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Narf the Mouse

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Posts posted by Narf the Mouse

  1. And I'm scared of those things going up the normal way. . . he really is Super!


    Also, love how the bystanders seem pretty much unphased - they see stuff like this a lot?!

    You overestimate the phasability of the average person, I think. :) Especially in places with geek-based convention centres.


    Plus, the camera might not have been obvious; if there's an obvious camera, people are more likely to *mug for it.


    * Ah, English. In this slang usage, "mug" means "to play-act, in an amateur, untrained manner, as if before an audience."


    * Also, "mug" used to mean "face". Hence, "mug-shot", or "a picture of someone's face."

  2. 2 Traveller Dice. An Imperial Cr25 coin. And it looked like a Travellers' Aid Society membership card a Patent of Nobility. Along with a thank you note explaining the extra goodies (from the Emperor).

    I rolled a 5.



    It's arrived, in case you didn't guess. :)


  3. They got almost 10k, hit for another 5 this AM, but it looks like I got that stopped.  Police report, Credit Union's Fraud department is on the case.


    It will be interesting to see what turns up. 



    I am likely to have a problem next time someone is going on and on about how "Hackers" are misunderstood good guys...


    I have very little sympathy for predatory, parasitic thieves and other criminals.    

    Unfortunately, the definition of "Hacker" has changed over time, and has different technical meanings than popular meanings.


    For example, someone who gets paid by a company to intrusion-test the company IT security...Is a "Hacker".

    Someone who works at a university testing a company's software, and sending the results to the company...Is a "Hacker". They may even get kick-backs from companies for this. Seriously. Certain companies have bounties for security errors in their software.

    Someone who runs a script they downloaded off a website that scans for security holes and makes a bot-net out of unsecured computers, to scan the internet for accounts with passwords like *"passw0rd"...Is a "Hacker".

    Someone who makes a program that makes a virtual puppy run around your computer screen...Is a "Hacker".


    The term "Hacker" is pretty meaningless as misunderstood by the general public.


    * Seriously, people. Why???

  4. ...High-Range Radio Perception/Transmission?


    I've seen that used as a build for "can connect to the internet wirelessly."


    Edit: Actually building the internet would cost an approximate fraction of a bajillion points, so just assuming it's a background detail that characters can connect to (until it's not) seems right. If everyone is built on 175 points plus 1/10th a Bajillion Points worth of Internet, then everyone is basically built on 175 points.

  5. I guess of those options recoverable charges, making it part of the magic system or some combination of the 2 makes most sense. I don't like the custom limitation idea, really.


    This particular system has a few different magic systems and at least 2 of them have a limited method for recovering some charges (generally only a couple and generally only lower AP spells). So maybe just an advantage on the MP or VPP for those classes and a write up in the magic system description will suffice. 


    - E

    Why not just build those lower-AP spells with Recoverable Charges?

  6. Best advice is probably to start with where most writers start: Take some of the personality traits of people you know, stick them in a blender, and see what results. In this case, base your character on some female friends.


    The other upside is that it's easier than earning Ph.D's in neurochemistry, psychology, psychiatry, biochemistry, neuroarchitecture, anthropology, sociology, and probably many more, so you can accurately calculate the actions of a theoretical human being. ;)


    The other upside is that, after making characters enough, your brain will start learning how to synthesize believable new characters.

  7. Through the science of the world-wide communication and commerce network, I have transmitted banking funds and postal destination to your interactive computerized web store. At some point within the next few weeks, it is highly likely that, having made a journey of thousands of miles, all across roads paved with artificial stone, a package of the desired type will arrive directly at my doorstep; a package most likely weighing less than half a pound, but containing books to such an extent that, just seven hundred years ago (a mere pittance against the universe's approximately fourteen billion years of age; a term of 14 x 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 years), the average wealthy land-owner, responsible for thousands of square kilometres of land, would find a collection of such size worth a fortune; but which now can be duplicated with such rapidity and ease that the entirety of all of humanity's recorded history can be stored in a volume perhaps the size of a large suitcase.


    ...Because sometimes I like to note just how awesome ordinary things are. :)

  8. Are we facebook friends?

    As I've gotten older, I've ended up not really caring how blunt someone is, as long as they're honest and actually trying to discuss the topic.


    Because I've yet to see an honest attempt to discuss a topic get nowhere, but that almost everything else got involved in one way or another.

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