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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. i also saw that he was walking back his stand in the USA Today. The AGNY will not let his foundation thing go. There is a possible audit in the future CES
  2. Watched Kung Fu Panda 3. Po teaches other pandas to hold off the spirit warrior Kai. CES
  3. The Blue Bullroarer exists to defend the land from menaces far and why. By whirling his bullroarer in the air, the sound completes spells that performs summons, opens gates, redirects attacks, and other mystical effects. Even if rendered unable to spin the bullroarer, the hero can still perform minor magic by whistling. (Of course the inspiration was the Scarlet Witch) CES
  4. I really do like alternate versions of standard heroes like Shomshank's Avant Guard. I also like fantasy kitchen sink approaches to things like the new circle thread that oddhat started here. Let's do that. This is the team: Australia's Avengers. This is the number: 9 This is the theme: Take one avenger and turn him/her in a representative of Australia by tampering with the outlook and skills. CES
  5. Sol Berkowitz loves money, booze, and women. The problem none of them love him. Sol decided that maybe he should get his act together and do better. Doing that has caused has caused his business to flourish even if his new found principles get in the way occasionally, even getting named Templar by the local press. After all it's hard to be a saint when you're Jewish. CES
  6. there were some private eyes that moved to television that can make the archetype with Mike Hammer being the most prominent. I admit my own example first character only appears on the Turner Classic Movie channel, but I assumed everyone knew the Thin Man. CES
  7. The Eight King claims a line from the shanyu that ended the Jin Dynasty. He is a master of many skills. He explains it as having the power of eight minds at his command. he tries to plan to accomplish at least one of his goals even if his plan fails. CES
  8. Trump settled his lawsuits for the Trump U for 25 mil CES
  9. Abberant Manx has to have everything just so. He can't even leave his house without the right colored bow tie. But Manx is an intelligent cat that allows him to spy without being noticed usually, and a photographic memory that allows him to see anything he has seen exactly. CES
  10. Sometimes you need a minion that isn't threatening. The Gearenstein Bear is not such a minion. First it is an anthromorphic bear. Second it is made out of black metal gears that puts it in the mid giant range. Third it reproduces by assembling a smaller bear out of gears and sending it on its way to create problems CES
  11. Lesbian couple is told to get out of the neighborhood they have lived in for ten years by anonymous note signed Trump train. This morning's paper. Front page. Winston-Salem Journal. CES
  12. Christie is out of the transition team. Jeff Sessions and Pence are in. Sessions's long time aides are running the transition, and working on a viable solution to the Mexican Wall CES
  13. Netzilla is right. I know a guy who voted for McMullen even though McMullen wasn't on the ballot in my state. I don't like either one of these candidates so I voted for a third party. I told him point blank that voting for someone who didn't have a chance was just throwing your ballot away. People want change versus status quo, that's fine. But knowing you have a sociopath who will wreck your boat and a status quo person who will at least try to keep things together was the choices. Anything else was hey I'm jumping off the boat to drown. That's especially true now that Ryan is making noises of destroying Medicare, and the Republicans can destroy Obamacare. (I am especially pissed about the Obamacare because I depend on it for my heart medication. This guy at work has it too, and he voted for Trump. I just found that out. I was like this dumbass is an idiot. OMGWTFBBQ!!!!) CES
  14. Also since the cases he is involved in came up before the election, Trump can be charged if there is enough evidence. he definitely can be forced to pay damages for the defamation case and the tip jar stealing case. CES
  15. I and my boy voted for Hillary. So no on this. CES
  16. What I meant was he personally owes China 300+ mil. They own him. CES
  17. A rumor has come around that Paul Ryan is setting up to gut medicare and medicaid for old people. I hope this is true. CES
  18. he's not going to do anything about China except pay off what he owes them. CES
  19. Trump still has to answer his 75 lawsuits. One of the two Trump U cases has been said to have grounds for racketeering charges. I doubt there will be an impeachment process as this plays out CES
  20. Also if he allows the ACA to be repealed, that will be a personal blow to me and my family. Forgive me if I am not sanguine with the thought that we elected a moron who could not be trusted with his own phone the last two days of his campaign CES
  21. Trump has cratered 95% of the businesses he has been involved in. He has had 6 bankruptcies in the same business venture, then he finally crashed it and soaked his investors for millions. I can do without his presidency with a track record like that. CES
  22. Trump still has seventy lawsuits to get through while in office CES
  23. Night School by Child. Jack Reacher and two other investigators are called in to find out what an American is selling Middle Easterns in 1996 while he is still in the Army CES
  24. There was that one guy who took home twenty years of NSA secrets. They weren't going to charge him until they found hacking tools that had been sold on the internet CES
  25. Wang Fei Man is a practicioner of Wing Chun. Coming from a Hong Kong besieged by gangsters and foreign powers, he used his fighting skills in self defense. He is the one member of the team who tries not to hurt anyone, but is known to unleash his chain punch against his enemies. CES
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