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Everything posted by Ragdoll

  1. I'd kind of assumed it would be limited. Stopping time, or moving so fast, everything is effectively stopped for you, seems to be a pretty extreme application of temporal powers. I'd thought maybe putting high cost on any characteristic when using transdimensional, or maybe even making the extradimensional travel power require endurance per phase at an increased cost in order to stay in that dimension? But I'm not sure if special effects could just handle this time stop power with other powers, as someone suggested. Afterall, missile deflection could simply be described as stopping time, walking over to the bullet, altering it's path, and then starting time again...or just teleporting out of the way when what you really did was stop time, and casually stepped aside. Maybe I'll play about with it. :-) Thanks for your input. :-) Ragdoll.
  2. I was thinking about the temporal powers from the USPD book, and I got to thinking about a neat way to make a classic stepping outside time, so that everything looks like it's stopped? But I'm not sure it would work, so I wanted some ideas on if it's good or not? :-) The idea I had was the dimensional movement power to a single dimension: Outside Normal Time. So, basically the person moves to another dimension that's just outside local time, everything looks 'stopped'. Now, if I bought transdimensional for the character's strength and labled it only to effect her home dimension, and only when she was outside time, could that work? Could she swing an object and suddenly hit them in local time? Or pluck a softball out of the air, and hurl it back at the thrower? I'm just curious if transdimension advantage can be applied to statistics that can manipulate things, could this be done? Any input is appreciated. :-) Ragdoll.
  3. Hi. [smiles] Ragdoll 10 STR (00) 18 DEX (24) 15 CON (10) 10 BOD (00) 10 INT (00) 11 EGO (02) 13 PRE (03) 12 COM (01) 5 PD (03) 4 ED (01) 4 SPD (12) 7 REC (04) 38 END (04) 35 STN (12) -POWERS- 15 Elemental Control: Kinetic Absorbtion and Redirection a 10 Absorbtion vs. PD attacks: 6D to END Reserve; Absorbtion can not go over END reserve maximum (-1/2). b 20 Armor (Kinetic Absorbtion Field): 30 PD; Only protects up to amount rolled on absorbtion dice (-1/2). c 9 Energy Blast (Kinetic Energy Redirection): 12D; Increased END x's 10 (-4). d 3 Superleap (Kinetic Energy Redirection From Feet): 30"; No Non combat Multiple (-1/4), Increased END x's 10 (-4). 6 Kinetic Energy Storage: END reserve 60 END, 0 REC 6 Energy Dissapation Inserts for clothing: 5 ED Armor; IIF (-1/4). -SKILLS- 3 Conversation 12- 3 Climbing 13- 3 KS: Sports Medicine 12- 4 PS: Fitness Center Owner 13- 3 AK: Chicago 12- 3 PS: Business 12- 1 KS: LAN games 8- 1 PS: LAN gamer 8- 1 KS: Fantasy Literature 8- 3 Persuasion 12- 1 Stealth 8- 1 TF: Horses 1 KS: Aikido 8- 3 Breakfall 13- 1 WF: Common Melee weapons 15 Martial Arts: Aikido Martial Throw Martial Grab Defensive Strike Martial Escape 4 +2" Running 1 +1" Swimming -DISADVANTAGES- 20 DNPC: Siblings (Older Brother/Younger Sister); Normals, Unaware of Secret ID, Appear 8- 15 DNPC: Comatose Mother; Incompetant, Appear 8- 10 Psychological Limitation: Code vs. Killing (Common, Moderate) 10 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful (Uncommon, Strong). 10 Rivalry: Local Fitness Center Owner; Professional, More Powerful, Seeks to outdo. 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently, Major). 10 2D Unluck 05 Distinctive Features: Mutant; Not Concealable, Always Noticed, Only with Unusual Senses, Not Distinctive in some cultures. 05 Reputation: Masochistic Vigilante; 8- Characteristics: 76 Skills: 55 Powers: 69 Disadvantages: 100 Total: 200
  4. Hi, Zed. I'm sorry your thread isn't going well. I have a character I can scale down to your point total. Ragdoll was a character I played in a Superhero game previously. She started as a solo hero/vigilante. She was woman that could absorb huge amounts of kinetic energy via a field that surrounded her body. Any body from a PD attack went into her END reserve, and she used it to power a 12 dice energy blast. But her 12D blast was at a 10x's END cost limitation. So, she could fire it at full strength once she had a full reserve, but once. Then she had to refill it. She spent a lot of her battles with street thugs, by pretending to 'walk' into punches, kicks, and contact swings of steel pipes. She'd then 'turn on' her power and blast the thugs a few phases later. Ragdoll in her vigilante career has developed an 'undeserved' reputation by the underworld element as being a masochist (she isn't), but the nature of her powers means it 'looks' like she is. Something which annoys her to no end. If you like, I'd be happy to post her here for you. [offers] [smiles, and waves] Ragdoll.
  5. The disadvantage of Only in Hero ID, in 5E states that a person with this limit, must take 'at least' a phase or 'more' to change. So I could kind of see it taking a phase, I suppose. [pensive] And of course, your mention of the Hero ID being a problem and not wanting to stay in it all the time, is another good reason, I think to keep the limit. Afterall, it's going to be inconvenient for her to pick someone up, or catch them, or drag them away if they are hurt, if she touched them, and they start to become dehydrated. She'd have to drop the sheath to do that, and without it, she could be killed easily. So, I can see the limit. I may include instant change then. [thinks]
  6. When the waterly sheath is activated, any living thing that touches her gets the water sucked out of their body. Prolonged exposure can result in dehydration and unconciousnes. Is that enough of a reason? [asks] As for stopping her. No, they can't stop her from 'changing'. She can activate the form/water sheath by thinking about it. She couldn't if knocked out, or she could be snuck up on and attacked and killed. But if she were knocked out, then say, tied up, when she awoke, she could turn the sheath on, she'd still be tied up of course, but her powers would be activated. And since it's just a sheath that covers her...does she really 'need' instant change? [wonders] I'll admit, I'm having a hard time grasping it. I mean, I could understand if she were transforming into another form. If she were a weak normal, then could transform into a physically different person with super strength and more mass and height..then she might need instant change to alter her clothing to suit..but..would a sheath of water hat covers her apply in that sense? [wonders] Ragdoll.
  7. If a character can surround herself with a watery sheath to protect herself from harm, and defines it as 'armor'. Then applies the Only in Hero ID, then takes the Instant change power as well. Can they then change forms as a 0 phase action, no longer limited by the disadvantage. I'd say not, but I'm not sure. [admits]
  8. But before we get to those choices, here's the magickal character challenge submission. Hope it's acceptable. [smiles] Name: Jessica Grimmel Alias: Witch 10 STR (00) 18 DEX (24) 15 CON (10) 10 BOD (00) 18 INT (08) 18 EGO (16) 18 PRE (08) 14 COM (02) 5 PD (03) 5 ED (02) 5 SPD (22) 10 REC (10) 40 END (05) 38 STN (15) [125] -POWERS- 15 Images: Sight and Hearing images, +0 to PER rolls; Increased size (256" radius, +2), 0 END (+1/2), Indirect: Always appears just a few inchest 'behind' the character's back (+1/4), Linked to Multipower (-1/2), Full Power Only (-1/4), Set Effect: a translucent, glowing blue gigantic figure cracking with white energy, and ending at the waist (-1), No Range(-1/2).(43 active points). 12 Images: Sight, +0 PER rolls; Increases Side (265" radius +2), 0 END (+1/2), Indirect: Always appears at the location of the primary image of the figure (+1/4), Linked to Images power number 1 (-1.2), Full power only (-1/4), Set Effect: Blue light (-1), No Range (-1/2). (38 active points). 50 Multipower: 75 point pool; Incantation (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4). m6 Mind Speech Spell of the Unwilling [Telepathy]: 12D; Broadcast only (-1/2), Visible (-1/4), 1/2 End (+1/4). u1 Mordicai's Bothersome Migrane: [Change Enviornment] 4" radius, -4 to INT rolls and INT based skill rolls; 1/2 END (+1/4), Full power only (-1/4). u1 Gregor's Apeish Strength: +10 STR; costs END (+1/2); Usable by one other (+1/4), Full power only (-1/4), Linked to shapeshift (-1/2). u1 Gregor's Apeish Strength: Shapeshift one form (gorilla); Sight group, 0 END (+1/2), Usable by one other (+1/4). m4 Maevis' Crystal Cylinder [Force Wall]: 15 PD/15 ED; Visible (-1/4), No range (-1/2), One hex only (-1), Restricted shape: Cylinder (-1/4), May not move while power in in use (-1). m3 Maevis' Stone Carapace [Force Field]: 15 PD/ 15 ED; 0 END. May not volutarily move while power is in use (-1), Visible (-1/4) m2 Maevis' Stone Carapace [Knockback Resistance]: -15" KB; Uses END (-1/2), Linked to Force Field (-1/2) u4 Quiggley's Miraculous Matter Swimming: [Tunnling] 2" through DEF 10 Material, leaves no tunnel; 0 END (+1/2), Cannot volutarily leave a tunnel (-1/4). m7 Tanis' Touch of Earth Spell: [Energy Blast]; 6D; Explosion(+1/2), Indirect: Any direction (+3/4), Visible (-1/4), Must has earth or stone nearby (-1/4). -SKILLS- 3 High Society 13- 3 Seduction 13- 3 Persuasion 13- 3 Conversation 13- 3 KS: Popular Clique 13- 3 Acting 13- -DISADVANTAGES- 25 Hunted: By Sketch; More Powerful; 14-, Capture. 15 Social Lim: Secret ID, Frequently, Major 10 Reputation: Untrustworthy, Amoral 11- 20 Psychological Limitation: Amoral; Common, Total 15 Psychological Limitation: Can't pass up the chance for more magickal power; Common, Strong. 15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident; Very Common, Moderate. 00 Psychological Limitation: Lazy; Very Common, Moderate. Characteristics: 125 Powers: 107 Skills: 18 Disadvantages: 100 Total: 250. History: Briefly, Jessica is the classic spoiled rich girl. Her life was one of idle pleasure and decadence, until her natural magickal talent manifested. The Grimmel's had past their magickal aptitudes through generations of Grimmels. Her father became her and her sister's teacher. Jessica, intrigued, played along. The idea of being able to bend reality through her magickal power, interested her greatly. Never a stupid person, merely lazy, Jessica mastered her abilities quickly, but 'only' enough to get by, much to her father's disproval. Her sister, by contrast, showed less of an apptitude, but a feverent drive to learn the craft. Jessica's sister learned to focus her talents through her natural talent in art. With practice, Jessica's sister could literally cause anything she drew to 'come to life' as a loyal servant. Jessica's powers were far more diverse. She picked spells to learn that seemed fun and novel but with little practicality. Again, just enough to keep 'under' her father's radar. When she became bored with her father 'demanding' schedule, she secretly poisoned his drink over a series of months, slowly spelling his demise. Jessica's sister, confronted her the day of their father's burial, and Jessica blithely admitted her handy work. But before, Jessica's sister could act, Jessica escaped with an matter swimming spell. By the time Jessica's sister arrived back at the family home, Jessica had fled. Jessica's sister took the moniker 'Sketch', and now searches the city every night to catch her sister unware, and bring her into custody for the murder of their father. Powers: Jessica's natural magickal aptitude allows her to master spells quickly. She has a repertoire that she's learned, but is always looking for more. As a result of her own twisted psyche and overblown ego, when her spells are cast, her inherent magickal energies twists itself into a massive 'image' of Jessica from the top of her head, and cutting off at the waste. It looms behind her, bathing everything about her in a pale blue light. Naturally, Jessica is overly flamboyant in her methods of attack, and most of her spells are 'overly' visible beyond what would be normally expected. When Witch decides to use her spells..'everyone' notices. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As to the next challenge, let's keep the ball 'rolling' with Patriot's challenge. [smiles, waves] Ragdoll.
  9. I started on the challenge yesterday, but felt it wasn't a good focus, so I gave up, until today, when I got an inspiration for an idea. I'll try to start on it tonight, depending on how easily the idea gels together, I could have it up by tommorow. [smiles] Ragdoll.
  10. Hi. [smiles] Sorry I did not answer you ealier. The vs. ED question is allowed with the Hand to Hand attack. It's in the book, and says if you define it as ED you can use your STR though it's not normally thought of as ED. It did say to check with the GM first though. As for the sister, the Uses END lim, you're right, those are boo-boo's. [smiles] I'll drop her INT to 18, and see how she applies. I also, really love what Wyrm Ouroboros did in his reinterpretation. I may adapt some of that, and see how she fairs. [smiles] [smiles and waves] Bye for now. Ragdoll.
  11. Re: Help with Stretchy Guy. I'm not so good with the name part, but I like Recoil well enough. But, for the escaping entangles, could the Desolidification power not be used? With a Limitiation, only for Escaping Hold/Entangles? At first I thought about buying Extra Str, but he should be able to get out regardless of STR. [wonders] Ragdoll.
  12. Hi, again. [smiles] I made the changes, removing the EC all together, since the only power that would have been left in it was the healing, and that didn't seem right to me. So, all the former powers in that EC are now stand alones. I found after recomputing the costs, I had lost the save in high/low pressure and radiation enviornments and reduced the damage reduction to 25% physical resistant. The healing only went up 4 points, and by the time I was done, I had a 348 point character. But, then I noticed I'd previously upped her STR to 15, and since I had 0 END on STR this was a problem. Originally, she was a 10 STR character, so it cost me 5 points for that advantage. But, with 15 STR, I think the points work out to 22.5..which is 23, because aren't you supposed to round up with .5 or better? On is it .6 or better? [wonders] I can never remember. [sheepish smile] Oh, anyway, I realized it would cost me '3' points to make her STR fully 0 END. So, as a compromise I bought her 0 END on 14 STR. So, if she does use full STR she'll have to use 1 end per use, but I figured with a SPD 5 and a Recovery of 8, that's negligable, and I can precieve it as 0 END for full STR until she earns the extra xp point to make it fully 0, then I can stop counting the 1 end per use with her full STR use. Does that sound okay? [asks] Here's the revised version. [smiles] Name: Carol Althea Davens Alias: Undecided 15 STR (05) 18 DEX (24) 20 CON (20) 20 BOD (20) 10 INT (00) 15 EGO (10) 16 PRE (06) 12 COM (01) 15 PD (12) 10 ED (09) 5 SPD (22) 8 REC (02) 40 END (00) 40 STN (02) [133] -POWERS- 30 EC: Death Powers a-12 Entangle: 5d, def 6, stops sight group; Does not Restrict Foci (-1), Ends if user is rendered unconcious or loses line of sight (-1/2), No effect vs. non-living things (-1/2). b-18 Drain: 2d; Continuous (+1), Usable at Range (+1/2), Can drain either END or BOD one at a time (+1/4), 0 END (+1/2), No effect on Living things (-1/2), Linked to above power, cannot use greater power unless this power is also used, greater power often in use (-1/2). c-15 Summon: Up to eight 110 point zombie; Slavishly loyal (+1), Must inhabit location (-1/2), Arrives under own power (-1/2). d-24 Energy Blast 4d; NND (+1; Defense is being dead or having Power Defense of 12 or greater), Does Body (+1), No Knockback (-1/4). 25 Undead Form: Life Support Expanded breathing (4 points, 1 END/20 minutes), Diminished eating (1 point, eat once a week), Safe in extreme heat/cold (4 points), Longevity (5 points), Diminished sleep (1 point. 8 hours/week), Immunity: All terrestrial diseases/biowarfare agents (10 points). 15 Undead Form: Damage Reduction Physical 25%. 14 Undead Form: Healing 1D; 0 END (+1/2), Persistant (+1/2), Resurrection (not if killed by holy means), Self only (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 body/day (-2 1/2), Does not work vs. Holy magicks (-1/4). 14 Undead Form: 0 END on 14 STR, running, swimming. 10 Undead Form: Damage Resistance: 10/10 [177 points] -SKILLS- 3 PS: Teacher 12- 2 KS: Art 12- 3 Oratory 12- 1 KS: Music 11- 4 Speed Reading 3 Scholar 2 KS: History 12- 3 Bureaucratics 12- 1 KS: Theology 11- 3 Lightning Calculator 2 KS: Business 12- 1 KS: Computers 11- 1 Perk: Tenure 3 PS: Artist 11- 1 KS: Museums 11- 2 Trading 8- 3 Computer Programming 11- 2 AK: Internet 11- [40 points] -DISADVANTAGES- 15 Distinctive Features: Bloodless skin (usually bruised), cold skin, doesn't blink, no noticiable 'body language'; Concealable, Always noticed. 10 Distinctive Features: Aura of the walking dead; Not concealable, always, unusual senses only. 05 Watched: By Tackofanes; More powerful, 8- 15 Hunted by DEMON; More Powerful, Capture, 8- 10 Physical Limitation: A host of maladies associated with being the walking dead; Occassional bouts of Rigor Mortis, Infrequently, Greatly 15 Physical Limitation: Occassional swelling of the tongue to cause muteness, Infrequently, fully. 10 Physical Limitation: bad smell for a week after consuming food; Frequently, slight. 10 Suceptability: 3d Instant STN damage an hour after food is consumed, common. 20 Suceptability: 2d BOD/STN damage per minute in a sanctified area. 10 Vulnerability: 2x's stun from holy attacks; Uncommon. 10 Wealth: Destitute 10 Psychological Limitation: Death Wish; Common, Moderate. 10 Psychological Limitation: Grim and Humorless; Common, Strong. Attributes: 133 Powers: 177 Skills: 40 Disavantages: 150 Total: 350
  13. Thanks for the responses, all. [smiles] re: Life Support and Damage Reduction in an EC. I'll look that back up and try to adjust it accordingly. Originally, they were both out of the EC, as stand alones. The damage reduction was 15 points and 25% physical resistant and the Life Support was 25 points, as she was missing a few things. The rational I had for that was, she was just sort of 'born' as it were, so she's really confused. Most of her bodies lingering 'reactions' are all in her head. So, if she gets hit with a gas grenade, she'll try and hold her breath, and she'll find she can do so for a long time (20 minute increments), which will further confuse her, but since she 'thinks' she has to breath eventually, she may and will take damage from that NND gas grenade who's only defense is not needing to breath. The same thing goes along with sleep, she no longer needs to, but still thinks she does, but she can stay up for a long time when she tries to not go to sleep (she was originally supposed to have nightmares when she slept, but I ran out of points. I may add them in as a 0 point limitation as they make sense, maybe?). Eating follows the same pattern. She still gets hungry though technically she doesn't 'need' to eat. And when she does she pays for it, with stomach cramping, (stun damage) and a bad smell for a week afterward as the food basically sits in her stomach and 'rots'. The idea is as she 'develops' she will slowly loose the need to do this, as she realizes she doesn't have to. But for now, most of her needs are all in her mind. [smiles] I am curious why she would not be considered a viable PC, though? [wonders] Is it from a roleplaying perspective (many teams may not want a walking corpse around them that englobes people with an entangle that slowly bleeds them into unconciouness or death, or someone that can cause the dead to rise up and attack others), or is it mechanics wise (are her defenses or speed to low? Is her dexterity an issue? IS her NND blast that does body a point of contention? Or perhaps the Entangle is too damaging a power to allow into a standard 350 point supers campaign?) [asks] Just curious. [smiles] Any comments are appreciated. [smiles] Ragdoll.
  14. [surprised smile] Neat, I like it. What an interesting redesign. And your mention of Batman is something that sparked the idea. I wanted to develop someone that was basically a human in inhuman situations. The motivations and the rivalry circumstances with her sister are identical to what I was thinking about. I absolutely 'adore' the idea of urban renewal and improvement. Thanks for you time. [smiles and waves] Ragdoll.
  15. Hi, it's me again. [smiles] I've had this character crawling around my brain for a number of weeks, and today, I made it a point to put her to paper. This one came out a lot faster then my previous work on Falcon. [smiles] Carol used to work as a art teacher at the local grade school in Ryan, Oklahoma, until she was caught in Takofanes original onslaught towards the eastern seaboard of the United States. He rose in Oklahoma, wiping out any that crossed it's path, including, unfortunately, Carol, as she exited her local super market after leaving work that day. Though Takofanes raised those he killed as his servants, somewhere in the shuffle of undeath, Carol wandered off, dazed and confused. Though dead, she seemed not as the others. The next few weeks were filled with horror as she made her way to Oklahoma city, where she now operates, just trying to stay 'alive' as it were. Her outlook is decidedly grim. Name: Carol Althea Davens Alias: Undecided 15 STR (05) 18 DEX (24) 20 CON (20) 20 BOD (20) 10 INT (00) 15 EGO (10) 16 PRE (06) 12 COM (01) 15 PD (12) 10 ED (09) 5 SPD (22) 8 REC (02) 40 END (00) 40 STN (02) [133] -POWERS- 30 EC: Death Powers a-12 Entangle: 5d, def 6, stops sight group; Does not Restrict Foci (-1), Ends if user is rendered unconcious or loses line of sight (-1/2), No effect vs. non-living things (-1/2). b-18 Drain: 2d; Continuous (+1), Usable at Range (+1/2), Can drain either END or BOD one at a time (+1/4), 0 END (+1/2), No effect on Living things (-1/2), Linked to above power, cannot use greater power unless this power is also used, greater power often in use (-1/2). c-15 Summon: Up to eight 110 point zombie; Slavishly loyal (+1), Must inhabit location (-1/2), Arrives under own power (-1/2). d-24 Energy Blast 4d; NND (+1; Defense is being dead or having Power Defense of 12 or greater), Does Body (+1), No Knockback (-1/4). 15 EC: Living Dead Form a-15 Life Support: Expanded breathing (4 points, 1 END/20 minutes), Diminished eating (1 point, eat once a week), Safe in extreme heat/cold (4 points), Longevity (5 points), Diminished sleep (1 point. 8 hours/week), Immunity: All terrestrial diseases/biowarfare agents (10 points), Safe in Low/High pressure, High radiation (5 points). b-15 Damage Reduction: Physical 50%. c-11 Healing: 1D; 0 END (+1/2), Persistant (+1/2), Resurrection (not if killed by holy means), Self only (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 body/day (-2 1/2), Does not work vs. Holy magicks (-1/4). 12 0 END on STR, running, swimming. 10 Damage Resistance: full [177 points] -SKILLS- 3 PS: Teacher 12- 2 KS: Art 12- 3 Oratory 12- 1 KS: Music 11- 4 Speed Reading 3 Scholar 2 KS: History 12- 3 Bureaucratics 12- 1 KS: Theology 11- 3 Lightning Calculator 2 KS: Business 12- 1 KS: Computers 11- 1 Perk: Tenure 3 PS: Artist 11- 1 KS: Museums 11- 2 Trading 8- 3 Computer Programming 11- 2 AK: Internet 11- [40 points] -DISADVANTAGES- 15 Distinctive Features: Bloodless skin (usually bruised), cold skin, doesn't blink, no noticiable 'body language'; Concealable, Always noticed. 10 Distinctive Features: Aura of the walking dead; Not concealable, always, unusual senses only. 05 Watched: By Tackofanes; More powerful, 8- 15 Hunted by DEMON; More Powerful, Capture, 8- 10 Physical Limitation: A host of maladies associated with being the walking dead; Occassional bouts of Rigor Mortis, Infrequently, Greatly 15 Physical Limitation: Occassional swelling of the tongue to cause muteness, Infrequently, fully. 10 Physical Limitation: bad smell for a week after consuming food; Frequently, slight. 10 Suceptability: 3d Instant STN damage an hour after food is consumed, common. 20 Suceptability: 2d BOD/STN damage per minute in a sanctified area. 10 Vulnerability: 2x's stun from holy attacks; Uncommon. 10 Wealth: Destitute 10 Psychological Limitation: Death Wish; Common, Moderate. 10 Psychological Limitation: Grim and Humorless; Common, Strong. Attributes: 133 Powers: 177 Skills: 40 Disavantages: 150 Total: 350 Any comments are greatly appreciated. [smiles] Ragdoll.
  16. Okay, here's final draft of Falcon. Still sped 4, unfortunately, but compensating for it with her suits SFB device. I finally got rid of the VPP, and replaced it with a low cost MP of gadgets. Any comments are appreciated. Thanks. [smiles] Name: Falcon Alias: Lisa Anne Fields Appearance: STATS 15 STR (05) 20 DEX (30) 20 CON (20) 14 BOD (08) 19 INT (09) 14 EGO (08) 20 PRE (10) 14 COM (02) 8 PD (05) 8 ED (05) 4 SPD (10) 10 REC (06) 40 END (00) 46 STN (14) [132] -POWERS/SKILLS- Combat Training: 23 Martial Arts-Aikido Block (Martial Block) +2 OCV +2 DCV Throw (3D + v/5 strike; target falls) +1 DCV Hold (STR 25 for holds) -1 DCV, -1 OCV Strike(3D strike) +3 DCV, +1 OCV Dodge (Dodge, abort) +5 DCV Escape(STR 30 vs. grabs) 16 +4 Damage Classes with Aikido 9 Combat Skill Level +3 with Aikido. 5 Defense Maneuver 10 +1 Overall level. 14 Armor: +8 PD/+8 ED; OIF: (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4). [uniform] 5 Characteristic: +10 PRE; only to resist presense attacks. (-1) 5 Characteristic: +4 DEX; IIF: Synaptic Feedback Booster (SFB) (-1/4), Uses END (+1/2), Side Effect: character takes 3D stun when she stops using the power, automatically (-1/2). 4 Characteristic: +1 SPD;IIF: Synaptic Feedback Booster (SFB) (-1/4), Uses END (+1/2), Side Effect: character takes 3D end when she stops using the power, automatically (-1/2), Linked to +4 DEX (-1/2). 4 Clinging: normal strength; Cannot be used to reduce KB (-1/4), Only to 'perch' (-1/2), Requires climbing roll (-1/2). 4 Running: +2" (8" total). 3 Ultraviolet Perception; OIF (-1/2) [uniform mask] 4 Flash Defense vs. sight: 5 points; IIF (-1/4). [uniform Mask] 2 Flash Defense vs. hearing: 2 points; IIF (-1/4). [uniform Mask] 9 Hand to Hand Attack +4d vs. ED; Hand to hand attack (-1/2), OIF (-1/2), 10 charges (-1/4). [uniform gloves] 7 Endurance Reserve: 50 END, REC 2; Only recovers once END reserve is completely empty (-1/4)(internal SFB power reserve) 4 Multipower: Multipurpose Swing Line Gun; [8 points] OAF (-1) 1u Swinging: 8" 1u Superleap: +8" (7" upward); only carries user upward (-1/2), No NCM (-1/4) 1u +4 to climbing rolls 10 Multipower: 20 point pool; Gadget Knick-Knack's; OAF (-1) 1u Darkness: 2"; 2 charges lasting 1 turn each and can be foiled by rain or strong winds (-1 1/4), range based on strength (-1/4). [smoke grenades] 1u Flash: 2 1/2d vs sight group; Explosion (+1/2), 2 charges (-1 1/2), range based on strength (-1/4). [flash grenades] 1u HKA: 1 pip (up to 1d-1 with strength); Armor Piercing (+1/2), Autofire: 3 shots (+1/4), Ranged(+1/2), No KB (-1/4), 15 charges (-0). [throwing blades] - 3 Scholar 3 Linguist 5 Acrobatics 15- 3 Acting 13- 3 Analyze 14- 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Bugging 14- 3 Climbing 14- 3 Computer Programming 14- 3 Criminology 14- 3 Electronics 14- 3 Forensic Medicine 14- 3 High Society 13- 3 Interrogation 13- 1 Language: Japanese 1 Language: Spanish 1 Language: French 3 Lockpicking 14- 3 Security Systems 14- 3 Steetwise 13- 3 Stealth 14- 1 KS: Undetermined 11- 1 KS: Undetermined 11- 1 KS: Undetermined 11- 1 KS: Undetermined 11- 1 KS: Undetermined 11- 5 Well off 2 Contact: Undetermined12- 2 Contact: Undetermined12- 1 Contact: Undetermined11- -DISADVANTAGES- 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima 20 Social Limitation: Secret Identity; Frequently, severe 10 Reputation: No nonsense vigilante; 14-, small group: criminal element 05 Distinctive Features: Costume; EC, noticed, recognized 15 DNPC: Fraternal twin sister; Normal, 11-, unaware, useful skills 15 DNPC: Father; Incompetant, 8-, unaware, useful skills 10 Rivalry: Fraternal twin sister. (romantic and professional), Rival just as powerful, character seeks to outdo, Rival aware of rivalry. 15 Hunted: Black Harlequin; As powerful, appear 11-, desires to kill PC 10 Psychological Limitation: Charitable; Common, Moderate. 10 Psychological Limitation: Deceptive; Common, Moderate. 20 Psychological Limitation: Devoted to Justice; Very Common, Strong.
  17. Hi. [smiles] I'd originally set it to five in this second incarnation, then I remembered I wanted to keep her within the Normal Characteristic Maxima guidelines, and that meant either, buying extra speed through the focus like I did, or buying it up the hard way and spending 20 points to get it to speed 5. So, I compromised with the focus. While, I understand the need for higher speed, I'd much rather have her speed at 4, and not have to deal with this focus, but I understand that she may not be very usful to a team as such a speed of 4. [smiles sadly] As for the VPP. You're likely correct, but I don't think I have enough points to convert it into a MP. With the points I have, I can carry a couple of continuing darkness fields defined as smoke grenades. She originally carried the following naked powers (ie: not inside a MP). 11 Darkeness 4" radius; OAF: grenade (-1), 2 charges lasting 1 turn each and can be removed by winds or rain (-1 1/4), Range based on strength (-1/4). 11 Entangle 3d; explosion (+1/2), OAF: grenade (-1), Can be missle deflected (-1/4), No Barriers (-1/4), No Defense (-1 1/2), 2 charges (-1 1/4). 12 Energy Blast 4d NND, not vs. Life Support (+1), AE: Radius (+1), 2 charges lasting 1 turn each and can be foiled by rains or wind (-1 1/ 4), OAF: Gas Grenades (-1), Range Based on STR (-1/4) These were all grenades she usually carried, but I found with the inclusion of the VPP, that she was going over 350 points, so, after looking at the powers, I thought: "Couldn't these powers just be something she 'usually' carries with her but not 'all' the time?" So, I thought that was likely, and so I thought they would be better to remove and just keep them in mind as a few of the things I could use the VPP to create. Even now, at 13 points, I have the ability to carry at least 'one' of these powers at any given time. But, I'm considering the idea of just transforming it into a multipower. But, I've some questions: Can I build it as such? : 10 MP: Gadget nick-nacks 20 points; OAF (-1) 1u Darkness: 2"; 2 charges lasting 1 turn each, foiled by rain or winds (-1 1/4), Range based on Strength (-1/4). ---Well..darkness and some sort of 'flash' grenade. That would be 2 powers. [pensive] Hmmm. I'll need to think about this. [smiles] I was going to use the VPP for some 'typical' gadgets like armor piercing throwing blades..perhaps I can put those in as well. [set back to working] I'm fairly certian I can't put the gas grenade or the tangle grenade is this multipower, as they go over the points in the multipower to start with, yes? [asks] Thanks again for all your input, I'll see what I can rework, and repost Falcon, in a little while. [smiles] Ragdoll.
  18. Thanks. [smiles] I took the zap glove thingy from the 5th ed book. It says, I think it's in the Hand to Hand attack power listing, that a HtH attack can be defined as ED, and in that case the character can use her hand to hand damage and apply it to her target's ED. I think they said you should check with the GM, in case they may not like that, though. I'll see if I can bump the DEX back to 20, and put the CON down a notch. It shouldn't be too hard to do. [smiles]
  19. Okay, here's what I came up with for the revision. [smiles] I tried to add in and incoporate all the suggestions, but I had a few problems. I'm not sure what takedown is statistic wise or how much is will cost, and the same goes for Fast strike and flying dodge. But what I've come up with, I'm hoping will compensate. I had her go just a 'hair' into the high tech domain with the SFB, the Synaptic Feedback Booster. I gave it a limitation, so she can't use it all the time, though. So it allows her to compete, but still keeps her 'human' and mostly just a well trained normal. Her skill in Aikido has been enhanced, I added in extra skill levels with it and added an overall level. She now has +4 DC with her martial art, increasing the damage of her defensive strike to 7d. Combined with 'zap gloves' this can reach 11d. The Endurance reserve is new, and represents the SFB's internal battery. It will only recharge once all the stored energy is dumped. Her armor is a bit more cutting edge, but still gets damaged so she needs to take care of it, and is full coverage now. She's also a bit quicker on her feet with a +2 in running. I took Shrike's line gun suggestion, and made it into a MP, giving her things like super leap..for travelling upward with it, and swinging, plus a bonus to her climbing roll represented by the line gun cord. The only thing left is a significantly reduced VPP, coming in at 13 points for a total of 17 cost. The pool represent's 'little extra' items..like smoke, tangle or gas grenades, and a host of other 'minor' use powers, likely effective against lesser NPC's. I'd planned to increase the pool slowly, letting her utilize more powerful gadgets or a wider assortment of lesser gadgets at once. I also deleted the reluctance to kill psychological limitation, since it was mentioned that all PC's are supposed to have this unless otherwise stated, and replaced it with a Hunted. Here is the revised Falcon: Name: Falcon Alias: Lisa Anne Fields Appearance: STATS 15 STR (05) 19 DEX (27) 20 CON (20) 13 BOD (06) 18 INT (08) 14 EGO (08) 20 PRE (10) 14 COM (02) 8 PD (05) 8 ED (05) 4 SPD (11) 10 REC (06) 40 END (00) 46 STN (14) [128] -POWERS/SKILLS- Combat Training: 23 Martial Arts-Aikido Block (Martial Block) +2 OCV +2 DCV Throw (3D + v/5 strike; target falls) +1 DCV Hold (STR 25 for holds) -1 DCV, -1 OCV Strike(3D strike) +3 DCV, +1 OCV Dodge (Dodge, abort) +5 DCV Escape(STR 30 vs. grabs) 16 +4 Damage Classes with Aikido 9 Combat Skill Level +3 with Aikido. 5 Defense Maneuver 10 +1 Overall level. 14 Armor: +8 PD/+8 ED; OIF: (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4). [uniform] 5 Characteristic: +10 PRE; only to resist presense attacks. (-1) 5 Characteristic: +4 DEX; IIF: Synaptic Feedback Booster (SFB) (-1/4), Uses END (+1/2), Side Effect: character takes 3D stun when she stops using the power, automatically (-1/2). 4 Characteristic: +1 SPD;IIF: Synaptic Feedback Booster (SFB) (-1/4), Uses END (+1/2), Side Effect: character takes 3D end when she stops using the power, automatically (-1/2), Linked to +4 DEX (-1/2). 4 Clinging: normal strength; Cannot be used to reduce KB (-1/4), Only to 'perch' (-1/2), Requires climbing roll (-1/2). 4 Running: +2" (8" total). 3 Ultraviolet Perception; OIF (-1/2) [uniform mask] 4 Flash Defense vs. sight: 5 points; IIF (-1/4). [uniform Mask] 2 Flash Defense vs. hearing: 2 points; IIF (-1/4). +2 points saved. [uniform Mask] 9 Hand to Hand Attack +4d vs. ED; Hand to hand attack (-1/2), OIF (-1/2), 10 charges (-1/4). [uniform gloves] 7 Endurance Reserve: 50 END, REC 2; Only recovers once END reserve is completely empty (-1/4) (internal SFB power reserve) 4 Multipower: Multipurpose Swing Line Gun; [8 points] OAF (-1). 1u Swinging: 8" 1u Superleap: +8" (7" upward); only carries user upward (-1/2), No NCM (-1/4) 1u +4 to climbing rolls 17 VPP: 13 points; Only changes at base (-1/2) [Gadget Pool stores] - 3 Scholar 3 Linguist 3 Acrobatics 14- 3 Acting 13- 3 Analyze 14- 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Bugging 14- 3 Climbing 14- 3 Computer Programming 14- 3 Criminology 14- 3 Electronics 14- 3 Forensic Medicine 14- 3 High Society 13- 3 Interrogation 13- 1 Language: Japanese 1 Language: Spanish 1 Language: French 3 Lockpicking 14- 3 Security Systems 14- 3 Steetwise 13- 3 Stealth 14- 1 KS: Undetermined 11- 1 KS: Undetermined 11- 1 KS: Undetermined 11- 1 KS: Undetermined 11- 1 KS: Undetermined 11- 5 Well off 2 Contact: Undetermined12- 2 Contact: Undetermined12- 1 Contact: Undetermined11- -DISADVANTAGES- 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima 20 Social Limitation: Secret Identity; Frequently, severe 10 Reputation: No nonsense vigilante; 14-, small group: criminal element 05 Distinctive Features: Costume; EC, noticed, recognized 15 DNPC: Fraternal twin sister; Normal, 11-, unaware, useful skills 15 DNPC: Father; Incompetant, 8-, unaware, useful skills 10 Rivalry: Fraternal twin sister. (romantic and professional), Rival just as powerful, Character seeks to outdo, Rival aware of rivalry. 15 Hunted: Black Harlequin; As powerful, appear 11-, desires to kill PC 10 Psychological Limitation: Charitable; Common, Moderate. 10 Psychological Limitation: Deceptive; Common, Moderate. 20 Psychological Limitation: Devoted to Justice; Very Common, Strong. Is this any better? [wonders] Any further comments are appreciated. [smiles] Ragdoll
  20. [smiles] Thanks for the feedback, this was all very helpful. [reading through the suggestions and sets to work] Ragdoll.
  21. Hi. [smiles] I designed this character for fun, but I'm wondering how helpful she'd be with other 350 point characters. Assuming some, if not all of them, will have super powers? Name: Falcon Alias: Lisa Anne Fields Appearance: STATS 14 STR (04) 20 DEX (30) 20 CON (20) 17 BOD (14) 20 INT (10) 17 EGO (14) 20 PRE (10) 14 COM (02) 8 PD (05) 8 ED (05) 4 SPD (20) 10 REC (06) 40 END (00) 44 STN (10) [150] -POWERS/SKILLS- Combat Training: 19 Martial Arts-Aikido Throw (2 1/2D + v/5 strike; target falls) +1 DCV Hold (STR 24 for holds) -1 DCV, -1 OCV Strike(2 1/2D strike) +3 DCV, +1 OCV Dodge (Dodge, abort) +5 DCV Escape(STR 29 vs. grabs) 6 Combat Skill Level +2 with Aikido. 5 Combat Skill Level +1 with Ranged combat. 5 Defense Maneuver 5 +1 with all DEX Skills 5 +1 with all INT Skills 9 Armor: +8 PD/+8 ED; OIF: (-1/2), Act 14- (-1/2), Half mass (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4). [uniform] 5 Characteristic: +10 PRE; only to resist presense attacks. (-1) 4 Clinging: normal strength; Cannot be used to reduce KB (-1/4), Only to 'perch' (-1/2), Requires climbing roll (-1/2). 3 Ultraviolet Perception; OIF (-1/2) [uniform mask] 8 Flash Defense vs. sight and hearing: 5 points each; IIF (-1/4). [uniform Mask] 9 Hand to Hand Attack +4d vs. ED; Hand to hand attack (-1/2), OIF (-1/2), 10 charges (-1/4). [uniform Gloves] 43 VVP: 32 points; Only changes at base (-1/2) [Gadget Pool stores] - 3 Acrobatics 14- 3 Acting 13- 3 Analyze 14- 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Bugging 14- 3 Climbing 14- 3 Computer Programming 14- 3 Criminology 14- 3 Electronics 14- 3 Forensic Medicine 14- 3 High Society 13- 3 Interrogation 13- 2 Language: Japanese 2 Language: Spanish 2 Language: French 3 Lockpicking 14- 3 Security Systems 14- 3 Steetwise 13- 3 Stealth 14- 2 KS: Undetermined 11- 2 KS: Undetermined 11- 2 KS: Undetermined 11- 2 KS: Undetermined 11- 2 KS: Undetermined 11- 5 Well off 2 Contact: Undetermined12- 2 Contact: Undetermined12- 1 Contact: Undetermined11- -DISADVANTAGES- 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima 20 Social Limitation: Secret Identity; Frequently, severe 10 Reputation: No nonsense vigilante; 14-, small group: criminal element 05 Distinctive Features: Costume; EC, noticed, recognized 15 DNPC: Fraternal twin sister; Normal, 11-, unaware, useful skills 15 DNPC: Father; Incompetant, 8-, unaware, useful skills 10 Rivalry: Fraternal twin sister. (romantic and professional), Rival just as powerful, Character seeks to outdo, Rival aware of rivalry. 15 Psychological Limitation: Reluctant to Kill; Common, Strong. 10 Psychological Limitation: Charitable; Common, Moderate. 10 Psychological Limitation: Deceptive; Common, Moderate. 20 Psychological Limitation: Devoted to Justice; Very Common, Strong. Any feedback is appreciated. [smiles] Ragdoll.
  22. Eep! Sorry about that. [smiles] I'd been working on it since it was offered for a challenge, and I got behind. Wasn't sure if I should post in the thread or outside. If I get behind again, I'll just post 'outside' the thread as a general character share next time. [sheepish smile]
  23. Hi. [smiles] Name: Timothy Smalls Alias: Tiny Tim 12 STR (02) 14 DEX (12) 15 CON (10) 12 BOD (04) 14 INT (04) 27 EGO (34) 15 PRE (05) 12 COM (01) 5 PD (03) 5 ED (02) 4 SPD (16) 8 REC (06) 30 END (00) 35 STN (11) characteristics cost: 110 -POWERS- 67 Duplication: 3 '283' point duplicates (duplicates 'lack' the duplication power); Full power only (-1/4) 18 Shrinking: .5m, 1.6kg, -4 PER rolls against, +4 DCV, +6 KB; 0 END, Pesistant (+1), Linked to Duplication only when greater power used at full value (-3/4), Full Power only (-1/4) 60 Multipower: Psychic Abilities u-6 Telepathy: 8d; 1/2 END u-6 Ego Attack: 6d u-6 Ego Attack: 4d; 0 END u-4 Ego Attack: 2d; 1/2 END, Continuous (+1 1/4) u-6 Mind Control: 9d; Telepathic (+1/4) u-4 Mental Illusions: 12d; 2x's END (-1/2) u-6 Mind Scan: 8d; 0 END (+1/2) 15 Psychic Inner Strength: Endurance Reserve 100 END, 10 REC; Only REC while in a trance at 0 DCV (-1) 12 [Kevlar Clothing] Armor: 6 PD/ 6 ED; OIF: Kevlar (-1/2) -SKILLS/TALENTS/PERKS- 3 Cryptography 12- 3 KS: Foreign Cultures 12- 3 Spanish 3 German 3 French 3 Japanese 3 Linguist 3 Chinese 3 Russian 3 Latin -DISADVANTAGES- 20 Accidental Change: Activation of Duplication when hit with adjustment powers; Uncommon, Always 05 Age: 55 years old (real age 78) 15 DNPC: Jennifer Malloy; Daughter, Normal, Infrequently, Unaware of identity. 20 DNPC: Grandchildren; Normal, Infrequent, Unaware; 2x's 10 Distinctive Features: Psi Presence; Not concealable, always noticed, with unusual senses only. 15 Hunted: Viper; More Powerful, 8- Imprison. 15 Watched: Psimon; More Powerful, 14- 20 Watched: Primus; More Powerful, 14-, NCI 25 Suceptability: Sonic Fields; 3d6 from Multipower and Duplication every phase; Uncommon. 05 Unluck: 1D6 Brief background: Chinese American. Wife recently past away, son in law died four years ago in a plane accident, Both grandchildren professionals. (late 20's) One is law enforcment and another in law. Recently began working with Primus as an 'occassional' Liasion to variou superteams in need of a qualified psi. He keeps this a secret, and will not say 'why' he's working. Psimon is watching him, the reason is unknown, and a clash with Viper on more then one occassion has made him applicable to their 'hit' lists. History: Tommy gained his psychic powers during his early teens, and practiced with them, never using them in any serious fashion. He worked throughout his life on his abilities raising them to the potential they are now. After the death of his wife, he discovered through the force of his will he could 'split' himself into 4 smaller versions of himself. He's not sure if this is an evolution of his natural abilties or something else. He currently works at HCU (Hudson City University) as a professor of Linguistics. Intense sonic fields wreak havoc with the areas of his brain that govern his abilties, and he quickly looses the ability to focus and project them while in such fields. His abilties return relatively quickly after he leaves such enviornments.
  24. Hi. [smiles] Name: Jessica Well Alias: Behemoth 5/60 STR (-5) (28) 11/27 DEX (03) (24) 12/25 CON (04) (07) 10/12 BOD (00) (02) 27 INT (17) 10 EGO (00) 15/25 PRE (05) (07) 12 COM (01) 3 PD (02) 3 ED (01) 3/6 SPD (09) (20) 4 REC (02) 25 END (01) 20/60 STN (01) (27) Chracteristic cost: 156 * All secondary numbers are bought as doesn't effect figured characteristics and OIF: Armor (where appropriate) -POWERS- 07 [9 feet in height] Knockback Resistance -5; OIF: Armor (- 1/2) 54 Armor: +27 PD/ +27 ED; OIF: Armor 07 [Radio Systems] Radio Perception/Transmissionl OIF: Armor 03 [Helmet Light] Sight group images 1" radius; OIF: Armor, No range (-1/2), Only Light (-1). 12 [Power Pack system] Endurance Reserve: 50 END, 10 REC; IIF: Power Pack 42 Multipower: Enhanced Psi Abilities; [40 points reserve] Last 30 points bought with IIF: Armor (-1/4), MP can draw from personal END or END reserve (+1/4). m-6 [Empathic] Telepathy: 10d; Empathy (-1/2) u-4 [Empathic Attack] Ego Attack: 5d m-6 [Empathic Manipulation] Mind Control: 8d; Telepathic (-1/4), Emotions only (-1/2) 17 [Mental shields] Mental Defense 17 points; Last 10 points is bought with IIF: Armor. Powers Cost: 158 -SKILLS- 3 Computer Programming 14- 3 Deduction 14- 3 Electronics 14- 3 Inventor 14- 3 Mechanics 14- 3 System Operations 14- 3 KS: Behemoth's Systems [iNT] 14- 3 PS: Battlesuit system designer 14- 3 AK: San Diego 14- 3 KS: Known Battle Suit Models 14- 2 KS: Known Battle Suit Inventors 11- 4 +3 CV with Psi abilities; IIF: Armor (-1/4), Only to Attack (-1/4) Skills Cost: 36 points -DISADVANTAGES- 20 Physical Limitation: 3 ft tall or 9 ft tall depending on whether Jessica's out or in the Battlesuit (all the time, greatly). 05 Physical Limitation: Heavy Sleeper (infrequently, slight) 10 Distinctive Features: Mutant; Not Concealable, Always Noticed, Only with Unusual senses (detect). 15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident; Very Common, Strong. 15 Psychological Limitation: Still in love with her Ex-husband; Common, Strong. 15 Social Limitation: Secretly Empathic (frequently, major) 15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (frequntly, major) 10 Reputation: Brilliant Battlesuit Designer 14-, Small group. 10 Rivalry: Ex-husbands new wife; Romantic, Rival is significantly more powerful, seek to outdo, Rival is unaware 20 Susceptibility: Strong Magnetic fields; 3d6 DEX drain every turn, Uncommon. (poor shielding) 15 Susceptibility: Strong Electrical fields; 2d6 STR drain every turn, Uncommon. (poor shielding) Disadvantages: 150 Base Points: 200 Total: 350 points. History: Jessica Well's parents were always proud of her. They refered to her constantly as their little 'smarty pants'. Well, she was, Jessica's IQ was quite high, and by the age of 10, she'd done everything needed to be done in the academic circle. She graduated college with degrees in advanced robotics, electronics, and a host of others. She began to work for a leading technologies firm, making battlesuits, taking government contracts. She was their golden child, and they treated her as such. Eight years later, she met 'Paul Hutchkin', an up and comer. He was certainly bright but no genius, a fact which Paul could never seen to shake all the while they dated and were engaged. Two months before the wedding, Paul called off the engagement. He said he couldn't live in Jessica's massive shadow anymore, and their was the height difference, which Jessica knew was complete garbage. Paul had been somewhat taken a back by her height of 3 ft 4 inches before, but he'd gotten used to it. She tried to stay friends with Paul, and he was mostly agreeable, but Jessica never completely moved on, and Paul knew it. When Paul met one of the more 'brilliant' system techs in 'G' sector, he helped her get the recognition she needed by the higher ups, and soon Paul and Meridith was working together on the battlesuit system that had been Jessica and Paul's project. Jessica took work in another sector of the company, she could no longer stand to be around Merideth. She hated her. Well, she knew it wasn't her fault, and she didn't want to 'hate' her..but at times she did. Since she was twelve, Jessica had developed low level empathic abilities. So, when she could feel the love from Paul to Merideth, that she had once been able to feel towards her, it hurt a bit worse than most. One day, while at work, Jessica was contacted by a man that identified himself as 'The Benefactor'. He brought to light that some of the more 'advanced' designs, supposedly going to Primus, were, in fact, being shunted to VIPER. The Benefactor offered her a deal, work for him as an agent and disrupt these plans going to VIPER, and she could have free reign to develop whatever types of Battlesuit systems she wished. Jessica accepted, but remained at her job, feeding information to the 'Benefactor', and slowly developing the 'Behemoth' battlesuit, to combat the people she was working against should it become necessary. Jessica rather suspected it would become so. It was during this time that she began to use her empathic abilities more and more, and eventually her first field test of the Behemoth went well, but Jessica wanted an edge, something to surprise her opponents. She began to install artifical psionic energy stimulators into the Behemoth's systems. Though a lot of hard work she found the stimulators could 'boost' her natural but low level empathic abilities to a level far greater than before. So, now, when Jessica slips into Behemoth, she batters her opponents physically and mentally, which is mostly VIPER field agents. Jessica's slowly learning to enjoy her work. Though she still will likely never get 'over' Paul. Jessica keeps her new 'job' a secret even from him. Powers: Jessica Wells is a mutant with hyper intelligence and Low level Empathic abilities. A side effect of her mutation is she stopped growing at about 3 foot, 5 inches, and will never be any taller than that. Her empathic abilities allow her to read emotions sometimes, and send out a tiny 'blast' of emotion to stun an opponent with effort. She can also sometimes...influence the emotions of others. These powers are all amplified to a practical level while inside Behemoth. Behemoth has super human strength, and tough armor. Jessica constantly redesigns it on paper. It has no 'weapon' systems to speak of. Jessica sits within Behemoth's chest cavity and operates the suits from a neural feedback harness. Behemoth appears to be a humanoid battle suit, just over 9 feet in height. The head has a cyclops eye in the center that acts as the video relay.
  25. Ah! [smiles] Thank you, that helps me out so much. Thanks for your time! [smiles and waves] Ragdoll.
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