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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. Hey All, This may get moved to the herodesigner thread, but being that what i am looking for is more fantasy hero based i will put it here first. Has anyone done any prefab/templates for the various fantasy races(elves, dwarves, hobbits/halflings/warrows/kinder, orcs, ogres, etc.) for herodesigner they would be willing to share here. Am planning to run a new campaign just as soon as Fantasy Hero comes(cant wait, cant wait, cant wait, aaaarrrgghhh). Thanks in advance
  2. Hey Steve, Okay, a while back i commented to Dan on hero designer that it doesnt allow limitations(like OIH) on martial art damage classes. I had a character who, when in hero mode, transforms into a quasi human/dragon form. I was attempting to increase his damage for martial arts based on the fact that now his entire body is covered in hardened scales. He said i should buy it as normal hth damage classes with the limitation. but my question to you is two fold -: 1. do normal hth damage classes add to MA(i was under the impression no). 2. Why was the decision made to not allow limitations on MA damage classes as their seems to be obvious ones for weapons, etc. Thanks in advance
  3. Steve, When you perform a half move and attack, we have always used the optional(?) rule of giving a -1 ocv penalty to the attacker. My question is, does this penalty also apply to move-bys and passing strikes in addition to the penalties listed or are they is it already included. Thanks in advance
  4. Building a pressure point martial artist. Trying to simulate certain effects so am building like this: 1/2d6 drain(stat depends on effect), 0 end, continous, uncontrolled, recover 5 every 5 minutes(else i believe target would recover fully after phase 12 as most drained from individual roll is 3). Now, is this cumulative also, ie do I effectively drain an average of 2 active points each of my actions, or is the most i can drain 3 points. Hero player for 20 yrs, still my favorite game and am thrilled to see it back and strong.
  5. If I read this right, not only does he take half or full of 60d6 normal dependent on the movethrough success, but he also gets to take the 10d6rka since it is explosion and assuming a move through would be done at no range. You should see someone about these suicidal tendencies?
  6. And move through is not nearly as abusive as perhaps the martial arts ability passing strike. I have a martial artist who with all things considered(15" movement) does more damage with a passing strike then he does with the big offensive strike. I dont believe this would be uncommon in a medium to high end campaign. At least the penalties for a move through are dependent on the amount of movement involved.
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