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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. Star destroyer. Original, not that overblown super star destroyer Vader had to compensate for his xxxx being burned off or those crappiles in TFA. Star trek Motion picture enterprise vs. JJA enterprise.
  2. Elephants wallow in mud for cooling. In areas where the soil has high iron content the mud can dry to a pinkish dust. Hence pink elephants.
  3. Synthetic emerald. Best Bond. Connery or Craig?
  4. Tennessee. I never really liked the Indiana Jones movies. 2 were OK and 2 stunk. You have to play a RPG without the hero system. D20 or gurps?
  5. At times I wonder if Lucas, who has a reputation as a rebel, did the prequels as a lightsaber like middle finger to PC. You know I think it's possible. He wanted to create a studio on his exclusive property once and his neighbors blocked it. So out of spite he developed it as affordable housing for working class people out of his own pocket. https://www.cnet.com/news/george-lucas-to-build-affordable-housing-in-one-of-the-richest-parts-of-america/
  6. You want a cross genre nightmare? Viola! (And I know some of you are going to have nightmares after seeing this...)
  7. The guys who can engage effectively outside katana range. Cake vs pie.
  8. Idaho. I like potatoes. Monster mash. Godzilla vs. Tiamat.
  9. Arkansas. I liked Bill and he came from there. Also according to a sf novel the gods hate Kansas. https://www.amazon.com/Gods-Hate-Kansas-Joseph-Millard/dp/1448683254 King Ghidorah vs. Tiamat.
  10. Wrath of khan. I cared more about Spock's death that like being Vader's son. (Hope I didn't spoil it for anyone) Also the battle between enterprise and reliant seemed more impressive than the zip zip pyew pyew ship action in star wars. Bigger disappointment to fans. Star wars prequels vs. The JJA Trek movies?
  11. Bite the dust. Good song was based on in. Worst sequel contest. Alien ressurection vs. Terminator salvation.
  12. You could read "Rameses the damned" by Anne Rice. It was a new twist on the mummy legend.
  13. Oklahoma. It had a musical. Ghost busters remake or plan 9 from outer space?
  14. This reminds me of an ep of Batman where the penguin was running for mayor of gotham. (Yes Danny devito copped this later) and attacked batman, who was running against him, for always being seen near criminals, while whenever the penguin was in the news he was surrounded by police. BTW the ep of batman where penguin ran for mayor of Gotham against batman looks so much less unbelievable than it used to...
  15. Gay activists object to the term "fruitcake" being used on hero game forms. Gotcha.
  16. Pecan. Would you rather smell like a wet dog or beer?
  17. My problems to antifa evaporated when I heard a trump voter say he "couldn't wait for the great liberal genocide to begin!" Yeah, if someone's goal is to murder me I have little problem with them being...neutralized.
  18. Say whaaaaat? Seriously in ww2 the axis used violence (war) to spread fascism and a regime that practiced mass murder, slavery and genocide. The allies waged war (used violence) to stop regimes that practiced and spread fascism, slavery and genocide. According to what you seem to be saying the allies were no better than the axis. Your know what? The neonazis are fighting for an america that would drive out or exterminate tends of millions of people. Like that trump voter in Texas at a rally who shouted he couldn't wait for the "great liberal genocide" to begin. You make think that if the neonazis use violence to promote a fascist America tha r will be a mass grave for tens of millions of Americans and anti fasicstsnuse violence to stop them they're "equivelant". No, they're not.
  19. Guess what? A lot of elite military forces today teach blade combat. Maybe not swords but knives and even modern Hatcher's and tomahawks. A lot of guards walking perimeter at ISIS and other guerilla groups have been silently neutralized with a knife in the neck. I think it will be a long time before the simple knife is not a part of a lot of military issue kits.
  20. Tarzan. Those robes would not work in the jungle. Borg vs transformers.
  21. OK people want A civil war monument for the confederacy? Fine, I'll even design it: It would be a tableau with 5 typical confederate army privates marching forward, muskets held ready. They would be thin, gaunt and poorly dressed in obviously low quality uniforms. Some would be old, some little more than boys. Some would have their feet wrapped in rags instead of boots. Behind them is an opulently set table with a well fed white family sitting at it consuming a sumptuous meal, while slaves in chains wait on them. The obvious patriarch of this wealthy family would be holding a wine glass in one hand while pointing imperiously ahead with the other, obviously ordering the gaunt, poorly dressed soldiers forward. It would me a memorial to the poor, impoverished common southern citizens that could never afford to own a slave being sent out to fight and die by the wealthy southern slave owners to defend their wealth and right to own slaves. Yeah, that confederate memorial I would have no problem with.
  22. I swear america has reached a point where you have the KKK and neonazis on one side screaming "We want all non whites exterminated! We want all non heterosexuals exterminated!" And you have POC and LGBT people on the other saying "We what equal rights! We want equal justice!" And in the middle you have utter morons saying "Can't we compromise? Can't we respect each others rights and views?" People in America need to face some ugly facts. You can't compromise with groups who want to exterminate tens of millions of people. You can't meet people who want a dictatorship half way. It doesn't take "two to make a fight" no matter what ignorant adults tell kids. It takes two sides to make peace. If one side insists on getting their way violently, the other side fights, or is crushed. Neville Chamberlain compromised with fascists. He respected their views. Didn't work out too well, did it?
  23. Movies? Watchmen. I remember Lee Iacocca and I absolutely loved seeing him shot in the movie. On this theme.... Character fight. Ozymandias vs Batman.
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