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    Quackhell reacted to Badger in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Milliclops, the Many-Eyed
    Milliclops, is a sort of large,  brutish, somewhat humanoid shaped, lump of charred flesh, with eyes embedded all over its body.  Despite its massive strength, it is more of a scout, spy, and bushwhacker because it hurt to get hit in an eye, and when you hit him you almost have to hit an eye.  As a spy, he can detach some of his eyes to leave them to float around the area, for wide area surveillance purposes. The detached eyes can shoot weakened laser beams too, if needed.  
    The action figure didn't sell too well, because, it was considered "boring".  Though,  collectors have started to come around, as he has acquired the fandom nickname "Overdone Steak Man"       
  2. Like
    Quackhell reacted to death tribble in Create a Hero Theme Team!   
    Whispering Wind
    This member of the Scions comes from the Cheyenne people and is skilled at martial arts He served in the American Armed Forces and was based in Japan where he learned the ways of Karate. On his return to America he was kidnapped and experimented on by an unknown group. He managed to escape and after recovery joined the Scions.
    The Battle of Philadelphia was one of those occasions where Whispering Wind could do very little indeed as the fliers kept everyone ducking for cover and the gunmen functioned likewise. He managed to help tend the wounded and keep several of the villains away from the civilians. When the dust settled he remained on the team with Flechette as they had to rebuild a new team.
  3. Like
    Quackhell reacted to steriaca in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Princess Beautisha was Prince Casio's older sister and considered the most beautiful being in all of Harmonia. She was constantly being kidnapped by her evil uncle Count Icked, but were always saved by Fantasy Man and the other heros of Harmonia.
    Unbenouced to them all, Beautisha and Icked were in cahoots, as they were in fact lovers and both planed to kill off the Heroes when they did the attempt to save her. Luck and Fantasy Man spoiled many plots, enough for the King to declare Fantasy Man her betrothed (earning her the nickname Beardtisha to those who know the truth about who Fantasy Man likes in his bed chambers). One day, another plot to 'kidnap' Beutisha and kill whoever comes to rescue her was in play at The Seal Of Zorb. One bumping uglies later and, by coincidence the moans of sex were the exact words needed to summon Zorb and break the seal.
    Zorb took off his helmet and ate Count Icked's mind and burnt his body. He put his helmet back on and looked into Beautisha's mind. To him it was a thing of beauty. Pitty her physical appearance did not match. No problem. Zorb will make the body match the mind he found.
    It took six days, but her new body was completed. She looked around with her new eyes. Taisted food with her new mouth. Smelled the most exquisite smell of decay. Pitty her body now resembled something Pablo Picasso would paint, only more horrifying. She dubbed herself Repullsara.
    The first few Princess Beautisha dolls usually came with a 'spool of rope' thread and nothing else. Because this was a boys line, she didn't sell well, and was practically given away in any playset with a built in bondage area or death trap. As Repullsara, she stands about a simulated 10 foot tall, lanky, hunched over with detachable limbs (and extra limbs in a separate bag). Sometimes she even grows extra heads. There is a strange mouth in her chest.
  4. Like
    Quackhell reacted to Badger in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Kid Undeath
    One kid (from the 1980s)sent into the dimension was captured by Zorb's Army.  Rather than accepting the fate of death.  He pledged his allegiance to Zorb.  
    His body was transformed into a skeletal and gaunt, not really dead or alive.  His cap pistols (he was wearing them when playing with his action figures, after earlier that day playing cops n'robbers with his friends) were transformed into laser pistols, which he can draw with inhuman speed and accuracy.  Injuries to his gruesome body merely heal at a rapid rate, regardless of its severity.  
    Often he forces prisoners, to play a "game", a kind of most dangerous game, forcing them into the wastelands to hunt down, continuing on his love of playing cops'n'robbers or cowboys'n'indians.
    His action figure has springs inside the upper body for "quick draw".
  5. Like
    Quackhell got a reaction from steriaca in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Hargus Blightheart
    Lucen Brightheart was a brave warrior in service to Prince Casio and Harmonia, but was captured by Zorb. The Sisters of Saad replaced his heart with a shard of Blightstone transforming him into an undead knight in service of Zorb. His mere touch brings decay and rot as does his withering gaze.
    Hargus Blightheart action figure features glow-in-the-dark heart and eyes, and includes the Blighthammer. Two-headed Blighthound steed figure sold separately. 
  6. Like
    Quackhell reacted to death tribble in Supers Image game   
    Purple Reign
    This overconfident individual comes from the Mid West. He is a brick who uses metal gloves to punch opponents who can turn into vapour or gas. They also serve as conductors giving him more strength and vitality if someone is foolish enough to try and electrocute him which has dismayed some smart-alec heroes who have tried just that tactic. so ladies remember the name you'll be screaming it later.
    (Think Rick Rude as a supervillain)
  7. Like
    Quackhell reacted to Tech in Supers Image game   
    Next up, this guy:

  8. Thanks
    Quackhell reacted to steriaca in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Villains you don't need to write up.
    The Sisters of Sade
    Boneheads (the army of Zorb, made from the skulls of the fallen)
    Fantasy Man (a gay barbarian who went crazy from fighting Zorb for so long and became obsessed with self preservation, rape, and maybe cannibalism)
    Battle Bug (Fantasy Man's steed)
  9. Like
    Quackhell reacted to death tribble in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    It was a more recent idea which was in part inspired by the picture you set up in the Super Images thread which in turn led me to Meggido. So I needed to have more backstory for him being perennially thin skinned. Now I had done the pyramid in the jungle and said between 5-20 people and people opted for the high end. i did the same here which means that I have my work cut out again in the Create Link thread.
    I am particularly grateful to Sundog who is not a regular contributor like Steraica, csyphrett and Quackhell who has become a regular contributor.
    Lady Demonia
    This villainess is Zorb's spy in the sky although she can mix it up. She does not get on with the Sisters of Sade but obey's the dictates of her master.
    The original Lady Demonia figure was roundly condemned as immoral and had to be redesigned which meant that it came out later than was intended. The wings fold in and glow in the dark. The prototype Lady Demonia is worth a lot of money
  10. Like
    Quackhell got a reaction from death tribble in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Hargus Blightheart
    Lucen Brightheart was a brave warrior in service to Prince Casio and Harmonia, but was captured by Zorb. The Sisters of Saad replaced his heart with a shard of Blightstone transforming him into an undead knight in service of Zorb. His mere touch brings decay and rot as does his withering gaze.
    Hargus Blightheart action figure features glow-in-the-dark heart and eyes, and includes the Blighthammer. Two-headed Blighthound steed figure sold separately. 
  11. Like
    Quackhell reacted to Sundog in Create a Hero Theme Team!   
    Sergeant Judy Montgomery was a special operations officer with the Philadelphia police. She and her team were on watch at Jackson Industries because of a reported likely attack by supervillains that came from Police Intelligence (not that she knew this, but this was the tip-off from Rumbler). She and her team were equipped with anti-material rifles and other heavy ordinance, and might have been capable of blunting the efforts of the wrecking crew. Against Meggido's team they were severely outclassed.
    Cosmik crushed one of her heavy weapons teams, and Giggler tore apart the missile support squad. Her second in command's head just vanished in a spray of arterial blood, and most of the rest were gunned down by Hawkesmythe. She suddenly found herself alone - against Meggido himself. 
    Judy drew her handgun - Desert Eagle .50, with home-made hot loads. Meggido actually felt that - and was offended. His response was to grab Judy by the neck, and, quite delicately, pluck out both of her eyes.
    Judy's next memory was being healed by Red Crescent. His healing touch stopped the bleeding and the agony, but regenerating lost parts is beyond his ability. 
    Judy got a full disability pension, of course, but no one was surprised when she vanished a few months later. What WAS surprising was that early the next year, a new vigilante started stalking the villains of Philadelphia - a woman with tremendous tactical acumen, no mercy, looking just like the Sergeant - except for her sparkling blue eyes, and the lethal laser blasts she can project from them. She now goes by the name Judy Blue-Eyes.
  12. Like
    Quackhell reacted to steriaca in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    The last member of the wrecking crew is the martial artist Nermia. He is able to see the weak points and vital points in any physical form and can cause tremendous damage to them by striking these points. He got into a lot of bad luck during the attack and got his arms and right leg shattered. He was captured and hospitalized. 
    Next Team: The Champions of Zorb
    Members: 6-8
    Premise: Have you ever watched the anthology film The ABCs Of Death 2? There is the short film "W is for Wish". That film starts in a He-Man style action figure commercial and then they are transported to that world with disastrous results.
    So, give me 6 to 8 beings who would live in that world. Either they are the so called Champions of Zorb; or former good guys who fought Zorb and his forces for so long that they became insane (much like it is implied with Fantasy Man in the short).
  13. Like
    Quackhell reacted to death tribble in Create a Hero Theme Team!   
    Paul Crockett was one of the people who used the name Constitution as their hero name. But he became an alcoholic and that led to him being booted from several teams. This was exploited by his enemies who had his identity publicised and prevented him from holding anything but menial jobs. An attempt to become a PI had provoked hysteria in the local media. Tim passed. And it looked like Paul would be someone who would be forgotten or vilified forever until The Battle of Philadelphia
    Why he happened to be in the area he could never say. But as the fighting started he walked into harms way trying to help people escape. He was shot by Kill Coil, Dogfighter and The Giggler to little effect. Hawkesmythe changed ammunition and Paul moved to his side so that the bullet missed. He threw debris back to make the villain flee. The police also fired at him and the bullets bounced. Paul paused 'to tun to the cops and say 'I'm on your side' before continuing on.He witnessed the kidnap group get away but there was nothing he could do about it. Meggido threw a last blast at him before fleeing only to see him look unscathed. That was caught on camera.
    Obviously Meggido has vowed revenge. But it has been some years and nothing has happened yet. Paul is wary though.
    Paul's enemies were furious at his appearance and fatally miscalculated the public's mood. They tried to imply he was responsible for the attack and it led to them losing their positions, money and influence.
    Paul now operates under the name of The Philadelphian
    That makes 16
  14. Like
    Quackhell reacted to csyphrett in Create a Hero Theme Team!   
    Ikki Kaname earned his hero name at the Battle of Philadephia. He didn't know how much of a difference he made overall, but his ability to control acceleration certainly saved some people from certain death. His reputation has only grown as the hero Go.
  15. Like
    Quackhell reacted to death tribble in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Like Backdraft, Mesmero was the leader of of his little group who were attempting to kidnap Colvin Harris the head of R+D at Jackson Industries. There were several options for getting him at home or work and it looked simple but doable. That was the theory. The practice ? He left early for work and got in before he was expected even allowing for time either side. Then there all those odd delays. The cops. A hero. Traffic lights. The suicide right in front of them. And the brawl following an argument. The group agreed for the least practical option, go in at end of day, grab him and scarper And what do you know ? It worked. Until they were coming outside and the place came under attack so they fled toward the loading bay and that became a battleground as well. As the trio took cover and tried to decide what to do, first a hero group appeared and then the police. And not just one or two cars. Several SWAT units and the new armour that Teesdale Armstrong were supplying. Mesmero got Phantom Eye to look around the area to see what was going on while SeBastion could walk around without getting seriously injured.
    Flechette then appears as SeBastion returned. Before Mesmero could bluff she named them and opened fire. With lethal intent. Grabbing Harris, Phantom Eye and Mesmero fled deeper into the complex playing hide and seek with the police, the Scions and the psycho squad. In the confusion they lost contact with SeBastion
    Madjack  managed to wound Harris but Mesmero chased him off. Things looked bleak until Phantom Eye picked out Road King. Mesmero used his ability to hypnotise to get through the lines with the wounded Harris and 'persuaded' Road King that they were on the same side and they fled. In order to bolster their story Mesmero and Eye popped through the lines grabbing other scientists and porting them out.
    Mike Lomax, who is otherwise known as Mesmero, has used his clout in the Underworld to forward the tale of an informer who betrayed the villains or some sort of precog. Nothing else makes sense. He has also damned Madjack as a psycho in much the same way as The Giggler was. Mesmero was delighted at not only the number of the villains who died but also who. They won't be missed.
  16. Like
    Quackhell reacted to Sundog in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Daniel James Hawkins was a scion of a family of great prestige and old lineage. It was also, after his father's and grandfather's mismanagement, stone cold broke, and Daniel had to see the stately family home and remaining artworks sold for pennies on the dollar to pay debts, watch his frail mother slowly die in sub-standard public housing, and see what was left of his inheritance vanish into the pockets of his spendthrift remaining parent.
    At 15, his rage at this all boiled over. He beat his father to death with his own walking stick, stole everything worth a buck and fled into a life outside the law.
    It was while robbing a convenience store that Daniel first used a gun. He'd fallen in with some low-lives and was only supposed to be the driver, but they'd left him an old S&W revolver in case something went wrong - and two cops driving up as the robbery went down counted. He could have just driven off, but for all his flaws Daniel did not lack courage, and he opened fire.
    Two shots, two instantly dead cops. Perfect headshots.
    Daniel soon realised he possessed uncanny, near perfect accuracy with firearms. More, he could, after a little practice, determine exactly where any projectile was going to go from seeing it's launcher, and keep tracking that point of aim for minutes at a time, making it child's play to avoid incoming fire.
    He hooked up with a guy called Machismo in Dallas, and soon was introduced to Machismo's team, the E-Star Gang, mostly minor supers, but a good number of them and Machismo trained them in the tactics and operational systems he'd learned in the Mexican Army, and between good teamwork, Machismo's leadership and the fact that a few E-Stars, like himself and his on-again off-again love interest Scythe, were proving not to be so low level, they were highly successful at various hits on both sides of the border. Life was good, And Daniel, now calling himself Hawk-shot, was finally living the good life he felt he deserved. He also discovered in himself a deep satisfaction at his ability to kill, and when Machismo wanted someone dead it was either him or Scythe who got the nod. She was more clinical and precise - he was more than happy to shoot his way through a troop of bodyguards.
    It came to an end in a well-set ambush in northern Mexico. The E-Star Gang had encountered Primus a couple times, and frankly been unimpressed, but this was UNTIL, and they'd done their homework. Half the gang went down in the first volley, and only Machismo stopped it being a wipe-out, charging the UNTIL line and breaking it, at the cost of his own life. Only a few of the Gang got away.
    Daniel found himself on his own again. Scythe - renaming herself Ghostscythe - was recruited by the CIA for their covert assassination division, though she eventually went freelance. Taking a leaf from her book, Damiel reinvented himself as the gun for hire Hawkesmythe. After a time he connected up with Meggido, whom the Gang had done a couple of jobs for back in the day. 
    On the day of the Battle, Hawkesmythe had one order: Maximum carnage. While he was able to get pretty much everyone on his primary target list of Jackson Industries personnel, he was actually a little disappointed in his body count - he wound up in a duel with Flechette, and the fighting was drawing down by the time he managed to ditch her and get back to the killing. He is annoyed that the media has been treating it as a win for the heroine, since he figures that at best it was a draw, and he'd really like another round with her. Not to mention another round with Ghostscythe...
    (Hope this isn't too long!)
  17. Like
    Quackhell reacted to csyphrett in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    When Meggido put together his plan to do his raid, he hired Dale Petty to handle any transportation problems. Dale agreed. As the Road King, his ability to use any road as a teleport gate was a good way to ensure an escape if it was needed. Dale wound up engaging the SWAT teams and other law enforcement until it was time to leave.
  18. Like
    Quackhell reacted to steriaca in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Jones Joins is the brick Hammerhead. A member of the wrecking crew, he practically ignored everyone and everything except for smashing through walls and support collems. He miscalculated his survivability when an entire upper building crushed him to death.
    Well, at least he succeeded in wrecking a building. Pitty it wasn't the one he was hired to destroy...
  19. Like
    Quackhell reacted to death tribble in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    So what in the end was this all about ? There was a prophecy of one who will bring peace and harmony to magic or destroy all those who wield it. This latter eventuality concerned The Sybll who had many descendants who used or had ties to magic. She began to sift through eventualities to isolate the person who might be the one so that she could take steps against them. She received unexpected help when Fatebinder cursed The Sophia claiming one would bring her down. The Sybll realised if she tried to manipulate The Sophia in any way shape or form that the results would be catastrophic for her family. So instead she concentrated on Fatebinder and how they would attempt to thwart destiny as they had done before. Fatebinder altered potential futures so that the prophecy would bring about someone who would destroy magic. That settled The Sybll. Whoever came forward would threaten her descendants and ultimately herself.
    The Sophia became aware of the prophecy and planned how to subvert the prophecy as Fatebinder could not be directly attacked.
    Two powerful forces of magic thus began manipulating events to isolate the one person and ensure their demise. The target would turn out to be Roger Craddock who was a minor paranormal whose talent was breaking locks and shorting out systems with an electric blasts at close range. He operated under the name Crackler and came to the attention of Backdraft who needed doors and alarms taken out on various jobs. This working relationship was what would bring Roger to what turned out to be The Battle of Philadelphia. What would happen with Fatebinder's manipulation of the future was that Roger would kill someone at Jackson Industries as a result of magic, his mind would snap and he would crusade against those who used magic bringing down many practitioners and their kin. So instead he needed to perish and so would others to ensure that the prophecy failed completely. And if the opportunity permitted various alternate targets could also be removed.
    It was child play to persuade Meggido to choose Hawkesmythe and lead a group against Jackson Industries. Tweaking Kilroy Killjoy to bring the Scions was more difficult as was stalling the kidnap group all day long.
    Roger had done his part getting through alarms and security on the outside of the complex and he was working on doors in the loading bay prior to the impending assault when Meggido attacked. Roger tried to make it inside but fire from the villains stopped him. Then the police appeared and opened fire. Roger had to flee here and there not knowing what to do. It therefore appeared to be just bad luck that Hawkesmythe put bullets into his abdomen and that he then stumbled in front of said villain when Flechette returned fire. Either wound might have been survivable but both proved fatal. At least that is what the inquest found.
    If anyone else wants to have another victim of the two, go right ahead.
  20. Like
    Quackhell reacted to steriaca in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    The Phantom Eye was hired by a mysterious third party as part of the kidnap team, targeting various scientist of Jackson Industries. He used his powerful "phantom eye" eye visor to find his targes by viewing objects from far away and through solid objects and move them at a distance. Unfortunately, he was too late, as Madjack slained most of them.
    Forcently for his boss, they were able to snatch a few scientist away who were not lethally wounded. It took the media days to figure out who was snatched over who was dead.

  21. Like
    Quackhell reacted to Sundog in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Dogfighter was brought in by Meggido to provide top-cover and snipe targets of opportunity, as well as deny any arriving supers or cops control of the air. It was this operation that has firmly cemented the power-armoured mercenary as a villain in the public mind - prior, though he had been super-powered muscle for hire, Dogfighter had straddled the line as far as hero/villain went.
    Dogfighter never actually entered the building - his 20mm cannons and guided missiles were never designed for close quarters battle. He downed one news chopper and was providing fire support for Hawksmythe when his radar screamed of an incoming projectile. This proved to be Red Bolt. Dogfighter moved to close the distance and engage the hero, but misjudged the closing velocity - to people on the ground, it looked like he'd flown directly into Red Bolt. 
    Picking himself out of the wreckage, he loosed a volley of 20mm projectiles at approaching police from his one still-functioning cannon. This attracted the attention of Burning Eagle, who promptly showed why Dogfighter never went for close combat - but who had to use potentially lethal power levels to penetrate the mercenary's armoured shell. In fact, to this day  Burning Eagle is convinced he killed Dogfighter, when the power suit's micro-reactor destabilized and exploded. Actually, Dogfighter had already ejected, using his chameleon-wave undersuit to avoid detection, evade the police and flee the scene, though he was seriously tempted to take a shot at Red Crescent when he arrived - the two have an ongoing grudge over Dogfighter's actions in the middle-east, as well as significant religious differences.
    Jackson al-Malik is building a new suit, but figures he'd be better off with a different nom-de-guerre. At this point he's settled on Sky Baron.
  22. Thanks
    Quackhell reacted to death tribble in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Total no of villains = 12
    Meggido's group = 6
    wrecking Group = 3 (+1 named)
    Kidnap group = 1
    independent villains = 2
    3 of Meggido's group to be done including Hawkesmythe. Of the two remaining one at least should be a flier see Red Bolt and Burning Eagle's entries
    2 of kidnap group to be done
    Upto 5 of wrecking group to be done including the speedster Rumbler (see Ghostscythe's entry)
    4 heroes and 4 villains dead so far. And an unknown number of of police and Jackson Industries staff.
    3 villains captured
    6 villains escaped (this includes Meggido)
  23. Like
    Quackhell reacted to csyphrett in Create a Hero Theme Team!   
    The Tumbler arrived on the scene, using his acrobatic prowess to help where he could. He left in a bag, caught in an explosion and burned beyond all recognition.
  24. Like
    Quackhell reacted to death tribble in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Backdraft brought Barrier in as a human shield. He can bounce bullets and can throw heavy objects around which s useful in an operation where transport needs to be vandalised one way or another. Barrier had a lot of bad luck in the Battle of Philadelphia. He was hit by Philadelphia Freedom and Burning Eagle, shot by Flechette, Hawkesmythe, Kill Coil, The Giggler, Richtor-1 and the police, bitten by The Great Dan, blasted by Meggido and Cosmik, bombed by Death Bat, stabbed by The Giggler and Madjack and while leaping was knocked to the ground by The Red Bolt. He holds the distinction of being hit by all the armour wearers that were working for the police. This did have the effect of letting at least Backdraft and possibly Meggido, escape. He actually surrendered to the police and this was caught on camera by Philadelphia News as he put up his hands and said 'I Quit !'
  25. Like
    Quackhell reacted to death tribble in Create a Hero Theme Team!   
    Officer Scott Daniels was another one of the policemen wearing Teasdale Armstrong Tactical Armour. He felt that it had a nice day wasted. The exercise that the police had tried out that day had been a damp squib. As he and the others were embarking in vehicles to return to base they saw and heard the explosions and raced over to Jackson Industries.
    The police were lucky as no-one was able to meddle with their communications and they were able to co-ordinate efforts. Daniels flanked Sgt Williams as the armour wearers strode into the middle of the complex. It became apparent very quickly that one set of villains were trying to destroy the back of factory where the warehouse and loading bay was located and another set trying to kill people and damage everything. Daniels version of the armour had solid projectile launchers which meant not only bullets but impact rounds designed to knock people out or down. The armour wearers separated as they were all easily identifiable as police units. This had also been transmitted to the hero group The Scions of Liberty who surprisingly had been the first on the scene.
    It was Scott who also discovered another wrinkle as he stumbled on a kidnapping in progress by a third set of villains. This caused the trio to make a break for it with their intended victim. Daniels engaged Hawkesmythe and The Giggler in shooting matches mainly to draw the villains away from the fleeing civilians.
    Scott was one of those who helped try to restrain Philadelphia Freedom when The Red Crescent appeared. For reasons he has not been able to explain, before or since, he directed the latter to a victim saying 'I think you had better take a look at her, I think she's still alive'. This was a nurse with a chest wound who should have perished but lived thanks to The Red Crescent.
    Since then Daniels has been the mainstay of the armour wearers and is known as TATA_1.
    That makes 12
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