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Posts posted by Ragdoll

  1. Re: Would you allow the white knight defense?


    Edit: here's the build - it's GM's permission' date=' since it included Damage reduction in the EC .... [/quote']


    Wait. Damage Reduction can't be placed inside an elemental control framework? =? I thought the only powers that couldn't fit inside an EC were powers marked as 'special'. :confused:

  2. Re: New Life form in North Carolina sewers?


    So is there a new life form growing in the North Carolina sewers?


    Check out this video clip from a sanitation worker.


    Warning, it's pretty disgusting.



    It looks like a large growth. I'm guessing it's the vague spherical ball of tissue in between that crevice in the wall? I thought I also saw many, many thin strands-like structures that were criss-crossed across it, and some seemed to be latched or laying across either side of the crevice? Their was some movement. And undulation. It's movement reminds me very vaguely of the undulation of a jelly fish.

  3. In short, I'm looking to duplicate his powers. Most of his stuff looks pretty easy. Claws, strength, AoE attacks, shape shifting, etc, etc.


    The only thing I'm not sure about is his ability to absorb people, and through doing so gain their memories. I'm guessing some kind of telepathy power, but, I'm not sure.


    Suggestions? :)

  4. Re: Qi


    Unless I missed something you have only one power in the EC. Also it should get OIF.


    Yes. I dunno what I was thinking with the EC. But why OIF? Because she has to touch something? I thought about that.. but she can also for instance touch a section of roadway and bring it to life. Would it be fair to give it OIF with such a wide range of choices?

  5. Critiques, Comments are welcome. =)


    Name: Yana Chén

    Alias: Qi

    Appearance: A 20 something woman in a full black, lightly armoured body suit, and face mask. The Chinese symbol for 'Life' is emblazoned across her face mask and right breast. She keeps her hair short (because long hair is hell with a full mask).




    10 STR (00)

    15 DEX (15)

    16 CON (12)

    10 BOD (00)

    12 INT (02)

    20 EGO (20)

    12 PRE (02)

    14 COM (02)

    5 PD (03)

    5 ED (02)

    3 SPD (05)

    6 REC (02)

    32 END (00)

    33 STN (10) [75]


    OCV:5 DCV:5 ECV:7

    Actions: 4. 8. 12

    PD/rPD: 10/5 ED/rED: 10/5

    Run: 8"/16" Swim: 2/4"



    45 EC: Power of Creation

    22a Life Spark: Summon up to 200 points; Any Object Class +1,

    Amicable: Friendly +1/4, Extra Time: Delayed Phase -1/4,

    Restrainable -1/2, 1 1/2x's END -1/4.

    10 Armoured Costume: Armour 5PD/5ED; OIF -1/2

    18 Self Defense Training

    -Block OCV 7 DCV 7 Block, Abort

    -Dodge OCV 5 DCV 10 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

    -Legsweep OCV 7 DCV 4 3D6, Target Falls

    -Joint Lock OCV 4 DCV 4 Grab Two Limbs, 20 STR For Holding On

    -Throw OCV 5 DCV 6 2D6 + v/5, Target Falls

    05 Defensive Maneuver II

    06 CSL: +2 with Self Defense Training

    01 Analyze: Hand to Hand Combat 8-

    03 Acrobatics 12-

    03 Breakfall 12-

    03 Concealment 11-

    03 Shadowing 11-

    03 Stealth 12-

    03 Climbing 12-

    03 Charm 11-

    02 KS: Geek Subculture 11-

    02 KS: Parkour Subculture 11-

    10 +1 Overall Skill Level

    01 Income: Well Off ($100K/Year - Trust Fund/Investments)

    05 Amazing Climber: Clinging at STR, Requires Climbing Roll -1/2, Cannot

    Cling To Ceilings Or Surfaces With More Than A 120 Degree Angle

    -1/4, Cannot Resist Knockback -1/4

    03 Acrobatic Leaping: Leaping +4" (6" forward, 3" up); Requires

    Acrobatics Roll -1/2

    02 Fast Feet: Running +2" (8"/16" NC)

    03 Well Connected

    05 Contact: Ravenswood Academy, Good Relations, Organization 8-

    03 6 Favors







    01 1 Follower (Noteworthy - 'Current Friend With Benefits')



    150 Base + 100 Disadvantages

    20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

    10 Social Limitation: Secret Identity Qi/Yana Chén

    10 DF: Mutant (Not Concealable, Always Noticed, Detectable by Uncommon Senses)

    15 Psychological Limit: Loyal (Common, Strong)

    10 Psychological Limit: Code vs. Killing (Common, Moderate)

    10 Psychological Limit: Thrillseeker (Common, Moderate)

    10 Psychological Limit: Flirt (Common, Moderate)

    10 Suceptability: When a Summon is destroyed, Uncommon, 2d6 Instant Stun

    05 Reputation (As Qi/Yana) 'Home Wrecking Tramp', Limited Group, Extreme 8-


    Total: 240 points + 10 unspent points


    History: Yana's home life was normal, until her powers began to manifest. Her parents were affluent, and ultimately unwilling to deal with it themselves so they sent her off to boarding school, or Ravenwood. Visits were infrequent, and ceased all together. Yana held onto the people she knew at school, but for all her efforts, and her instructors, she developed some pretty deep intimacy issues. While Yana plays things fast and lose in her life, she's always waiting for the other shoe to drop with people, something seared into her by her family's abandonment of her at such an early age.


    She's a loyal friend, but she never gets too close. A curious trait for a woman that can create friends out of nothing. Yana likes to feel alive. She picked up her skills and her love of Parkour at Ravenwood which she continues into adaulthood. People that meet Yana wonder if she's suicidal or just really raw adrenaline junkie.


    Now she's content to utilize the small trust fund, and not talk with her parents. Her own fear rules that decision, wanting desperately to reconnect with them, but not willing to risk rejection. She goes from relationship to relationship, lover to lover, always leaving when things seem to be getting to a point where she'd need to put her heart on the line.


    Yana's main ability, as a mutant, is the ability to momentarily bend the rules of reality, giving life to whatever it is she touches, and gently shakes awake. Her creations are, in general, amicable sorts to her. Yana generally stays away from combat, trying to make herself scarce and letting her creations do the work. She is, however, no fool and makes use of her Parkour skills and the extensive training in self defense she took at Ravenwood to keep her foes off their feet and at the mercy of her creations. She works hard on her self defense and Parkour skills every day.

  6. Re: World of HEROCraft?


    *Blows off dust*


    Booga booga (as far as thread necromancy chants go that was pretty weak)


    Ok so I'm looking to start the classes here.



    I could go in alphabetical order, but I won't.


    I have some basic ideas:


    Every class gets an END reserve, for most, it's Mana, and is fairly standaredized.

    For Rogues, it's called Energy and still standard

    For Warriors it's Rage and has no REC and recovers via Transfer/Aid combo

    For Death Knights it's....you know what? I have no flipping clue.


    Gonna probably use "Armor Proficiency" skill


    Neat huH?

    ok I haven't much yet. As near as I can tell Magic will probably only have "Incantations" as a standard limitation. Some spells have regent requirements but precious little more than that...perhaps casting time...but probably not.



    Any ideas, my friends? I have to hit the books soon but I'll be back as I have ideas.


    I've mentioned this before. It's my personal belief that attempting to convert video game balance rules into an RPG conversion is absolutely the wrong thing to do. END Reserves, etc are a bad way to go and usually end up complicating what's essentially a bog standard HERO fantasy campaign with a few bells and whistles like guns for hunters. If you want my advice. Convert the flavor of WoW don't try the recipe. What you'll end up with will likely look odd and taste even worse. =)

  7. Re: Cocooning other's Ideas.


    Sounds like he's got a low Power Skill Roll (based on INT). As such, he can't make much of anything complex with his VPP without something to boost the roll up.




    For the most part, this sounds like a boost to INT/Power Skill bought through some type of focus/charges or what have you. Not 100% clear on how the though bubble works though...


    Something I'm not clear on though... Can he probe peoples minds looking for ideas?


    I mean, if he wanders up to Tony Stark can he deduce how to make Pym Particles just because Stark is a genius? Or can he ONLY steal the ideas for Stark Tech, at which point Stark can theoretically no longer create said tech?


    It's not so much that he 'probes', it's not telepathy. He delves down and finds a pattern randomly, hoists it out of thier mind, and then assimilates it. What the thought is has nothing to really 'do' with what he can create. It's basically the energy of the inspiration, the idea that gives his brain the INT boost it needs. In effect he's creating a sort of mental smart drug from a person's idea, any idea that he happens to snatch up. He gets a sense of what the idea was, but it doesn't stick around, but it's the inspirational energy of the idea that allows his now enhanced intelligence to make intuitive leaps in invention creation.


    It doesn't matter if it was Tony Stark's idea for a new kind of reactor or a long ago buried idea he had a decent cup of tea. Both ideas create the same kind of 'boost' to him, and Stark loses the idea. He may wonder about it, 'What was I thinking about doing in that next step. Damn I wish I could recall' or he may not even remember it if it was buried somewhere from his past and he'd just mentally filed it away.


    It's a rather horrific idea, at least in the character's eyes. Every time he extrudes some 'thought' from someone's head, he wonders if he's robbing the world of some great future work of literature, some amazing film, some great scientific break through. He convinces himself that he's only extruding from crooks and thieves. People on the outskirts of society, unlikely to contribute anything truly great. But it nags at the back of his head, what if the extrude he took from some unconscious look out kid in the Meth-Lab he broke up last week was the making for a truly great idea, for humanity. He doesn't know the fates of the people he busts. He doesn't know if they'll go on to be something great or if they'll pass from the world with merely a whimper.


    He may be 'destroying' that chance each time he extrudes to continue his work in 'campaign city'.

  8. So I'm building my first sample adventure for Champions. Phase one begins with the damage of a power plant, a traditional fossil fuel one. I'd like to run part of that encounter inside the damaged plant. The problem is, I have no 'idea' what the inside of a power plant and it's surrounding grounds even look like. Is their some place online I might find floor plans of a traditional power plant? Stupid question in today's climate I know. =/ But I thought I'd ask. Barring that (likely I know) is their any website where I might be able to get some idea about how a plant looks, how it's set up inside in general? So I could better describe what the character's see and encounter inside the place? I plan to have a robotic hovering disk attack them as they enter inside to rescue plant workers, after the main super villain has left.

  9. Okay here's the concept I came up with. There's a metahuman out there that functions as a hero. He might be part of a team, or a solo hero in whatever city you like. He's a gadget hero. He's got some bog standard equipment, like some armour, a blaster for offense, etc, etc.


    But he's also got the ability to intuitively design and build objects of tech quickly whenever he likes. The only problem is, he needs help to do it. He's a kind of mental parasite, a secondary mutation that works in tandem with his normal intellect. His VPP (his invention power) won't function below a certain INT score threshold. His normal Intellect is 12 or so. He's bright but no genius. Certainly not smart enough to build the armour and weapons, that he uses and no where near as smart enough to invent things on the fly with his VPP.


    He needs at least an INT of 23 in order to use his VPP, or to 'repair' any of his bog stadard tech that he uses in his day to day heroics.


    When he uses his secondary mutation of a willing or unconscious/restrained person, he 'extrudes' a small cocoon from the person's forehead. Inside the cocoon is a specific essence of a thought, and idea, a creative inspiration. Taken from the person, and made manifest. The hero (?) holds the cocoon in his hand and it releases that thought, idea, inspiration into his own mind, where it's used as raw material to increase his own intellect. He periodically has to use the mutation again and again to keep his Intellect above a certain score or he loses the benefit of his primary mutation. The person who's idea he stole, loses it forever, unless it's restored through psychic surgery.


    I thought about AID first off. With a high fade rate. Say 5pt/Month, with a linked Transform Psychic Surgery that can alter ideas/creative memories, etc. I'd thought of it as no range, and the person can be actively resisting, with takes extra time for the extrusion.


    I'm just not sure how to build it from the ground up. Any ideas are helpful.

  10. Re: Building a Motorcycle Mecha!


    Thanks for the link, mwiggins. =) BTW, Peregrine, since that rule is in place, how would you suggest it be done? I'm curious how to incorporate a normal battlesuited character and a normal cycle/vehicle into one concept.

  11. Re: Building a Motorcycle Mecha!


    Kind of like Prisses mecha in Bubblegum Crisis?


    If by that you mean the character can be riding the motorcycle, flip a switch and have the cycle suddenly transform around them into a battlesuit, then yes. =)

  12. I'm trying to build a mostly human sized mecha (9 feet tall in the mech, so a bit bigger then human size), so it's got two modes, a mostly human sized mode around the character (battlesuit?) and a motorbike that can be ridden by the character.


    Any ideas how to build it?

  13. Re: A Dream Salesman.


    Hm. Sounds expensive. At least the ability to imprint dreams. The others seem fairly straightforward. I did a quick calculation and it looks like 15 points per 1D6 of Mental Illusions. 4D6 at 60 points. Quite expensive, even with the disadvantages tacked onto it.


    Mental Illusions


    Zero END




    Physical Manifestation

    No Range

    (Possibly the target limitations - must touch the physical manifestation, and must be willing - don't count as limitations, but only to satisfy the requirement that a continuous uncontrolled power have some way to "shut it down")




    Mind Scan

    Dreaming Minds only



    Only to percieve dreams


    Mental Illusions

    Only to manipulate dreams



    Lucius Alexander


    Palindromedary dreams

  14. The concept is pretty simple, but I'm having a little trouble coming up with something that works. I'm thinking of transform of some sort. Here's the concept:


    A mutant able to scan the dreams of sleeping people, and change or manipulate them in any way they see fit. They can experience the person's dreams as well.


    Once the dream has ended, they can continue to watch the person's dreams/manipulate them, or pull back from them into the real world again. Once they are out of the person's dreams they can imprint the person's dreams (one or all of them that were viewed) into an object. This must take place no later then one hour after the person pulls away from the person's dream scape. The dream imprinted objects can then be experienced by anyone that touches the imprinted object. The process is voluntary and cannot be forced.


    The mutant basically sells dreams to people. Custom made ones or ones gathered 'free range' as she likes to call them from people's minds as they sleep.


    Any idea on how to build such a power?

  15. Re: Can one make a base that is also a vehicle?


    Are you trying to stay within the strict letter of the rules?


    As I understand it, one way is simply to build a vehicle and make it as large as you need it to be and there's your base.


    If I recall the rules correctly, a base can have movement powers that effect characters but isn't really "supposed" to be able to move itself.


    Of course, I also don't object to breaking the rules under some circumstances.


    I also once created a "Death Star" type space ship by creating a large base AND a vehicle designed to be strong enough to lift and move the base. The "vehicle" I defined as "Engine room and propulsion systems."


    Would you like to get specific and tell us what you're trying to do exactly?


    Lucius Alexander


    Rewriting the palindromedary as a vehicle


    Well, the night before last, I had a particularly vivid dream. Anyway, long story short, it's a large ship. Maybe alien, maybe not. That sits above the city, and slowly moves from place to place above the city in a pattern. It can go to other cities but it remains above this one city.


    So from that description, it sounds more like a large vehicle that also serves as a mobile base, yes?

  16. Re: Restricting Aspects of Character Creation


    He bullies the PC's, or bullies the players? Either way, bad situation.


    If his PC is bullying the other PC's, then the GM needs to step in and find out why he thinks this is acceptable behavior for a RPG.


    If the player is bullying the other players, he needs to be banned from your game. Period. No one likes a bully, and even less like to play what is supposed to be a cooperative game with one.


    If the bully steps over the line into assault, call the police. No, I'm serious. No matter how good a friend you might think he is, your players do not deserve to get beat up because Bully wants to be in control. :mad: Alternatively, find a player who has studied martial arts to deal with him. :eg:


    I once read an article that talked about a genetic basis for bullying behavior and how nomadic groups of humans would basically cull individuals that showed such tendencies because it tended to screw up the groups overall survival rates. Essentially if you were a bully in hunter gatherer times they'd shun you, if you didn't get the hint, they'd beat you to death with tree branches.


    Find that article and tape it to the bully's wall. Underline parts of it in red ink. Don't sign it. When he shows up for the next game everyone stare at him 'knowingly' for several long minutes without saying anything.


    :D XD

  17. Re: Psychic Disruption


    [redacted: Did a little reading up on Suppress. Seems like a solid build. =)]


    If the OP is trying to bring a target to his knees with incalculable pain, he might try a mental entangle that can't form barriers. The SFX is the guy is on his knees 'screaming' in agony as the ego attack take a bit out of his stun each phase. Base it off EGO. If the guy's strong willed enough he can eventually beat the psychic pain boondoggle that's been thrown on him.

  18. Re: A Police Scanner


    Hunted: FAA, All The Time, Only Watching?


    I mean whether they watch him with agents in the field, or in the FAA's case via a transponder the character has isn't it pretty much the same thing? =)

  19. Re: Old Palladium player wanting to start with the HERO SYSTEM


    Wow' date=' thanks for the quick response. Thanks for the heads up on the 6th edition as well. So it appears that in order to run a full game, all I would need is the HERO System book. Is that correct?[/quote']


    Sure. Get yourself the sidekick so you can get familiar with the rules. It's 5th ed. 6th ed will be out eventually, but it's likely best to learn on 5th, then if you like it, decide what direction you want to go in.

  20. Re: Point Expenditures.


    I keep coming back to the fact the "Bring To Life" may not be a simple single Power. It sounds like the SFX for an entire Suite of Powers.


    Bring a Fence to life that wraps around and traps an opponent: Entangle

    Bring a mail box to life that grows a fist and hits someone: Energy Blast + Indirect


    Buying just one Power "Summon" and trying to dump enough points that the Summoned Creature can do whatever you want is an awfully cheap way of trying to get a VPP.


    Though, Summoned Creatures go away, and at the Friendly level may not be willing to enter combat without an Ego Contest.


    Well, I'm just not interested in stating up a bunch of powers for a few reasons.


    1. I'm not keen on having to come up with powers in a multislot or whatever that covers every possible aspect of what a summon might do.


    2. For the purposes of the build, Summon is rather IC for her, so it simply must stay in for that reason.


    Eventually I'm going to increase the loyalty of the power and begin branching out into more followers. Either friends that she's met in her adventures and gotten as followers, or more interestingly permanent summons. Small point ones at first, but more and more as she develops. I also intend to shore up her skills and combat abilities to make her even more survivable. She's a social character primarily with a very 'useful' one power combat ability. Basically I'm looking at a character with one main power, plus a small secondary power that is basically just a special effect of how her main power works (the missile deflect bringing things to life).


    The actual Summon power has to remain for those purposes.


    I was thinking only of limiting the power you want to develop in the future' date=' while you rely on the Summon initially.[/quote']


    That actually 'might' work. Not sure I can get away with bringing both powers down to a grand total of 16 points. One has to be a naked modifier and the other the missile deflect. I'll take a look at it and get back to the thread. =)

  21. Re: Point Expenditures.


    are you putting this power into an existing object, or creating something out of thin air? If you need an object, OAF could get you some more points.



    Well, technically she needs to 'touch' something to bring it to life. The only problem is, she can touch a patch of earth or concrete and make it come to life in the form of a stone or earthen spider, scorpion, human warrior, weird amorphous blob, etc, etc. So I didn't really think OAF would really apply since there's virtually nothing to limit her unless you suspend her in mid air where she's not able to touch 'anything'.


    Speaking for myself' date=' I would not allow both Gestures & Incantations and restrainable. What can restrain the character which would not otherwise prevent one of Gestures and Incantations? [/quote']


    You're right. I see that now. My idea was that she brings something to life by shaking it and talking to it as if she were trying to rouse someone from sleep. If she were bound she'd not be able to do that, but gestures and incantations seems to cover that nicely, so I will drop restrainable.


    You could limit the power heavily so she has it' date=' but it's very unreliable (perhaps to the point of being near useless - concentration, extra time, extra END, activation or RSR, etc.) and use XP to buy off the limitations over time. This would represent the ongoing development of this aspect of her power.[/quote']


    I thought of that, of course, but it also has the side of effect of making her useless in a super heroic combat. Her martial arts and nimble moves are their mostly to keep her out of a fight, and not so much to inflict damage, it's the things that she brings to life that are essentially her energy blast for instance or her super human strength or what have you. Her social skills, contact, and follower are for no combat situations to be of some use, but I wanted her to be able to contribute in some way to the combat. =)


    What's the build for the Power you're looking to add specifically? And do the Active Points fit in the EC?


    Specifically it's from this thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72942


    The power is a bit modified. For instance, I'm not sure this will work if the original power has takes extra time, I'm pretty sure you can't missile deflect with takes extra time because it has to happen now, right?


    Anyway, this is how Fireleaper layed out the power:


    Summon: 250 point summon, any creature +1, friendly +1/4, (112active) Gestures -1/4, Incantations -1/4


    Trigger: summon when using missile deflection, resets automatically after it activates for up to 112 active points of summon (84 active) Gestures -1/4, Incantations -1/4


    Missile deflection: can deflect any ranged attack, can deflect attack at anyone (50 active) Gestures -1/4, Incantations -1/4



    as it stands you can only control one summon at a time but you can improve on that in time.




    I don't think Missile Deflection will fit in the EC unless I add points to it with extra OCV for blocking. And I don't know a lot about how a naked power modifier works, if at all, in an EC, if it'd even fit besides.


    I envisioned a metahuman tossing a stream of fire at her from their hands, and she reaches out and just as the fire hits, it twirls around her hands and arms, and stretches itself out into a firery serpent then slithers though the air back to the attacker or any of his allies or what have you to do her bidding and attack them.

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