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Scott Baker

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Posts posted by Scott Baker

  1. If mega scale is full phase does that not mean it takes them a full phase to get to the max range and if the phase is not done yet before someone attacks then could they not hit ?

    The basic concept to understand is that the phases are not simultaneous. While both characters act in the same segment, whoever goes first gets their action (phase), then the other person. It is perfectly valid for a character who goes first to move out of the range of an opponent, even if that takes their full phase to do so. Hyper-Man's explanation is spot-on.

  2. I think a lot of people have tried this approach, some loving it, others not. "Rolling half" is not practical, so any such subsystem needs to be revisited. Lucius' comment that it makes the rules tough to read is dead on accurate. So are his comments on the bell curve, but that exists with Roll High or Roll Low.

    Or my comment.

  3. There are a lot of threads about this topic. Try searching on google using:

         site:herogames.com roll high versus roll low


    I seem to remember there's a thread that went into the math quite a bit, but don't ask me which one(s).


    Non-statistical reasons to not do this:

    • Now you have to translate everything in every book, so it makes it much harder for players to just look something up (even if you can do it yourself). If you're teaching the system to new players, this isn't just a simple house rule.
    • Hero Designer doesn't work this way (shameless plug for Hero Designer--no I didn't write it and get no financial gain from it)
  4. The show has gone from near the top of the heap of new shows to near the bottom in record time. It's most likely doomed, and the crossover is most likely a hail Mary attempt to give it a boost. What the show really needs is a winter break, and new episodes with new writers when they come back.

    Interesting read that covers where the new shows are:



    Given those numbers, Supergirl still isn't, "near the bottom." At least not yet.

  5. AFAICT there doesn't seem to be much specific information regarding the Microverse, other than its existence. There are no official characters who hail from it, nor references to specific trips into it. The write-up for Shrinker from Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks mentions her capacity to enter "the universe of atoms and things not much larger." (P. 197)  The same page has a text box describing the Microverse as "the subatomic 'dimension' suffusing all of normal space." A couple of plot seeds for Shrinker in CKC make passing mention of "micro-barbarians," but give no further details -- I'm not sure if they were meant to be an "official" feature of the setting.


    The Mystic World briefly discusses microverses in general on p. 10, as part of its survey of unusual dimensions: "Superbeings with shrinking powers sometimes report worlds that exist on the scale of bacteria, atoms, or subatomic particles. Mystics believe such characters find natural portals to other dimensions. Reported 'microverses' seem to follow strange but consistent natural laws, so most mystics think they must be Assiatic realms. Some microversal explorers, however, tell stories of talking bacteria, a Quantum Casino where God plays dice with the universe, and other oddities. Mystics speculate that these super-shrinkers may find their way into strange Yetziratic or even Brialic realms."


    I'm aware of references to "the Microverse" in The Ultimate Metamorph p. 60 and p. 220, but as I don't own that book I don't know if they cover setting-official specific civilizations.

    There's nothing in TUM about civilizations, etc. Rules for entering, affecting, sensing, etc. Nothing about the inhabitants.

  6. The question came up over in the Hero System Discussion forum about when to apply power defense against an adjustment power being used to negatively adjust a defensive power (or characteristic).


    On 6E1 141 there is the example of Leech having a 6D6 Drain against an unnamed defense. Leech rolls 6D6 and halves the total to determine how many Character Points of the defense are drained. The question that has come up is whether to apply Power Defense against the full 6D6 total, or against the halved amount.


    We are aware of the specific rule regarding draining Power Defense itself on 6E1 272.




    Specific example:

    Leech has a 6D6 Drain BODY and rolls a total of 18. He attacks Poor Unfortunate Soul who has Power Defense 10.


    1. Apply defense after halving: 18 / 2 = 9 points. 9 points - 10 power defense = 0 BODY drained.
    2. Apply defense before halving: 18 - 10 power defense = 8 points. 8 points / 2 = 4 BODY drained.

    Which option is correct?




    Edit: changed to a numbered list since my letters were interpreted as emoji. And remembered my manners.

  7. I think Lucius is correct.  The general rule doesn't specifically address the order at which Power Defense is applied.  The specific entry under Power Defense itself does though. I would say subtract Power Defense first, then half unless someone wants to pose the question to Mr. Long.


    6e1 141

    6e1 272


    That's a specific direction when draining the defense that applies to the power. In general notice that determining the amount of damage is done before determining the effect of the damage (that's even how the rules are layed out).


    I'll certainly post the question.

  8. I may have to check the rules on this...but I've always subtracted Power Defense first, then halved the effect. Have I been doing it wrong?


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary is sure you don't halve it twice

    This isn't any different than other damage modifiers. If I haymaker, I add the additional damage before applying defenses; I don't apply the normal damage and then add the extra after defenses have been applied. (Yes, I know this is an damage increase rather than a decrease.)


    Also, check the Leech example on 6E1 141. You roll the damage. You halve it. The results get applied. Which is where defenses come in.

  9. The effect of the power is halved, so reduce the points before applying defenses. This is not the same as Damage Reduction which works on damage past defenses.


    Side notes:

    Looking at your calculation, remember that rounding is normally in favor of the character, so 3.5 rounds down to 3 (if that were the calculation to be used).

    Looking at the player's calculation, I'm not sure why the point through defense is being divided by 2 again.

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