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Everything posted by Khymeria

  1. I like a little fantasy in my fantasy and the characters to shine a little. Hero System accomplishes that and allows for better storytelling because it isn’t as hit point wear down as some other systems. I will definitely homebrew and rely on Fantasy Hero a bunch. Weekends are good, and so are Mondays so let’s leave that a little open until we possibly stir up other players. Four hours is a good session length. You wouldnt happen to be in the Bay Area?
  2. My schedule is pretty open, I am in California for time purposes. I would love to play and am comfortable running a FH game. I am less comfortable with the online tabletop software but have figured out how to play Champions on it. Just not a pro.
  3. I am in San Francisco and play and GM. I have played Hero System for a couple decades, I have worked on 5th Edition D&D, and really want to get a group together.
  4. I thought things tied up with the original Avengers almost perfectly. I think I wanted Winter Soldier to get the shield, but that is because in my opinion the Falcon is done well and looks cool fight scenes. Thor will be swapped for Beta Ray Bill in the next Guardians of the Galaxy I feel and then new characters can have their stories told. It was a brilliant send off and I would love to see Mike Coulter added as Luke Cage going forward or Professor Hulk perhaps switched out for the She-Hulk, which would take an end credits scene to set-up the character. Anyway, this movie blew way past my expectations.
  5. I’m down for some fantasy. I am an experienced GM but my online tabletop skills are novice. I am happy being a player as well.
  6. I am looking for players or a GM for a game or three in the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm not set on a certain frequency of play or a specific genre, although supers and fantasy are the top of my list. I would love to GM or play, I just want to hopefully get a group together. I've been running and playing the Hero System for a very long time as well as a lot of other rpgs.
  7. I've monkeyed around a bit online playing rpg's and I am not a master but do understand the basics. I am a big fan of the system, and if it was something online I would be excited to join. Dark Champions is a very exciting genre since it can include an excellent mix of materials.
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