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Everything posted by hawkfu

  1. Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood! Yeah, it sounds like they are going the way of Superman 3 or Batman 3 (Batman Forever) - that is to say, the way of the suck. And Ratner is a competent director, but I don't want a competent director, I want a freakin' cool director! X-Men and X2 don't deserve this kind of treatment. Hawkfu
  2. Re: Need a Superhero HQ? - Try this one Wow, this is great work! Beautiful layout. Thanks for sharing! Hawkfu
  3. Hey, I was wondering if anyone had ever plotted the different cities is the hero universe (Millennium City, Vibora Bay, San Angelo, Hudson City) on a US map to see where they all are to each other? I was thinking about doing that, but I thought I'd see if maybe someone already had. Thanks, Hawkfu
  4. Hey, I'm looking at starting a new campaign now that I have moved to LA. I think I want it to take place in a Superhero school - just in time for the new Champions Teens suppliment - (ala the comicbook Sidekicks, or Harry Potter or X-Men) The basic idea is that the increase in superhumans has created a need for a place to help train the next generation in an environment where they are free to explore their abilities. They aren't necessarily feared or hated (like the X-Men) or hidden away where no one knows of them (like Harry Potter), but it is somewhat out of the way and exclusive. Anyway, what I'm asking, what kind of school rules would an academy like that have? No Superspeed in the halls? Anyone caught using x-ray vision unsupervised gets detention? Any ideas? Thanks, Hawkfu
  5. Re: unexpected depth to the story - er, suggestions welcome Hey, thanks for asking. Actually I decided on the idea posted early in the thread involving Demon harvesting chaos energy from the mayhem created from the contest. Unfortunately I haven't been able to finish the story because the group fell apart due to schedule conflicts. I'm gonna have to try this again another time. Hawkfu
  6. Re: unexpected depth to the story - er, suggestions welcome Wow, you guys are good. Excellent suggestions from everyone. I especially like the Double idea. Thanks! Hawkfu
  7. Hi, I have been running a simple little adventure designed to get our characters fighting just about every villian I could throw at them. The set up is that Foxbat has invited/challenged the supervillain community to prove themselves and see who deserves the title of "second best supervillain", since he himself obviously is THE Best. To add motivation, he has offered a cash prize of $2,000,000 to the winner. They have a week to earn points by doing things like: destruction of public property, humiliating police, humiliating Until, and most importantly, defeating the heroes in a public display of power. This has brought the more small time villains out of the woodwork. It was all going so well, until... Last night I ran the latest (3rd session) in the story. So far it's been full of fights, ambush, and general mayhem. Well, they finally caught up with Foxbat and brought their frustration and anger right to him. However, things took a suprising turn for the players and most especially for ME, when Foxbat revealed that he actually had nothing to do with any of this. He suggested that the heroes were being played by someone. I didn't actually plan that. It was a spur of the moment thought that popped up and just jumped right out of my mouth. Now I find myself needing to back it up. So if the contest is in fact a massive distraction meant to keep law enforcement agencies and the heros busy, who set it up? And more importantly, WHY? Hawkfu
  8. Re: looking for Adventure idea Wow! Thanks everybody, these suggestions are excellent! Hawkfu
  9. Hi, I sort of boxed myself in a corner with my last adventure. The campaign is kind of a Ultimate DC setting , with the player characters playing versions of the Justice League (Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern primarily). The last adventure ended with Superman getting mind controlled by the never before seen Poison Ivy. I had planned on starting the next adventure with Batman investigating a series of attacks on some companies by a super being, only to discover that the attacks are being made by the mind controlled Superman. The problem is that I am having trouble coming up with the actual Poison Ivy plot to drive the story. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Hawkfu
  10. Re: Freaking out the players I was a player in a group where the GM would start every adventure with: "Okay, Shade [player character], you're in the shower...." 7 out of 10 adventures started that way and always some villain would attack (he had a public ID). The character started showering with his costume in reach because he got tired of fighting off Viper in his towel. Hawkfu
  11. Re: Captain America's Shield woo hoo, thanks everybody! Hawkfu
  12. Hi, This may have been done to death, and I'm sorry for that, but I did a search and turned up nothing in these forums (please point me in the right direction if you know of where this has been discussed before). At any rate, I'm seeking suggestions on how to build this focus. Specifically how to capture the offensive and ranged capabilities and balance that with the defensive abilities. Any ideas? Thanks! Hawkfu
  13. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That! Mold Man! A player in my group from way, way back made Mold Man. Human sized animated mold that fought crime. A college student's refrigerator experiment gone way wrong, Mold Man could project mold and had a slight area effect nnd mold stink damage shield. I hated Mold Man. That same player created Dinosaurian - a man who could assume the form of several dinosaurs. Full, actual sized dinosaurs... But my favorite was Dreams! He was the master of the dream realm, and he could induce your worst nightmares or trap you in your own dream. Yes, all very useful, except that he was always in the "dream realm". Really hard to get him in the game... "So Dreams, what are you doing?" "I'm floating in the dream realm." "Er, okay..." I ended up creating Nightmare as a villain and killing Dreams. Still one of the most satisfying things I have ever run. Hawkfu
  14. Re: Supervillain Images Yeah, I posted the image then pulled it because it was a modification of an image taken from Ultimate Spider-Man (Electro). Sorry. Hawkfu
  15. Re: From Blk/Wht or Grey Scale to Color Hmmmm...you know, that didn't even occur to me. I will check on that right now. Thanks. Hawkfu
  16. Hi, I am no artist, so I really depend on the stuff published in the game suppliments or what I can find from other sources. I do love working with images in my paint program or Photoshop though. Here are a few of the published Champions characters that I added color to that I thought I would share. First: Dark Seraph, Bloodstone & Black Paladin. Hawkfu
  17. Hi, Anyone have a good color pic or Ripper that they wouldn't mind sharing? I'm trying to remember what the original drawing of Ripper looked like... Anyway, thanks. Hawkfu
  18. Hey, So one of the most fun characters that I have ever played was a super stretch/shapeshifter named, (ready for it) Stretch. I had been playing Champs for nearly 10 years at the time that I made him and never in that time had I even considered playing a stretching character. I just thought it was silly. Then I had to make a character for a friends game that I was sitting in on. I wanted to make something I had never played before, so there it was. I went more toward the Plastic Man route of wise cracking, fun loving guy, rather than the Mr. Fantastic guy. Anyway, despite what I thought, it was a total blast! I have never had so much fun as I did with this guy. -Hawkfu
  19. hawkfu

    VIPER Watch

    what's the what? My copy of Viper is in the mail but I'm dying to know what's inside. Anybody want to share? -hawkfu
  20. Hi, About a year ago one of my players got me in to using miniatures while gaming and now I'm hooked. I was at a gaming store the other day and I saw a model of a dungeon - one that you could modify the different sections as needed - and I thought that was the coolest thing I had ever seen. Does anyone know of anything like that for a modern setting? Thanks for any direction. -Hawkfu
  21. hawkfu

    quick question

    Unbelieveably Naughty Teens In Leather?!?! Yikes. That's gonna stay with me. Thanks for the quick response! -Hawkfu
  22. Can someone remind me what UNTIL stands for? Thanks, Hawkfu
  23. Hey everybody, So what tips do you suggest for writing up a super speedster? What kind of speed "tricks" can you think of? Thanks, Hawkfu
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