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  1. A different take -- and name -- on the same character, perhaps earlier in his career, when he's essentially a nanite-clad martial artist. More precise allocation of points and complications, moving some powers into a beefed up VPP to capture the fluidity of the power set I was after, dropping the fixed defenses and adding a hefty resurrection-regeneration better frame the original concept. Somewhere between a cut-rate nanite Dr. Manhattan and boy-scoutish Nite Owl, or Ozymandias without the acid trip in powers, this young phenom with his newly developed super powers might even be somewhat playable if a GM accepts the whopping 320 pt overage in points, as he's been balanced for lower CV and reasonable damage limits. While I like exploring the Major Jace Reacher cover identity, it added significant bloat to an already overloaded Dougie Howser-meets David Copperfield meets Andre Reim skill set and did nothing to better define the character for play. The new name is meant to reflect the nebulous and disturbing appearance a stage magician can create with unlimited control over nanites, and in no small measure some of Jake Reiger's intellectual mannerisms as well as a secret tribute to the FISS Julie from PS238. The hypnotism-as-skill multipower pool has been shifted to a jointly-linked Unified Power, so Mind Control can be established under a Persuasion roll after a carefully crafted Mental Illusion is woven with Conversation. This seems to better reflect stage mentalism tropes, to me. Have a look, let me know if the build reflects the backstory; comments are welcome. Thanks Characteristics - Tenebro - aka Dr. Jacob Reiger VAL CHA CP Base Price END Roll Notes 25 STR 13 10 1 [1] 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH - 10 STR Unified Power (-¼) G.R.I.T. Boost 23 DEX 24 10 2 14- 5 DEX Unified Power (-¼) G.R.I.T. Guidance Algorithm 19 CON 8 10 1 13- 5 CON Unified Power (-¼) G.R.I.T. Boost 38 INT 25 10 1 17- PER Roll 17-; 15 INT Unified Power (-¼) G.R.I.T. Boost 23 EGO 13 10 1 14- 25 PRE 13 10 1 14- PRE Attack: 5d6; 10 PRE Unified Power (-¼) Hypnotism-as-Skill 8 OCV 22 3 5 3 OCV Unified Power (-¼) G.R.I.T. Targeting Algorithm 8 DCV 22 3 5 3 DCV Unified Power (-¼) G.R.I.T. Guidance Algorithm 8 OMCV 15 3 3 8 DMCV 15 3 3 6 SPD 36 2 10 Phases: 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10; 2 SPD Unified Power (-¼) G.R.I.T. Boost 7 PD 5 2 1 12(5r) PD 5 ED 3 2 1 10(5r) ED 12 REC 7 4 1 6 REC Unified Power (-¼) G.R.I.T. Boost 25 END 1 20 1/5 11 BODY 1 10 1 22 STUN 1 20 ½ Meters Movement 4 LEAP 0 4 ½ [1] up to half upward 12 RUN 0 12 1 [1] X2 Noncombat 4 SWIM 0 4 ½ [1] X2 Noncombat 224 Characteristics & Movement Total CP Powers Notes [END] Powers Graphene Reinforced Interpolated Tissue (G.R.I.T.) 5 Bare Advantage G.R.I.T. Efficiency ½ END 25 STR (+¼) 6 AP Unified Power (-¼) [1] 25 Life Support G.R.I.T. Shielded Cells Self-contained Breathing, Diminished Eating 1/week, Diminished Sleep 8 hrs/week; Immune Aging, All Terrestrial Poisons, Pressure/Vacuum, Radiation, Temperature 31 AP Unified Power (-¼) [-] 8 Mental Damage Reduction 25% Mind-G.R.I.T. Integration 10 AP Unified Power (-¼) [-] 5 Mental Defense 5 AP Hypnotist 5 AP [-] 5 Mental Illusion 3d6 Hypnotism-as-Skill 15 AP Increased Cumulative Points ( 72 AP; +1) ½ END (+¼) 31 AP Concentration (0 DCV; -½) Extra Time (1 turn; -1¼) Eye Contact (-½) Hypnosis Only (cannot achieve full range of Mental Illusion effects; -½) Linked to Mental Illusion (greater power linked to lesser power, must use lesser power at full value -¾) No Range (-½) Reduced Penetration (-¼) Requires Conversation Roll (-½) Unified Power (-¼) [1] 4 Mind Control 2d6 Hypnotism-as-Skill 10 AP Increased Cumulative Points ( 48 AP; +1) 0 END (+½) 25 AP Concentration (0 DCV; -½) Extra Time (1 turn; -1¼) Eye Contact (-½) Hypnosis Only (cannot achieve full range of Mind Control effects; -½) Linked to Mental Illusion (lesser power linked to greater power, must use greater power at full value -¾) No Range (-½) Reduced Penetration (-¼) Requires Persuasion Roll (-½) Unified Power (-¼) [0] 28 Regeneration G.R.I.T. Stimulation 1 BODY/20 Minutes 10 AP Can Heal Limbs (+5 AP) Resurrection (not vs. electricity; +20 AP) Unified Power (-¼) [-] 15 Resistant Protection 5 rPD/rED G.R.I.T.-clad Cells 15 AP [-] 60 VPP Pool G.R.I.T. Versatility 60 AP [-] 34 VPP Control Cost G.R.I.T. Programming Powers Can Be Changed as a Zero-Phase Action (+1) 60 AP Only G.R.I.T.-based Powers (electro-biological/electro-mechanical adjustment, limited attacks, defense, limited movement, senses; may depend on available materials/energy -½) Unified Power (-¼) [-] 189 Total Powers Perks 10 Computer Link: The Ladder 1 License: Academic credentials: PhD 0 Positive Reputation: former child prodigy (world of academia, martial arts, stage magic) 8- 11 Total Perks Talents - precocious former child prodigy 4 Double Jointed - Natural Gift, Lifetime Training, Tae Kwon Do 5 Eidetic Memory - Mnemonics, Method of Loci, Natural Gift 3 Lightning Calculator - Vedic Arithmetic, Natural Gift 1 Lightning Reflexes +2 Dex All HTH Attacks - Iaido 6 Speed Reader 100x Evelyn Woods Method, Natural Gift 6 Striking Appearance +2; +2d6: Still Waters Reach Deep 25 Total Talents Enhancers - precocious former child prodigy 3 Jack of All Trades - Boy Scout Training 3 Linguist - Natural Gift, Lifelong Study 3 Scholar - (former) Child Prodigy 3 Scientist - (former) Child Prodigy 12 Total Enhancers Skills Three time Under-18 World Non-contact Martial Arts Champion 10 Martial Arts Aikido, Iaido, Tae Kwon Do & Wu Shu, Usable Empty-Handed, with Knife, Hook Sword, Sword, Club, Staff, Spear, Polearm, Chain & Rope, G.R.I.T., Hypnosis-as-Skill* 4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort - Aikido Shiite 5 Disarming Throw +0 +0 Grab Weapon, +5 STR to take weapon away; Target Falls - Aikido Disarm 4 Martial Dodge - +5 Abort - Aikido Sidestep 4 Martial Escape +0 +0 +15 Str vs Grab - Aikido Ukemi 3 Martial Grab -1 -1 +10 Str to Hold - Aikido Joint Lock 4 Martial Strike +0 +2 Strike, +2d6 - Wu Shu punch, Tae Kwon Do kick 3 Martial Throw +0 +1 STR +v/5; Target Falls - Aikido Throw 4 Nerve Strike -1 +1 2d6 NND - Aikido Joint Manipulation, Wu Shu Pressure Point Jab 3 Acrobatics 14- Tae Kwon Do, Parkour 3 Breakfall 14- Aikido (Up to 17- w/Double Jointed) 3 Contortionist 14- Wu Shu (Up to 17- w/Double Jointed) 25 Combat Skill Levels Martial Arts Training: 5 pt levels x5 10 Defense Maneuver, Full Iaido 3 Fast Draw Martial Weapons Iaido 14- 6 KS: Aikido, Iaido, Wu Shu 17- 5 Rapid Attack Iaido HTH Multiple Attacks Only (-1) *For campaigns where GMs permit Mental Martial Arts 99 Total Combat Skills (Martial Arts Training) Agility Skills - Enhanced Gifted Athlete 3 Climbing 14- - Eagle Scout Training 3 Sleight of Hand 14- - Stage Magician Training 3 Stealth 14- - Eagle Scout Training 3 Teamwork 14- - Eagle Scout Training, Aikido 12 Total Agility Skills General Skills - Enhanced Prodigy - AK: Virginia 8- 5 Cramming 17 LS Spanish, French, German, Italian, Latin, Cantonese, Russian, Hindi, Yiddish, Sardinian, Japanese, Aramaic, Cree, Hebrew, Greek, Persian, Pashtun (2 pts each + language family) - LS English Native – Literate, Dialects - PS Everyman Busker: Stage Magician 12- - TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles 22 Total General Skills Intellect Skills - G.R.I.T.-enhanced Genius 6 Analyze Martial Style, Combat Technique 17- 1 Bugging 8- 3 Computer Programming 17- 3 Concealment 17- 1 Criminology 8- 3 Cryptography 17- 3 Deduction 17- 3 Disguise 17- 3 Electronics 17- 1 Forgery 8- 3 Gambling (Stage Magic, Mathematics, Anthropology & Neuropsychology of Game Players) 17- 3 Inventor 17- 8 KS Scout Lore, Games, Military History, Stage Magic 17- 1 Lipreading 8- 3 Lockpicking 17- 3 Mechanics 17- 3 Mimicry 17- 3 Paramedics 17- 3 Power G.R.I.T. (Int-based) 17- 6 PS Researcher, Neurologist, Engineer 17- 3 Security Systems 17- - Shadowing Everyman 8- 2 Survival 17- 10 SS Anthropology, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Microbiology, Nanotechnology, Operations Research, Neuropsychology 17- 3 Systems Operations 17- 3 Tactics 17- 1 Tracking 8- 3 Ventriloquism 17- 106 Total Intellect Skills Interaction Skills - Social Engineering & Stage Magic 3 Acting 14- 16- w/Striking Appearance 1 Bureaucratics 8- 11- w/Striking Appearance 1 Charm 8- 11- w/Striking Appearance 3 Conversation 14- 16- w/Striking Appearance 3 Oratory 14- 16- w/Striking Appearance 3 Persuasion 14- 16- w/Striking Appearance 14 Total Interaction Skills 24 Overall Skill 2 levels 496 Total Powers, Perks, Talents, Enhancers & Skills 720 Total CP Complications 0 DNPC: Floating 5 Distinctive Feature: G.R.I.T. Cyborg (Causes Extreme Reaction, Concealable, Detectable Only By Unusual Detects and/or Only By A Small Group and/or Only By Technology Or Major Effort) 10 Hunted: Floating (As Powerful, NCI, PC Easy to Find, Watching Only, Infrequently) 0 Negative Reputation: Former Child Prodigy (Infrequent, Only to a Small Group) 5 Physical: Affected as Two Classes of Mind - Human/Machine (Infrequently, Barely) 10 Psych Lim: A Magician Never Reveals (Uncommon, Moderate) 0 Psych Lim: Boy Scout Mentality 10 Psych Lim: Code of Honor (Uncommon, Moderate) 10 Psych Lim: Code vs Killing (Uncommon, Moderate) 0 Psych Lim: Scientific Curiosity 0 Rivalry: Floating 15 Social: Secret Identity, Dr. Jacob Reiger, young former child prodigy 10 Social: Floating (Infrequent, Major) 75 Total Complications 320 Total Bonus Experience
  2. Like The Fox, The Shadow had an extensive network of contacts and allies, moreso than most, and was highly trained in mental discipline as an original part of his story; this mental discipline was mostly a later addition to the others. Of what I think of as the Big Six of pulp (Batman, Doc Savage, Phantom, Shadow, Spirit and Zorro), Fox looks to me most like the Shadow in tactics and role. Though, to be fair, they all are similar in this regard, so I may be imagining it.
  3. I get a distinct Phantom feel, slightly more than Batman or Zorro, with aspect of The Shadow. The Fox is certainly has the eternal pulp champion thing going for him. Nicely done.
  4. Hijack's Campaign Setting Jace grimaced internally, half listening to the interminable briefing while blue eyes betrayed the barest flicker of scanning the internal news feed behind his everpresent mirrored sunglasses. His fingers automatically flipped a page on the document on the table in front of him, feigning attention for the presenter's benefit as the blah-blah-blah continued. Reacher hid a scowl. If you're going to give a presentation, at least don't read it word for word from the notes, he thought, suppressing the lip curl that would betray disdain, with an even smile that made Mona Lisa look clownish. The Major's thoughts lingered briefly on the rival headlines that caught his attention, "Busking Juggler Busts Jersey Bank Job," and "Kabuki Stilt Reagan Foils Armed Gang". With a sentimental hint of regret, Jacob filed the mental note that Kabuki Stilt Reagan was a burned identity now. KSR's flamboyant pompadore had been one of Reiger's personal favorite acts, with him since he was a child and actually needed stilts. No room for nostalgia. Sorry, KSR. You gave your life in a good cause: five mercenaries on the way to very long prison sentences, hostages who would certainly have been killed and dumped instead rescued, and funding denied to the empty coffers of a criminal cell, starting the dominoes on the fall of a kingpin half a world away. "So we see from the chart on page nineteen.. uh.. cross reference with Appendix Q, tables nine and, uhm, er.. twelve.. that the obvious conclusion is that the threat formerly known as VIPER is clear-clearly disb-disbanded, and uh, defunct, replaced by a fra-fractured, uh, group of elderly fringe fanatics losing to a younger wave of even more extreme terrorists with an array of conflicting agendas, or it resources picked over by other subversive organizations or gone solo. Uh.. and. And in conclusion, VIPER will co-continue to be used by some as a front or to puff up their petty goals, but a new nomenclature for classifying supposed VIPER encounters will, uh, improve the accuracy of, uh.." the presenter droned on, and Jace noted the slackening of jaws around the table: Benson from policy was almost asleep, two guys from legal were unconsciously moving their thumbs, missing their smartphones, like crack addicts itching for a fix. The mole, she was hiding a sneer of derision with practiced guile. She was good; a deep agent, hardly betrayed even by microexpressions, the mole had been on Reacher's radar for three weeks now. She was the 'New' VIPER the meeting was about. In the new classification, she'd be a 'V-193-R'.. Reiger noted the coincidence with leetspeak; Reacher so did not care about coincidence or defunct hacker culture. Closing the folder in front of him to draw attention, Jace began sending out signals, baiting the hook and dropping the line, waiting to see if she'd strike at the lure. He gave off the vibe of knowing more about the response plans than the juniour analyst up at the front of the room. The jut of his chin made him out to be vulnerable to flattery, a vain repressed drinker with a weakness for damsels in distress. The way he moved his left hand shouted 'cheater', and the flash of smirk suggested 'bad boy'. Internally, Jacob counted off the flags of Reacher's success, noting smugly that one of the lawyers was responding too. If Jace could smack himself in the back of the head, he would have. Reacher already had 'tall', 'lean', 'emotionally remote', and 'dim' appearance factors going for him; of course he'd get a few false strikes now and again. It took another three days of charm and acting dumb to set the hook on the V-193-R. Reacher managed to feed a dozen false facts with the infiltrator, and Jacob was very satisfied as he tracked their progress through The Ladder. Six suspected targets confirmed, three new ones identified, two gone quiet as expected, thanks to Kabuki Stilt Reagan's sacrifice. The mole had played the damsel-in-distress card, 'my career is going nowhere' variant. Jace countered with Peter-Principle-and-Doesn't-Know-It narcissism. He even tossed in a needless-bar-fight in front of her to show how broken he was. His seductress would have to repair the drunken brawling Major before she could exploit him, he'd persuaded her with his pretty-boy incompetence ploy. Reiger traced the V-193-R's web of compromised targets as she pulled out all the stops to help Major Reacher's troubled career, filing these infrastructure security holes for future reference. Now, it was Hijack's turn. The V-193-G recruiter had been panning for special talents fruitlessly in Baltimore when a series of the kind of robberies that don't get reported to the police came to his attention. The victims were all heavily-connected drug pushers and smugglers; low-level but not the kind of target a bright person takes on. They were brutally beaten, with needless violence and a clear turf claiming message. This new talent was trying to eke out a niche in the trade, financed by his rivals and boosting a terrifying local reputation. It was Hijack, the ghostly figure of shadow and pain, they whispered. Please don't let him near them again, they pleaded. A recruiter's jackpot. In next to no time, V-193-G had a healthy commission, and Hijack infiltrated the V-193 fold, its latest V-193-S superthug. Squeezing the infiltrator, the superthug, and the data for all they were worth, from The Ladder Reiger watched the V-193 cell tear itself apart, and collapse under the weight of its own internal conflicts, jealousies and complications played against each other. Jace almost regretted when V-193-R was liquidated by V-19 management. She had helped his career, after all. He went through the motions of dimwitted secret lover looking for V-193-R after her disappearance, but true to type dropped the search with a shrug and a new girl. If he could smack himself on the back of the head, Jacob would have. Three more subcells, and V-19 would be open to takedown. He'd need at least three teams for the next phase, plus something very special for V-19 invoking rival organizations. V-19 is a collection of some very tough customers, all of them more dangerous than Reiger in some way. Taking V-19 would put V-1 in reach. It would be worth the risk.
  5. Hijack is the superheroic expression of the subconscious mind of a troubled genius. Reclusive Dr. Jacob Reiger experimented with a lot of fantastic technologies while still a teenager -- some of these on himself. One of them led to Reiger discovering very unwanted knowledge buried in computers he accessed out of pure youthful curiousity. The burden of that knowledge drove Jacob to change the course of his whole life. Jace Reacher emerged from Reiger's mental breakdown, first. A soldier's soldier, Major Reacher led a simple life of bomb disposal and following orders, not having to face the terrors that led Reiger to regard the whole world as a bomb that needed disarming. Lately, Reacher's duty led him to have to face the same knowledge as broke Jacob. Reacher's made of sterner stuff, and hasn't fled into a corner of his own.. well, actually Reiger's, mind. Hijack, however, has leaked out, and begun haunting the world of the Player Characters. Hijack -- not the original (if you've called yourself 'Hijack', you can't complain when your name is itself hijacked) -- is not a generally playable character although his defenses and attacks are generally within reasonable campaign limits; he's too good at too many things to be very interesting in most campaigns. His psychology prevents him from showing off, so despite his abilities he will not use them to loom over players. His ability to analyze what others are best at, and his honorable approach and desire to remain anonymous keeps him from treading on the toes of the players. Sometimes a helper, as a contact Major Reacher feeds the information he wants heroes to have to them, and sometimes suppresses or removes information about the heroes from becoming known. His personal mission is to disarm the dangerously explosive globe's worst threats, while balancing the dangers against each other. Sometimes as a rival or villain, Hijack is the sort who could drop a trail of breadcrumbs that could lead the heroes to the foe Reiger wants foiled. Characters might seek out Dr. Jacob Reiger as a scientific consultant on some odd technical question, due to his positive reputation among academics. They might call on -- or be called on by -- Major Jace Reacher due involvement in military investigation or for consulting on bomb disposal or the like. Hijack's mysterious appearance might suggest an extradimensional or magical being, though that is far from the truth.. it's not as if Hijack's exactly a friend of the truth out there.
  6. Characteristics - Hijack (not the original) - aka Dr. Jacob Reiger - aka Major Jace Reacher VAL CHA CP Base Price END Roll Notes 20 STR 10 10 1 [4] 13- 4d6 HTH 20 DEX 20 10 2 13- 16- w/Double Jointed; Initiative 24 w/Lightning Reflexes 20 CON 10 10 1 13- 38 INT 28 10 1 17- PER Roll 17- 20 EGO 10 10 1 13- 20 PRE 10 10 1 13- PRE Attack: 4d6; 17- 8d6 w/Striking Appearance 7 OCV 20 3 5 7 DCV 20 3 5 11 OMCV 24 3 3 11 DMCV 24 3 3 5 SPD 30 2 10 Phases: 12, 3, 5, 8, 10 10 PD 8 2 1 27(17r) PD 7 ED 5 2 1 24(17r) ED 10 REC 6 4 1 35 END 3 20 1/5 19 BODY 9 10 1 38 STUN 9 20 1/2 Meters Move 8 LEAP 2 4 1/2 [1] up to half upward; 64m w/G.R.I.T. 18 RUN 6 12 1 [2] X2 Noncombat 8 SWIM 2 4 1/2 [1] X2 Noncombat 256 Characteristics & Movement Total CP Powers Notes [END] Powers Graphene Reinforced Interpolated Tissue (G.R.I.T.) 18 High Range Radio Hearing G.R.I.T. 12 AP Imperceivable To Radio Senses (+1/2) 18 AP [-] 28 Leaping +56m G.R.I.T. (Total 64m) 28 AP 1/2 END (+1/4) 35 AP Unified Power (-1/4) [1] 19 Life Support G.R.I.T. Immune Aging, All Terrestrial Poisons, Pressure, Radiation, Temperature 19 AP [-] 20 Mental Damage Reduction 50% Split Personality 20 AP [-] 9 Mental Defense Resistant 6 AP Impenetrable (+1/4) (+1/4) Master Hypnotist 9 AP [-] 51 Resistant Protection 17 rPD/rED G.R.I.T. 51 AP [-] 28 Stretching 3m G.R.I.T. 3 AP 5x Malleable (+25 AP) 97m Reach 160m Height x2 Ncbt 28 AP 1/2 END (+1/4) 35 AP Unified Power (-1/4) [1] 10 Multipower Reserve Hypnosis 60 AP Hypnosis Only (cannot achieve full range of effects; -½), No Range (-½), Extra Time (1 minute; -1½), Concentration (0 DCV; -½), Eye Contact (-½), Requires A PS: Hypnotist Roll (-¼) 1 f Mental Illusion 6d6 Cumulative (+1/2) Increased Cumulative Points ( 144 AP; +1/2) 60 AP [6] 1 f Mind Control 6d6 Cumulative (+1/2) Increased Cumulative Points ( 144 AP; +1/2) 60 AP [6] 40 VPP Pool STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) 40 AP 13 VPP Control Cost STEM 40 AP Only Technology-based Powers (-1/4) Requires Relevant Skill Roll to Change (-1/4) Perks 3 Anonymity: Dr. Jacob Reiger, reclusive former child prodigy 10 Computer Link: Orbital Tempest Web 3 Contact: Floating (GM's discretion) 2 Deep Cover: Major Jacen 'Jace' Reacher 1 License: Academic credentials: PhD 2 License: Military Rank (detached): Major 0 Positive Reputation: former child prodigy (world of academia) 8- 1 Positive Reputation: A soldier's soldier 11- Talents 17 Combat Sense 17- 4 Double Jointed 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Lightsleep 3 Lightning Calculator 2 Lightning Reflexes +4 Dex All HTH Attacks 3 Perfect Pitch 6 Speed Reader 100x 12 Striking Appearance +4: Still Waters Reach Deep Enhancers 3 Jack of All Trades 3 Linguist 3 Scholar 3 Scientist Skills 8 Martial Arts Aikido & Wu Shu, Usable Empty-Handed, with Knife, Hook Sword, Sword, Club, Staff, Spear, Polearm, Chain & Rope 4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 5 Disarming Throw +0 +0 Grab Weapon, +5 STR to take weapon away; Target Falls 4 Martial Dodge - +5 Abort 4 Martial Escape +0 +0 +15 Str vs Grab 3 Martial Grab -1 -1 +10 Str to Hold 4 Martial Strike +0 +2 Strike, 6d6 3 Martial Throw +0 +1 STR +v/5; Target Falls 4 Nerve Strike -1 +1 2d6 NND 34 Martial Damage Classes: 2; +8 Damage Classes Unified Power (-1/4) 18 Combat Skill Levels Martial Arts Training: 6 levels 10 Defense Maneuver, Full 6 Fast Draw Martial Weapons & Small Arms 5 Rapid Attack HTH Multiple Attacks Only (-1) 3 Acrobatics 13- 3 Acting 13- 17- w/Striking Appearance AK: Virginia 8- 24 Analyze Martial Style, Combat Technique, Intellect Skills, Interaction Skills, Agility Skills, Knowledge Skills, Science Skills, Language Skills 17- 3 Breakfall 13- Up to 16- w/Double Jointed 3 Bugging 17- 3 Bureaucratics 13- 17- w/Striking Appearance 3 Charm 13- 17- w/Striking Appearance 3 Climbing 13- 3 Computer Programming 17- 3 Concealment 17- 3 Contortionist 13- Up to 16- w/Double Jointed 3 Conversation 13- 17- w/Striking Appearance 5 Cramming 3 Criminology 17- 3 Cryptography 17- 3 Deduction 17- 3 Demolitions 17- 3 Disguise 17- 3 Electronics 17- 3 Forensic Medicine 17- 3 Forgery 17- 3 Gambling 17- 3 Inventor 17- 12 KS Country & Western Music, Aikido, Wu Shu, Military History, Anthropology, Games 17- 3 Lipreading 17- 3 Lockpicking 17- 43 LS Spanish, French, German, Italian, Latin, Cantonese, Russian, Hindi, Yiddish, Sardinian, Japanese, Aramaic, Cree, Hebrew, Greek, Persian, Pashtun (all Fluent due Language Family) LS English Native – Literate, Dialects 3 Mechanics 17- 3 Mimicry 17- 3 Oratory 13- 17- w/Striking Appearance 3 Paramedics 17- 3 Persuasion 13- 17- w/Striking Appearance 3 Power, Stretching (Int-based) 17- 12 PS Hypnotist, Soldier, Researcher, Medical Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer 17- - PS Everyman Busker: Stage Magician 12- 3 Security Systems 17- 3 Shadowing 17- 3 Sleight of Hand 13- 10 SS Anthropology, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Microbiology, Nanotechnology, Operations Research, Psychology 17- 3 Stealth 13- 2 Survival 17- 3 Systems Operations 17- 3 Tactics 17- 3 Teamwork 13- - TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles 3 Tracking 17- 3 Ventriloquism 17- 5 WF: Small Arms 10 Combat Skill 2 levels HTH 24 Overall Skill 2 levels 664 Total Powers, Perks & Skills 920 Total CP Complications 15 Hunted: US Military (More Powerful, NCI, PC Easy to Find, Watching Only, Infrequently) 10 Psych Lim: A Magician Never Reveals (Uncommon, Moderate) 10 Psych Lim: Jace's Code of Military Honor (Uncommon, Moderate) 10 Psych Lim: Jacob's Pacifist Code vs Killing (Uncommon, Moderate) 5 Psych Lim: Split Personality Pacifist Geek/Soldier's Soldier (Uncommon, Moderate) 15 Social: Secret Identity, Major (detached) Jace Reacher 0 Social: Harmful Secret (Infrequent, Minor, Not Limiting) Dual Identity 10 Social: Jace's Military Obligation (Infrequent, Major) 75 Total Complications 445 Total Bonus Experience Background Jacob Reiger was a child prodigy. As a Beaver Cub, he'd earned every merit badge and precociously taught himself the entire high school curriculum, including fluency in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Latin and Cantonese. As a Cub Scout, Jake earned all those merit badges and a university degree in Anthropology, came first in his age group for Mathematics and Physics contests at the national level, learned Russian, Hindi, Yiddish, Sardinian, Japanese, Aramaic, Cree and Persian while developing a fascination for stage magic and becoming one of the Magic Guild's youngest autodydacts, with specialty in prop magic and escapology and a fascination for mentalism. As a Boy Scout, Jacob earned yet more merit badges and was for three years running the national champion non-contact martial artist in the under 18 category. By the age of seventeen, Jacob Reiger defended and published three simultaneous PhD theses involving his project to launch a satellite network by feeding spiders an exotic diet of metals to induce refractive webcasting, and then pulsing a microwave emitter to loft millions of young hatchlings through the stratosphere, converting their webs into a massive sparse matrix dish reflector aimed Earthwards, he called 'Project Ladder'. The 'satellites' were virtually invisible, an array of microscopically thin strands spread out around the planet, detectable only by polarizing interferometry, a technique Jacob invented himself. He'd already moved onto radical photolithography on graphite with surprising results by the time his degrees were granted. Jacob combined the 'Graphite Lithographic Interpolated Circuit' technology to use the network of orbiting spider web reflectors to receive and decode signals from almost every electronic device on the planet. Reading what he found, Reiger had a small nervous breakdown. Jacob bought a large acreage of undeveloped land in backwoods Virginia -- the only state it was legal for a minor to make such a purchase -- using money from a scholarship award and announced he was going there to study species indigenous to the heartland. Instead, adopting the identity of Jacen Reacher, forging papers for the new personna, the young man enlisted as a private his drill sargeant called, "the most natural soldier you ever saw." But first, he infused himself with a new technology, 'Graphite Reinforced Interpolated Tissue', to give himself the power to reach the Ladder at will, invisibly, always. After four tours as a demolitions expert, promoted through the ranks to Captain, Jace Reacher was attached to a military intelligence unit for a brief time. Once its mission was dissolved, Major Reacher became a special investigator attached to JAG. His assignments lead to a lot of travel, which he has considerable personal discretion over. Powers Brilliant teen scientist Jacob Reiger secretly made himself a cyborg, integrating every fiber throughout his being with atom-thin armored circuitry giving his body protection and malleability while linking him invisibly through radio to his planet-spanning satellite observatory, and access to the varied powers of the world of science, technology, engineering and mathematics before becoming a recluse. A skilled amateur stage magician and mentalist as a child, Reiger ("Reigan The Refulgent") can still hypnotise even the most resistant mind, disguise himself as the almost perfect infiltrator, and make the impossible appear to happen through sleight of hand. Reiger prefers for his tricks to remain mysterious. A practiced combatant, decorated Major Jace Reacher is known to be a soldier's soldier with a conscience, who advanced through the ranks by toughness and tactics to become a JAG special investigator. Appearance Hijack is a featureless, elongated humanoid undulating in a disturbing way, shimmerless shadows of shifting coloration migrating over his surface to those few who have seen him. His voice is eerie, disturbed and distressing to those few who have heard it. His movements are like a dance of impossibility and precision spanning an incredible reach. His mind, to those with mental perceptions, is as elusive as sifted sand, as sharply cutting as a sandblast, an unreachable tower of intellect. Jacob Reigen is what you'd expect of a former child prodigy nerd scientist. Heterochromic, he has one green and one hazel eye (the right). Barely 5'9", slouching, pasty and flabby, Dr. Reigen wears thick dollar-store glasses under a thatch of blonde hair he might have cut himself.. but that brain, it shines through in sesquipedalian flashes of scientific insight. Major Jace Reacher is every inch a soldier, in uniform or out. Bald-shaved head, tan that never wears out, blue-eyed, a near perfect symmetry to his face except a tiny, dashing scar below his left eye, mirrored glasses and tall, at a muscular 6'7" and 220 pounds, you just know Jace would lope like a natural athlete except for the military precision of every move he makes. Still waters reach deep, and the calm surface of this officer is impenetrable. Sample Interaction The tall figure crouched for a moment, running his fingers over the dirt, then standing. "Remember man, you are dust and unto dust you will return," he intoned. "You can tell a lot from traces. Number. Weight. Direction. Speed.. More." The tracker casually sifted some of the dust in his hands. "Even a single grain of grit can change the course of all human endeavor. An oyster will turn mere grit into a pearl. A pearl will fascinate you. You can lose yourself in its depths." The exchange was slow, the hulking monster persuaded by the elusive Hijack's stillness to himself be still. How much time passed, the berserker could not guess. But the man talking was reaching past the monster, down into his core. “I know who you are, Doctor. I know the madder you get, the stronger you get. But your intellect isn't in control of your radiant power. It's all fight or flight instinct and emotion. Me, the madder I get, the more tactical I get.” Hijack let drop little runnels of sand through his fingers, blowing the cloud slightly toward the green goliath. “You have a bad dog, Doc. It needs training. You've been at war with your body forever, and it's learned to fight your intelligence and dread your best intentions. I know you're a smart man, but your strength comes from your cells, and they are dumb as rocks. He brushes the dust from his hands. "I've just told them they need to evolve to an atmosphere of almost pure sand. In a few seconds, your lungs will explode in a horrible mass of spines. It will hurt and cripple you, but you'll live, and they'll fade away in time. I'm also teaching your eyes they need to shut down, because the stimulus of the flashing light they're experiencing below your conscious threshold hurts your chances to survive. I'm doing the same thing with subharmonics to your hearing. We'll talk when the effects wea...” “As I said. I know you're a smart man, but you're not always in charge of your body. I'm helping you. Teaching your body it needs its consciousness, and its conscience. Teaching your body that its number one survival response is not to tick me off. Because that was the tactics I use on someone I like, when I'm calm and happy. Just let it sink in with your body that I get much worse when I'm unhappy, and stupidity makes me unhappy. Your cells wouldn't like it if they made me unhappy.
  7. Are you sure you don't want Transform Target To Automaton (with a suitably detailed description of targets with electrical/electrochemical muscle/servo control systems)?
  8. Just so I understand, they had the still warm body of a murderous dragon with proof he'd killed over a hundred of his own employees that same day, and no one thought of pinning the junkyard gunfight in which no one died.. on Geyswain (or any of said employees)? It all comes out a wash in the end, I'm sure, and they did fifty much cleverer and less obvious things in the process - kudo's on their wit and guile - but this team seriously needs someone less evolved to point out what a person of lesser intellect would do. Maybe they can hire someone witless to tag along for that purpose?
  9. Yes, it's hard to hit the age right, without a point of reference; and doing justice to a prodigy at age 12 when he's smarter than most adults.. what's left of childhood in the mind of a gifted kid who spends more time with adults than his own age group? Total complications point is more of a grab bag. I let the GM pick and choose.
  10. Complications in 6E seem to me to be more campaign-world oriented than previously; both characters have well-known backstories to draw complications suited to the GM's world from. If I had listed them, likely they'd be listed as floating DNPC, floating rival, floating hunter/watcher, etc. Complications for both of these characters have surprisingly little relevance to a simple conflict between them, I think. She Hulk doesn't use magic; Wonder Woman doesn't use radiation. So I've left them off for the sake of this comparison, but would be glad to see others' take on the characters, including complications. Some notes: as built, it's clear Wonder Woman at 1,000 CP ought easily, with almost double the SPD and at least 5 OCV and DCV advantage, defeat She Hulk before even the improved Jennifer Walters lays a gamma-fueled finger on Diana in a stand-up fight. That said, at their strength and mobility levels, this is almost sure to degenerate to a war of throwing buildings at each other until nothing big enough to toss is left, and being buried in terrain or underwater.. and She Hulk's disadvantages decrease some in that kind of fight, though I still expect Wonder Woman to win at least three times in four in a gloves-off battle royale.
  11. And again based mostly on Sam Bell, She Hulk updated to reflect the story line where Jennifer Walters trained by the Avengers to the pinnacle of human ability. To simplify, the OHID/Growth-linked/Hulk-form limitation was applied sparingly. We know Jennifer Walters doesn't have She Hulk physical characteristics in Jennifer form, but we know she can get them easily, so it isn't worth a limitation. She Hulk comes in at substantially lower points, and while she has added martial arts due her intensive training with Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Beast, and the rest of the Avengers, she's unmistakeably a hard core brick. VAL CHA CP Base Price END Roll Notes 80 STR 70 10 1 [4] 25- 16d6 HTH; 95 STR w/Growth 18 DEX 16 10 2 13- 53 CON 43 10 1 20- 58 CON w/Growth 18 INT 8 10 1 13- PER Roll 14- 13 EGO 3 10 1 12- 25 PRE 15 10 1 14- PRE Attack: 5d6; 6d6 w/growth, 9d6 w/striking appearance 8 OCV 25 3 5 8 DCV 25 3 5 4 OMCV 3 3 3 4 DMCV 3 3 3 5 SPD 30 2 10 Phases: 12, 3, 5, 8, 10 13 PD 11 2 1 33(20r) PD; 36(20r) PD w/Growth 13 ED 11 2 1 33(20r) ED; 36(20r) ED w/Growth 33 REC 29 4 1 100 END 16 20 1/5 20 BODY 10 10 1 23 BODY w/Growth 84 STUN 32 20 1/2 90 STUN w/Growth Meters Move 32 LEAP 14 4 0.5 [3] up to half upward; 52m Accurate, 2km Megascale 18 RUN 6 12 1 [2] X2 Noncombat; 30m w/Growth 4 SWIM 0 4 0.5 [1] X2 Noncombat 370 Characteristics & Movement Total CP Powers Notes [END] Powers Gamma Hulk 24 1/2 END on 95 STR [4] 15 +20m Leap Accurate (+5 AP) [1] 6 Bare Adder Megascale (+1) on 2 km Accurate Leap [1] 11 1d6 Aid to STR 6 AP Cumulative (+1/2) x256 (+2) 0 END (+1/2) Persistent (+1/2) Triggered by Annoyance or Radiation, Activating Trigger Takes No Time (+1/2) Reset Immediately (+1/2) 33 AP Only to Aid Self (-1), Always On (-1/2), Side Effect Personality Loss (-1/2) 50 1 level Growth (+15 STR, +5 CON, +5 PRE, +3 PD/+3 ED, +3 BODY, +6 STUN, -6m KB, +1m Reach, 8x Mass +12m Run) 0 END Persistent [0] 48 20 rPD/20 rED Resistant Protection Linked to Growth (-1/4) [0] 24 Full Life Support (Adaptive -0) Linked to Growth* (-1/4) [0] (*Immunity to Radiation not affected by this limitation) 48 1/2 Physical & Energy Damage Reduction Linked to Growth (-1/4) [0] 21 Regeneration 1 BODY/Turn 16 AP Can Heal Limbs (+5 AP) [0] Talents 3 Double Jointed 9 3d6 Striking Appearance, Jade Giantess Perks 1 License to Practice Law 2 Avengers Member Skills 1 Avengers Martial Arts Training, Usable Empty-Handed & With Car-sized or larger objects 5 Defensive Strike +1 OCV +3 DCV Strike, 19d6 4 Martial Strike +0 +2 Strike, 21d6 5 Offensive Strike -2 +1 Strike, 23d6 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 4 Dodge - +5 Abort 5 Choke Hold -2 +0 Grab, 2d6 NND 4 Martial Escape +0 +0 +15 Str vs Grab 3 Martial Grab -1 -1 +10 Str to Hold 12 4 Combat Skill Levels Avengers Martial Arts Training 2 AK: Campaign City 11- 3 AK: Hometown 14- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Bureaucratics 14- 3 Criminology 13- 3 Deduction 13- 3 KS: Criminal Law 13- 3 Oratory 14- 3 Paramedics 14- 3 Prof Skill: Lawyer 13- 10 2 HTH Combat levels 16 2 Overall Combat levels 330 Total Powers, Perks & Skills 700 Total CP - (Note: edited to correct math error and add a splash of Shulky fun.)
  12. So I've pilfered from Sam Bell and Mitchel Santorineos and adapted to 6E an approximation of Wonder Woman as she existed in 2000. She weighs in at a respectable 1,000 CP, as a defining top-level speed brick martial artist. There may be more efficient ways to get the same build, but on the whole I hope I've done justice to Sam Bell's and Mitchell Santorineos' vision of this DC icon. VAL CHA CP Base Price END Roll Notes 95 STR 85 10 1 [4] 28- 19d6 HTH [4] 38 DEX 56 10 2 17- 43 CON 33 10 1 18- 23 INT 13 10 1 14- PER Roll 14- 17 EGO 7 10 1 12- 30 PRE 20 10 1 15- PRE Attack: 6d6; 18-, 9d6 w/Striking Appearance 13 OCV 50 3 5 13 DCV 50 3 5 6 OMCV 9 3 3 6 DMCV 9 3 3 9 SPD 70 2 10 Phases: 12, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 30 PD 28 2 1 33(3r) PD 30 ED 28 2 1 33(3r) ED 28 REC 24 4 1 90 END 14 20 1/5 20 BODY 10 10 1 90 STUN 35 20 1/2 Meters Move 60 FLY - - - [0] X2 Ncbt; Gliding Only 38 LEAP 17 4 0.5 [3] up to half upward; 98m x16 w/Multipower 12 RUN 0 12 1 [2] X2 Noncombat; 50m w/Multipower 4 SWIM 0 4 0.5 [1] X2 Noncombat 558 Characteristics & Movement Total CP Powers Notes [END] Powers Champion of Themascyra 24 1/2 END Strength 56 Mobility Multipower 6 f +60m Leap (98m) x16 Ncbt -1/2 END (+1/4) 56 AP [2] 3 f 60m Flight 60 AP Gliding Only (-1) [0] 5 f +38m Running, 1/2 END (+1/4) [2] 9 +3 Enhanced Perception [0] 3 3 levels Telescopic Vision [0] 30 1/4 Physical & Energy Damage Reduction [0] 13 +10 OCV to Block 20 AP OIF Aegis Bracers (-1/2) [0] 40 4d6 RKA 0 END (+1/2) OAF Tiara (-1) Range Based on Throwing (-1/4) [0] 4 10m Stretch 0 END (+1/2) OAF Golden Lasso (-1) Limited To Lasso (-1/2) Cannot Do Damage (-1/2) No Ncbt (-1/4) [0] 28 6d6 Mind Control Cumulative x16 (+1.5) 0 END (+1/2) 90 AP OAF Golden Lasso (-1) Only vs Grabbed Opponents (-1/2) Only to Tell the Truth (-1/2) Physical Manifestation (-1/4) [0] Talents 6 3 PD/3 ED Combat Luck 9 3d6 Striking Appearance, Unearthly Beauty Perks 5 Diplomatic Immunity 5 Princess 2 Justice League Member 9 Vehicle: Invisible Jet Skills 5 Themascyran Martial Arts Usable with Tiara/Lasso/Bracers/Sword/Staff 5 Jab +1 / +3 Strike 25d6 4 Punch +0 / +2 Strike +2d6 = 27d6 5 Kick -2 / +1 Strike +4d6 = 29d6 4 Block +2 / +2 Block, Abort 4 Dodge - / +5 Abort 3 M Grab -1 / -1 Grab, +10 Str 4 Escape +0 / +0 +15 Str vs Grab 24 6 Damage Classes Themascyran Martial Arts 2 Animal Handler 11- 3 Acrobatics 17- 3 AK: Paradise Island 14- 1 AK: Gateway City 8- 3 Breakfall 17- 3 Bureaucratics 15- 3 Climbing 28- 3 Combat Sense 14- 3 Combat Pilot 17- 1 High Society 8- 3 KS: Greek Heroes, Gods & Monsters 14- 2 Knowledge Skill: Ancient History 11- 3 Linguist (Ancient Greek literate) 6 Languages: English, Turkish (native) 3 Oratory 15- 3 Paramedics 14- 2 Prof Skill: Military Administration 11- 3 Riding (Horse) 17- 3 Stealth 17- 2 Survival 11- 1 Tactics 8- 3 Tracking 14- 20 2 Overall levels 48 6 Combat levels 442 Total Powers, Perks & Skills 1000 Total CP
  13. I like 'Mimic Pool' from page 412, and treat both shape-shift/imitation and the attack that activates the power pool as separate things, generally a martial art (innate to the power, not a learned skill) involving a strike, a grab, and an NND. I can see a Unified Power (EB, Flight, Resistant Protection) with Variable Advantages, Effects and Special Effects determined by the target of the transfer. In this way, the character always has some power at their own power levels that they can modify by touching a target (one already acceptable to the campaign). Rogue had to touch living or sapient targets, but with this version a character could 'absorb' earth-variables to make area-effect earthquakes, use flight along surfaces only, and stony flesh DEF or air-like variables for double-kb wind blasts, wind-riding and air force field, etc. If any associated shape-shift is useful, I pay points for it, otherwise treating it as a side effect or complication. Mimic pool is one of those uncommon cases where I accept talents or skills as powers that can be shifted around.
  14. I can't pre-judge how I'd build Wonder Woman or She Hulk: multiform, OHID, or otherwise. I might tend to build She Hulk as a straightforward brick, perhaps with a level of shrinking (with lock out), since I see her as the same persona with or without Hulk form, and the same access and assets in either form. Wonder Woman, I think, mystically earned the Invisible Plane, Golden Lasso, Aegis Bracers and Tiara by merit, and to my thinking these answer only to Wonder Woman, not to Diana Prince as I imagine the character, so multiform is appropriate. Not every depiction of Wonder Woman goes that route. It's certainly less cumbersome to do the math and resolve the questions by multiform.
  15. And.. the more I work on the character, the more obviously off-the-rails angst-ridden he becomes. I don't want to play a hero who has to apologize to his parents for messing up his own genetic code, for however noble a cause, or explain he broke his bedtime in four timezones by flying across the continent to spy on VIPER. Possibly someone more kid-oriented could come up with an adequate tween setting and framework that is more age-appropriate. Something tells me Superboy never faced the issues kids in 2015 face with social media, or the thousand troublesome questions of whether being a child doing battle with evil violates war crimes laws. I'm thinking I'll stick with characters a bit older, absent a dedicated PS238-like campaign world.
  16. Same as Lightning Calculator: Detect Answer To Question.
  17. It is, however, how you apply fan service.
  18. Healing (Stun only) if at least one head remains conscious he can help rouse the other two? Skill levels (from the assistance to two heads) for skills where multiple minds help -- Int- or Pre-based rolls? I might suggest Reputation would be appropriate for any triple-headed wolfman.
  19. How would you write up the Striking (and Distinctive) Appearance of She Hulk and Wonder Woman, for your campaign setting? (And if they'd have it, Jennifer Walters and/or Diana Prince?) Reputation? What Complications would you give them?
  20. Well, why not a Champions Showdown? 400 pts. 6E. Champions straight She Hulk vs. Wonder Woman, built campaign-worthy and balanced. Which one would you rather have in your campaign? Which would you rather play? And which would win?
  21. You guessed I'd vote WW, by popularity contest? Yes, I've reasoned myself into Captain Marvel beats She Hulk beats Wonder Woman beats Captain Marvel. Because comic book physics. Similarly, does anyone doubt Wonder Woman beats Wonder Man? And Diana Prince has trouble taking down Greek Gods; should Thor not give her considerable trouble in a fight, if not defeat her handily? Mostly, I'm saying unless it's actually a story, the speculation on who wins is pointless, in a genre where Squirrel Girl can defeat Galactus.. Doesn't mean it isn't fun to speculate. By the way, who'd win: WW or Squirrel Girl?
  22. At least no one said 'Beyonder'.
  23. Well, if I'm giving the fight most ways to She Hulk, and (non-Herald) She Hulk is three tiers lower than Captain Marvel, then it'd be tough for me to give it to Wonder Woman over Carol Danvers. That said, not as interesting a fight for fans, though odds-makers might put it closer on points. There ought be next to nothing Earth-bound Diana Prince can do to Galaxy-spanning Captain Marvel that would more than inconvenience her a little. But these two foes are not well-matched. That Golden Lasso vs. Kree physiological and psychic enhancements? Who can say how that would end up? How does almost strong enough to be in Superman's class compare with stronger than Silver Surfer's class? And that again depends on which version you mean. Depowered post-Rogue version? Binary? Full on Cosmic? Original appearance? I'd have to say this one goes to fan votes, and unless the Captain Marvel movie in three years is truly epic, that'd go to WW.
  24. IRL, most people who die of gunshot wounds are shot more than once, and many people who are shot more than once survive with proper medical attention. Champions scales fairly well with this reality. It's GMs who don't live in a statistically realistic domain. GM's live in a cinematographic frame, more often than most. Our players merely don't disabuse us of our disconnects.
  25. We have so many options with this. Top power WW vs top power She Hulk? Well, top power She Hulk was a Herald of Galactus, so that's no good. Original appearance? They were three decades apart in original inking, after serious power inflation, so original WW would be paste on original She Hulk's fist, and even WW at the time of She Hulks first appearance would have had a tough time. Powerless alter ego's in a fight? I believe Jennifer Walter's intense strength-training and combat coaching with the Avengers gives her the edge over superspy Diana Prince in a fist fight, but if weapons come into it, Diana Prince handily wins. WW's modern average vs. She Hulk's modern average, the Galactus thing aside? WW clearly wins, as the prime female super of DC, compared to the current treatment of Shulky as three tiers below Carol Danvers. Marvel decides to go a new direction with She Hulk, and put her at par with, say, RULK or Worldbreaker, both of which are plausibly within the Madder-She-Gets precept? Then WW had better hop that invisible jet back to the hidden island and hide there another 3,000 years until Jennifer cools off.
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