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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. South Australia. Sounds tougher than Queensland. Robby the robot vs. B9.
  2. Maybe Bernie madehoff can have a cellmate. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/04/pharma-bro-martin-shkreli-convicted-in-federal-fraud-case.html
  3. OK would you say that gurps spaceships uses a similar system to gurps traveller? But allowing a lot more technologies? I could live with that....
  4. BTW I never used this as a RPG source but you could. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2880268-the-chaos-weapon This is space opera on a GRAND scale. The entire galaxy is threatened by an invasion from another universe. The titular chaos weapon consumes stars (Looooong time before star killer base) and uses 10 black holes in it's operation cycle. There are steely eyed, square jawed heroes, feisty space gypsy heroines and Gods. Yes, the hero of this story is so heroic he has a God as an assistant.
  5. Oh, once in a while I use somethings that kinda sorta look like FredSaberhagen's "Berserkers". Funny story: the HAIs (hostile artificial intelligences) were created by an ultra xenophobic race who wanted all alien life destroyed. They created the HAIs to facilitate this desire. Eventually the players and their polity created the ultimate anti HAI weapon: A computer virus like system they thought would cripple the HAIs. What it mostly did was disable the controls and directives the race that created the HAIs out into them. Without a forced imperative to exterminate all life the HAIs were free to choose their own course and eventually decided to withdraw to the core of the galaxy (where radiation levels were so high organic life was very rare and their former victims were unlikely to follow) and began finding their own destiny. They simply decided, once free to think for themselves, they really didn't want to be involved with organic life at all. Oddly enough the players were somehow offended by that in a way. But the HAIs, or former HAIs, now more or less IAIs, indifferent artificial intelligences, did sort of make amends to their former victims by telling them who created them and where they were hiding. They bet most of their former victims would rather track these XXXXs down and go after them then continue a war against the no longer hostile but still powerful AIs.
  6. The doctor never needed 9 plans. At worst his third one worked.
  7. I don't know. I'm trying to remember stuff from long ago. I just could have sworn someone did a RPG called "swashbucklers!"
  8. How many inquisitors does it take to change a failed lumen globe? Change is heresy.
  9. Dungeons and red dragon. Ever wonder what Hannibal Lecter's stats would be?
  10. OK, not political, right? http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/03/us/michelle-carter-texting-suicide-sentencing/index.html
  11. The element mercury. We use it on earth for a lot of things. What use is the planet mercury to anyone at least for now? Belch vs. Fart.
  12. "The strain" series. A good twist on vampires and apocalyptic settings. Beware this is a hardcore series that is extremely intense. Children are not safe on it. Some scenes have physically nauseated me. It's a hell if a show.
  13. Heh heh heh. I've always considered mission impossible the original gamer series. Seriously, it was doing the whole D&D thing before D&D even was a thing. Look at the cast. Mr. Phelps was pure paladin. Barney was pretty much a technical wizard who could throw the occasional punch. (Another great thing about MI for it's time was the egalitarian mood. Barney was never "the black technical wizard", he was just the technical wizard.) You had Rollin Hand, master of disguise. (R.I.P. martin landau.) He was the consummate con man and trickster. Cinnamon was a female rogue. And last but not least was Peter Lupus' muscle man, the perfect fighter. I always saw that as a gamer show with an almost perfect representation of a gamer group playing thru a new scenario every week. Oh, and the voice on the tape was the first DM, of course. Yeah, MI was such a perfect gamer series it's almost a pity there never was a RPG of the series, but it would practically have been redundant.
  14. I was using Pamela Anderson as a universally understood example of a beautiful woman. (And, be honest, in her heyday would you have started kicking her if you found her in your bed?) If you want my definition of the absolute pinnacle of female beauty, watch a movie called "life force" and pay attention to the lead space vampire played by French actress and national treasure Mathilda May.
  15. What types of sf sources do you base your sf universes on in your games and campaigns? I tend to like classic star trek as a source, humanity has pulled itself up a little in most ways, not jsut technologically, but is still pretty human. People still work at careers. Machines still need engineers and maintenance. Maybe I add some touches from movies like "Alien", dirty it down a little. People use bad words, get greedy. But on the whole people are a little better, like a lot of civilization today is better than civilization 300 years ago. I may add a little touch from star wars here and there. Starships are easier to access and own than might be totally realistic. I kind of like the idea of people being able to travel and explore. I like to keep things plausible while balancing some at least semi hard sf. So yeah I use touches from traveller. I avoid utopian sf like STTNG but don't want totally bleak dark sf worlds like the Alien universe even if I take a little of it's look. I'm ok with transhumanism and even use it to create possibilities and conflict. I've borrowed a lot from masamune shirow's Appleseed and ghost in the shell. I have a precious cache of old iron crown space master books I treasure and borrow ideas and imagery from. I like my aliens alien, usually. Not a huge fan of the star trek "99% human" aliens tho I understand the budget realities. But I make concessions to game play so keep them usually compatible with humans in most ways. (Not close enough for breeding) If I want a "not quite human" species I toss in some fairly divergent trans humans, cyborgs, genetic engineered varients, etc. I'll sacrifice scientific realism for playability only as much as necessary to keep a universe interesting and no more. I may understand Clarke's law "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" but I don't use it as an excuse for magic disguised as technology. So what are your favorite sf sources and what do you do with them?
  16. Not doing enough to destroy my geek cred? OK.... I find star wars movies to mostly be like Pamela Anderson. Stunning visually, beneath the looks vapid, insipid, dumb and uninteresting. I won't even try to follow most modern comics. I'm sick of the monthly reboots, new univerrses, one off storylines that get retconned out of existnce in a few weeks, etc. The honor Harrington novels suck and deve weber is an overrated hack. You couldn't make me watch a game of thrones episode at gunpoint. I've never watched a single LotR movie all the way thru. I never read the books either. I don't play D&D. I hate harry potter novels and movies.
  17. Oh I know. One early victory of his was to make it easy for coal companies to increase their profits by dumping poisonous byproducts into water that poor people have to drink. He's working diligently on allowing big business to increase their profits at the detriment of most Americans in various ways. He's done all he can to turn the federal court system into a series of rubber stamps for corporate interests. You know I had a horrible case of pneumonia (possibly legionnaire's disease) in 2014 that nearly killed me. I was in a coma for 13 days and the doctors told my family I had maybe a 10% chance of survival. It took me months to really recover and I never regained my old endurance. More and more these days I wish I'd died in that coma...
  18. The nice thing about O.J. was his media blitzkrieg was before social media. At least you didn't have to see and hear about him on Facebook, YouTube, etc.
  19. Oh god I was thinking that too. It's like the way you literally could not go an hour without having that b*st*rd forced down your throat by the media. I even remember a poem someone in my locality wrote. "O.J. O.J. go away! I don't wanna hear 'bout you today! Please give our TV sets a rest! I'd rather watch 'father knows best'!" I can't go on YouTube without seeing trump's revolting face on the video list. I can't go to my email program without something related to trump on the top of the page. My local news has something about trump every day. My Facebook feed is mostly one article with that disgusting face after another. I try to keep up on current events to an extant around the world, but it's reaching the point I just can't access media anymore. The O.J.nightmare ended finally. I'm starting to wonder if this one eger will and doubting I'll live to see it end. I'm sorry if I bothered anyone here but god it just felt good to vent a little.
  20. To be honest and as an american who has not been allowed to go a single waking hour in nearly 2 years without having trump's name, image and word of his antics forced on him I'm literally beginning to see trump as being subhuman in some ways. I know a really bad bunch of people referred to anyone they didn't like as "subhuman" some 7 decades ago but honestly, trump just comes off as literally more beast than man. After nearly 2 years of being essentially assaulted by trump's revolting presence and coverage of him, or possibly 'it', I will admit my hatred of him/it and everything he/it embodies has reached a point I just can't help seeing him/it as something literally less than human. I'm sorry, guys, but I think I'm suffering a serious case of trump fatigue. I think the media is just forcing "TRUMP!TRUMP!TRUMP!TRUMP!TRUMP!" down our throats to such an unprecedented degree, it's like nothing in history. I mean I can't recall a president in history who has been just shoved in the american people's face like this before. I mean at times I feel like Alex in the chair in "a clockwork orange" and the screen is just one image of trump after another. Does anyone else feel like this? Am I alone here?
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