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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. How about retro skills competitions? Groups of people are assigned randomly determined ancient skills, a how to PDF and some materials. Who does the best at glassblowing, operating a loom, starting a fire, blacksmithing, etc. The competitors are filmed at their efforts and the results evaluated.
  2. The (incredibly vile obscenities withheld) NRA will kill this tiny act of sanity. Speaking of insanity, do you think people who advocate for non heterosexuals to be murdered should be detained and subjected to psychological examination to see if they are homophobic to such a degree that they are dangerously insane? If you are not an american how would you country react to people like this? I am curious. https://youtu.be/mCq8jxzyW18
  3. MMA. I don't think it's as bad as boxing in terms of causing brain damage to the participants. So, harry potter is no match for Conan the barbarian? OK try Voldemort vs the Cimmerian.
  4. OK, I'd like to talk about Alien species in SFRPGs including ones you might borrow from other sources and stick directly into a game you're creating. For a little known pair of entries, icd like to bring up the Spectrals and the Dragoncrests from the Living Steel RPG. You can look them both up on the net but in short the spectrals are implacable bad guys who must feed on sentient races to live and have some unique methods of invading a world in a way that lets them maximize the chances of each spectral feed directly on a sentient being. They kinda border on mystic in some ways but have a hard sf feel to them in some. http://living-steel.wikia.com/wiki/Spectrals Dragoncrests are a less hostile alien species and have some interesting views of philosophies that might make them an interesting addition to a sf campaign. http://living-steel.wikia.com/wiki/Dragoncrests Moving onto a RPG alien more people might have heard of, there are the kafer from 2300. These guys are very alien physically and mentally, possessing volatile intelligence that goes up when the kafer experiences fear, pain, danger, hunger, etc. Think of something like the human adrenal gland except it briefly boosts brain power intead of physical abilities. Here's a review of their sourcebook. https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/15/15235.phtml Traveller's hivers are an interesting species that evolved from a non predatory, non carnivorous species that have a fundamentally and radically different mentality than many species, but a logical, plausible one nonetheless. They eschew and even abhor violence and are essentially natural socialists who prize cooperation and responsible manipulation for the common good. Look up traveller hivers if you're unfamiliar with them.
  5. So, Harry potter (last book) vs Conan the barbarian.
  6. Just because a country wins wars doesn't make it a good country to live in.
  7. We had a bigger war in the 1940's that proved Germany wasn't as great as it thought it was. And you didn't refute Mathilda May. As to your question, spring break. It's natural, not forced on people by mind control. BTW that ep in on METV tonight. Harry potter (last book) vs Conan the barbarian.
  8. France. It's national credo is "liberty, equality, brotherhood." Plus Mathilda May. Evil twin duel. Mirror Spock vs Lore.
  9. Wedge. Fought in both death star battles, was critical to the destruction of DS2. Didn't need the force, didn't need "god" either. Lobo vs. Deadpool.
  10. Helium. Deja Thoris comes from there and man is she hawt. Galactus vs cthulhu.
  11. Naughty librarian. Hopefully she's read 50 shades of grey. Live near nuclear plant or coal plant?
  12. Good god I saw rocket robin hood when I was a snotling! So I'm voting biker mice from mars. Skitarii vs. Space marines.
  13. The T-34 was an excellent design hampered by widely varying constriction quality that varied heavily from factory to factory and even from shift to shift. It was also, like the sturmovik ground attack plane, badly affected by the shortage of radio gear the Russians suffered in ww2. The Sherman was a very poor design that was built to high standards of quality and well equipped with radios. However as poor as the Sherman's design was the basic idea of it as an infantry support system meant to work with infantry was superior to the Nazi design concept of the tank as a front line advance unit that operated independently of infantry, which was seen as a separate consolidation code to occupy land the panzers had taken. This worked for the Nazis at first but failed spectacularly once effective anti tank infantry tactics and weapons evolved. Enough digression. Back to the normally scheduled trivia.
  14. Donald Trump wasn't infected with syphillis germs. Syphillis germs were infected with Donald Trump.
  15. I don't debate trump's mental state. He is a narcissistic, psychopathic megalomaniac with a good case of paranoid schizophrenia.
  16. Hawaii. Just because someone I liked was born there. T-34 vs Sherman tank.
  17. Kung fu. Good series. Grenade launcher vs flamethrower.
  18. Craftsmanship. That what makes an item good, useful, etc. I'd rather have a well crafter tool, house, car, etc than an "artistic" one. Cologne. Old spice or Brut?
  19. Craftsmanship. That what makes an item good, useful, etc. I'd rather have a well crafter tool, house, car, etc than an "artistic" one. Cologne. Old spice or Brut?
  20. New mexico. Why? Look at the 2016 vote results. Best dice to booby trap a floor against holstiles in the dark with. D4 or d20. (A few people and I actually debated this once.)
  21. You're right. Onthis board maybe my statement wasn't necessary. I didn't mean to offend..you have to realize on a lot of boards my statement would not have been misplaced. Maybe i posted in in one of the few boards it wasn't necessary.
  22. Just saw all old film called "fail safe"..if you've never seen it see it. One hell of a great movie. And no there is no music score.
  23. OK let's make this simple enough for more people to understand. You're black and you have to go to court. How do you feel when you see a statue of someone who fougt for you to be a slave, property, with no legal protection or human rights, out in front of that court, or your local city hall, or your state capitol? Get it now?
  24. Viper. If it's from oBSG it's got rapid fire lasers. It's it's nBSG it's got rapid fire cannons and missiles. French vanilla vs German chocolate.
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