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Everything posted by Crypt

  1. Crypt

    FH Scenarios

    Re: FH Scenarios Thanks.
  2. Would you share some links to free FH scenarios ? (note: i already have Battlegrounds.)
  3. Re: 3D Star mapping software i'll be back in May09....(i hope so....arghh)
  4. Re: Encumbrance i'm from the "not too much informations on the character sheet" school but i understand your point of view.
  5. Re: EncumbranceIf you want to experiment with % of your own you may use this PHP code ==>EDIT=You may also directly test other % here:http://cryptmaster.free.fr/HERO/exp/ <?phpfunction racine($nbr, $racine){return pow ((float)$nbr, (1/$racine));}function r($ix){ return round($ix,2);}function getR($v){return r(log($v/25,racine(2,5)));}function getV($r){return r((25*(pow(racine(2,5),$r))));}function getP($v,$p){return $v*$p/100;}echo'';echo'%:';echo'';echo'';echo ($_POST['pour'])?('Result:STR '.getR(getP(getV(0),$_POST['pour']))):'';for($i=-30; $i<=100; $i+=5){ echo ($_POST['pour'])?( ' Example: a STR '.$i.' ('.getV($i).' kg) character would carries '.$_POST['pour'].'% of his max. lifting cap. if he carries STR '. ($i+(getR(getP(getV(0),$_POST['pour'])))).' ('.getV(($i+(getR(getP(getV(0),$_POST['pour']))))).' kg)'):'';}?>
  6. Here is a faster way to compute encumbrance. Instead of using % you may take benefits of the logarithmic scale of STR. Find the STR value of the weight you're carrying. If the weight is equals or less than your STR-17 this is the same as the >=10% line. If the weight is between STR-17 and STR -10 this is the same as the 10-24% line, ETC.... => Character STR - Weight STR = >=17 : use the >=10% line 17 to 10 : use the 10%-24% line 10 to 5: use the 25%-49% line 5 to 2 : use the 50%-74% line 2 to 1: use the 75%-89% line 1 to 0: use the 90% to 100% line For instance a STR 54 (LCap=44572kg) character carries 9700kg (STR 43.) 54-43 = 11 11 is between 17 and 10=======> so you use the 10%-24% line Encumbrance steps of this character are= >=STR37 : >=10% line STR37 to 44 : 10%-24% line STR44 to 49: 25%-49% line STR49 to 52 : 50%-74% line STR52 to 53: 75%-89% line STR53 to 54: 90% to 100% line Another example: A STR 17 character carrying 115kg (STR 11) ===> 17-11 = 6 so he uses the 25%-49% line If he's carrying 174kg (STR 14)======> 17-14 = 3 so he uses the 50%-74% line ETC....... PS: Just for information the actual values are >=STR-16.61 STR-16.61 to STR-10.29 STR-10 to STR-5.15 STR-5 to STR-2.17 STR-2.08 to STR-0.84 STR-0.76 to STR
  7. Crypt

    Super useless

    Ever tried a Useless Champions campaign ? some ideas here => http://superuseless.blogspot.com/ PS: do you know Hero Corp ? (a french tv show featuring several super peasants with really monthy_pythonesque super powers.)
  8. Re: Breaking large volumes EABA and TORG* also use the decibel scale. * i'm not 100% sure about Torg, correct me if i'm wrong. This is not a question of scale. This is a question of rolls amplitude. With the same scale if you increase the roll amplitude (for instance from 3D6 to 5D6 in a "higher is better" system) some previously impossible tasks may become possible. If this amplitude is big enough it may give you a chance to beat Odin. HERO allows a big amplitude (from 3 to 18 while each 1 is X2 or /2 effectiveness*. You may equals a (2^8** =) 256X more powerfull guy (considering this guy only makes an average roll.) ) In HERO an amplitude increase may be, for instance, a 3d6-1d6 roll for actions instead of 3d6. (ugly but this is just an example.) * i guess some of you will disagree with that point but it doesn't affect the fact that amplitude modifications are the same as potential capacity modifications. ** from 3 to 10.
  9. Re: Breaking large volumes if you speak about the link in my signature => this (seed of) system uses the decibel scale (10Log10 ===> Rank = Log10(Value) X 10 ). Its main goal is to be able to simulate anything at any scale. (i wanted something as powerfull as the MEGS but with a lot more granularity. In the other hand HERO has better construction rules than the MEGS. IMHO the grail would be a 100% logarithmic Decibel HERO ......) So yes, i need a system that scales both ends. I fact there should be no end. Ok, that's convincing
  10. Re: Breaking large volumes well, i like that
  11. Re: Breaking large volumes I'd like a game able to simulate GODS* as easily as supers as easily as standard humans as easily as small beings. A game able to handle meteoritic impacts as easily as firearms ballistic. In a consistent way. A true generic system. A game i can inject reality inside without suffering rules limits. Should i sell my HERO books ? What is the game i'm looking for ? Does it exist ? * the galactic kind of god who use Cthulhu as a pet.
  12. Re: Breaking large volumes Because the lifting capacity from STR is logarithmic* even Hulk is a mosquito compared to the 215 STR guy ** (so there is no need to speak about a STR of 1000.) * lifting capacity = 25 X ⁵√(2^STR) ** did you forget him ? (200 giga tons...) Simply drop from, let's say 5m, the weight this guy can lift. The "hole" will be a lot more than 2 cubic hexes (whatever the surface of impact.) When you dig the ground with a shovel do you dig the entire Earth ? (actually yes but i hope you know what i mean...) IMHO objects should be considered as a whole only when they have vitals parts (beings, machines, etc...)
  13. Re: Breaking large volumes H5R page 448 => One of the 2 variables used to determined a wall BODY is his thickness so the "depth axis" is taken into account. I've used a DEF 5 BODY 19 per hex (TUB page 110) stats for the "mountain." So it should not be seen as a whole. Seriously, how do you justify that a 215 STR guy only digs such a miserable hole ? (215 !!!! he could lift 200 giga tons = 10^9 Statues of Liberty = 20 million of Eiffel Towers = 200000 Golden Gate Bridges ... !!! We cannot even imagine how strong such a guy is.) Don't you think that 2 cubic hexes is ridiculous ?
  14. Re: Breaking large volumes IMHO an "ultimate" system should be more consistent than that. I hope H6 will solve all of this and stay close to a logarithmic scale*... (before i switch to another system............again......) * even closer ! Several rules (movements, encumbrance and impacts to name a few) would be much simpler by using a strict log scale (and the log properties !!!) Some of the physical parts of the rules have not been worked enough (Throwing distance is another example) yes but what is this kind of reality where 1 ton of TNT and a couple of shovels could almost compete ? (Toon ? )
  15. A rule issue i actually don't understand => My Question to Mr Long was = Steve's answer was = if 1DC = 64 joules and +1DC=X2 joules (see John Kim VELOCITY-BASED MOVEMENT FOR THE HERO SYSTEM) If i make no mistake a 43DC (215 STR !!!) punch would equals 281 474 976 710 656 joules ==> which is equals to 70368 tons of TNT. (1 ton of TNT = 4*10^9 J.) Such a powerfull punch would only destroy 2 cubic hexes of stone ? I have a lot of difficulties to believe it By following the same progression (+1DC=X2 joules) a 5km meteorite ; 216000 km/h ; 5x10^14 kg for an impact of 10^24 joules would approximatively equals DC 74. With the TUB p105 rule it would only destroy an average of 3.7 cubic hexes of stone... (while this kind of impact is supposed to vaporize billions tons of materials...) IMHO this rule doesn't work and the wall breaking one might be used instead. (PS: it would not be better with a Move Through) What is your opinion ? Mine is that a mountain is like a wall (at least for inner consistency ....)
  16. How do you use Velocity Based DCV ? - as a substitute to the normal Base DCV ? A Base DCV 3 character moving at 20" per turn would have a Base DCV 1. - as a bonus ? A Base DCV 3 character moving at 100" per turn would have a Base DCV 8. - as a minimum ? A Base DCV 3 character moving at 100" per turn would have a Base DCV 5. (i guess this is the good one)
  17. Let's say a character with no Tunneling power punches a mountain (i suppose DEF 5 BODY 19 per hex (TUB page 110).) Let's say his (monstrous) punch does 43 BODY. (= 19 BODY over the DEF+BODY of the target) Will he : - dig 2 cubic hexes of material (TUB page 105, "if a brick tries to damage a large object...etc") ? or - dig 2^19 cubic hexes of material (H5R page 449, breaking walls, double for each +1 Body over) ? (2^19 = 524 288 cubic hexes) I guess the H5R version is the good one (?)
  18. Hero5R page 449 says: "The size of the hole doubles for every +1 Body...." Ultimate Brick page 104 says:"For each +1 Body... increase the size of the hole by +1 hex" Which rule is the correct one ?
  19. Just a 2 cents idea. Have you ever try or think about using Earthdawn rolls in HERO ? It could be fun, for instance for an explosive High Fantasy campaign (====> just for the fun of it) As you may know, in Earthdawn it works this way => step/roll 1/1d4-2 (min: 1) 2/1d4-1 (min: 1) 3/1d4 4/1d6 5/1d8 6/1d10 7/1d12 8/2d6 9/1d8+1d6 10/1d10+1d6 11/1d10+1d8 12/2d10 ........ 15/1d20+1d6 ....... 20/1d20+1d8+1d6 ........ 25/1d20+1d10+1d8+1d4 ........ 30/1d20+1d10+1d8+1d6+1d6 ......... 35/1d20+1d12+1d10+1d10+1d8 .......... 40/2d20+1d12+1d10+1d8 "1" on every die = pathetic result. Maximum result on any dice = reroll this dice and add (open-ended) For instance: Step 18 = 1d20+1d12 d20 : 20 -> 13 d12: 12 -> 12 -> 4 Total: 61 (!) The average result = the step. Even a very high step may roll a very low result. Even a very low step may roll a very high result. In Hero we may directly convert Rolls- to Steps and roll versus a 10(+modifiers) target. Roll 6- = Step 6 = 1d10 =====> 10 % versus 10 or better Roll 8- = Step 8 = 2d6 =====> 30% versus 10 or better Roll 11- = Step 11 = 1d10+1d8 =====> 56 % chance versus 10 or better (6% less than with 3d6...) Roll 18- = Step 18 = 1d20+1d12 =======>85 % chance versus 10 or better To convert OCV to Step : add +11. Ex: OCV 3 => Step 14 OCV 0 => Step 11. DCV(+10) are to be seen as straight Target Numbers (DCV work like modifiers) Ex: OCV 4 vs DCV 5 =====> Step 15 vs target number 15 For information: at Step 11 (1d10+1d8) (on 1000000 rolls) # Result ------- Proba ----------- Chance to roll equal or better # 2 ----------- 1,2549% ----------- 100% # 3 ----------- 2,4614% ----------- 98,7451% # 4 ----------- 3,7117% ----------- 96,2837% # 5 ----------- 5,0053% ----------- 92,572% # 6 ----------- 6,2604% ----------- 87,5667% # 7 ----------- 7,5186% ----------- 81,3063% # 8 ----------- 8,7658% ----------- 73,7877% # 9 ----------- 8,7847% ----------- 65,0219% # 10 ----------- 8,8815% ----------- 56,2372% # 11 ----------- 7,8204% ----------- 47,3557% # 12 ----------- 6,8347% ----------- 39,5353% # 13 ----------- 5,863% ----------- 32,7006% # 14 ----------- 4,8956% ----------- 26,8376% # 15 ----------- 3,8994% ----------- 21,942% # 16 ----------- 2,9797% ----------- 18,0426% # 17 ----------- 1,8505% ----------- 15,0629% # 18 ----------- 1,9981% ----------- 13,2124% # 19 ----------- 1,8671% ----------- 11,2143% # 20 ----------- 1,7161% ----------- 9,34720000000002% # 21 ----------- 1,4834% ----------- 7,63110000000002% # 22 ----------- 1,2586% ----------- 6,14770000000001% # 23 ----------- 1,0316% ----------- 4,88910000000001% # 24 ----------- 0,7892% ----------- 3,85750000000002% # 25 ----------- 0,5298% ----------- 3,06830000000002% # 26 ----------- 0,4292% ----------- 2,53850000000003% # 27 ----------- 0,3042% ----------- 2,10930000000003% # 28 ----------- 0,3012% ----------- 1,80510000000004% # 29 ----------- 0,2822% ----------- 1,50390000000004% # 30 ----------- 0,2483% ----------- 1,22170000000004% # 31 ----------- 0,2053% ----------- 0,973400000000041% # 32 ----------- 0,1652% ----------- 0,768100000000047% # 33 ----------- 0,1229% ----------- 0,602900000000048% # 34 ----------- 0,0983% ----------- 0,480000000000047% # 35 ----------- 0,0727% ----------- 0,381700000000052% # 36 ----------- 0,0552% ----------- 0,309000000000054% # 37 ----------- 0,0411% ----------- 0,253800000000055% # 38 ----------- 0,0405% ----------- 0,212700000000055% # 39 ----------- 0,0313% ----------- 0,172200000000061% # 40 ----------- 0,0297% ----------- 0,140900000000059% # 41 ----------- 0,0232% ----------- 0,111200000000053% # 42 ----------- 0,0207% ----------- 0,0880000000000507% # 43 ----------- 0,0115% ----------- 0,0673000000000457% # 44 ----------- 0,0107% ----------- 0,0558000000000476% # 45 ----------- 0,0073% ----------- 0,0451000000000477% # 46 ----------- 0,0068% ----------- 0,0378000000000469% # 47 ----------- 0,0047% ----------- 0,0310000000000485% # 48 ----------- 0,0052% ----------- 0,0263000000000488% # 49 ----------- 0,004% ----------- 0,0211000000000467% # 50 ----------- 0,0028% ----------- 0,0171000000000419% # 51 ----------- 0,0029% ----------- 0,0143000000000484% # 52 ----------- 0,0017% ----------- 0,0114000000000516% # 53 ----------- 0,0014% ----------- 0,009700000000052% # 54 ----------- 0,0017% ----------- 0,00830000000004816% # 55 ----------- 0,0012% ----------- 0,00660000000004857% # 56 ----------- 0,0004% ----------- 0,00540000000005136% # 57 ----------- 0,0012% ----------- 0,0050000000000523% # 58 ----------- 0,0003% ----------- 0,00380000000005509% # 59 ----------- 0,0006% ----------- 0,00350000000005934% # 60 ----------- 0,0004% ----------- 0,00290000000005364% # 61 ----------- 0,0005% ----------- 0,00250000000005457% # 62 ----------- 0,0004% ----------- 0,00200000000005218% # 63 ----------- 0,0005% ----------- 0,00160000000005311% # 64 ----------- 0,0001% ----------- 0,00110000000005073% # 66 ----------- 0,0001% ----------- 0,00100000000004741% # 67 ----------- 0,0002% ----------- 0,000900000000044088% # 68 ----------- 0,0001% ----------- 0,000700000000037448% # 69 ----------- 0,0002% ----------- 0,000600000000034129% # 70 ----------- 0,0002% ----------- 0,000400000000027489% # 75 ----------- 0,0001% ----------- 0,00020000000002085% # 86 ----------- 0,0001% ----------- 0,000100000000017531%
  20. Re: 3D Star mapping software Mine are C# and Java. Astrogator is written in C#. I'd like to practice my C++ but i have no time for that.....
  21. Re: 3D Star mapping software A lot of things, mainly the function naming (non)convention , the automatic type conversion, the lack of explicit type definition in variable declaration, the fact you can use a not yet initialized variable, the variables scope*, etc. It's extremely dangerous and not strict enough for professional and/or big projects. * for instance = if(true){$toto=1;} echo($toto); It actually displays '1' whereas $toto have not been declared nor initialized outside (and before) the 'if.' That's horrible.
  22. Re: 3D Star mapping software i'm very busy right now (on an awful Php fixing/enhancement job.....gods, i hate php.....), i hope i will be able to continue Astrogator in Dec08 or Jan09
  23. Re: Learning from the mistakes of others After reading the PHB of DD4 i tought it was a very bad rpg system, one of the worst ever made. ..... but actually after playing it 8 days i think this is one of the most enjoyable game ever ! It's a lot more fun than any previous version of D&D. But there are 3 prerequisites : - you must like tactical combat. - you must like knowing the mechanisms of your character. - you must have a coooooool state of mind. Repeat after me :"COOL" We played it as we played twenty years ago, like when we were teenagers, 8 or 9 hours each day without any pause, without any tiredness, having fun in living adventures, crawling dungeons, collecting xp and improving our PCs. You should see it as the most old-school RPG ever made. Actually D&D4 IS a rpg. It's as i remember my first games were, but with better rules. I hate MMO. They are so boring and limited. So i'm quite sure D&D4 is not a tabletop MMO or i would hate it. It's better. Believe me, i'm 34, i play and played "serious" games with smart and/or heavy mechanisms like HERO, Hârnmaster, Rolemaster, Chivalry & Sorcery, and the like since the middle of the 80's* ... but despite that i think D&D4 is a very fun gaming experience. You can be an adult and experienced gamer and still enjoy this one. * but started with lightest ones, of course. PS: but the commercial policy of WotC sucks.
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