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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising Thank you.
  2. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising Thanks for the heads up. In the first section I changed the 1941-1942 typo and Treblinka to Auschwitz. I didn't want to change the deployment of the Red Juggernaut as the fighting over Stalingrad struck me a major point in the history. Also, somehow if my mind it equated to not having to resort the Scorched Earth tactics of salting the ground. I could be off on that one but that was the logic. The El Alemain entry was prolonged compared to the real history due to Metahuman influence. I had intended this as just be a continuality blip but you seem very knowledgeable on WWII history please let me know if this would cause any real change. In the second piece of the History Changed Martin Luther King Jr to Vernon Johns and older Civil Rights activist. I'm glad you enjoyed the history and I'm hoping it sets the tone I was going for. Thank you for the notes and please let me know if you catch anything from above.
  3. Re: [Character] Doctor Midnight The Doctor comes from a nickname he had before his exposure to KB. Due to his knack with machines everyone called him Doc. You know the car doctor. I can see the resemblance to Doctor Mid-Nite but I must admit I was never a big DC fan and hadn't heard of him or more likely remembered hearing about him. The comparison to the Shadow was more on the mix natural skill and training with some powers. I don't know if this is why I chose the Mind Scan and Control but I think that it was more to do with the name and vision I had of the character. Pinned down by enemy solders he removes his mask and all hell breaks loose in the confusion. The Indian Jones aspect came from the same piece of almost always outnumbered and having to use his wits and some luck most of the time to survive. As this Doctor Midnight came together I did try capture that feel of high adventure but not take too much from the character's that inspired him.
  4. Re: My yang needs a little help Wow, that is nice. Lots of potential for development. One could make it very convoluted when it comes down to the PC learning the truth about the Yang and Yin aspects. Encounters with the diminished Tao are always violent and brutal but the players could hear stories of other actions he has taken both good and bad. Saved a Monastery from destruction, later, Killed an innocent in cold blood. Stories come in a different times and never the full tale. By the time the big reveal comes around the PC could be so turned around he doesn't know if it's a trick or possibly the truth. I think it would be great if the true self was a kind of Dark Mystic Hero, with a misunderstood reputation. Something that the PCs can't use to help with judgment calls about Tao's motivation. Without his missing counterbalance his deeds have grown more brutal he needs the PC to make him whole again. Then again what this makes me picture is the eventual loss of the character or a complete overhaul once the three parts are reunited. Anyway great idea.
  5. Doctor Midnight was partly inspired by the Shadow and Indian Jones. The character mixes minor powers with skills as well as a trusty Pistol and grappling hook and rope. I had used the name while working on the Metahumans Rising setting and it just stuck with me and said Certified ... Build me... I needs to be a full character. As you will see below I gave in. I hope you enjoy.
  6. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising Thank you. What would you like me to expand on?
  7. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising Ok,a city to go with the setting. Now all I have to do is wait ... Characters in the Metahumans Rising Setting Doctor Midnight One of the early Metahumans not part of the US7. His service in the military only became public while in the Pacific. Moon Dog A pivotal hero during the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis who left the army as Vietnam escalated. The Watcher Not part of the timeline itself working on this character inspired me to develop the Metahuman Rising setting.
  8. Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!) Here is a link to an older thread collecting interesting Bricks maybe something to inspire you. Brick Collection
  9. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising After talking with some of my friends I thought I should but of some of the background stuff behind the setting. One of the things that appealed to me in the favorite age thread was the Retro Golden idea that seems to have evolved in some comics. I wanted to try and capture that with heroes who were certainly larger than life and could still be heroes not bogged down with force fed introverted drama. As the time line progressed I wanted to mature the stories but try and keep that feel. One thing I took from the later ages though was the idea of a government you can't necessarily trust. They may do may good things but some times one should have to wonder. On that note, BMA is my tribute to the BIA for all of those who have a card doesn't everyone need their own agency? To help reinforce the iconic status of Metahumans there was a conscience effort to limit the total number world wide and even then not all of them have super classed powers. With the addition of a single modern Avengers/Justice League Scale team my hope was that this would come through. When/if I get to use this setting I plan to have the PCs the only heroes in campaign city with possibly one or two exceptions.
  10. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising Timeline Part 3 and Organizations
  11. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising Timeline Part 2
  12. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising Timeline Part 1
  13. Here we go I still don't have the campaign city written up but here is the campaign setting overview and timeline up until 1992. I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to give me any thoughts you might have on the setting or timeline. Also I want to thank some of my fellow city of heroes players who likely will never read this but I used their character names anyway
  14. Certified

    Hero name

    Re: Hero name Uh short and sweet on this on: Raptor or The Raptor
  15. Just a quick consensus what powers would you put into a hero who was engulfed in flames or who's body was living fire? How many powers would it take to represent his armor? Right now I'm thinking of the following but what am I missing: EB: Damage Shield Missie Deflection (Burned Up on Approach) and Either Heavy Armor or +DCV
  16. Re: [Character] Impact Oh a few more are you sure that everyone in the blast radius take damage unaffected? Although the hero has no defense against this damage I'm not sure those caught in the blast should be subject to a zero defense attack. That said looking at the 3d6 Body, unless those caught in the blast had already been wounded I believe it gives them a strong chance of survival. (IIRC Death is at -BODY) Taking the source into consideration I would think having both susceptibilities a Body attack would more closely resemble the destruction that led to the greats of DC retiring. This would also mean there is the possibility that hitting the absorption cap could kill the hero himself. Granted he has Regeneration with Resurrection but it still can't be that nice.
  17. Re: [Character] Impact Question? What happens after he hits his absorption cap and blows? Does every attack on out continue to set him off? Also, how do continuous attacks effect him? Last, what is the radius of the explosion? My guess would be as if explosion was bought on a 3d6 Killing attack but can you confirm. I think the character has great potential as a tragic hero. Maybe someone the government or military keep tight reins on only sending him out under the most dire of circumstances due to the potential destruction.
  18. So I've been putting together some ideas for a new setting. While playing around with campaign tone I had an idea for a tribute character that seemed to fit. I'm not going to name but I hope you enjoy. Edit: I blame any and all typos on writing at 1 AM.
  19. Re: How to kill characters? Ok, maybe I'm alone on this one but as I read the boards I see a lot of interesting ideas get tossed around. Although there seems to be many a voice that says don't kill characters what appeals to me here is not the character death but how does one revitalize a campaign. This is saying: here's the direction we have gone until now. After tomorrow everything changes. Some may live some may die but nothing is going to be the same. That is what I'm interested in. Making this transition and how the players react to it. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear on that point previously. Cheers!
  20. Re: How to kill characters? So when things finally go down I will you be posting the conclusion? I doubt I’m the only one curious to see how you go about it and what all your players reactions are not just the two dissidents.
  21. Re: How to kill characters? Let me echo the idea of an epic world shaping event as this is as much about changing the feel of the game as a whole as it is offing a couple of characters. A trial beyond their levels where the chance of death is very real and very much a threat to all the players no just the two players seems to be an excellent path. The event can be a lead in for your next campaign, even if they succeed the world has changed, to some extent. Maybe a major political figure dies and this has global ramifications. If they fail the changes are more significant, targeted nukes go off, alien invasion all sorts of nice things have been mentioned. Inevitably deciding what the event and what leads up to this event are in your hands but again my advice is to think epic. Tone, setting all sorts of things can be changed just by a small spark. You just have to sell it. Explain the long term effects of the event even if they succeed and make sure that the player's actions weather they live or die have the sense of an impact on it. Also, if possible don't spring this size event on them. Give it time to build up so that when things finally happen no one is surprised by the scale of the event only the danger of it. Also, before things go down consider as many of the possible outcomes for the story arc and let they players know that after the final session you may need to take a bit of time of to prep the next campaign but the show will go on. I hope that helps, and meets all your criteria.
  22. Certified

    Human Maximums

    Re: Human Maximums That's an extra -2
  23. Re: Zounds! How do I build "Zeus' Wounds?" With a summon though you would have a set number of builds, or a very slow session if he gets hit in combat. With a simplified triggered attack with a variable special effect they need only describe ho it looks each time.
  24. Re: Zounds! How do I build "Zeus' Wounds?" I like both the Damage Shield path, maybe with a Selective Radius AoE and the Triggered EB both with a Variable Special Effect. Could Continuous (I believe that's the advantage name) be added to increase the duration of the entity allowing it to effective attack for several phases before disappointing?
  25. Certified

    What Age?

    While thinking about a new Champions game I find myself hung up early in development. As I’m trying to get a feel for everything I thought I would put the questions to the forum readers. I’m sure these have been asked before and hopefully it doesn’t come off as too pretentious to ask. What is your favorite era of comics, Golden Age, Silver etc? Is there a definitive title for you in this Age? Is this your preferred feel for a Champions game and why?
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