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Everything posted by Victim

  1. I figured that Ablative Forcewalls with some healing would work for shields. Of course, I developed that model for starfighters in computers games - most of the time, shields would work as you described. However, since fighters are small, big capital ships will often blow through the craft's shields in one shot.
  2. I was thinking entangle for the vaccuum portion of the attack, with attacker+entangle both take damage. So he lines up a nasty shot on the guy with his next phase or two while the enemy is held. However a TK grab would work too. Heck, maybe a CE that imposes huge combat penalties. Of course, the way I saw the attack working, it's one really powerful hit, followed by the vaccuum. Any followup moves aren't connected to the technique and involve hammering the opponent when he can't fight properly.
  3. Nothing, unfortunately. I can't even find games online, because I prefer play by post to chat based games.
  4. If you have autofire on your Strength, can you use it with Martial Arts? Can you use different martial moves with each "shot?"
  5. Knock him out, then call the bomb squad?
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