become hotter than the other. The tape cuts out after what appears to be the planet's atmosphere igniting. If this level of heat can be obtained by children one can only speculate at the restraint used by countless generations leading to this point.

  3. Re: Hulk write-up from Game Trade Magazine 2003


    no offense to the 23-year-olds out there, but you have to have been reading marvel for a lot longer...


    attached is a relevant scan, from the old Marvel RPG book.


    Astral Detraction at Unearthly? Seems like who ever did the Hero System write up greatly overvalued a roll of 10 or less.

  4. Re: Manhunt: The Greatest Game On Earth


    The world of Manhunt, to me, seems to be a place for one shot stories. This could be one's trip to the dark side or more heroic tales. As I try and work out the details of what this world may look like I want to try and create a place for dark heroism but I haven't found the right angle for it yet. The Stalker Valkyrie was an attempt at this but I think she may be an exception not the rule. I thought about changing my focus to Badlanders but I'm not sure if this is the right fit. What I'm thinking I may end up doing is shifting the focus to Stalker v Stalker combat. However, this undermines one of the background story purposes of the game which is how does one justify doing the wrong thing. The Colonies justify the slaughter of those outside the City-States as a way of population control, removing dissidents and keeping the masses sedated. The City-States justify this as a way to provide much needed resources for their people. Finally, Stalkers justify killing others as a way to escape the world around them. So there we are...

  5. Re: How can you make the stone age cool?


    For a serious campaign I would look at something around 3100 - 2900 BC. This puts things at the end of the Stone Age and beginning of Bronze Age. For a campaign concept I would play on the elements of developing societies and the idea of what is primitive. Possibly centering around around Mesopotamia or a fantastical equivalent.


    Characters would be from a primitive clan or tribal society isolated from the other developing cultures. More than likely I would look at a magic light world where knowledge of herbal cures and medicine is just as mystical as calling on ancestor spirits. At the same time all the members may know some magic, warriors call upon the Hunter to keep their spears sharp, farmers follow rites to banish locusts or other predators.


    Early stories may revolve around developing the tribe and crafting an understanding of the known world. This may include takes of survival or defending the village from some more monstrous creatures of the age, things that hadn't realized they should be extinct now. As the players become more comfortable with the setting I would begin introducing different cultures that are more advanced. This could possible be a peaceful first meeting, amusing both sides can get around language issues, followed by a more war like or slaving culture seeing them as a source of slaves.


    The campaign can take multiple directions from here with the players becoming enslaved, isolated or integrated into one of these other cultures. Stories may take on a more old versus new and what is really better tone. Although, I don't think I would want to focus to heavily here instead looking at cultural advancements versus the cultures that possess them. This strikes me as a time of empire building and I don't think it would be out of the question to see the PCs as possible conquerors or leaders as the campaign progresses.


    One thing that may be intriguing is exploring the different styles of magic and religions of the cultures.

  6. Re: A Playable Black Bolt


    I once played a mute character who handed out printed cards to communicate (think Magic 8 Ball sayings)' date=' and I only spoke aloud to the GM while playing him.[/quote']


    Reminds me of David Caruso's finest 90 minutes.

  7. Re: Homage to Thor


    You don't have to lift it just disarm him. Knock it out of his hands is the most likely means. I think you need a Strength of X (Let's say 40 here) to lift it but to use it you must have a spirit like Thor's. This makes it a unique focus meaning most people couldn't use it even if they disarm him. Beta Ray Bill not withstanding.

  8. Re: Looking for a Champion


    This seems like a good idea. I have a lifetime subscription but don't think I'm cut out to try and take the reigns as I am really a casual player. However I'd be willing to help out where I can.


    Team Member: Lady Night (Level 28)

  9. Talking with a friend online today about character concepts and what works and what doesn't at 250 points. The idea of Thor came up as an impossible build and the modern Thor of Marvel with the Odinforce, yeah that's a tough nut to crack. Even before that incorporating his dimension hopping powers becomes relatively difficult. However, accepting that part of his defenses come from his armor and strength from his belt I think I was able to do a fairly faithful 250 point incarnation of the God of Thunder. There are things I know I missed but I tried to grab the core powers of the character for this build.


    "God of Thunder"



    Val Char Cost Roll Notes

    40+20 STR 30 17- / 21- Lift 6400.0kg/102.4tons; 8d6/12d6 [4/6]

    13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4

    18 CON 16 13-

    20 BODY 20 13-

    10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-

    15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5

    15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

    16 COM 3 12-


    8+14 PD 0 Total: 8/22 PD (0/10 rPD)

    12+10 ED 8 Total: 12/22 ED (0/10 rED)

    4 SPD 17 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

    12+4 REC 0

    36 END 0

    49+10 STUN 0

    Total Characteristic Cost: 118



    Running: 6"/12"

    Flight: 10"/1280"

    Leaping: 8"/16"

    Swimming: 2"/4"


    Cost Powers END

    20 Magical Breastplate: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF (-½) 0

    14 Asguardian Biology: Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn; Longevity: Immortal; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) 0

    25 Mjöllnir: Multipower, 50-point reserve, (50 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1)

    2u 1) Lightning Bolt: Energy Blast 5d6, Area Of Effect (10" Line; +1) (50 Active Points); OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-½) 5

    2u 2) Lightning Ring: Energy Blast 4d6+1, Personal Immunity (+¼), Area Of Effect (3" Radius; +1) (49 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Range (-½), Required Hands Two-Handed (-½) 5

    1u 3) Hammer Flight: Flight 10", x128 Noncombat (50 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 ¼), OAF (-1) 5

    2u 4) Hammer Smash: Hand-To-Hand Attack +6 ½d6, Penetrating (+½) (49 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½), Required Hands Two-Handed (-½) 5

    13 Belt of Might: +20 STR (20 Active Points); OIF (-½) 2



    9 God of Thunder: +3 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks

    3 Armorsmith 12-

    3 Breakfall 12-

    3 Climbing 12-

    1 It is a plot of Loki: Deduction 8-

    2 Gambling (Dice Games) 11-

    3 High Society 12-

    3 KS: Herbalism 11-

    3 KS: Occult Lore 11-

    0 Language: Old Norse (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)

    3 Language: English (fluent conversation; literate)

    4 Navigation (Dimensional, Land, Marine) 11-

    3 Oratory 12-

    3 Riding 12-

    3 Seduction 12-

    4 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Mountain) 11-

    3 Tactics 11-


    Total Powers & Skill Cost: 132

    Total Cost: 250


    150+ Disadvantages

    25 Hunted: Loki 11- (As Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)

    20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing Common, Total

    15 Psychological Limitation: Bound By Honor (Common, Strong)

    10 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence (Common, Moderate)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Stubborn (Common, Strong)

    15 Social Limitation: Ignorant of modern culture (Occasionally, Severe)


    Total Disadvantage Points: 250

  10. Re: A Playable Black Bolt


    I don't remember a whole lot about Black Bolt but he seems like an uber example of the 'glass cannon' (classic examples being Cyclops and Black Canary).


    Heh, Black Canary makes a great starting place for a homage to Black Bolt. I don't know which character is technically older but her powers seem like a reasonably toned down version of his.

  11. Re: Manhunt: The Greatest Game On Earth


    Motor City Sample Stalker




    Val Char Cost Roll Notes

    10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6

    20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7

    15 CON 10 12-

    13 BODY 6 12-

    18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 15-

    15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5

    15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

    12 COM 1 11-


    2+5 PD 0 Total: 2/7 PD (0/5 rPD)

    3+5 ED 0 Total: 3/8 ED (0/5 rED)

    3 SPD 0 Phases: 4, 8, 12

    5 REC 0

    30 END 0

    26 STUN 0

    Total Characteristic Cost: 70



    Running: 6"/12"

    Flight: 10"/20"

    Leaping: 2"/4"

    Swimming: 2"/4"


    Cost Powers END

    8 Valkyrie 's Body Suit: Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); OIF (-½), Real Armor (-¼) 0

    6 Paranoid Senses: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0

    10 TT-4 Pulse Hover Pack: Flight 10", 4 Continuing Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (+0) (20 Active Points); OIF (-½), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (Requires one hand to control.; -½) [4 cc]

    Notes: Valkyrie must keep one hand on the controls for movement.

    7 Bladed Crook: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6+1 (2d6 w/STR) (20 Active Points); OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-½), Real Weapon (-¼) 2

    Notes: The Bladed Crook is a long metal staff with a curved blade at one end and a spear at the other.

    47 ROKZ-7 Flamethrower: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Penetrating (+½), Continuous (+1), Area Of Effect (30" Line; +1) (105 Active Points); OIF (-½), 2 clips of 8 Charges (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), Reduced By Range (-¼) [8]



    1 Reputation: Stalker, Stalker (A small to medium sized group) 14-, +1/+1d6



    5 Dodgy: +1 with DCV

    3 Acrobatics 13-

    3 Breakfall 13-

    3 Concealment 13-

    3 Deduction 13-

    3 Disguise 13-

    2 Forgery (Documents) 13-

    3 KS: Advertising 13-

    3 Lockpicking 13-

    3 Security Systems 13-

    5 Shadowing 14-

    5 Stealth 14-

    2 Survival (Urban) 13-

    3 Tracking 13-

    5 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Staffs, Flamethrowers


    Total Powers & Skill Cost: 130

    Total Cost: 200


    125+ Disadvantages

    15 Watched: The Invisible Hands Behind the game 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

    0 Normal Characteristic Maxima

    15 Psychological Limitation: Paranoid (Common, Strong)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Bound By Duty (Common, Strong)

    10 Reputation: Stalker, Stalker, 11- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group)

    20 Social Limitation: Harmful Secret (Frequently, Severe)


    Total Disadvantage Points: 200


    Background/History: In a previous life Amber Restrepo was a television analyst, the idea that she would one day become a Stalker never crossed her mind. The job was one of those gigs people dreamed of, review the feedback from highlight reels and report up what people liked. That was about as close to the feed as anyone outside the Colonies got and one of the nicest jobs anyone not handpicked from above was ever going to get.


    When you’re so close to the feed you become numb to the rumors that float around Manhunt. When data starts coming from the Badlands and from one of the Stalkers that was a different story. About a year before his death Amber began receiving transmissions from the Britannia Stalker Red Herald. Small video bites filled with paranoid stories of the Colonies shifting the odds to ensure no Stalker ever got a Golden Ticket, footage of hidden uplinks and weapons caches.


    At first Amber did her best to ignore what she saw but the more she looked at the highlight reels the more everything rang true. When Red came to Motor City they met for the first time. He was older than she had imagined. Giving her the data he hadn’t been able to transmit he told her about a secret resistance growing inside Motor City and that he was going to try and hook up with them. Then he was dead.


    The data went cold, archived away as Amber tried to come up with a plan. Then it was gone. No data, her office empty and her position eliminated. They took everything and left her on the streets to die along with the truth. They couldn’t just kill her though; they had to make her disappear first.


    Trapped Amber did the only thing she could think of to raise her profile enough that her death would be noticed and gave her a chance to find out the truth. Taking the name Valkyrie Amber Restrepo seemed to go away and the Avenging Stalker was born.


    Personality/Motivation: Not knowing who set her up Amber keeps an air of mystery about her. Afraid her teammates will one day betray her she keeps them at arm’s length at all times. Preferring to work alone she loathes what she is forced to do. Because of this Valkyrie has gotten a reputation for going after the hardest targets, Badland Gangs or other Stalkers. Lonely, she tries not to think of her old life and all that she’s lost focusing only on the game and someday finding the truth.


    Quote: If you were human I wouldn’t have come for you.


    Appearance: Wearing a full leather body suit reinforced with metal plates and full mask as Valkyrie only a single braid of long black hair hangs from the back.

  12. Re: Manhunt: The Greatest Game On Earth


    Motor City: North of Southern Star sits the sprawling industrial Nation-State Motor City. Ever expanding Motor City is a place of steel, it's gray skies spit poisoned water back at the ground and food is in short supply. Above Motor City floats the MX, a giant super Colony and solar powerhouse for those who live above. Using the City-State below to manage manufacturing and machining needed projects are modular and spread out across Motor City so that the residents are never really able to know just what hey're working on.


    The city has taken on a kind of iron cross the older parts of the city long abandoned as new more advanced tools and machines were required. Unlike other City-States those who shunned modern society did not go out into the wild but dug in do the dead old city. Rumors of an inner city constantly circulate in the Nation-State, the active smoke stakes in the Badlands fueling them.


    Another common rumor is that people of the Motor City Badlands are cannibals as Motor City is unable to sustain most plant life without major efforts. Expeditions into the Badlands by Stalkers and scavengers both seem to confirm this. Motor City is a landscape of steel towers, catwalks and pipes. Large roads cut between them like surgical scars facilitating industrial transport. In Motor City the Badlanders are as aggressive as the stalkers and masters of setting ambushes in the urban maze. Becasue of this Motor City is ranked the 1st Most Deadly Manhunt game zone. This is not a place where careers are made, it is a place where they are ended.


    Historical Note: The Red Herald, Randal Shepard of Britannia, winner of 58 Manhunts was killed in the Motor City Badlands along with 7 other Stalkers after being ambushed. This was the third straight Manhunt hosted in Motor City seeing the combined deaths of some twenty nine Stalkers. The closest Stalker to ever winning a Golden Ticket a memorial to the Red Herald is held before each Manhunt in Motor City. Some consider this fabled Stalker to be the patron saint of Manhunt. The Stalker Valkyrie has stated she uses her Edged Crook in his honor.

  13. Re: Manhunt: The Greatest Game On Earth


    Northern Territory Sample Stalker




    Alternate IDs: Russell Kirkland

    Campaign: Manhunt: The Greatest Game On Earth / GameMaster:

    Genre: PA Hero

    Value Char Base Cost Roll Notes

    18 STR 10 8 13- 31/2d6 / 303.1kg

    17 DEX 10 21 12-

    15 CON 10 10 12-

    15 BODY 10 10 12-

    10 INT 10 0 11- PER Roll 11-

    13 EGO 10 6 12-

    15 PRE 10 5 12- 3d6

    10 COM 10 0 11-


    6/9 PD 4 2

    4/7 ED 3 1

    4 SPD 2.7 13

    7 REC 7 0

    30 END 30 0

    32 STUN 32 0




    Running: 8"/16"

    Swimming: 4"/8"

    Leaping H: 3 1/2"

    Leaping V: 1 1/2"

    Basic Combat Stats

    Base OCV: 6 Base DCV: 6 Base ECV: 4


    3 Breakfall 12-

    3 Climbing 12-

    7 Combat Driving 14-

    3 Fast Draw 12-

    3 Hoist 11-

    5 Mechanics 12-

    2 Navigation (Land) 11-

    3 Shadowing 11-

    6 Survival (Desert, Mountain, Underground) 11-

    5 Tracking 12-

    0 TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

    8 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Chain & Rope Weapons, Thrown Knives, Axes, and Darts, Vehicle Weapons (group)


    Perks Pts.

    1 Reputation: Up and Coming Stalker (A medium-sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6

    15 Vehicles & Bases


    Powers Pts. END

    XM-29 MX 7 Airburst Weapon System, all slots OAF (-1)

    5 1) Rifle Butt: Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6 (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) 1

    16 2) 25 mm Grenade launcher: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Explosion (+1/2) (45 Active Points); OAF (-1), 8 Charges (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) vs PD.[8]

    3 3) Auto-Targeting Range Finder: Penalty Skill Levels: +2 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks (6 Active Points); OAF (-1)


    Melee Weapons

    151) Bladed Chain: (Total: 40 Active Cost, 15 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (2d6 w/STR) (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) (Real Cost: 7) plus Stretching 5" (25 Active Points); OAF (-1), Only To Cause Damage (-1/2), Always Direct (-1/4), no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4) (Real Cost: 8) 3

    10 2) That''s a Knife: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (1 1/2d6 w/STR), Penetrating (+1/2) (22 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) vs PD. [Notes: Titanium Laser Sharpened Machete] 2

    2 Damn Tough Aussie: Damage Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0

    3 Reinforced Stockman's Coat: Armor (3 PD/3 ED) (9 Active Points); OAF (-1), Full Coverage Helmet, Long Jacket with Sleeves, High Boots (Protects Locations 3-5, 7-14, 16-18; -1/2), Real Armor (-1/4) 0


    Character Information


    Height: 2.05 m Hair: Blond Weight: 168.00 kg Eyes: Blue

    Appearance: A physical giant Blitzer stands at over two meters tall. Playing into the appearance of Stalkers of the Northern Territories Blitzer wears a long Stockman's coat over his bare chest cargo shorts and boots.


    Background: Born out of the mines of the Northern Territories Russell learned early on that only those who had means could enjoy life and no man working in the mines would ever have means. From an early age he used the mines as a training tool, building his body and survival skills until he was ready to enter the game.

    When Russell finally made the NT Stalkers this training paid off. Using the rope work he had mastered Blitzer's Bladed Chain was an instant crowd favorite. This led him to his most spectacular stunt, killing two of the Southern Star's veteran Stalkers, hanging them both with his chain decapitating them. This has placed Blitzer on the fast track to Manhunt super stardom and on the SS Stalkers' hit list.

    Outside the game Blitzer enjoys all the perks of his stardom playing up to his reputation. When people ask him about his past he brushes it off with a smile dismissively saying there is no life before becoming a Stalker. Those who look deep enough will find a string of accidents in the mines Blitzer worked keeping his fellow Stalkers weary of the up and comer.


    Personalilty: It's easy to say Russell Kirkman is motivated only by greed but that's not entirely so. Blitzer fears dying a poor and broken man like his father. This has driven him to be a risk taker in and out of Manhunt. At the same time he seems to crave the attention and adulation of the game often blowing through his winnings just to impress fans.


    Quote: "You're nothing special, just another piece of meat in my legend."


    Disadvantages Pts.

    Hunted: Southern Star Stalkers 11- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish) [Notes: Blitzer made a name for himself killing two Stalkers from the Southern Star. They have not forgotten. ] 20

    Normal Characteristic Maxima No Age Restriction 0

    Psychological Limitation: Brash (Common, Moderate) 10

    Psychological Limitation: Malicious (Common, Strong) 15

    Psychological Limitation: Fear of Poverty (Common, Strong) 15

    Social Limitation: Must Play into his Reputation on camera (Frequently, Major) [Notes: Will only use his weapons and gear if at all possible. Draws out the deaths of Badlanders for the show. ] 15


    Characteristics: 82

    Martial Arts: 0

    Skills: 48

    Perks: 16

    Talents: 0

    Powers: 54

    Base Points: 125

    Disadvantages: 75

    Unspent Exp: 0

    Spent Exp: 0

    Total: 200



    Blitzer's ATV


    Campaign: Manhunt: The Greatest Game On Earth / GameMaster:

    Genre: PA Hero

    Value Char Base Cost Roll Notes

    21 STR 25 -4 13- 4d6 / 459.5kg

    15 DEX 10 15 12-

    14 BODY 13 1 12-

    4 SPD 2.5 15




    Running: 20"/40"

    Swimming: 2"/4"


    Basic Combat Stats

    Base OCV: 5 Base DCV: 3 Base ECV: 0


    Skills Pts.

    3 Climbing 12-


    Powers Pts. END

    4 Spikes: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1/2d6 (1d6+1 w/STR) (10 Active Points); OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 1/4) vs PD.1

    17 Fixed Mount 20 mm Auto-Cannon: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), 64 Charges (+1/2), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) (67 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Limited Arc Of Fire (One hex row; Only on same horizontal level; -1), Cannot Use Targeting (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) vs PD.[64]


    Character Information


    Disadvantages Pts.

    Distinctive Features: The ATV is marked with war paint. A row of short pikes with skulls hanging from it and two long rear spears. (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)25


    Characteristics: 76

    Martial Arts: 0

    Skills: 3

    Perks: 0

    Talents: 0

    Powers: 21

    Base Points: 75

    Disadvantages: 25

    Unspent Exp: 0

    Spent Exp: 0

    Total: 100

  14. Re: Why people shouldn't buy Cybernetics OAF


    Wasn't that also in Shadow Run as well ? Or' date=' I could be confusing it with Cyberpunk 2020.[/quote']


    I don't remember if it was in Shadow Run or not. Although I've actually played more Shadow Run than CP 2020 there's so many little details in those books things seem to blur together.

  15. Re: Why people shouldn't buy Cybernetics OAF


    This also reminds me of Shirow's essay on cybernetics in the back of one of his Appleseed books... where he show that trying to lift great weights will tear your nice shiny cyberarm out since it's only as strong as it's anchors. Something to think about.


    They address this in Cyberpink 2020 as well although they also point out that they are great for crushing things.

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