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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. I think a lot of that pitchers used was due to the 10 day minimum designation, so you saw a LOT of relievers (go look at dodgers) filtering through. I believe that stopped last year or may have been put back to 15 days at least. Part of the problem with payroll/salaries is what I mentioned before. For years we have heard that the top end players had to get as much as they could (I don't blame them) because it will drive up the other salaries, it hasn't. If anything, it and the rise in analytics has caused teams with with middle to low payrolls to allow superstars to leave and build a team around draft picks and low end journeymen. Hi end journeymen, if they don't get on with the high end teams (Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers etc.) then they are forced to play on 1 year contracts under previous salaries. On a side note, as an Angel fan, can I say how much this season is annoying me. one of Trout's prime years that will disappear.
  2. Despite the horror of his 2 batmen movies, he will still be remembered as a titan of the industry. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001708/
  3. Not to mention the rumor that some veteran players won't bother to show up if they don't have to.
  4. And then, despite all the criticism from episode 1, George still decided to make him the fall guy of the empire by having him be the one to nominate Palpatine to emperor.
  5. Not always just pitchers. Mike Hargrove when he played was nicknamed The Human Rain Delay for his at bat rituals. Nomar Garciaparra comes to mind too. I used to think, if I were a pitcher, quick pitch the guy while he stood in the box adjusting his gloves and shoes.
  6. Hmm, thought was maybe an anima based on the song by Muse, which could also be cool. hopefully they use the song at least once.
  7. no idea. I am sure that those 3 pitchers, in my case, just happened to have great stats against those hitters.
  8. MLB did their tournament thing earlier. The 2002 Angel team was bounced, and I do mean bounced by the 2011(?) rangers. Most annoying thing to me, the first 3 starters for Texas, meaning at least one game in Arlington, held the Angels to a combined 4 runs in 3 games. Given that in 2002, the Angels made the Yankee pitching staff of Clemens, David Wells, Andy Pettitte and Mike Mussina look old, something didnt smell right to me. That Angel team was entirely built on offense and rally hitting. And as much respect as I had for CJ Wilson, Derek Holland and Colby Lewis, I find it hard to believe they could do what no other pitching seemed able too. I actually would have been fine if Angels had lost that by an average of 7-5 games or something.
  9. Part of the problem is that teams are not really owned by families anymore who love the game. I really think its not so much they think fans will side with them against players but that owners don't care how fans feel about the owners, as long as they aren't siding with the players. To them its a business, and if baseball Big problem now is that I think you will find that money isn't really being made at the stadium (I say that knowing how much it costs) but in the TV contracts and pay per view stuff (nfl redzone etc). Also the internet broadcasting. So as much as there are complaints about no fans in the stadiums, I don't think it is really about that.
  10. So, in a similar way, though different, to USA's Bob Hope, who went everywhere to entertain the troops, including war zones. Awesome on her, she will obviously be missed by many many servicemen.
  11. A lot of articles on how both sides are really missing the point about needing to get baseball back on the field. Fans, especially now, don't want to hear about billionaires arguing with millionaires over a few hundred thousand dollars, but the MLBPA is trying to establish a hardline basis for the next CBA since they feel, and maybe so, they got hosed in the last one and the Owners are trying to keep things status quo.
  12. Been playing the Assassin's Creed games and they setup by the 3rd major game that the earth will be destroyed by a solar flair in 2013 unless stopped. I figure they calculated wrong, maybe for got leap years or something since were calculating off something supposedly a few million years old.
  13. We live in the mountains in northern california, and well known there is not only deer, but a couple bears in the area (as seen on our gravel road and in front of our in-laws house) and a mountain lion. So when our dog has to go out at night and you hear crunching around in the forest, I have said that something is out there that at night does not care if it makes noise and I do not want to meet it, even if it is the deer.
  14. Friends of mine once got ahold of the original Star Wars script and muted Willow and read the script along with it. It matched up way to well.
  15. an hour late? heck, sometimes if its on time.
  16. It was sad that the best chemistry seemed to be Kate and Alice. If they change characters and lose Alice (Rachel Skarsten) it would be sad. She has been excellent and has brought an amazing ongoing foil. I thought the actress has done a great job of being a broken woman identifying with Alice in Wonderland. Would have loved to see her play off a Mad Hatter, who is always looking for Alice.
  17. Does anyone elses toes hurt thinking about wearing those?
  18. Now doing the real Cassandra Cain stepping in to be Batwoman would be interesting. And I thought of where would this leave Alice too, as she has been, perhaps, the best part of the show. Part of my thought on doing the Torres girl is they could almost do a Batwoman Beyond and have Luke create a powered suit, not like Batwing, but closer to the Batman Beyond suit and with her computer skills added to his, maybe come up with the programming. This character sounds more like the movie version of Cassandra, which wasn't Cassandra.
  19. Can't say I like the description of the character. I would rather they have had the hacker girl = Parker Torres - or actually recast the character.
  20. So your saying "What we need is a Montage" - Team America World Police
  21. Hmm, makes me wonder if Martin based Ned Stark on him, who had the stupidest death based on trusting people to be as noble and honorable as him despite all the evidence to the contrary.
  22. Ah. I had thought was something being released immediately. My mistake.
  23. I agree. It is the one I like the most too, though I enjoy WW and Aquaman. I like the human elements of JL, which I would wager Joss brought. Bruce telling Alfred he wants Clark back because he can bring the others together because he is more human (which I think Snyder gets Bats, but not supes). The opening when they do the montage of people around the world missing Clark along with the little interview by the kids, which Joss added. All the little humorous parts (I would be curious who put in Flash looking at Gordon and saying "wow, so they do that, that's rude" then running off). My problem with that article is that the author at Comicbook.com represented that comic FANS liked Snyder's vision. I have yet to hear a single fan say that they were upset they brought Wedon in to try to fix the movie and that they all thought Snyder's doom and gloom (for all I know, in his version Steppenwolf won). On a side, has anyone seen the Snyder release? did he cut out all the Whedon parts and put his back in?
  24. Ok, I would love to see Cavil get a real shot at playing Superman/Clark. On the other hand, did anyone read that article? It can be summed up in this quote: Snyder originally planned for the actor to pop up in the second Justice League movie, but the plans were scuttled when the studio brought in Joss Whedon to finish the film in post-production. That decision still draws the ire of some fans to this day. umm, WHAT? Please do not give us another Snyder take on Superman. To my knowledge, the ire of fans were for the vision Snyder was using.
  25. I would highly recommend, if you didnt read it when it came out the Future Quest. It had all of them but Shazam, but added The Impossibles and Frankenstein JR. to your list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_Quest
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