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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. I'm actually going to have to go with SPECTRE here. The spectre punished a D list villain named Dr. Light who was a really creepy psychopath by turning him into a lit candle. But he never goes after A list villains who are infinitely worse, like the joker, lex luthor, darkseid, etc? At least spectre goes for big game. Best planet destroyer. The Lexx or the deathstar?
  2. Here's something to consider about politics in america. A large number of republicans are claiming trump's reaction to hurricane Harvey is far superior to president Obama's reaction to hurricane Katrina. That's not a joke. I....need to go scream and weep for a while, folks.
  3. Warhammer. Ever hear a guy moan about having a warhammer for a mother in law? Superman vs. Squirrel girl.
  4. Casino royale 2006. The torture scene was incredible. Craig should have won an award. Bond henchman. Jaws Vs Nicknack.
  5. In the court of the crimson king sounds like a RPG module title, so I'll go with it. (BTW don't forget the green hornet's car, the black beauty, had "infra green" headlights.) So, better super hero car. The batman series' batmobile or the green hornet series' black beauty.
  6. Violet. Have you seen the violet lanterns? <3 (Too bad I'm a red lantern...) Sf babe battle. Mathilda May in lifeforce vs Caroline Munroe in star crash.
  7. You know there were things about life force I liked besides Mathilda May's stunning beauty.
  8. Cancer the disease is a mass murderer. Cancer the sign is a superstition. Cancer the sign wins. You're at a close relatives wedding. The vows are being exchanged. You have to belch loudly or let a silent but hellishly foul fart. Which do you choose?
  9. As the person who posted the post that lead to this I think your response was uncalled for in the extreme. I'm just not the kind to go running to a mod to get someone punished but I considered it in this this case. Even if you think the response wasn't valid your level of reply was excessive.
  10. Red hulk. He may be a colon but at least he's not a xxxxxxx Nazi. Dr. Doom vs. Loki.
  11. Tobe Hooper, director of "the Texas chainsaw massacre" and a personal favorite of mine, "lifeforce", has died.
  12. http://www.thedailybeast.com/senate-does-nras-bidding-lets-75000-mentally-ill-people-buy-guns https://thinkprogress.org/the-nra-wants-ex-felons-to-have-guns-but-not-voting-rights-84540fc6553b/ So much for the NRA advocating responsible gun ownership.
  13. Like a great many people in America you may not be aware of the little known fact several states in America have laws about belief. In Texas state law forbids atheists from holding any elected office. It's not the only state to have such laws. You will reasonably ask for proof, hence... https://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/07/us/in-seven-states-atheists-push-to-end-largely-forgotten-ban-.html
  14. Referring to the NRA as the fourth branch of government is clearly sarcasm and satire, based on the fact it has an inordinate amount of influence on government policy and law. As to the NRA being for reasonable gun laws, WOW! And you had the noive to say my statement was "factually inaccurate and knowingly so". I mesan, seriously, I don't even know where to begin. The NRA has opposed every single act of gun control in 20 years. They're even on a jihad to make it easier for people diagnosed with mental illness to get guns. They want ex convicts to be able to get guns. Great machine god how can anyone say the NRA is in favor of responsible gun ownership?!
  15. The Adama maneuver was cool but killed the ship in the end. The Picard maneuver didn't seem to make sense in a lot of ways. I guess I'd go with the bucket drop as it was surprising and pretty awesome. Plus I give it points for the implosion effect at the end. Best fast food burgers. Dairy queen vs. Rallys.
  16. Conan. He's got Norris beat in both brains and brawn. (And gandalf didn't die, he leveled up. Selfish prick told the rest of the party to run so he could hog all the XP for beating the balrog.) The joker vs deadpool in an insanity competition.
  17. And unfortunately it's the policy of America's fourth branch of government,the NRA.
  18. Gandalf was a wizard, not a sorcerer. Also took a sword to a fight with a balrog and won.
  19. Actually what scares me terribly is the thought we may have already seen future sports and entertainment in "the hunger games".
  20. Metallica. They did "kall of kthulhu." Bacon cheeseburger vs pizza.
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