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Everything posted by Magmarock

  1. Nice stuff Nice stuff, Kaeto! Aquarius reminds me of a Pini elf (ElfQuest). I like! Is your Phoenix the Jean Gray/X-Men Phoenix? I think I like your Harlequin pic the best, though! Great costume!
  2. Paradox Hey, I found another one of my old characters! Her name is Paradox and I based her off of a miniature (I wish I had a way to show you guys my miniatures... one day I'm going to get a digital camera!) This is strictly feltpen:
  3. Miss Liberty again... This is Miss Liberty (a.k.a. The Thug of Justice) without her "Judge Dread" style armor. From the character sheet. Feltpens on a template (doctored up a bit on Photoshop):
  4. Marvel-Lass Here is a teen hero. Marvel-Lass: Feltpen on a template.
  5. Rancor Another one. I see her as the type of Brick that the hero won't realize is a Brick until she's landed a solid punch in the 60-75 STR range. (Chuckle) She's got the whole "gymnist with a bad attitude" thing going on...
  6. Radiance This is a martial artist with light powers, something like harnessing the sun's rays. Acrylic over a template.
  7. Dusk The next few posts I do will be costume & concept designs. I hope you all like them. Feltpen over a template, which I cleaned up by using my Adobe Photoshop.
  8. Titan vs. Wildchild Here's an old pic I painted in acrylic. The actual painting is much bigger, but I shrunk it down so it'll fit on a screen. Loses a lot of detail though. Anyway, Titan vs. Wildchild. They were both part of our second Champions team, called Nexus (because everyone had such wildly different themes, yet still worked together to fight crime). Titan, a cyborg, had the Disad of Berserk (can't remember what for, but it always went off in combat, it seemed) and the only way to put him down was for Wildchild to cut him in half with his armblade apparati (Later on, Wildchild threw the armblades into a river after nearly killing Psy-Kit accidently). As I recall, Wildchild cut Titan in half at least three times during that campaign! Ah, those were the days!
  9. Checkmate How about a brilliant villain who isn't a meglomaniac? This guy just enjoys being smarter than the heroes, and showing them up anyway he can. Checkmate!
  10. Pelage ... a different kind of furry!
  11. Ankh- A Vampire I threw this one together last night (hey look, no gray skin!). He looks like a vampire to me...
  12. Gray skin. Hmmmm. I just noticed that the majority of my (Heromachine) villains I posted have gray skin. Maybe they all could be from the same alien race? Sinister!
  13. White Widow And last one for tonight... the White Widow. I really like the way this one turned out!
  14. Serpent, The The Serpent. Hand to Hand combatant. Perhaps has some mezmerizing capabilities. Venom? Definitely!
  15. Quasar (not the original) So I couldn't come up with a more original name. Sue me. LOL!
  16. Death's Edge I see this guy as a dark Jedi knight type. Could also be a martial artist. Definitely has no Code vs. Killing!
  17. Madam Palm Looking for a different kind of villain MA? How about an older, female mistress of the martial arts? Madam Palm!
  18. Shade-Golum I used this pic to represent the Shade-Golums conjured up by D.E.M.O.N. when I last ran the game for my group. As the golum take BODY, little wisps of shadows fly off until its completely destroyed. Great "muscle" for a bunch of evil magic users...
  19. Overkill Overkill. What else can you name a villain that wields weapons like these? LOL!
  20. Bad-News Bad-News. 'Nuff said.
  21. Ozone Here is an alien called Ozone.
  22. Golddigger Here is another one. I call her Golddigger. You know, this pic is a little fuzzy and I wonder what caused that. I'll have to experiment a bit, I guess.
  23. RE: How did you do this? "Okay, how did you get HeroMachine to do this? (At least, the layout LOOKS like HeroMachine!) I've got the most recent beta version (as I've been a contributor for quite a while now), but there's no pose that resembles this! Or did you use some other source and lay it over a HeroMachine style background? If so, mind sharing the source?" -Dr Anomaly Well, Dr. Anomaly, I downloaded Heromachine a long time ago when it first came out. It's not the beta version.... so I expect I don't have all the good stuff that was added into the program. But I am surprised that all the poses aren't in the beta version. Mags
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