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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Just a quick consensus what powers would you put into a hero who was engulfed in flames or who's body was living fire? How many powers would it take to represent his armor? Right now I'm thinking of the following but what am I missing: EB: Damage Shield Missie Deflection (Burned Up on Approach) and Either Heavy Armor or +DCV
  2. Re: [Character] Impact Oh a few more are you sure that everyone in the blast radius take damage unaffected? Although the hero has no defense against this damage I'm not sure those caught in the blast should be subject to a zero defense attack. That said looking at the 3d6 Body, unless those caught in the blast had already been wounded I believe it gives them a strong chance of survival. (IIRC Death is at -BODY) Taking the source into consideration I would think having both susceptibilities a Body attack would more closely resemble the destruction that led to the greats of DC retiring. This would also mean there is the possibility that hitting the absorption cap could kill the hero himself. Granted he has Regeneration with Resurrection but it still can't be that nice.
  3. Re: [Character] Impact Question? What happens after he hits his absorption cap and blows? Does every attack on out continue to set him off? Also, how do continuous attacks effect him? Last, what is the radius of the explosion? My guess would be as if explosion was bought on a 3d6 Killing attack but can you confirm. I think the character has great potential as a tragic hero. Maybe someone the government or military keep tight reins on only sending him out under the most dire of circumstances due to the potential destruction.
  4. So I've been putting together some ideas for a new setting. While playing around with campaign tone I had an idea for a tribute character that seemed to fit. I'm not going to name but I hope you enjoy. Edit: I blame any and all typos on writing at 1 AM.
  5. Re: How to kill characters? Ok, maybe I'm alone on this one but as I read the boards I see a lot of interesting ideas get tossed around. Although there seems to be many a voice that says don't kill characters what appeals to me here is not the character death but how does one revitalize a campaign. This is saying: here's the direction we have gone until now. After tomorrow everything changes. Some may live some may die but nothing is going to be the same. That is what I'm interested in. Making this transition and how the players react to it. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear on that point previously. Cheers!
  6. Re: How to kill characters? So when things finally go down I will you be posting the conclusion? I doubt I’m the only one curious to see how you go about it and what all your players reactions are not just the two dissidents.
  7. Re: How to kill characters? Let me echo the idea of an epic world shaping event as this is as much about changing the feel of the game as a whole as it is offing a couple of characters. A trial beyond their levels where the chance of death is very real and very much a threat to all the players no just the two players seems to be an excellent path. The event can be a lead in for your next campaign, even if they succeed the world has changed, to some extent. Maybe a major political figure dies and this has global ramifications. If they fail the changes are more significant, targeted nukes go off, alien invasion all sorts of nice things have been mentioned. Inevitably deciding what the event and what leads up to this event are in your hands but again my advice is to think epic. Tone, setting all sorts of things can be changed just by a small spark. You just have to sell it. Explain the long term effects of the event even if they succeed and make sure that the player's actions weather they live or die have the sense of an impact on it. Also, if possible don't spring this size event on them. Give it time to build up so that when things finally happen no one is surprised by the scale of the event only the danger of it. Also, before things go down consider as many of the possible outcomes for the story arc and let they players know that after the final session you may need to take a bit of time of to prep the next campaign but the show will go on. I hope that helps, and meets all your criteria.
  8. Certified

    Human Maximums

    Re: Human Maximums That's an extra -2
  9. Re: Zounds! How do I build "Zeus' Wounds?" With a summon though you would have a set number of builds, or a very slow session if he gets hit in combat. With a simplified triggered attack with a variable special effect they need only describe ho it looks each time.
  10. Re: Zounds! How do I build "Zeus' Wounds?" I like both the Damage Shield path, maybe with a Selective Radius AoE and the Triggered EB both with a Variable Special Effect. Could Continuous (I believe that's the advantage name) be added to increase the duration of the entity allowing it to effective attack for several phases before disappointing?
  11. Certified

    What Age?

    While thinking about a new Champions game I find myself hung up early in development. As I’m trying to get a feel for everything I thought I would put the questions to the forum readers. I’m sure these have been asked before and hopefully it doesn’t come off as too pretentious to ask. What is your favorite era of comics, Golden Age, Silver etc? Is there a definitive title for you in this Age? Is this your preferred feel for a Champions game and why?
  12. Re: [split] Paris Hilton-Supervillainess! [builds] I was thinking something like she had that caniving plotting revenge intelligence just no common sense. I guess I could have used that in the disadvantages ...
  13. Re: [split] Paris Hilton-Supervillainess! [builds] Here's what I came up with after reading the main thread. She's not Arch villain quality but may be fun to throw around.
  14. Here we go a home for the Paris Hilton villain and hero builds.
  15. Re: Superhero Legal Disclaimers "I am registered under the MCPA, cease and desist your activities now. MCPA: Metahuman Crime Prevention Act, a place holder for insert acronym here. The idea was to go for short and sweet and ignorance of the law is not exemption from the law.
  16. Re: Heroes and Nukes! Now that would be a nice way to reboot the campaign setting. Letting the Hero nuke the island. Evil Villain becomes Rad-Living God Master Villain. Kills some, most major heroes especially the PC who set them up the bomb. Fast Forward. . . . 1 year later Now how do you fix this?
  17. Re: Heroes and Nukes! Seconded, what has the villain done to merit this level of retaliation? How did the Hero get access to this super bomb? Do any government agencies know they have access to it? Set the stage for us...
  18. Re: [RPG.Net Article] The Birth Of The Superhero Game The articles had a lot of great background. It’s nice to see the history of some of these games. I used to get a kick out of the old Marvel system for the random factor. Only game I can think of that you can roll D% about 20 times not know anything about your character and just go down the list to se what you have. That was over when we came across Champions 3rd Ed. Read Aberrant at a book store and never knew they had a d20 reprint. It’s been said before but great find.
  19. Re: Need a Name for a Temporal Prison Temporal prison location, Atlanta: just before it was razed. Not so much a where as a when. - - - On that note a thought on temporal prisons: Earth: ∏: Leavings the criminal on Earth just before the Sun evolves to it's next stage. Give them a Heat based beacon so once it gets too hot to survive they are moved back to to the initial point. I would say the beacon is a global function and nowhere near the criminals. Say on the side of the Earth that is experiencing night as opposed to the one facing the sun, where the criminals are placed to while intered. Now the question is how does one prevent the expanding # of instances of criminals in the same time period. How about a swap when the beacon goes off. That is to say that the body of the criminal being saved just before the heat level becomes fatal is switched with the body of the instance ten minutes or so earlier. So although they are saved each time just before death, they are also killed an infinite number of times. Ok other names: Chrono-Gulag Intermeadus (I think that's the correct spelling) Black Star Prison The Temporal Pen
  20. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. : Activates Dead Horse Beating Powers : As said here multiple times, the GM and the players need to regulate these and other game breaking abilities. Yes players want to win but what's the point if there is no challenge to it? If a player's idea of fun is being the best of the best of the best, remind them, that other players need a time to shine as well. : Disabling Dead Horse Beating Powers : The truth behind the stat ... Dexterity
  21. Re: [Character] Kaze, The Snow Arrow Here we go, one A+ jealous cop best friend. Yes he could be a follower, but the personality is designed to cause more harm than good.
  22. Re: Designing a Speedster (Help Wanted!) Hay Jade when you put her together will we get to see the finished version?
  23. Re: Designing a Speedster (Help Wanted!) One way I would think this could happen would be gymnastics, the character goes for a dismount and finds herself hovering. Another would be skydiving, or basically any activity that gets you off the ground. Maybe she was a track and fielder who went for a long jump and it became a really long jump. As for why does it work, she’s a mutant, this is a comic book inspired game, do you need a better explanation? How about she can polarize her bloodstream and manipulate magnetic fields to a minor extent and as of the start of the campaign she uses this to do speedster things. - - - I think the idea of using Flight, must be in contact with the ground works well. There seem to be two concepts going on so maybe you can merge the two by adding the hover boots initially but having the character grow out of them. Expanding on the concept would help round out the character’s powers. That is to say does her speed offer her any kind of protection or offensive boost other than velocity attacks? From reading your post it seems like you have an idea of what you want her to look like. So how would you like to expand the concept to flesh her out? Would you like to see her as just using her powers for speed or does she have a battery of abilities based on her mutant powers?
  24. Re: WWYCD: the times of peace are upon us Fallout: (Ball of self contained energy) Move to Terminus Tech and take up residence inside their power plant and hope the radiation can spook reporters... Miss having a body, playing football... Sleep ... Wait ... Hope he is needed again ... Turn into the Radioactive Ball of Emo... Wish for wrists so he could cut himself (Across the street, not down the sidewalk he's not that lonely)
  25. It’s Saturday at 9 PM and I got hit with a need for a distraction. So here he is, a Speedster for fun and enjoyment. Critiques comments welcome.
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