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    Hotspur reacted to Pattern Ghost in Coronavirus   
    So, what you're saying is you'd rather be hanging with your gnomies?
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    Hotspur reacted to ScottishFox in Holding actions (to interrupt spells)   
    I recently ran a Pillars of Eternity inspired campaign and we used spell casting times to allow for spell interruption and some selectivity when picking spells at each "level".
    Spells with a cast time of 3 segments or 4 segments were more powerful, but left you vulnerable to getting interrupted.  Quicker spells (1/2 phase) could not be interrupted unless someone had a held action ready to deal with you.  Sounded great, turned out to be a time tracking hassle in actual game play.  The idea that you could go later in a segment or on a different segment than someone channeling a powerful long cast spell and interrupt them with a quick cast spell played out pretty well.
    I suppose one simple option would be to allow Dispel to be used with an Aborted action.
    If you can find a simple enough implementation it is a great thematically appropriate option.  It feels right in a fantasy setting to try to interrupt a priest or wizard before they can finish their spell.
    Aragorn- "Do not let him speak, he will put a spell on us... We must be quick."
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    Hotspur reacted to massey in how much body does a planet have?   
    Planets either have nearly infinity Body or the have between 50 and 80.
    I forget the math on it, but it takes less than 100 Body to blow a planet sized hole through a wall, once you take into account a bunch of doublings.  But that’s in one shot, one attack.  A machine gun will never do it.  You need one big 90D6 attack.
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    Hotspur reacted to massey in Simple Combat for Newcomer   
    Here's what I'd do.  It sounds like you're just wanting to learn the combat system for yourself.  Rather than worry about a bunch of optional rules, I'd just set up a few fights with you acting as both player and GM.  Start slow, focusing on one aspect at a time.
    Fight #1 -- Take a Champions brick (somebody like Ogre) and let yourself fight a group of regular cops.  I don't know what books you have, but if you don't have any stats for Ogre, use a generic super-strong guy.  60 Strength, 18 Dex, 30 Con, 30 PD and ED (all resistant), 4 Speed, 60 Stun, OCV 8, DCV 6, 10" of Running, 20" of Leaping.  Now go rampaging through town.  Every turn two cop cars pull up, with two cops getting out of each one.  The cops shoot at Ogre with their guns (damage is inconsequential -- they're all too weak to hurt him, but it's good for you to practice rolling to-hit).  Set out some figures on a game mat and just learn how the basics of the game work.  Spend a phase or two grabbing cop cars and hurling them through the air.  Use your high leaping movement to bound away off the map and leave the cops behind.  Smash holes in walls and rip trees out of the ground.  Just think of cool things you could do if you were a rampaging super-strong monster, then look up how to do it in the book.  Don't worry about trying to be efficient or effective in combat.  Don't track endurance, or calculate knockback, or even worry about damage if you don't want to (anything Ogre hits will shatter, nothing can hurt Ogre).  Just learn the basics of rolling to hit, and how the Speed chart works.
    Fight #2 -- Now a local superhero shows up to fight Ogre.  Make sure the guy is a little weaker than you (of course, you're playing both sides, so it doesn't matter who "wins"). Fire Lad has a 20 Dex, 25 Con, 25 PD and ED with his fiery force field, 5 Speed, 40 Stun, OCV 8 and DCV 7, 15" of Flight, and a 10D6 Energy Blast.  He will have a very hard time whittling Ogre down.  Try to play each guy to win.  Look at how damage works now.  Don't track endurance, but maybe look at Knockback, and maybe range penalties.  Ogre should still win this fight -- Fire Lad will have to get close to Ogre to hit him, close enough that Ogre can jump through the air and smack him.  And remember to be creative with how you fight.  If Fire Lad stays too high in the air, Ogre can always smash through a wall and go inside a building.  Or he can throw a manhole cover and then drop down into the sewers.  Or he can climb inside some poor lady's minivan and hide ("No go out there lady, fire guy shoot at Ogre!").
    Fight #3 -- It's time to add in some other powers besides raw damage.  After Fire Lad's defeat, the Caped Avenger shows up.  He's a dark and mysterious avenger of the night.  26 Dex, 25 Con, 20 PD and ED, 6 Speed, 40 Stun, OCV 10 and DCV 10, 10" of Running and 10" of Leaping.  He's highly skilled in the martial arts (the character has 25 Str and +2 damage classes with martial arts).  He has an Offensive Strike maneuver (a powerful spinning roundhouse kick) that does 5D6 for Str, +4D6 for the Offensive Strike maneuver, +2D6 for extra damage classes, for a total of 11D6.  Doing it increases his DCV by 1, but decreases his OCV by 2 (OCV 8, DCV 11).  It's hard to hit with.  He's also got a Martial Dodge maneuver that increases his DCV by 5, but he can't attack the phase he uses it.  And he has a Nerve Strike maneuver that does 3D6 damage and ignores defenses (it has the same OCV/DCV as the spinning roundhouse).  Finally he has a Martial Strike maneuver, a basic punch that does 9D6 damage, but boosts his DCV and doesn't hurt his OCV (OCV 10, DCV 12).  He'll have a hard time hurting Ogre with the basic punch, so that's why he carries a Utility Belt.  His Utility Belt is a Multipower (don't worry about exactly how this works yet), which lets him use different tricks.  He carries 4 blinding flares, which is an 8D6 Flash vs Sight (which will temporarily blind Ogre).  Once he uses the 4 charges, they're gone.  He has 2 gas pellets, which do 3D6 damage on each of Caped Avenger's phases for a full turn and ignore defenses, but they can be avoided if Ogre holds his breath (they are not Area of Effect -- to hurt Ogre the Caped Avenger has to throw them in his mouth).  The Caped Avenger has enough options available that he should be able to beat Ogre, but it's not a sure thing.
    Fight #4 -- If the Caped Avenger falls, then Ultra Guy shows up.  Use Ogre's stats, but he has a Dex of 26, a 6 Speed, an OCV and DCV of 9, and 20" of Flight, as well as a 12D6 Energy Blast and 10" of Knockback Resistance (i.e., he doesn't get knocked backward).  In addition, he has N-Ray vision so he can see through walls.  Ultra Guy should whoop Ogre's butt.  But Ogre has a secret (that he doesn't know -- Ogre is dumb).  This whole rampage was set up by Bald Scientist Man.  Bald Scientist Man is hiding in a nearby dumpster (no game stats needed), and after one turn of combat, he peeks out and fires his Green Kelvarite Ray at Ogre (no game stats needed).  Ogre becomes charged with Green Kelvarite Energy.  Ultra Guy has a Vulnerability to Green Kelvarite, and takes x2 damage from it.  If Ogre can last this long (remember, he doesn't know it's coming, so he shouldn't be dodging around waiting for it to happen), then he'll do double damage every time he punches Ultra Guy.
    Above all, have fun with it.  That's why we play this game.  And don't worry if you forget something (like skipping somebody's action or forgetting to see if the damage they take exceeds their Con score).  Even very experienced groups forget things virtually every session.  Each of these scenarios gives you a little something to fiddle with and figure out.  You can make it as complex as you want (I always liked knocking people back through buildings), or as simple as you need.  Welcome to the game.
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    Hotspur reacted to archer in Fringe Benefit - Membership or Organizational Contact - or both   
    That's what I think.
    I used to work for a major US airline. I had a badge that would let me into HQ, into employee-only areas of multiple airports without needing a justification, let me fly for free on my airline, and let me completely bypass security when I traveled. I could fly on other carriers, even abroad, for pocket change (like US to Britain, UK, mainland Europe, Greece, Egypt, Israel for $25-$50). I could chat to the CFO and CEO in the halls. I had access to starling amounts of sensitive information.
    And I was about as close to a complete nobody as you could be. The badge and travel were benefits any employee had. The reason most people didn't chat with the bigwigs in the halls were that they didn't have the guts to strike up a conversation. I had access to information because having access to that information was a vital part of my job.
    I couldn't ask anyone for assistance with anything outside the scope of my job with any expectations that I'd get it. My bosses depended on me but I couldn't convince even them to do their owns jobs, much less do anything out of the ordinary.
  6. Like
    Hotspur reacted to dsatow in What complications would Supergirl have other than vulnerability to Kryptonite?   
    I would do vulnerability to magical effects(not damage) at 1.5x or 2x for 15/30 points.  This would allow magical chains of binding spells to affect her closer to how a normal human might be affected.
    A psych lim that isn't mentioned which seems to happen a lot with super people, is the desire to fix whats wrong to the point it starts to become self destructive.
    Ex: "Why was I late Lois?  Well, I was headed home with the chinese food, when I heard a little girl crying about a cat in a tree.  I fixed that problem, when a 1 alarm house fire went off.  I got that done, but a mugging on 5th and vine ..."
    Another issue that tends to come up are Hunteds that seek a name recognition.  Take out Superman and you instantly become an A-Listed.  In fact, Superman had Maxmia for a while who came to breed with Supes.  Not really a harming hunted, but still keying off the fact that Supes is an extremely powerful entity.
    Another is the classic NPC of the issue meme.  Basically, a flexible DNPC for the GM to use as a damsel in distress or a fan.  
    Ex: The PCs meet Sister May who runs the orphanage.  Without her, according to her patrons, the orphanage will fall to ruin.  She works 16 hours a day, 365 days a year helping the orphans.  Then a villain takes a hostage who is of course Sister May.
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    Hotspur reacted to Old Man in Coronavirus   
    Please be careful, there are plenty of instances of people crashing very quickly if it gets severe. Don’t wait around if you start to feel worse. 
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