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Everything posted by Khymeria

  1. I have to agree with those who feel bronze allows you to keep a lid on technology as we believe things to have been and to have developed. I’m not a fan of firearms and such in a fantasy setting so I’ve a definite bias.
  2. Once you spend a little intellectual investment time with Hero System, the learning is over. You have unlocked the formula. D&D has no formula, every spell has a different set of stats and then text, which has to be interpreted. Every spell, with constant added crunch. Same for Pathfinder 1E. There is so much memorizing, but my brain doesn't want to do that like it used to, so even though I contributed to several WotC 5E D&D products, I play Hero System 6E Fantasy with my regular group.
  3. The game time suck of a single phase of this character as they constantly stop to readjust their VPP (the method I would use) not only will constantly break any immersion but is a nightmare for any players in a team game. I would definitely steer this player in a different direction.
  4. I will try to narrow an answer. I’ve seen some excellent artwork and a beautiful cover piece. I will get back to you on that. Thanks!
  5. Gaslight: Horror and Heroics in the Victorian Era….keywords nailed. Shameless plug.
  6. Change Environment is a direction I hadn’t considered. Invisibility to a Mental Sense kind of thing did cross my mind but wasn’t really smooth. The not being targeted definitely needs a bit of balancing with defense especially in a team environment. Thanks!
  7. Yes…forgettable. She does get a few chances to save the day but the women are written to be shopping, getting their hair done, or consumed with bad decision making because “you are female.” Excellent point.
  8. I’ve been reading a lot of early Avengers and in many battles Wasp seems to become forgotten. Obviously her being so tiny puts her out of sight, but she is consistently out of mind after a few minutes of battle with Thor, Iron Man, and the others. Villains like Mandarin and Kang should likely not be this instantaneously forgetful even though they might have more pressing concerns. In your opinions is this a handwave narrative device between the player and the GM or is this nearly a superpower cloaked in writing and special effect? Like a Mind Control, one specific command: forget, with other variables?
  9. I haven’t but that’s pretty much just because a few exist in several source books and it’s easy to just reskin them. If I had an idea that I thought could best be solved with martial arts I would though.
  10. I never really thought about flamethrowers in this debate. If my neighbors allow me to build some crime fighting armor and vehicles, then I will consider it.
  11. Mercurial Speedster in Book of Templates II is a good representation of 400 point speedster and how an irritable scion of the master of magnetism might look. Intangible Teenager in Book of Templates I will give you Kitty. Combine with the Dragon Familiar for 400 point total and that is a pet dragon. Arachnid Guy in Book of Templates I will give you a feel for a certain Congenial Local Webhead on 400 or 500 points. Acrobatic Ape Man in Book of Templates I is a take on one of my favorite comic characters, the furry blue or not yet furry blue guy. But, I will see what I come up with for Squirrel Girl. I don't know if she can beat Thanos on 400 but we shall see.
  12. Do that. I will mock these up just for kicks no matter what.
  13. Hey, I wrote the Book of Templates and this is pretty much the reason why, so new players could latch on. If they are using something like Roll20 I have tokens I colored from a lot of older products and happy to help them out however I can. I play on Discord and Roll20 since pandemic and The Island of Dr. Destroyer is a pretty good “get the group together adventure” but not a one-shot. Do you have any older products? I might have updated them for my game. Are they using Book of Templates I or II or both? If one of them want a character that isn’t listed let me know, I will build them one.
  14. I didn’t even know there was a flamethrower market. I guess pest control is a possibility. The reputation of some legendary home defense would be interesting urban legend.
  15. That’s a lot to read. Might get more response if you bold and italicize some bits. I am looking it over to add a few from my game, but it’s a chore. Thanks though, the effort is solid for conversation.
  16. This character has a powerful flavor, possibly having massive growth potential as the level of the game and the stakes climb. It fills a role, but would make sure that I saved space for other characters to shine if in a team game because of high SPD. The glass cannon with the switch is fine, and as a GM I would arrange it with player to enhance plot. I like how the edges were smoothed through each iteration.
  17. A solo character sheet for Complications should probably not be a duplicate of a team character sheet of the same hero. In a team environment flush out the supporting cast but DNPCs and Hunters get an 8- and then I’m not under such pressure to explain why your attorney shows up in the Shattered Dimension. I just use them when they make good sense and don’t make things too convoluted.
  18. Not a comet, a surveillance device set to come by and check progress of primitive people. This time it is called a comet, last time it was a god blazing across the sky, next time? Is there a next time or have our observers seen too much. Plot for great normals or supers game.
  19. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: I was a proponent of recasting but the memorial was moving. The look of Namor was excellent and the whole style and look was done much better than Aquaman. Kolchak, The Night Stalker: This is an excellent show and both movies as well. It is a great set-up for a normals campaign and the show had too much potential to be so short lived. Avengers, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes: This cartoon is often overlooked even though it does a great job of diving into some Avengers history but with better pacing and voice acting than X-Men TAS.
  20. My campaign is set in 1984 so social media, mass surveillance, dna analysis and forensics are all much easier to deal with.
  21. If I wanted to play it safe I would have taken over the family furniture store. I strap on the old feed sack and see what’s cooking.
  22. I remember this vaguely I think. A tricot hat patriot type and a bug guy, maybe in a super suit on the cover?
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