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Everything posted by Silbeg

  1. Silbeg

    Team Tactics

    Re: Team Tactics First off, I have to say "Wow" to the apparent power level in your game. 7d6 HKA? And with AF? Wowsers... wouldn't want to face that guy... I would probably have Marvel Man keep his range up, as I would assume he is the most fragile of the group. In any event, he won't need to be close to be effective with his powers. With Mental Illusions, he could take opponents out of the battle (or better yet, give the illusion that an opponent and team mate have switched place, so the enemy attacks the wrong target). Bolt is probably the best character to handle the logistics... if there is am innocent, or whatever, that the team needs to get out of there, fast, it would be him. Otherwise, keep up his speed, and keep pounding. Against agents he should try multiple move-bys. The best synergy will come with the bricks (duh!)... they should try and take out the enemies that Bolt will knock down (given that he uses martial arts, there are no guarantees, though)... same goes for Marksman... Probably nothing you hadn't thought about... of course, with characters like those, there is perhaps a lesser demand for good teamwork? The DCs in my game run between 10-13, with one character not even having an damage inducing power! See the North Force Home Page for the characters in my game!
  2. Re: Champions/V&V Conversions What do you use to convert?
  3. If a character creates a power in a VPP with charges, how does this affect the pool in general. Example for a 50pt reserve pool... 17: 10d6 EB, 1 charge (50 active) Would this deplete (make unavailable until charges recover) A) 17 points of the pool (the real pointsof the power) 50 points of the pool (the active points of the power) C) 0 points of the pool (limitations don't have an effect on the pool itself) I personally believe that it would be 17, as you are "using up" that much of the pool with that one charge. Also, would assume that if you use more charges, you would need to deplete proportionally... This is in regards to the following thread http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=513191 Thanks, Steve!
  4. Re: Well blow me down A couple of points here, on why I don't really believe that it is over-priced. Much of this has to do with synergy effects, etc. The focus here is the primary damage of KB, but nothing to do with the other secondary effects, such as 1/2 DCV when prone, etc. 1) In many cases, even a single extra inch of KB can overcome resistence. Taking an opponent off his feet has a huge effect on combat! This is the primary purpose of Double KB in my eyes... also the reason why the Takedown Martial Manuever is one of the more powerful. 2) When stacking with other advantages, the cost diminishes proportionally. Even adding in 1/2 END has a huge effect on the cost... 8d6 Double KB 1/2 END => 80 Active 14d6 EB, 1/2 END => 87 Active To be even (at approximately 80 Active), the EB drops to 12.5 d6, with the following curve: Double KB 8 * 2 = 16 - 7 = 9" average KB Normal EB 12.5 = 12.5 - 7 = 5.5" average KB Stacking more advantages will have an even more profound effect. 3) The more important issue is "Does the advantage well portray the power?" if the answer is yes, then it should be used.
  5. Re: Random powers (falling, barriers) By the letter of the rules, it would be legal. However, a GM may feel this is abusive (I would agree). If the campaign has minimums on powers (say 10" teleport), the increased cost may mitagate the cheapness. On the other hand, a trigger must be set up ahead of time, and technically requires an action to reset. Another way to reduce abusiveness may be to add a side effect that the the character loses his/her next phase. Not sure what level side-effect that would be (probably the minor?), but would be a good balancer as well. Still, feather fall would probably be better described as gliding, as someone noted (with the appropriate parachute-like limitations)
  6. Re: So, why is longevity so expensive? Interesting. Leads the character to certain social limitations... and other psych lims... Social Lim of no birth certificate could certainly be an issue, as well as a psych lim of a fatalistic view (having seen so many friends and family die over the years). Etc.
  7. Re: Do you use the official Champions Universe? I am mostly in the "3" camp, as I have been creating a world framework since before I had CU... Pulls from a lot of sources, but has as a core feature in the US the "Federal Paranormal Control Agency" (formerly under the BATF, but now in Homeland Security). History is incomplete at this time, but paranormals started appearing in the mid-50s (which caused a panic in the McCarthy-era US, thus the agency!). However, I am not beyond using any published materials as I see fit, though I also do tend to edit any character , etc., that I see fit.
  8. Re: Would you let this be common? Per Steve Long (END only to activate (after the Extra Time, et al)), this actually doesn't work for an instant power like Aid, as they implicitly already only cost END to activate. I understand what you are trying to get at with the concept of costing END to "Prime the pump", but the rules really don't support such a construct. Of course, this could be an issue where the rules don't really meet the needs that you have. On the other hand, the END cost probably doesn't matter the way you have it set up. Since they likely won't be using the power in a combat situation, END doesn't really matter. So, this part of the discussion is probably moot. However, I still like the idea of requiring some sort of immobile focus... such a ritual should require a place to mediate/chant/cast at, IMHO. Another idea (that may have already been broached)... instead of using END, perhaps using charges, which may be expensive/difficult to replace? Maybe the spell requires the use of dragon's blood, or some other magical reagent? Just an idea...
  9. Re: Appropriateness of "Automaton" advantages for a PC Since Automatons do not think for themselves, I would think this a very innapropriate power/ability for a PC. Granted, I have known quite a few players who do not think while in a gake, they usually at least put in a point or two sometime during a session. An automaton wouldn't have an opinion... really only operates under the instructions (read programming) that has been given to it. No will of its own... If it has a will, it is not an automaton. Thus, this is the reason that Mechanon, Half-jack, Interface, et al, do not have these advantages.
  10. Continuing along the lines as discussed in http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23217, http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23220, and http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23221, This discussion stems from the following thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23190, with the power in question being: 1) Does "Only Costs END to Activate" require that the power is a constant power? Note, this assumes that the GM has permitted the modifier to be used on something other than a body-alteration power (such as Growth). 2) If usable on an Instant power, what is defined as an activation? It would seem to me that this limitation shouldn't be legal on a non-constant power, but there appears to be some confusion out there. Which leads, perhaps to question #3... 3) Is the "Extra time only to activate" for an instant power maybe better described as extra time to first activate? (Note: the reason I say it that way is due to the END question) Thank you for your time!
  11. Re: Would you let this be common? No, actually, the FAQ states this: (from the 8/1/04 FAQ release) Note, the question is about constant powers. In fact: Also, the FAQ statements you are quoting are talking about a set up period... each power still costs the normal END/charges, and requires separate attack rolls to improve. Nothing there makes Aid (or any other attack power) a constant power, save purchasing the advantage "Continuous". Even continuing charges are no exception. You do have a valid argument for the extra time, based on your "emplaced weapons" rule, but really not on the END. Each use of the power should cost the full END, or just leave off that limitation. In fact, each use of the power would also technically require a separate attack roll, etc. It is possible that I am wrong. I might suggest asking Steve a question about this on the rules forum... As for the other comments, I was suggesting how I would create the power... etc. If you don't want RSRs, that is your choice. :-D
  12. Re: Is invisibility considered a defense?
  13. Re: Is invisibility considered a defense? As do I. When looking at a characters balance, I usually make sure that invisibility that is often used is balanced by lesser DEF... similar to high DCV being balanced by lower DEF. While Invis (or DCV) is damage avoidance, this is still as viable a defensive strategy as damage resistence. A character usually shouldn't have both abilities... either you can take a hit (like a brick), or avoid a hit (like a martial artist). If an AOE comes their way, martial artists need to use their high DEX to dive for cover, so I don't see that as problem.
  14. Re: Would you let this be common? Hmm... looks like there is something missing here... Shouldn't this be a constant power, for the effect you seem to be describing? I would think that it should be more like: 19 Spell Ritual : Aid 2d6, Can Add Maximum Of 55 Points, [two powers] simultaneously (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (104 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour, Only to Activate, -1 1/2), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; -1), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (-1/2), Requires A Magic Skill Roll (-1/2) This adds in the continuous (else they have to recast for each application), and adds gestures and incantations (makes sense for a magic spell, in my eyes), as well as the RSR. As for the "Costs END only to activate", this advantage/lim is supposed to be used on things like body manipulation powers (like Growth and DI), and could be extended to powers like Armor (Ice Man's ice armor which has to be powered up to be used, but once encased in power doesn't cost END). According to the FAQ and Steve's rulings, this is not an advantage (or lim) to be used on other sorts of powers. I would also consider adding the "ritual" limitiation, so that it requires multiple casters to perform the enhancement. Other ideas would be to add an immovable focus (such as a magic circle, or altar), or even "Window of Opportunity". Just my semi-humble opinion.
  15. Re: Speedster question I would probably add Autofire to that... and not necessarily the increased END. Extra Time would make sense (full phase, at least), to indicate that this takes time to set up the vibrations (maybe more time than that?!) I would allow a power stunt through a "Speedster Tricks" power skill, but the character should have at least those points spent to attempt the trick. Otherwise, I agree that such a power could be purchased in a VPP...
  16. There is a character in my game, whose powers stem from his ability to manipulate hyperspace... these powers manifest primarily as teleportation effects. This character (Traveler) is able project a bubble around himself that causes moving objects to pass through the bubble to the other side... Our working power definition is as follows: 36: Sphere of Translocation: Teleportation 3", x4 Increased Mass, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Damage Shield (+1/2), Area Of Effect (2" radius; +3/4), Continuous (+1), Usable As Attack (+1) (72 Active Points); No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; -1) Now, what the question is, when will the damage shield affect a character moving towards him. Will it have to (A) wait until the character actually attacks him, or ( when the character enters an affected hex? This is a tricky interaction, and a type of power that is hard to define under the rules... Thank you for your help!
  17. Re: Suggestions for deflecting attacks No, the standard block still exists... and there are at least two different Martial Blocks. I kind of like the force wall idea... would also work with other defenses... Another possibility would be to utilize damage reduction (physical), HtH Only (-1/2)... other lims (I leave it up to others to determine the value) would be "Must be aware of attack" and "Not versus falls, or self-inflicted damage"... in all these two are probably pretty similar to the "luck based" ideas of "Combat Luck"... non-persistent would be another good one if the power (such as Armor) were persistent. Special effect would be "Rolling with the punch"... A DEX roll may also be a good replacement for some of this...
  18. Ok, the rules lawyers in my gaming group have hit upon an area of confusion with the definition of a Hand-to-Hand attack. First of all, the question was simply could a Drain be blocked? In this case, it happened to be the Speedster power "I think I am going to be sick...", but we were more concerned with the "general" case. From the combat rules, we can see that there are two types of combat... HtH and Ranged. These are completely defined by the range at which combat takes place... HtH at 0-1 hexes, ranged anything outside of that. With this, we wondered, "Could HtH Combat skill levels be used with an Energy Blast at 1 hex range?", which would tell us that Ranged Combat skill levels could not be (seemed counter-intuitive in some ways, but made sense in others). However, this still did not tell us if you could block an attack with no range, such as a drain. Under the description of the Block manuever, it states that you can block a Hand-to-hand attack. However, in the 5E rules there is only one place that we could find where what a Hand-to-Hand attack was defined (the HA power). Our assumption was that this was supposed to be an attack such as a Strike, or Move-Through, or a HtH martial arts manuever. It seemed to us that an attack with no range kind of fell through the cracks here... We would appreciate your input here, Steve! Thanks!
  19. Re: National Warrior Archetypes
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