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Posts posted by Ragdoll

  1. Okay here's my problem. I'm putting together a heroine, that's part of a team. Her basic power is to urge a spark of life to spring up in an object or substance she touches and bring it to life in whatever shape her mind likes. Her basic power is this:


    45 EC: Power of Creation

    20a Life Spark: Summon up to 200 points; Any Object Class +1, Amicable: Friendly +1/4, Extra Time: Delayed Phase -1/4, Gestures -1/4, Incantations -1/4, Restrainable -1/2.



    Here's my problem she's got 16 points left to spend, but she's pretty versatile already. I would like her to be able to eventually cause ranged attacks against her to come to life and then attack people she's trying to fight. I know how to stat out that power now thanks to the help of others on this board, but it's far too expensive to purchase with just 16 points. Should I hold onto the 16 points until I have enough to purchase it, or spend them now? What's the best way to build this character?


    Any suggestions are appreciated. =)


    Here's the other skills she has:


    10 Armoured Costume: Armour 5PD/5ED; OIF -1/2

    18 Self Defense Training

    -Block OCV 7 DCV 7 Block, Abort

    -Dodge OCV 5 DCV 10 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

    -Legsweep OCV 7 DCV 4 3D6, Target Falls

    -Joint Lock OCV 4 DCV 4 Grab Two Limbs, 20 STR For Holding On

    -Throw OCV 5 DCV 6 2D6 + v/5, Target Falls

    05 Defensive Maneuver II

    06 CSL: +2 with Self Defense Training

    01 Analyze: Hand to Hand Combat 8-

    03 Acrobatics 12-

    03 Breakfall 12-

    03 Concealment 11-

    03 Shadowing 11-

    03 Stealth 12-

    03 Climbing 12-

    02 KS: Geek Subculture 11-

    02 KS: Parkour Subculture 11-

    10 +1 Overall Skill Level

    01 Income: Well Off ($100K/Year - Trust Fund/Investments)

    05 Amazing Climber: Clinging at STR, Requires Climbing Roll -1/2, Cannot

    Cling To Ceilings Or Surfaces With More Than A 120 Degree Angle

    -1/4, Cannot Resist Knockback -1/4

    03 Acrobatic Leaping: Leaping +4" (6" forward, 3" up); Requires

    Acrobatics Roll -1/2

    02 Fast Feet: Running +2" (8"/16" NC)

    03 Well Connected

    05 Contact: Ravenswood Academy, Good Relations, Organization 8-

    02 4 Favors





    01 1 Follower (Noteworthy - 'Current Friend With Benefits')

  2. Re: Mass Effect Campaign Setting


    You might want to think about taking the 'flavor' of the game and using that, rather then trying to convert part and parcel every little game mechanic in the video game to it's equal in the game.


    It'll be easier to make the world interesting, without driving yourself crazy trying to figure out "If I make armour with shield generators, how can I simulate the effect of them slowly regenerating over a period of x minutes."

  3. They seem intelligent, and according to the Wiki their noses are very sensitive organs. What else might pigs possess? How are there senses? Worse, better then humans? Anything else that might make them stand out. Thinking about building a mutated pig/man for A Dark Champions settings and unleashing him on the streets as a relentless vigilante. XD

  4. Re: How many points for a Summon?


    Okay, well, what would be your opinion on the following. Superhuman with the ability to bring objects to life. Superhuman tangles with street gang down by the docks. She brings one of their vans to life, making it into a giant metal robot of sorts. Here's the result of the 200 point summon:


    Would the following be considered fine for purposes or a summon, or might it be considered too powerful?


    40 STR (30)

    12 DEX (6)

    10 CON (0)

    18 BOD (16)

    10 INT (0)

    10 EGO (0)

    12 PRE (2)

    10 COM (0)

    6 PD (9)

    3 ED (6)

    3 SPD (08)

    4 REC (0)

    40 END (10)


    Run 12" Jump: 5"


    45 Takes No Stun

    15 Cannot Be Stunned

    10 No Hit Locations

    10 Does Not Bleed

    06 KB Resistiance -3"

    05 Characteristics: +5 PRE

    12 Running +6"

    04 Stretching 1"

    -3 Jumping - 3" (191)



    05 Physical Lim: Large: (Infrequently, Slightly)

    05 Physical Lim: Can't Float (Infreq, Slight)

    20 DF: Giant Robot!: NC, Major

    20 Suceptability: 3d6 Dex Drain Each Turn inside High Magnetic Fields.

    05 Suceptability: 3d6 Body Drain Each Phase in Water

    10 Psycological Limit: Friendly to Creator: Common, Moderate

  5. Re: terminator where thepeople scrapes with damage


    Disadvantage: Terminator; Concealable (With Disguise Skill or Major Effort), Extreme.


    I'd say that'd cover it. If you want, the character's Comeliness score would apply only when they were disguised. Once that disguise is torn away partially or completely, everyone can see you're some kind of unnatural monster or cyborg and the Disadvantage takes over. It doesn't matter if the left half of your face, for instance, looks like Arnold or Summer Glau, the other half is all metal and red glowing eyes, and such.


    I suppose you could simulate it with the ablative armour thing you mentioned before and the Com drain, but it's a rather complicated affair. The above IMO at least seems to cover the effect you're looking for. Just Make a notation that if the character takes so much body to whatever part, that that part is now 'exposed' and the character's disadvantage is in full effect, until it can be repaired in some way.

  6. Re: Restricting Aspects of Character Creation


    Nice ideas here.

    Here is something to think about:


    You are setting up a superhero game, and you want to have things balanced of course.

    But, one of your players is rules raper/lawyer and another player is a mega-munchkin.

    Do you use character creation restrictions to reign them in? If so, how do you implement such limitations?




    My normal S.O.P. for Munchkins at least is to make friends with them, hang out with them after a few game sessions, even after the players have gone home.


    Then at some point, I make a 'really' obvious pass at them.


    That usually gets rid of the problem. :D


    Anyone wanna handle SOP for Rules Lawyers? XD

  7. Any comments and critiques are appreciated. Please not, I'm not a 'huge' fan of high speeds. So, speeds may be a lil low. Centered at a 250 point campaign level.


    Anthony Walker and his wife Bonny were researching a way to tap into new energy sources via dimensional shunting technology. A project they had been working on for a number of years, the experiment ran away from them, tearing a rift between two worlds not their own, but never the less containing doubles of themselves. On that day, the two researchers had their bodies, but not their minds, shunted out of their dimension to be replaced with their double's bodies. All four never knew what hit them, Anthony's double was happily married to Bonny even in a dimension as skewed yet familar as the one that was torn open.


    That world's rift did tremendous damage to it's environment, the full effects aren't yet understood. But all of that mattered little to Anthony's double, a minor superhuman. A mutant, he developed his powers at a young age, and attended Ravenwood Academy. Eventually, her entered the world as the violent vigilante Flux, and married Bonny after rescuing her from political extremist on her campus. You might imagine his horror, now, as he suddenly found himself in the body of what he could only assume later was some hideous hairless ape creature. Most importantly one without the power of flight.


    Anthony's body broke both it's legs in three places and suffered fairly severe internal injuries in the fall. Though he survived through grace alone, he would pray for death in the coming months. No one recognized the battered dying creature, not in a world populated by anthropomorphized animals. Not the forest ranger later made to dissappear for that strange alien he'd seen, or the smattering of campers in the forest where the rip occured. The stranger was written off like so many other alien and ufo tales. What followed next was aquisition by the U.S. government, a painful morphine induced few weeks of dull pain and babbled pleas to his identity that no one would or wanted to believe. The body's wallet, and ID, the strange money with what they assumed were pictures of their presidents, only with the same hideous alien creatures in place of their own, the clothing. No, no, no one wanted to face the mind bending truth.


    Eventually the body of the real Anthony Walker gave out, it's injuries from the fall too much to bear and with it died one of that world's heroes, leaving behind a widow who would never know her husband's fate. The only thing that remained was an autopsy of the strange alien that had fallen to earth.


    The real Anthony's problems were only just beginning. Now finding himself apparently mutated into a strange wolf like creature. A joke to the world, or something to be studied, his depression was long and deep. His only solace Bonny, and his own natural curiosity of the strange energy based powers he now seemed to possess. Virtual prisoners in the building he inherited from his uncle, they live a life of seclusion, only relying on Bonny's graduate students, and their heroic activities to give their normally shut in lives some sense of 'normallcy'. As normal as the life of a anthrpomorphic wolf man that slings energy bolts and flies through the air can be.


    Name: Anthony Walker

    Alias: Flux





    13 STR (03)

    14 DEX (12)

    18 CON (16)

    11 BOD (02)

    14 INT (04)

    12 EGO (04)

    15 PRE (05)

    12 COM (01)

    05 PD (02)

    05 ED (01)

    04 SPD (16)

    08 REC (02)

    40 END (02)

    37 STN (10) [80]


    OCV: 5 DCV: 5 ECV: 4


    Run: 6" Swim: 2" Jump: 3"

    PD/rPD: 13/8 ED/rED: 13/8


    -POWERS/SKILLS- [170]

    68 Multipower: Quantum Energy Powers

    5u Energy Blast 8D6; 1/2 END +1/4

    1u Drain CON: 1D6; 5 pts/Min +1/4, Range +1/2, Linked to EB -1/2

    6u Flash vs. Sight 5D; Area Effect: Any, Selective +1 1/4, 1/2 End +1/4

    7 EC: Quantum Energy Powers

    8a Flight: 5"/15"

    8b Force Field: 5/5; 0 End +1/2

    06 Combat Luck 3rPD / 3rED

    10 Find Weakness with Energy Blast 11-


    02 KS: Theoretical Physics 11-

    03 PS: Theoretical Physist 12-

    02 KS: Chess 11-

    02 Computer Programming 12-

    01 Inventor 8-

    05 SS: Mathematics 14-

    05 SS: Theoretical Physics 14-

    03 Mechanics 12-

    03 KS: Military Aircraft 12-

    03 PS: Model Builder 12-

    03 Systems Operations 12-

    05 1 Skill Level with all INT Based Skills

    05 Well Off (500K/Year)

    09 His Part of the Base Payment (Base is 65 points, Computer is 26 Points - Total of 18 points)



    150 Base + 100 Disadvantages

    20 DF: Wolf Man NC, Noticed, Major

    15 DF: Mutant NC, Noticed, Major, Unusual Detects Only

    20 Psych Lim: In Love with Bonny (Common, Total)

    10 Psych Lim: Code vs. Killing (Common, Strong)

    10 Psych Lim: Seeking Normal Life Again (Uncommon, Total)

    10 Psych Lim: Wants to Help Others (Common, Moderate)

    10 Social Limitation: Secret Identity, Wolf Man (Major) 8-

    05 Enraged if Bonny is Hurt; Uncommon, Go 8-, Recover 14-

  8. Re: SuperHero Creation Mishap.


    I've latched onto the idea of the husband inheriting a small building and inheritance from his grandfather. What used to be private lab/research facility. His wife will have been a professor at a local university, and agreed to work on his line of research. Both having been working in the field of theoretical physics. They have a small gaggle of followers, graduate students of his wife and working for them for their thesis work. The followers could help out tremendously after their accident, and even help keep a lid on their other activities. I'll just need to have the two characters share the cost of the base/building I build for them.


    Of course, it still 'tanks' their social lives. But their conditions 'after' the accident does make it rather hard for them to go out in public without stares.

  9. I'm needing some help in a certain area of character story creation. Any help is appreciated.


    Two people, a man and a woman, a married couple doing research into extra-dimensional energies as alternative energy sources. A mishap causes their minds to swap into the bodies of doubles from alternate earths. Meanwhile their original bodies and doubles bodies are pulled through the accidental portal and are pulled into each others respective universes, while the original minds remain in tact. Just in totally different bodies.


    Now the wife has the body of her double, and the husband is in much the same boat.


    Here's the problem. Both of the alternate bodies are totally alien. He can't hope to pass for human any more, and while she can, her new body is now only 3 feet in height.


    My question is this. Are their normal lives essentially over? I planned to have them become a duo and fight crime together, but I'm wondering about the impact it will have on their original lives.


    What are their options, barring high technology hologram generators or the like that would make them 'look' normal again.


    Any help's appreciated, thanks. :)

  10. Re: Summonable Hero


    He is not stunned! He just has to say his 'I've come to save the day!' catch phrase. It is only fair to the enemy to announce his arrival...


    A more experienced friend of mine says that I should have built this as an Multiform...


    Form 1: Knowledgeable and somewhat sneaky Chip,


    Form 2: Brick Captain Amazing with 'cannot combine' Duplicate Amazing Lad, who (like all sidekicks) loses all his usefulness except for as an 'Aid' cheerleader.


    *laughs* I love that. Very, very Four Color Golden Age. :D Nice Touch. =)


    I think sticking with summon is your best bet. According to Ghost Angel, the interpretation of what constitutes a task is up to the player and GM. So it'd be perfectly reasonable to say, one fight (or a scene if you prefer) is one task.. so he beats the baddies, and flies off with Chip to some other crime.


    And since the level of Slavish Loyalty gives like 10 tasks at a base EGO of 10 you're talking at least ten complete combats, or 10 days, hours, whatever. So it seems he might come and go with a pretty easy regularity. =)


    The Multiform's a good idea, but it's a pretty convoluted build in my opinion. Of course, if you don't use some disadvantages to summon to bring the cost down, you might have precious little room to tack on the cheerleading powers you mentioned earlier. Of course, I'm not sure what point level you're playing at, either. =) I'm just using my default 250 to talk about this. I know most folks go far higher.

  11. that's basically the idea I'm going for. I'm starting with a pretty basic character. Straight of of Ravenswood Academy. A mutant with the ability to bring any object she touches to life. She can even make an object into something else, to fight for her such as the knockoff of a single Terracotta warrior she made out of sand at the beach one day to help in a fight. Or the van she once turned into a transformer flavored version of itself during a battle against some other villains.


    I've had this idea turning around in my head, that she might eventually be able to develop a kind of missile deflection with the special effect that she turns it into whatever. Bullets turning into a cloud of metallic black flies, or a fire ball hurled at her suddenly stretching out into a firery like serpent that loops back to attack the person that originally hurled the attack at her.


    But I wanted them to act like 'proper' summons. As if she'd reached out and transformed the attacks before or just as they reached her. I know I can do something to that effect with Missile Deflection, if I buy the reflect ability.. I can make a fire blast.. turn into a fire snake and slither back through the air to strike the originator .. what it looks like is just a special effect.. but I want the summons to stick around as if I'd used summon to turn the attacks into a summoned critter.


    So that the fire wielding villian is suddenly faced with his own transformed attack darting through the air in the form is a large serpent and attacking him and his allies, etc.


    Any idea how I might go about modeling that.


    Here's the power the mutant will begin with:


    Summon: 250 point summon, any creature +1, friendly +1/4, Gestures -1/4, Incantations -1/4


    I want to expand her other power.. based upon this. Ideally.. I'd like to be able to change incoming attacks into summons as well.

  12. Re: In the Shadow of the Dragon


    Bad News...


    I am going to have to cancel tonights game... We WILL start next Friday.


    My birth mother was just admitted to the Hospital, she had a stroke. We are going to the hospital as quick as I can get ready.


    Ouch! :( I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope things work out okay for all involved in such terrible misfortune. =/

  13. Re: Summon power question


    As I said - it stays around for the Entire Combat. Not 1 Phase. That would be beyond useless.


    If you want to pay END to keep it "animated" that's fine, but you don't need it to "keep it around" - each Phase is not "a task" - Combat is a task.


    Ah I see. I'd read in the book that The GM decides what constitutes a “task” for purposes of Summon. For combat, each Phase of fighting usually equals one task.


    But I see now it reads not so much like a hard rule but more a suggestion. In that case Summon seems to be much more effective. I wasn't aware it wasn't a hard rule Thank you. =)

  14. Re: Summonable Hero


    Summon's good, but it runs into potential problems with the 'number of tasks' thing built into the power. He should probably be built with a high EGO score. The side kick I mean, to maximize the number of phases the Captain can be out and summoned. I suppositioned that the sidekick could pump out another round of end to keep captain around in battle, but if you have something like:


    Summon 250 point alternate, Specific Being +1, and Slavishly Loyal +1, well.. it's like 15 end per summon, and 15 again to keep him around after his tasks run out. I guess one 'good thing' is at slavishly loyal, you get number of tasks = to the summoners ego, so even if the side kick had 10 ego, and Captain had a spd of 5, he could 'still' stay around and fight for like 2 turns.


    Still the sidekick has probably best have a lot of end, or some kind of endurance reserve.


    Also don't forget that a summoned creature brought in is stunned for the first phase. So when the Captain gets there, he can't act until his next phase I think.

  15. Re: Summon power question


    Okay how's about this. The character I'm making would be a single power user to begin with. She might later on develop other powers that stem from her ability to animate and bring objects to life, but at the start she's got this:


    Summon: 250 point creature; Anything +1, Friendly +1/4, ET: Delayed segment (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)


    She literally has to shake the object, or push on it like she's trying to wake it, while talking at the object or patch of object in question.


    "Wake up! Come on, wake up! We need help here!" <--- Etc. XD


    At the level of points she'd need for that, would it be permissible to have her simply pay END again to keep the summon around in combat without having it stunned again? I believe it's 112 points, so that's 11 END just to keep in in combat after ego/4 phases. Would that be a enough? Or maybe tack on 1 extra endurance each use past the first summon to keep it around in combat?



  16. Hi. I was just reading the description of Summon, and I'm not sure I understand the point of the number of tasks thing.


    Are tasks now a natural part of the power? That is you can only use a summoned being a few times before it goes away, or what?


    I noticed if the being is Slavish it can do EGO/1 tasks. Once it's done that number it then poofs, or can the summoner just keep around an slavish summon indefinitely.


    I have the idea of making a paranormal that can cause a spark of life to occur in anything she touches, making any sort of creature she can dream up possible. If she has an EGO of 10, does that mean the creature she creates as slavishly loyal can attack 10 times then it poofs? Or at the 10th attack can she just choose to keep it around or does she have to go and create another creature again?

  17. Hi. I was just reading the description of Summon, and I'm not sure I understand the point of the number of tasks thing.


    Are tasks now a natural part of the power? That is you can only use a summoned being a few times before it goes away, or what?


    I noticed if the being is Slavish it can do EGO/1 tasks. Once it's done that number it then poofs, or can the summoner just keep around an slavish summon indefinitely.


    I have the idea of making a paranormal that can cause a spark of life to occur in anything she touches, making any sort of creature she can dream up possible. If she has an EGO of 10, does that mean the creature she creates as slavishly loyal can attack 10 times then it poofs? Or at the 10th attack can she just choose to keep it around or does she have to go and create another creature again?

  18. Re: Black aura power.


    Okay! Okay! I've got it! At least ... I think I have it. I dropped Desolid, right?


    I've come up with the following. Comments appreciated, and please if I've left anything out, let me know? =)


    Okay we've got Darkness to Sight Group and Single Sense Hearing, that's not changed. I've added Personal immunity to it and sticky. :sneaky:


    Darkness to Sight Group and Hearing (single sense); 0 END +1/2, Usable as an Attack +1, Uncontrolled +1/2, Trigger +1/4 (when your teleportation path takes you through and object), Sticky +1/2, Personal Immunity +1/4

    [52 points]


    The second power is Drain and linked to Darkness. I've also added personal immunity and sticky to it, as well as AE: Hex.


    Drain 1d6 vs. EGO, and END +1/2, 0 END +1/2, Continuous +1, Uncontrolled +1/2, 5 points/min +1/4, Sticky +1/2, Personal Immunity +1/4, Linked to Darkness -1/4 [36 points]


    Finally, I dropped Desolid and added 'Teleport'. Since I wanted to keep the flavor of 'phasing', It's a teleport range that kind of follows the character's running movement of 6".


    Teleport 6"; Blind Teleport +1/4, No Non-Combat Movement -1/2, Leaves a visible trail for one phase -1/4, Visible (to sight and very, very loud) -1/4, Side Effect: Must always ensure that your teleport path carries you through a solid object or the teleporter and his immediate environment will suffer the effects of your Darkness and Drain. [60 point effect] -1

    [5 points]


    The visible effect is the character briefly appears to turn into a horrific looking centipede creature (lovecraft feel/look to it) accompanies by a terrifically loud, disturbing bellow (again, with a lovecraft feel to it). So essentially, the darkness and the drain are applied to the first object that the teleport path intersects, leaving behind a bright patch of light which traps the person or object wholly or partially inside it. It also damages the body and mind of the thing inside (the person).


    Sticky makes the power worse. Anyone that blunders into the field is encompassed by it, some of the field bleeding off and surrounding them, trapping them in their own mobile field of light and cacophonous noise as the environment slowly saps them of vitality and sanity. :D

  19. Re: Black aura power.


    Well that was my first thought. But essentially I want it to leave behind a one hex field of darkness every time the character passes through something in that one instantly they become desolid.


    I guess what I'm curious about is, if I make a constant power like desolid and instant power it stays on for one phase then switches off. But you can do a full or half move with one phase can't you? So could he or she run at a wall and just before they hit it turn on desolid pass through the wall and come out the other wise solid again but leaving a dark bubble of energy intersecting the inside and outside of the wall. That's basically the effect I'm thinking off aside from just running at a target and passing through them.

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