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Everything posted by Silbeg

  1. Re: I don't think I can move However, other mental powers (mind control comes to mind, primarily) have the same result... if a command goes against a psych lim, there can be a bonus, or at least a higher required level of control...
  2. Re: Whats on your custom GM screen Thanks, Rapier! Great chart! Rep to you! Say, when 5ER comes out, any chance you would be updating to the new rulebook? I plan to download this, and add it to each of my player's folders, as well as my resources. On that, I have a three-ring binder for each of my players... they keep player notes in them (including "closing sheets" - which answer some questions like: What happened today? What are the character's goals? What is s/he doing in his/her down time? PC Kudos, and GM questions). I create a recap sheet for each session, which they also place in their binders, which gives sort of a history of the campaign.
  3. Re: I've been thinking... I do believe that the two things are talking about extremely different things. There are all sorts of ways that powers may be limited... however, since phys lims would affect a character, even when in normal ID, for most constructs using phys lim disads instead of limitation would not be a proper way doing it. Example: Freezer's powers don't work in hot/arid conditions. So, his EC (Cold powers) has a 1/4 limititaion "Not in hot/arid conditions". As a phys lim, this could be "Powers don't work in hot/arid conditions"... but, what are defined as powers? Freezer also happens to have some enhanced attributes (due to his mutation), shouldn't they be logically reduced as well? By how much (possibly to 10's???)? I see the problem more being an issue where the use of OIHID is rapant munchkinism. In a campaign where the heroes are never out of hero ID, this isn't a limitation... as such, the GM should disallow the limitation (or set it to a -0 lim)... the players and GM should be honest about this... if they are never going to play the characters outside of their HERO IDs, then don't take the limitation. As the GM, few, if any, villains should have this limitation, as most of them would never be encountered without their powers active.
  4. Re: I don't think I can move There is also a limitation that you could require... -1/2 Mental DEF adds to EGO - I like this, becuase it does portray that having Mental DEF will make you more resistent to the effects. That being said, the average character, who hasn't spent any points on EGO (I always advocate spending at least 2 for EGO 11, but more usually 8 for EGO 14, but that is another story), will have trouble getting out. But, remember, that the average mentalist will probably have the same difficulty getting out of a 6d6 6 DEF normal entangle his 10-15 STR... actually, the average character will be able to get out of the Mental Paralysis more easily!
  5. Re: secure radio communicator Whether or not this would be interceptable based on SFX is up to the GM, but given that a telepath (etc) cannot intercept mind links, I would argue (and I believe the Champions source book, or Star Hero uses this construct as well) that this goes far enough to ensure that the transmissions are not decryptable in normal situations. Of course, the GM is always free to allow some specific spuervillain, etc., to decrypt the signals as a plot device. However, since the intent is an undecryptable radio transmission, I, as a GM, would allow it. However, if someone gets their hands on one of these... all bets are off!
  6. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... The only way you can damage your opponent is if they get a hernia while attacking you!
  7. Re: If you could add one more... The only question then becomes how expensive of an adder IS it? It would probably be pretty significant, but should be on par with decreasing the temperature of the area to a dangerous level. Not having my book here at work, what is considered a "Temperature Level Adjustment"? The cost could be similar to that of dropping the temp to dangerous levels (where you will start taking environmental damage). Each level of temp increase would be 3 points. A point of damage is 5 points, as is +1 STR Tk... I am guessing that the appropriate cost would be around 20-30 pts, active, as an adder. But that is a VERY rough guess.
  8. on the thread http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24761 I have posted a beta version of a new Character Template that has expanded skills. I would appreciate it if some people could take a look at it, and try using it. The KS/PS/SS skills have been significantly expanded in their examples (by about 80-90 each!). Please let me know what you think, and if I missed any examples that would be useful (and for which genre?) Thanks!
  9. Re: What blocks senses and powers? However, indirect senses already exist. The power Clairsentience covers this, does it not? I get what you are trying to say, but on the same lines, wouldn't thermal imaging (in this model) also have to have indirect bought on it? More to the point, I would say that it is up to the player and GM to decide what the effect of the power it. It seems reasonable for them to come to a consensus on what the effects of the powers are, and what would block, obscure, etc. Example, Traveller's Hypersence is bought as N-Ray (and discriminatory), because he can use his abiliity to manipulate hyperspace to see through objects. However, his perception is blocked by dense objects (high DEF, hardened DEF, or Lack of Weakness), as it is more difficult to manipulate hyperspace through dense matter. When perceiving through a barrier, his perception is not as clear as it would be were he to be seeing something unobscured (penalties on PER rolls for concealment), the denser the material he is looking through, the harder it is to perceive. In addition, he does need a light source in the area he is perceiving (he has jury-rigged his refridgerator so that the light is always on... convenient for when he wants to get a beer without opening the fridge, using his hyperspace-reach).
  10. Re: secure radio communicator Looks really good, bblackmoor. Oh, FYI, if you have the Champions source book, they have a ridiculously expensive radio that is interesting (24 real). I will admit that I didn't come up with the mind link idea myself... have seen it in many places...
  11. Re: If you could add one more... So, then what you are looking for is some sort of environmental effect... This screams Change Environment, but I am not sure the adder that would be needed (perhaps that is what we really need?) That would be a good question to pose for our favorite guru, Mr. Long?!
  12. Re: Best Champions Moment The team is sent back in time to prevent someone from cloning Grond to make an army of Gronds... The team gets through the ambush of the guards outside, and learn that it their former characters (from the previous campaign, the mentors of their current team) that are doing the cloning (under the orders of "The Master"...). They get into the lab, when one of the characters, Chaos (a super-mage who is usually invisible) is detected by the player's former character, Iron Man (who has Radar). Chaos's player: "Damn, taken out by my own character!"
  13. Re: If you could add one more... Good call!!! Bring back REGEN the way it used to work. This wonky construct using Healing really blows... probably the only real beef I have with 5E
  14. Re: If you could add one more... This can be covered in the current powers.... link an NND to the Force Wall (or Entangle), with the defense being SCB... For the FW, it would need an AE to be the same as the Force Wall's ability to enclose... Of course, you probably want to add Continuous, and even possible Uncontrolled (the power would end if the FW/Entangle is broken).
  15. Re: secure radio communicator I would create these something like this: 9: Mind Link , Human class of minds, Any Willing Target, No LOS Needed, Affected as Radio Group instead of Mental (+0) (25 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Hearing (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) In multiple comminucators can be linked in together, just increase the "Number of Minds" adder. The mind link power implies that it cannot be tapped into (thus the incryption).
  16. Re: John Henry based brick Well, with an 80 STR and his high CON, he would be able to pick up ANY hammer and be able to work (actually, would probably exceed the ability of a normal tool to survive his STR, but that is another story). The idea I was working from was that the extreme usage of power through the hammer would be what was causing him damage. He could even use the hammer without using a slot (as a GM I would allow it as a non-com effect, no added dice, or anything).
  17. Re: John Henry based brick
  18. Re: John Henry based brick Now, If I am reading this correctly, he has a max STR of 160? Wowsers. Maybe a different idea would be to make the "My Great Strength" multipower work a little differently. I am assuming you want him to have the 100 STR, but even that seems excessive to me... I would perhaps do it as a +1/2 Variable Advantage on STR... Another way would be to replace the "John Henry's Hammer" and the "My Great Strength" with the following: 10 John Henry's Hammer: Multipower, 40-point reserve, (40 Active Points); all slots Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (2d6 KA when using power; -1), OAF (John Henry's Hammer; -1), Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1) 1u 1) My Great Strength: +40 STR (40 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 12 1u 2) Can Break Through Anything: Penetrating (+1/2) for up to 80 Active Points of STR (40 Active Points) 12 1u 3) Sweeping the Hammer: Area Of Effect (up to One Hex; +1/2) for up to 80 Active Points of STR (40 Active Points) 12 1u 4) Knock 'em to Timbuktu: Does x1 1/2 Knockback (+1/2) for up to 80 Active Points of STR (40 Active Points) Adding additional slots would be trivial as well (just look in "Ultimate Brick" for ideas). This shows the tremendous expenditure he would have to do to use the powers...
  19. Re: Do as you are told There have been instances where I have said to a player, "No, you character would not do that, given the effect of the Mind Control". Granted, this doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. There are also cases that as a GM you have to question a player's actions, based on the character's psych lim. Player: I do a move through on that damned agent! 17d6, here we come! GM: No, the Brute would not do that. He has a Code Against Killing. [/font] Player: But the agent fired at me with lethal force. (No mention that it would never be lethal to his character) GM: Still, you know that he is a normal, and you could kill him. Player: He'll still have body left! Even if he has only 10 PD, he will only take 7 BODY on average. That isn't lethal! GM: It certainly can be... knock back, bleeding, etc. That would be a lethal attack against a normal, and you will be out of character if you do that. Player: Well, the Code Against Killing is only Strong. I think I should get an EGO roll, then. GM: Regardless, it is out of character. Brute knows that his attack could kill the agent. Player: Fine, I will pull my punch... come on! Come on dice, get a to-hit exactly! GM: *sigh*
  20. Re: What blocks senses and powers? I would disagree about your interpretation of N-Ray vision. It is a sense, with range and targetting, much like IR vision. It is also typically bought as sight group, though that is not required. You would really have to look at the special effects, and what it is trying to do. This gets especially tricky once discriminatory is added to it (note that infrared perception does not have discriminatory by default, either). If a character had "X-Ray Vision" defined as being able to see things like an actual X-ray machine, then he certainly wouldn't need to have an alternate sense to see through things. X-Ray vision would be a type of N-Ray in 5E, BTW. The interior of a human, suitcase, what have you, is hardly ever going to be illuminated, however, X-rays will still, by their very nature work. Now, you could argue that X-rays would be an active sense, illuminating the target, but this doesn't have to be the case (I would argue that Superman does not irradiate everything he looks through with his X-ray vision).
  21. Re: Do as you are told Dust Raven, I really like your analysis. I agree that the more vague the command, the less definate the response you will get. I recall one fight (the opening scenario in Champions Battleground), where the team mystic used mind control on Ogre, commanding him to stand still (or something like that). Of course, Ogre had to comply, but got frustrated and threw a teammate of his at one of the North Force (cannot recall who it was). Seeing that, Ogre started throwing huge armfuls of dirt, etc. Eventually, Ogre himself ended up getting thrown towards the melee, and with glee Ogre stood up, and pounded the person he landed next to! All of the players agreed that what happened made sense, given the command given. It has seemed, though, in my games MC has been used against the characters more than by the characters (mentallists tend to be out of favor). The players are always trying to find interesting loopholes in their commands, which I usually allow them... "Justice, attack Iron Man!", was the command from Mind Player. Justice followed the command by doing a grab by on Lazer, and uses Lazer as a club to pound on Iron Man.
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