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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Re: The Coolest Superhero Costumes
  2. Re: The Coolest Superhero Costumes You win...
  3. Re: The Coolest Superhero Costumes All of y'all are haters big ups to the greatest costume of all time! - - - Ok, enough of that. I thought the list was fairly good it. Not so much as the best costumes ever but maybe a collection of iconic super hero looks. Yeah, I could see the Flash on that list but who could you bump?
  4. Re: People with Powers Want to talk lynching there is always Aberrant by White Wolf
  5. Re: Power Build Question: Manipulate your own projectile I'll second the indirect. You may want to add some CSLs for the attack as well to show just how skilled they are with the blast.
  6. Re: People with Powers I don't know about a thread here but have you ever read the Wild Cards series of books? Give them a shot if you have time for the reading, the books are compilations of short stories from various writers using the same world. Part of the premise is that a global event triggers genetic mutation is people everywhere. Most infected die, those that remain are divided into three basic groups. Jokers who have horribly altered and are often hideous and rarely have any super powers (There are exceptions.) Aces, those that basically won the lotto when it comes to superpowers and Deuces, those with no deformity like Jokers but only trivial powers at best. Another major factor in the books was personality and flavor, getting away from standard comic book conventions. The first one really sets up the world and you can watch a kind of alternate timeline evolve as the stories progress. I hope that helps. - - - On a side note are all the powers based on the targets desires like some unconscious control? If I were a public figure, forget everything else I'll take a bump to PREsence, it's like mind control light.
  7. Re: [Character] Megan Grant Sure I'm glad you like her.
  8. No powerhouse this time. When I did Megan I was thinking about the Deuces from the Wild Cards short stories. Although her powers are slightly more effective than a Wild Card Deuce she's certainly not a fighter.
  9. Re: [Character] Richter It's not so much a matter of putting him up against anyone but helping to flesh out the world in general. I've been working on just some solo kind of heroes that might serve as NPCs for the same reason but Richter and the others from the Xeno Consortium are more intended to help round out the world. Although, once I get the ball rolling with a campaign, there's always room for special guest appearances yes? I may try and do some of the other members of Xeno Consortium as well. The other side to it is that these characters have been going up publicly to serve as a kind of baseline. Here are what the numbers for other heroes look like so that when the PCs go to create their own characters they will have examples that are in line with the campaign guidelines. - - - Oh, on the subject of the Force Wall, when I put it in I wasn't so much thinking of combat but more like dramatic purpose. Along with his telekinesis Richter has some major earth moving going on. The picture I had was the classic Dam disaster. Oh no what do we do about the water now?
  10. Re: [Character] Richter Here is a link to the Metahuman's Rising Wiki and to the normal campaign notes. The excerpt below are the intended starting guidelines. There's nothing firm because character concept should come first. The guidelines were my attempt to make sure that one player doesn't write the uber character to make all others feel inferior. Here are a couple of other NPCs I've written for the setting that are in the 350 point range: Wuji Omega 27 Burn Baby
  11. Re: [Character] Richter After reading through, it seems Richter just didn't come off as that imposing. I can see those END problems with the build as well. Thanks for the critique on this, I tried to write something that balances the idea of skill with raw power without going overboard playing with the points. To compensate for the END I've added in some characteristic bonuses that are linked to the Earth and while on the subject of Linked. I've used linked to shave some of the overall point cost allowing him to increase his Armor as well as Earth Manipulation multipower. This leaves him with 2 major weaknesses. The obvious, he has to remain touching the ground and Power Drains or Suppression, if his Blood of the Earth Armor were to be turned off he would be little more than a quick distraction. However, I believe this is fitting with his back story as he spent years captured by a Suppression Villain. Lastly, although the damage on a lot of his attacks did not go up Richter's Entangle did and has the added benefit of allowing any attacks to bypass it, also fitting with his back story and encounter with the Red Juggernaut. Hopefully the build doesn't come off as completely tweaked and like a munchkin.
  12. Richter is a founding member and leader of the Xeno Consortium part of the setting I'm working on. This is my first really high powered hero I've done so point out any big no nos you might see. As written he is intended to be one of the most powerful Metahumans currently alive so hopefully the point expenditure is about on par. As such, I've tried to give him a sense of epic standing in his background and I hope that comes through. I hope you enjoy. I know it gets cut kind of short at the end but I thought it was running a bit long.
  13. Re: Convention Game Idea - Classic Champions Just some general advice about convention gaming. As you consider what games to run at the convention keep the time it takes in mind. Most conventions I've been to run 4 hour blocks for gaming. I still haven't figured out how they can fit an entire story into that little bock but that's another story. A lot of times what I do is split up the story into 2 blocks, part A and B. Once you have a story selected for convention gaming try a couple of runs at hobby stores see how long it takes you with unknown peoples. Also, running though the story three or four times will help you get a feel for it and narrow the time it takes significantly. Hopefully this helps and if I could vote for a classic adventure it would be the Island of Doctor Destroyer.
  14. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising Aliens, yeppers almost every comics got them. Although I'm not sure how I want to incorporate them entirely into the setting as of yet I thought it would be nice to have a bit of a teaser. Link to wiki page
  15. Re: [Character] Hive Very nice, I like the fact that he tried to use his powers for a more mundane approach to making money first. Working two jobs and a full time girlfriend, yeah need to be two, three places at once. He also has the new to crime kind of innocence to him.
  16. Certified

    Super City

    Re: Super City Our lady of the Blessed Innocent Orphanage This home for young boys and girls has been a staple of Super City since the 30's. Underfunded, the sole remaining nun works diligently to take care of the hundreds of hapless children residing there. Blessed Innocent Orphanage has been the site of many battles between heroes and villains and more than once been leveled by destructive forces. To date there have been no injuries to the residents. Also, it should be noted that the building is moved almost seven times a year by various heroes for differing circumstances. The phone number has not changed so please call to find out where the Blessed Innocent Orphanage has been planted today. - - - Need to spread some rep around before I can add to you again Hermit.
  17. Re: Feng Shui Champions? Hehe when I clicked on this I was thinking something completely different. "Behold my powers of furniture rearranging!" I joke but looking at the ledgends of Feng Shui Masters there is a lot of potential for Heroes and Villains. I've not familiar with the Feng Shui game though.
  18. Re: [Character] Burn Baby Going back through I looked for another way to do true immunity. There is the Damage Reduction 75% only verses fire but that's not true immunity. Is there way to archive complete immunity without Desolid?
  19. Re: Build Question: Alethiometer How does this work for you? 8 Alethiometer: Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact is slavishly loyal to character, Very Good relationship with Contact), Spirit Contact (x2) (38 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; -1), IAF Fragile Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; -1), Requires A Skill Roll (Something apt for setting the device; -1/2) 18- Note: Spirit Contact At the GM's option, some characters can use Contact as a sort of faux conjuration. Instead of using Summon, the character represents his relationship with a spirit, faerie, demon, god, or the like by buying him as a Contact. From the description I added the time and concentration requirements setting them fairly high to act as a drawback to the power of the device. What you may consider is raising the contact roll and then applying penalties based on the information sought. The skill roll requirement also comes from the description. Depending on how limiting they would like to have the device they might use the skill KN: Alethiometer since it doesn't seem fairly unique. Although KN: Kabbalah or Feng Shui might also work or if the GM is feeling nice Magic: Power and just write it off as any mage can use it. I hope this will work.
  20. Re: Help me name this hero! Sargent Smile Slaughter (Pronounced like laughter) Detective Smile (Officer, Senior, Sir, etc) Sardonicus (From Risus sardonicus is a highly characteristic, abnormal, sustained spasm of the facial muscles that is most often observed as a symptom of tetanus. The name of the condition derives from the appearance of raised eyebrows and an evil, open grin that it gives to its victim.) And the easiest of them all just to draw on the source material: The Abandoned Boy The Laughing Man
  21. Re: Need Perjoratives! His smallest crime being the Million Dollar Challenge to anyone who can scientifically prove something believed to be supernatural? I'm not trying to get in on this argument I just wanted to remind you cats and kiddos that this thread is about insulting superheroes not skeptics either real or fictional. On the positive side, it did remind me to add Zealot to list. My personal favorite so far is Lieutenant Leotard.
  22. Re: Baseball-related characters in comics/games? There's always SuperPro, but he plays football.
  23. One of the Superhero conventions that I've always liked was the body of fire. Those walking flamethrowers that never seem to have any more or less collateral damage than other heroes. Here is my take on how someone with this great ability can go wrong. I hope you enjoy.
  24. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising Updated Campaign Setting with: Rehnquist Island and Old Town The entries are included below for ease of reference. On a side note I found out yesterday that Champions already has a San Angelo, I may be changing the setting name soon, I'm not sure if I want to go that far but I thought it was a funny coincidence.
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