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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Re: In the Company of Strangers (story) I did. I hope you like it. CES
  2. Re: Notes from NSU Day Eight Ashlee Summer met up with her sweetie, Jake, while Simon went home alone. A box arrived at Jake's door. A ransom note was inside requesting a meeting. Ash decided to go alone. Steve James called Simon and told him about the meeting after he was told. Simon made it to the park in time to hook up with Ash as she talked to Gate and three of Parsons's minions which included Psi Ice and Scorpion. They were shown that Bonnie the victim had been sucked dry. After a battle, they were placed in a life drain chamber. They busted out and fought their way clear. They returned to Earth from the astral plane. They joined the watch at the beach to wait on the TROLL to surface. Nathan Fellowes woke in his alley with a paper describing what had happened at the hospital. He went by and found out the doctor had been killed while cutting his head open. He went back to the alley and asked around, but found nothing out. He decided to look at the various genetic companies in town. Nathan stumbled over one of Dr. Moto's hideouts while looking at the companies listed in the phone book. He was captured, and sampled. He escaped with the help of a swarm of miniature Colonies who had also been in the doctor's clutches. Nathan had been injected with a formula from the Dr.'s lab, but thought nothing of it while he was escaping. Nathan researched Dr. Moto at the library before returning to Kendo's house. He discovered Kendo's kidnaping. He investigated everything Kendo had done before finally deciding to break in to the house. A squad of cops took him in. He escaped from custody after his body started sprouting arms and fur, and growing his legs together. Nathan returned to Moto's lair. He found it destroyed with a note from Control thanking him. Nathan salvaged some of the doctor's equipment and secured a cure to reverse his monsterization. Jui-Shen and George were trapped like rats when the arsonist came to burn down the shelter. The ninja weasel broke out, saving the homeless with him. He chased the arsonist to the man's car, boarding it. He finally caught a grenade and blew the man up. The police came and shot Jui-Shen while he was trying to make his escape. After everything was sorted out, Jui-Shen was offered a place in the service.
  3. Re: xialin showdown Page 20- Jade rushed over and helped Jonny up. She asked, "Are you okay?" "I'm fine." Jonny reloaded. "So we're going into the basement? Why?" Dr. Gadd let the fan push him along, holding the sensory instrument in front of him. It beeped a few times before turning green. "It's clean down here also." He swept the flashlight around to look the place over. "That is good. So what do we do now?," asked Jade. "My job is done." Jonny Woo held out his hand. "Time to pay up." "I'm going to put this ghost where it belongs." Dr. Gadd dropped the machine to the floor. "My work seems to be done also without the proper equipment." "Oh, sure thing and thank you very much Mr. Woo, and Dr. Gadd. So how much do I owe you both for your help?," said Jade. "Ten K." Jonny Woo brushed off his suit. "No checks, no credit." "Ten K?" Dr. Gadd looked astounded. "Sure thing Mr. Woo. But you know I don't carry that kind of money around with me. So I will have to give it to you when I get to my place. Okay? And as for you, Dr. Gadd, how much do I owe you?," asked Jade. "Nothing." Dr. Gadd smiled. "Your restaurant should be ready to reopen anytime." Jade smiled and bowed and said, "Thank you kindly, Dr. Gadd, but please at least come in when we reopen and be our honored guest." "I will be glad to do that." Dr. Gadd waddled off with his vacuum cleaner. "Are you sure you can pay?" Jonny Woo made a finger and thumb rubbing gesture. "I thought your dad had you on a short lease." "Yes, I'm sure but it may take a little time because I don't have that kind of money just laying around, so you may need to wait for me to get all of the money. Don't worry I can give you what I have now and the rest later. Oh, and if I were you I would kindly watch what I say Mr. Woo," said Jade in a cold voice and with a hard look on her face. "I say what I mean and mean what I say." Mr. Woo gestured for her to go ahead. "The job's done, and a deal is a deal."
  4. Re: In the Company of Strangers (story) Thanks, Mike. CES
  5. Re: In the Company of Strangers (story) I admit this is lame of me, but I've wanted to build a GLA- one trick pony type team for my story page but I had no ideas for names or characters until I hit on the idea of using handles from the hero boards which suggested powers which suggested a plot better than the one I had at the time which suggested links to earlier stories I had written, or later ones that I plan to write down the road. I'm hoping the result will be cool at the end. CES
  6. Re: In the Company of Strangers (story) 3 At the same time that Thia Halmedes was busting up her ex-boyfriend's car in front of Billy Keys, Oz Mike Michaelson was lugging his bag through the Marlowe Air Terminal. The slapping of concrete under his tennis shoes felt better than the vibration from the twin engine coming up from the twin cities Minneapolis and St. Paul. Oz Mike, sometimes called OMM, watched his fellow travelers as he walked toward the terminal doors. Everyone seemed to be intent on their own businesses. Good. That meant no one recognized him. Oz Mike adjusted his shades as he stepped out in the late afternoon sun. He hailed a taxi at the curb and gave an address a mile or so south of Marlowe's small Downtown. The bag went into the trunk, and Mike settled in the back. Oz Mike had come home to retire. He had spent fifteen years wandering the world looking for the perfect wave. He had a mass of medals and prize money to prove it. He was still young, still had time to look for something else to do, or not. A lethargy had settled on Michaelson. He just didn't care about winning, about surfing, about anything. If the plane he had been on had crashed, it would have just been an inconvenience. A man in a normal job feeling that way couldn't expect to keep it. And the same was true for Oz Mike. So there he was cruising a small city as far away from the ocean as any in the Midwest, trying to think of where he should spend the rest of his life. "Here you go, Buddy." The driver pulled up to the curb. He got out after popping the trunk. One smooth move dropped the bag on the sidewalk. "$25.85, please." Mike paid the fare with a twenty and a ten, picked up his bag, and wondered why the address he had been given was a book store. Maybe he had been given the wrong number. One hand scratched his wavy blond hair, then he decided he had nothing to lose by going in. A bell over the door rang as the champ walked into the store. Rows and rows of books lined shelves under hung signs that said what section held what subject matter. He spotted a door at the back of the place from where he stood. A table for reading was on his right, the counter was on his left. The man behind the counter nodded, his bowler nearly blinding the visitor with its neon green and purple striped display. "Can I help you?" The counter man smiled, displaying a gold front tooth in front. "I don't know." Mike looked down at the slip of paper with the address on it. "A friend of mine said to meet him here when I got into town. I thought he lived here." "I do practically," said a third man appearing from the shelves with a stack of books in his arms. "I'll take these, Odd. It should round out my collection." "Hey, Quin." Oz Mike grinned. "I see you're still reading everything in sight." "Strictly research." Quin Martin smiled back. "Your phone call was a surprise." Odd took the books and ran them under a scanner with small movements of his hands. They went into plastic bags as soon as he priced them. "I figured since I was coming out this way, I should warn you ahead of time." Oz Mike laughed. "I just didn't expect to meet you at a book store." "I just seem to have a lot of answers for work now." Quin squinted his blue eyes behind the thin glasses frames. "It's hard to explain. I'm off for the rest of the day. I guess I can give you the tour of the town." "Kitty still wants you to come over for dinner, Quin." Odd placed the bags on the counter. "One more shouldn't be a problem." "I don't know." Quin checked his plain watch. "Let's go, Quin." Oz Mike added a couple of the plastic bags to his burden. "I'm here to relax. Dinner out with your friends should be great." "I'll tell Kitty." Odd displayed his gold tooth again. "She'll be in orbit." "We'll be back in a couple of hours." Quin grabbed the rest of the books and headed for the door. "Remind Kitty that I'm a vegetarian." "No problem, Question Man." Odd waved at them like a salute that made his odd hat hurt Oz Mike's eyes even more than when he first stepped into the store.
  7. Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute Sorry, Log. I don't have a Hero Designer. CES
  8. Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute My math may be a little off but it's finally done. CES Character Name: Flying Fox Real Name: William T. Fox Nationality: American Hair/Eye Color: Brown/brown Place of Birth: Springfield, Ill. Date of Birth: 2/23/73 Height/Mass: 5'8, 185 pounds Cost Characteristic Value 10 STR 20 51 DEX 27 20 CON 20 20 BODY 20 8 INT 18 30 EGO 25 5 PRE 15 COM 10 PD 4 ED 4 23 SPD 6 REC 8 END 40 STUN 40 OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 8 DECV: 8 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Cost Powers and Talents (END) Armor (10 pd/10 ed) 30 pts must concentrate to activate (-½) OIHID (-1/4) Harms the environment when activated (-½) Needs Material to use (-½) 11 pts Flight 20' 40 pts usable by 8 others (+1) linked to armor (-½) variable advantage (+1/2), variable disadvantage (-1/2) Gestures (-½) 27 pts Teleport 1" 2 pts Usable by 8 others (+1) megascale (+1), linked to armor (-½) Extra time (-1/2) Must cross intervening space (-1/4) gestures (-½), Must be in the air (-½) 2 pts Energy Blast 8d6 40 pts linked to armor (-½), gestures (-½) physical manifestations (-½) 16 pts Ranged Killing Attack 3d6 45 pts linked to armor (-½) gestures (-½) Physical manifestations (-½) 18 pts Radar 15 pts linked to armor (-½) 10 pts Life Support Self contained breathing, all safe environments 19 pts Linked to armor (-½) 13 pts Flying Fox's extras 30 pts + 15 pts VPP linked to armor (-½) 30 pts Cost Skills 3 Combat piloting 14- 3 Combat driving 14- 6 TF: Wheeled vehicles, jets , planes, helicopters 2 Navigation: Air 12- 3 Mechanics 12- 3 Electronics 12- 3 System operations 12- 3 Tracking 12- 3 KS: Physics 12- 3 KS: Engineering 12- 3 PS: Engineering 12- 3 PS: Vehicle Design 12- 2 Survival 12- 3 Stealth 14- 40 + 5 levels with all combat 20 point Ferriman Institute Package 3 Bump of direction 150 Points Disadvantages 25 Watched by the Ferriman Institute 14- 15 Reputation: Speed Demon 14- 20 Psych Lim: Likes to go fast always 20 Subject to orders 10 DF: Speed Aura detectable with Vril detector 30 Hunted by Ferriman Institute's Rogues Gallery 14- 15 Watched by FAA 8- 15 Overconfident CHA Cost = 167 Total Powers Cost = 127 Total Skills Cost = 106 Total Cost = _____400_____________ Background Information: William T. Fox has always had the ability to create vehicles out of thin air. His father was a trucker, and his mom worked a factory job making gears. They both said it felt like they were one with their machines, which made it easier to use them. Unknown to the family, Roscoe and Billy Jean Fox had been exposed to a type of radiation and subliminal programming that allowed them to merge with machinery like it was part of their own bodies. The Ferriman Institute discovered the Fox family after a routine sweep picked up Vril radiation in a minute quantity. After several interviews, and a demonstration of what Will could do, they hired them on to work for the Institute. Will joined the Challenger program to help keep the world safe and to go really fast. Quote: "Time to blow up this popsicle stand." Personality: Will Fox likes to go wherever the action is as fast as possible. He has antagonized the FAA with his daredevil attitude. They don't like something blasting in a flight path without authorization. Free time is spent at a track, either watching the races, or borrowing a car to get in them. Appearance: Will Fox is an ordinary looking guy who is either in jeans and shirt, or racing leathers in the Challenger colors. Powers: Will has the ability to mentally build a vehicle around himself. He does this by stripping material around himself while he is concentrating on what the vehicle should be able to do. AIM: csyphrett Yahoo Messenger: csyphrett_us
  9. Re: So how does one build Captain Atom at 250 pts? The charlton Captain Atom could be built on 250. He had FTL flight, EB, Life Support, Desolid, maybe Universal Translator, Air Force engineering. I don't remember any extra strength, could be wrong about that. Radioactive aura as a DF. CES
  10. Re: The New Circle Thanks Qm. I got to where it was like I can finish this tonight so I did. CES
  11. Re: The New Circle Character Name: Charlie X Real Name: Charles Ecks Nationality: American Hair/Eye Color: Red/blue Place of Birth: Millennium City Date of Birth: 2/20/76 Height/Mass: 5'8", 175 pounds Cost Characteristic Value 8 STR 18 24 DEX 18 20 CON 20 20 BODY 20 15 INT 25 40 EGO 30 10 PRE 20 1 COM 12 PD 3 ED 4 2 SPD 3 REC 7 END 20 STUN 39 OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 10 DECV: 10 Phases: 4,8,12 Cost Powers and Talents (END) Telepathy 6d6 30 pts visible (-1/4) 24 pts Mind Scan 6d6 30 pts Linked to telepathy (-½) cannot use the link to attack (-1) visible (-1/4) 11 pts Mind Control 6d6 30 pts Linked to telepathy (-½) eye contact (-½) Concentrate (-½), visible (-1/4) 11 pts Ego Attack 3d6 30 pts linked to telepathy (-½) Must be able to see target (-½) gesture (-½) visible (-1/4) 11 pts Mind Link with eight minds 25 pts linked to telepathy (-½) visible (-1/4) 14 pts Telekinetic Force Field: Armor (15 pd/15 ed) 45 pts Concentrate to activate (-1/4) visible (-1/4) 30 pts Telekinesis: 30 str 45 pts linked to armor (-½) affects whole object (-1/4) visible (-1/4) 22 pts Telekinetic Blast: 9d6 Energy Blast 45 pts linked to armor (-½) 30 pts Telekinetic Flight: Flight 20" 40 pts linked to armor (-½) visible (-1/4) 23 pts Telekinetic Force Wall: Force Wall (8 pd/8 ed) 40 pts linked to armor (-½) 27 pts Telekinetic Grip: 9d6 Entangle 45 pts linked to armor (-½) cannot form barriers (-1/4) 26 pts Telekinetic Booster: 4d6 Aid to strength, dexterity, constitution, and speed 40 pts. Linked to armor (-½) Self only (-½) visible (-1/4) 18 pts Gadget 20 + 10 VPP Pool 30 pts OAF (-1) 15 pts Cost Skills 3 Mechanics 14- 3 Electronics 14- 3 System operations 14- 3 Computer programming 14- 3 KS: PSI 14- 3 KS: IHA 14- 3 AK: Amalgam City 14- 3 AK: Millennium City 14- 3 Stealth 12- 3 PS: physical sciences 14- 3 KS: physical sciences 14- 3 KS: Psionics 14- 3 KS: Mutants 14- 2 Survival 14- 2 TF: wheeled vehicles 3 Combat driving 12- 5 Cramming 14- 5 Eidetic memory 150 Points Disadvantages 20 Hunted by IHA 11- 20 Hunted by Psi 11- 10 Rivalry with other psionics 10 DF: Mutant 15 Psych Lim: Hates IHA 15 Psych Lim: Hates Psi 20 Psych Lim: Secretive 15 Physical Lim: Migraines 15 Public Identity 10 Reputation: Mind controlling mutant 11- 108 experience points CHA Cost = 140 Total Powers Cost = 262 Total Skills Cost = 56 Total Cost = _________458_________ Plot Hook 1) Charlie X has been chosen as a spokesman for mutant rights. Unable to attend a conference, he contacts the local heroes and asks any mutants on the team to attend in his place. That hero is kidnaped. Does the kidnaping have anything to do with Charlie, or one of the hero's enemies taking revenge? The players have to sort it out before the conference suffers. Plot Hook 2) Members of the IHA are turning up dead. Mortal wounds seemed to be inflicted with heavy solid hits like a super fast punch, or a telekinetic push. Charlie X has to be tracked down and questioned about the deaths. Only no one knows where he is, or is unwilling to tell. Plot Hook 3) Psionics all over the world are dropping into comas where they stand. Is it an attack using biological warfare, or something more insidious preying on their minds. Someone is going to have to go in mentally and look around inside a victim's mind. Background Information: The hero known as Four came about as an experiment to duplicate Patrolman D's accident in such a way as to deliberately create superhumans at will. If it could be proven, governments would line up for the process. The experiment worked, but the pilot and the researchers attached learned the price was too high for the results. Brad Tempest found that his body was composed of energetic molecules that rendered him invisible, stretchable, stronger than he had been, but also giving off a burning effect when he touched something. The only good thing about it was his new state wasn't radioactive. Brad decided to get in touch with Patrolman D and try to hash out some kind of solution to their problem. If he could solve the mutations while keeping the powers, the process would become viable. Brad arrived just in time to take part in the battle of Amalgam City. His invisibility and related powers proved an asset. When he was offered an invitation to be on the team, he accepted. Partly he wanted to find a cure, but also he had put his powers to good use for once. Why not keep doing that? Quote: "I feel like a peeping tom." Personality: Brad prefers research and looking for ways to return his appearance back to normal. On the other hand, mixing it up with Viper or Demon is a welcome break from the lab when he is just spinning his wheels. Appearance: Brad used to be a fairly normal looking guy with brown hair and brown eyes. Now he's invisible and capable of altering his height and width at the drop of a hat. Powers: Brad's main power is invisibility which is always on. The molecules of his body vibrate much more frequently making him more energy than matter. He uses this to alter his shape, fly, and set things on fire. Additionally he has found that he can perform incredible feats of strength thanks to the energy pumping him up. A recent development is the ability to take some of his energy and create force walls with them. He practices with it, wondering what other powers will derive from his energy abilities. Character Name: Four Real Name: Brad Tempest Nationality: American Hair/Eye Color: None/none Place of Birth: Amalgam City Date of Birth: 2/21/1970 Height/Mass: variable, 50 pounds. Cost Characteristic Value 40 STR 50 33 DEX 21 20 CON 20 20 BODY 20 10 INT 20 10 EGO 15 PRE 10 COM 10 PD 10 ED 4 SPD 3 REC 14 END 40 STUN 55 OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 5 DECV: 5 Phases: 4,8,12 Cost Powers and Talents (END) Invisibility 20 pts Reduced End +1/2 (0) Always on (-½) Energy body 80 pt Multipower 4u Stretching 8" 40 pts 4u Energy Blast 8d6 40 pts 4u Flight 20" 40 pts 4u Force Wall 8 pd/ 8 ed 40 pts Cost Skills 3 KS: Physics 12- 3 KS: Quantum Mechanics 12- 3 Mechanics 12- 3 Electronics 12- 3 KS: Superhero History 12- 3 KS: The Underworld 12- 3 AK: Amalgam City 12- 3 TF: Planes 2 TF: Wheeled vehicles 3 Combat Piloting 13- 3 Combat Driving 13- 2 Navigation: Air 12- 3 Stealth 13- 3 Shadowing 13- 3 Systems Operations 12- 3 Computer Programming 12- 9 Dr. Emil Vril: Contact in the government 11- 150 Points Disadvantages 15 Physical Lim: Invisible 20 Psych Lim: Seeking a cure for condition 25 Hunted by Argent 11- 30 Hunted by Viper 11- 15 Watched by Government Agency 11- 15 Secret Identity 10 Reputation: Victim of the government conspiracy 11- 20 Subject to orders CHA Cost = 133 Total Powers Cost = 112 Total Skills Cost = 55 Total Cost = _______300___________ Plot Hook 1) Someone has stolen the plans that Brad Tempest and his agency had adopted for their super soldier program. Additionally he is using those plans. The evidence is the trail of giant radioactive monsters plaguing the city. Plot Hook 2) Four has been seen around town. At least Brad Tempest has. The government has reported him KIA due to the failure of his project tests. They are very interested in who this Brad Tempest is, and call in a favor from the heroes. Plot Hook 3) Four has agreed to test a new power system that drains off some of his energy so that he becomes visible again. People begin falling into comas around Amalgam City. Is it an effect of the power drainer, or something far worse. The hero team has been called in to find out which and arrest Four if he is responsible. Notes about the Amalgam City Academy for the Gifted: The ACAG will hopefully be set up outside the city limits where it can be defended without the costs to civilians. Only gifted superhumans or exceptional normals will be accepted for training at first. Classes will be kept small. All Star has asked the Defender to head this new facility. The alien mage agreed almost instantly. He enlisted a forgotten heroine named Champion, and started building grounds and buildings with his powerful energies. Research was done and students were invited to enroll in the new institution. If Defender fails, he knows his new school will be shut down. More importantly, it will be a black mark on his record. So he does whatever he can to keep the kids safe and moving forward. Among the first crop of students is G-la, Titan, Outsider, Loser, Patrolman X, Power Ranger, The Ultra, Winter Guard, Ranger, and several others. They are receiving training and a small amount of a controlled environment so they can be more like themselves. The rumors of a teen team operating out of the ACAG is dismissed by Defender in public, but he is sure that some of his students have modeled themselves into Young Legionnaires. He is not quite sure if this is the development he was hoping for. Notes: Obviously for those still reading this thread the Legionnaires aren't built on one hero but on hero teams like the amalgams Wanderer was asking about in another thread. All Star is the very early JSA, Invader is from Roy Thomas's first attempt to write about heroes of the forties, Legion is the Legion of Superheroes, Creature Commando comes from Robert Kanigher's Weird War Tales where the government created Project M, and used monsters as a psychological weapon, Soldier the Seven Soldiers of Victory, another team from the forties first reused by Len Wein, Patrolman D, the earliest incarnation of the Doom Patrol, Avenger, the five founding members of the Avengers from Jack Kirby and Stan Lee, Charlie X also from Lee and Kirby, this time the X-Men, and Four, the last team from Lee and Kirby. I hope to do sheets for the Young Legionnaires, hopefully before the 6th edition comes out. Thanks for the comments and advice that has been given. I still have a list of independents to do and another team or two, but I think I am going to finish the other things I am working on first before returning to this thread so it might be a while before I post something else here.
  12. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy All of the above. I'm still thinking about powers and skills. Most of them will have to be on a focus, maybe one shot. Some of it depends on what everyone else gets if we get enough players. I tend to go for a niche I think I can fill that no one else is doing. CES
  13. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
  14. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
  15. Re: In the Company of Strangers (story) 2 Billy Keys put Mrs. Costa's groceries down on the small kitchen counter. Long, tall, skinny, his green building super uniform hanging loosely, he had made Happy Hills a good place to live somehow. Billy's brown eyes flicked around the apartment, checking for any need to work on it as Mrs. Costa limped over on her cane. "Thanks, Billy." Mrs. Costa started pulling things out of the bags. "Eight flights of stairs is a little too much for me. I appreciate your bringing my things up for me." "See you." Billy turned with a jangle of keys. He had been a super for three years. He knew things about his building that the architects never thought about when they built it. Billy let himself out, brushing brown hair out of his eyes. He liked to walk the halls, checking things with his eyes. He put it down to insomnia and nothing better to do. His renters thought he was dedicated. The only complaint anybody had was he never spoke three words if two would do. Some saw that as unfriendly. Some saw it as the perfect trait in a super. He's there to fix things, not to talk you to death. Billy wandered over to the window at the end of the hall. First year he was on the job, he had to replace every one of them. That had helped cut down on the heating bill. The building's owner had wondered about the cost, but Keys had receipts for every frame and the fact that he had put most of them when he should have been off the job anyway. Billy looked around, checking the landscape with a practiced eye. Eight floors was not the perfect view he could have hoped for. Still he could see a car slow rolling through the lot downstairs. Nothing exceptional about the car from his point of view. The speed was consistent with the posted speed signs. Still it made him twitch. And he didn't like things that made him twitch. Billy went to the stairwell door to his left. He pulled his key ring up, finding the right key. The door was unlocked, but that wasn't why he needed the key. He stuck the tin finger in the lock and turned. He opened the door, and the lot was in sight beyond the threshold. He stepped through the portal. Billy didn't like what he saw. The car rolled slow because the driver was hassling some girl walking from the bus stop down the block. She looked less than pleased by his advances. His buddies were laughing, which put the pressure on to save face. Billy didn't recognize any of them which meant he could let it go if he wanted to. They would move out of his parking lot, and it would be somebody else's problem. "Do you need help?" Billy didn't approach the car. He stood by the door. That made it easier for him to get around with the right key in hand. "I got this, cracker." The driver glared at Billy, who seemed a lack wit. "Why don't you fix somebody's toilet before something bad happens." "Why don't you shove your head up your $^$, *&$&%?" The girl pulled away, straightened black hair moving like a helmet around her angry face. "Oh wait. It's already there." The car screeched to a halt. The driver started to get out of the car, his passengers egging him on. Billy tensed, key ready in his hand. "Eat this!" The girl dropped her book bag, twisted like she was winding up to hit a home run, then brought a baseball bat around as hard as she could. The club connected with the driver's head as he was stuck between sitting down and getting out. He went down. Billy squinted. He was sure that everyone who had seen what happened was wondering the same thing. Where the heck did the bat come from? Maybe she had it concealed in her jeans and he had missed it in the excitement. Maybe he had finally snapped and lost his little mind. The girl swung on the car, smashing out the door window in one swing. That made the driver's buddies duck down to avoid the flying splinters. She moved down to the rear driver side. The guys in the back started out the other side. She smashed the glass out the passenger door and all over the back seat. "What are you doing, crazy @#$$%?" The shotgun man stood on the other side of the car. "I told you to leave me alone." She looked ready to chase them around the vehicle. "In three months, I'm going in the Marines. I don't want to see you again. Got it? Next time I'll do more than the car." Billy tried not to laugh out loud. He thought he was coming down to help out a damsel in distress. He didn't think the lady in question would be a Marine in training. Maybe he should call the police to bail the guys in the car out. "All right, ho." The shotgun rider held up his hands. "What about G-lo?" "What about him?" The girl picked up her bag. "Let the %&^&%& bleed to death. That's fine with me." She started off across the lot, bag over a shoulder, bat in hand. Billy heard her muttering as she went. Sounded pissed off to him. Billy waited by the door as the three surviving members of the crew picked G-lo off the asphalt and loaded him up in the car. They placed him in the back, and drove off. He hoped the girl hadn't started a lot of trouble for herself. Well, as long they kept it away from the apartment building, it wasn't his problem. That's how he liked it. Billy opened the door with his key and stepped into his own place. He needed to get some juice to get the taste out of his mouth. He had thought that he would be fighting. He was glad that he hadn't. It wasn't something that he did well.
  16. Re: Superhero Universes, A to Z The Grim Ghost was awesome with the Ernie Colon art. I agree the rest suffered, even the Steve Ditko Tiger Man. CES
  17. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy I was thinking of telekinesis as a workshop power. You don't need a wrench when you can turn a bolt with your mind. CES
  18. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Sounds like a techno wizard except for getting your points back. What kind of mutation powers are you allowing, SS? CES
  19. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Teen Titans season four. I enjoyed the non raven stories better than the season arc. Billy Numerous and Control Freak were in high gear. Shoot em up. I could have done without some of the more grosser things done, but at least it had something of a plot behind all the violence. CES
  20. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Out of the list of availables I would pick a human mutant technomancer. It appeals to me to be able to instantly create devices out of nothing. CES
  21. Re: Superhero Universes, A to Z In that case, Jim Shooter had both Broadway and Defiant for a short time, Atlas came out in the seventies, Harvey had a set of heroes like Bee Man and not just Caspar and Richie Rich. I'll have to look around for more. CES
  22. Re: Superhero Universes, A to Z How many of these universes are you doing, Bob? There must be dozens out there. CES
  23. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Sounds reasonable. CES
  24. Re: Superhero Universes, A to Z Several of the Archie heroes like the shield and the web are making appearances, teaming up with Archie, etc. First Comics was the home of Grim Jack, Sable, Badger, American Flagg and Nexus. Malibu did the Mortal Kombat universe, and redid Centaur's old heroes as the Protectors. ABC and Dynamite are doing different versions of a lot of old heroes like Daredevil and the Green Lama. Dark Horse has the Hellboy universe also. They did have a hero universe but the only one who did well was the Ghost I think. CES
  25. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy What's the tech level for this, SS? Is it medieval, almost twentieth century, mixed up. A party might need someone who can fix things. CES
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