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Posts posted by Magmarock

  1. Re: Hero System women are all insanely attractive


    Good observation. Check the comic books... you'll be hard pressed to find ugly, or even below average, women. There's a reason for this, I think. Look at the target audience... how many young men will look at comics if the women are less-than-staller in appearance? :nonp:


    The game is emulating the comics (at least in the super-genre).



  2. Re: Fake TV-Shows


    How about Deep Powder, the night time drama that Joey Tribbiani stars in on Joey? Does that count?



    I think the soap he used to work on (during the early part of Friends) was one of the real-life soaps, I just can't remember which one.




  3. Re: The Fameous Ice Slide


    In the past, for the Ice Slide, I've used the same costs and rules for Tunneling, then I inverted the SFX so that instead of taking away the material (earth), you are building a material (ice).


    The Tunneling rules for Def and Body, taking others with your, etc. are all right there in the book. Just buy the appropriate amount of Tunneling and define it however you want. Obviously, this Ice Slide can't be used as normal Tunneling once you've defined the SFX, but the rules-structure is there if you need it.



  4. Re: If I can do it with "Jumping" . . .


    Well, this is the discussion board, so let's hash.


    I was envisioning this for a druid character who has Tunneling that fills up behind him, a power modeled after the Aliens in Earth 2. The earth just recieves him. Say he's fighting a flying critter, gets taken up, and falls off. Couldn't he use his earth movement to cushion his fall?


    I'd say yes. Just like the Adder Position Shift (+5 pts) should be available with any Movement Power.



  5. Re: Pregnancy and combat


    I must say I am truly offended by the tone of your post to my thread. I was not asking for anything perverse but simply some modifiers for a unique situation that has come up in game. And I get my intelligence and sensibilities insulted and mocked. I feel that was uncalled for.



    Actually, I was offended that anyone would feel the need to make such adjustments in a game. I actually couldn't believe I was reading a request for it on the gaming boards. Rules for pregnancy (?!?) are petty and inappropriate for a game. Any game.


    But I suppose I can give you the benefit of the doubt and perhaps it is all in innocence. Let me remind you that what you are asking for is about as ridiculous as making rules for eating, using the bathroom and having sex. It is unimportant/unnecessary for a game. That was my point. I am glad that my post caught your attention... I don't know your age or gaming experience but I hope you realize there are people who come to these boards and what they see shapes their views and opinions of the Hero system in general. It is up to us regular posters to make the game system fun, interesting and clean. I hope you understand what I'm saying. Pregnancy rules? What a turn off.


    Finally, if you start a thread, expect some opposing views now and then. It is an open forum.



  6. Re: Pregnancy and combat


    Considering that pregnancy is a gradual change in one's condition, I'd say that any super who is preganant would have sufficient time to compensate for those changes. I wouldn't make any penalties for a pregnant character in a supers game.


    As a female gamer, I'd say this is taking realism a bit too far. If you feel the need to go this route, are you planning on coming up with penalties for constipated characters, too? How about males in an embarrassing state of arousal? Or chicks who are PMSing? :nonp:


    Nope, I think the game can do without such adjustment. It's a game, ferchristssake! :stupid:




  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    I will nit-pick a bit. I think arranged marriages in Western society have broken down against people's expectations and in that regard I agree with you. However' date=' Indians are still generally getting married under arrangement and from what I've seen it seems highly functional.[/quote']


    I said seldom. That's not an absolute, like "never, ever".


    I try not to use absolutes, mostly. If I can help it.



    -Me being nit-picky...

  8. Re: Angel, the worst original character concept ever?


    Joining the party late, folks. My comments:


    Superman was originally not a team hero. As a solo hero, he needs to have the various powers to handle all the various situations, not having so much as a sidekick for back up (I don't count the normals as sidekicks, more like DNPCs). He is a poor example of a "tight" concept, because of this.


    Groups like the early X-Men were perfect for tight concepts because they relied on each other to fill in the gaps. That's what teamwork is all about.




    It is perfectly reasonable for Angel's wings to have a significantly larger amount of strength than his arms or legs- Warren uses his wings far more than any of his other limbs. This could be bought as additional STR only for lifting additional weight in flight OR the GM and Player can come up with a system where the more weight carried will reduce the inches of flight, cost more END, etc. It would be nitpicking to claim his arms need the extra STR, too, and would force the character out of concept, IMO.





    I agree that Cypher concept done in current times would be much more effective and with a much farther reach. I didn't read much of the earlier stuff, but I did like the concept of Douglock.




    I thought that Jean Grey was the worst concept ever. Boring, dumb, and did I mention boring? Oh, and redundant, too (they should have called her Redundant Girl). They should have stuck with only TK based powers on her and expanded on that. With Prof X, they didn't need her weaker mental powers, in the group.




    I think the initial allure of Shadowcat was the inexperienced newbie being thrust into a group of experienced heroes. By sheer luck and determination, she managed to pull the older heroes' collective asses out of the fire. They kept her around for it.


    I wonder if anyone here has ever tried playing an underpowered newbie who just joined an experienced group. What would that be like?




    Comic book time sucks. It is confusing as all get-out. But the thing to remember is this: Some stories are progressive, others are not. Some stories are meant to show the growth of the characters, while others prefer to maintain a status quo and even though time passes, the characters always remain the same. Once you identify what type of story you are reading and accept it, then comic book time won't mean a darned-thing anymore.


    Personally, I prefer progressive stories where the characters learn, change and grow in powers. This is why I don't read Superman comics. Superman has all his powers already and all of the challenges will be external in nature. It's like no matter how much experience the hero gains, he'll never get a chance to expand and become something better than he already is. Sad.


    I find that people who prefer to read comics that have such rock-steady (and stagnant, IMO) characters, are least likely to enjoy a progressive campaign that allows growth and development. I remember several years back a friend offered to run our campaign for a while. He allowed us a larger amount of XPs to build our PCs with, but then warned us to build the characters as we envisioned them as experienced, because he'd be awarding very little XPs during the game. I had a hard time building my "completed" character, because I like to have some sense of progression as the game moves along and so my PC turned out too flawed for the game. It was frustrating for me to not be able to fix the PC's flaws through spending XPs, like we'd done in so many games before. That's when I made the correlation between campaign types and comic book types. I realized this friend preferred the comics with heroes that were already "complete" and would never change.


    Woah, it's late and I'm closing now, even though I have so much more to say on the subject.


    Last comment: I've never played in a low level campaign where each PC was a one-trick pony. But I bet it would be fun.



  9. Re: Freaking out the players


    One GM freaked me out by having an NPC "one up" my character's powers in a mind-boggling way. My PC, Chronamancer, was a half-blood TimeLord and she had this Time Stop ability where she stopped time (via dimensional travel) and could walk around while everyone else was frozen. She'd spend about a minute or so in the Time Stop, recovering and scouting and then return to the exact moment she left, but she could be anywhere when that happened. To keep this power from being really sick, the GM and I agreed that she couldn't affect the "time frozen" world and we also limited it to only one minute so I couldn't monopolize the game.


    Anyway, it blew my mind when, while she was in a Time Stop, a full-blood Time Lord did a Time Stop inside her Time Stop. Took me a while to get my mind around that one. But it was so cool. And very unexpected. :D



  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    I heard an interview with a guy who interviewed Dan Brown and asked him point blank if the stuff was made up. He phrased it something like' date=' "Now these documents and events you refer to are fictional, right?" Brown's answer was that the documents had really existed and many of the events actually occurred. He apparently wants people to believe it's real.[/quote']


    Well, I'm about 7 chapters into the book and it reads like any other religion-based murder/mystery style novel so far. Maybe all the to-do is later on in the book. I'll keep you all posted, if you are interested.






    PS: Just because the specific pieces of art, the buildings, and the organizations are real, doesn't mean the story is real. I don't believe Brown ever claimed the events true, only that the setting details were researched and described correctly. The same can be done in any fictional story... doesn't make it true, just lends more believability air to the story.

  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Magmarock, you commented on the people who take the Davinci code too seriously?


    I heard an interview on BBC with a priest who has the lunatics who BELIEVE THE BOOK IS NON-FICTION coming to his church to see the spot where "the girl was murdered by the Opus dei monk" and accuse him of "covering up for it" when he says that NEVER HAPPENED!




    People frighten me. :(





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