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Posts posted by Jagged

  1. DIV90sHW0AA4To6.jpg



    Welcome to America. Hang 'em high unless they've got money. Fat cats get a pass.

    I don't know if it is the same in America but in the UK you can request your sentence be reassessed on the grounds of fairness based upon other sentences for similar crimes and crimes at similar times.


    I believe a man had his driving ban overturned once because a member of the royal household received a small fine for driving at similar speeds.


    If America does have such a ruling I think he has a case.

  2. I would set a common SPD for all PCs as a build guideline

    Our last campaign was SPD 4 apart from the speedster. It worked well but I was considering a change just for the variety. Just not sure if there is any benefit?


    I shall await all the character concepts before deciding :)

  3. I did tell the players they needed to be either a competent hero and / or come up with an explanation of how they are still alive.


    I do intend for there to be lost of villains who are mostly weaker than the heroes, with a few notable exceptions.


    As for the players themselves, we have a long history of playing Champions (my last campaign ran for over 10 years) but we've been playing D&D for a while now. So it will take a little while to get back into things.

  4. Stolen from Gecko Psychopomp :

    How about releasing nanite medicine.


    For the long burn, it is initially only available to military, the very rich and some highly trained heroes. When hurt it regenerates muscle and broken bones.


    Eventually it's released to everyone but is still very expensive.


    Then a nasty disease appears for which the nanites are the only solution. Company resists but the government steps in and releases the cure for the masses.


    Soon people start complaining about missing time and of waking up in unfamiliar places. Our villain can take over anyone with nanites in their system. Or just turn them into so much red pulp.


    Give in to Mechanon or face annihilation puny organics.

  5. I am in the early stages of world building for my next campaign: Heroes of the Multiverse*


    The conceit is that each player comes from their own reality where they are outnumbered by villains and a pan-dimensional organisation of supermen is allowing heroes from neighbouring worlds to work together.


    So I thought I would put this out there for feedback. Suggestions welcome but bare in mind that Sean Waters will be one of the players ;)





    * To be said in a "He-Man Masters of the Universe" style voice.

  6. There was a series called Monkey that ran in the 70s which is about Journey to the West. The monk was played by a woman. Sadly she developed cancer and died at a young age although the guys who played Monkey, Pigsy and Sandy were still alive last I heard

    Absolutely loved that as a kid. Spent many a happy hour pretending in the garden, swinging a long wooden pole round my neck while making swooshing noises to summon my cloud :D

  7. wouldn't have helped this time around. No criminal record, no sign of madness (before the murder spree)

    Maybe since it is being said that the guns he held were held illegally, America will make an attempt to police the laws it has managed to pass on gun control.


    I think it more likely they will continue to pay the price of monthly gun shooting rather than damage gun trade.

  8. I don't believe anyone who was involved with the production, nor anyone who has actually watched the show, has ever referred to it as a Star Trek parody. Mostly I think that label got applied by people who only saw the commercial teasers and who don't really know what parody is. Basically, your expectations were falsely set by the quick-to-judge and the ignorant.

    I have only seen it referred to as parody in threads like this as people speculate as to why Paramount hasn't set the lawyers on it. I think they would have a case.


    My only expectation was based on the fact that the other Macfarlane stuff I have seen left me flat. So enjoying Orville more than I thought likely.

  9. I hope they've figured out why Enterprise failed (inconsistent writing, cripplingly bad season arcs - the temporal cold war was just a BAD idea, in my opinion).

    Agreed. When Enterprise was telling stories about the foundation of the Federation it was quite good imo. When it was the Andorians and the Vulcans who were the bad guys. But every new alien we'd never heard of before? That dragged it down and the Time travel stuff was the worst :P

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