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Everything posted by Nerdnumber1

  1. Re: As Thick as a Brick (brick fan thread)
  2. Re: As Thick as a Brick (brick fan thread) I'm referring to a brick that doesn't draw fire away from teammates if in a group. Also, any Brick that doesn't draw the attention of one or more enemies, isn't much of a brick.
  3. Re: As Thick as a Brick (brick fan thread) The job of a brick is to draw a lot of fire, take that hurt without slowing down too much, and smash things. If they draw more fire than they can take, the brick is a failure. If they take no hurt, they are a failure and a coward. A balance must be reached. Hulk has enough toughness and an escalating strength that makes him invinsible to practically any force likely to be placed against him. It doesn't hurt that he is too small for more than a half dozen big guns to hit him at once at reletively short range instead of an entire armored company at more than a mile. If you're only bulletproof don't taunt the artilery!
  4. Re: As Thick as a Brick (brick fan thread)
  5. Re: As Thick as a Brick (brick fan thread) He isn't that tough. My GM attacked with a giant brick named Pound Cake. With rec 60, over 200 stun, 50 rPD, and a strength of 120 when growth was pushed, my 65 strength brick couldn't get out of his fist. Please note that pound cake was accompanied by a speedster, energy projector, and powered armored villian of similar power. We had about equal numbers in a 200+150disad+~30xp game. He wasn't quite as stong as the giant robo-dinosaur we fought earlier. I admit Rushmore Golem is tough, but king he ain't. He's just a big target that forgot to take no hit locations on his mountain sized head(s). Haymaker, pushed, full power super head shot. Volley 1 through 72 ready your weapons. Until might not even need heros.
  6. Re: As Thick as a Brick (brick fan thread) In a D&D play-by-post game on the wizards of the coast boards, I played an inteligent iron golem (we ignored d20 rules in favor of role playing). The basic idea was to put a near-indestructable, inteligent item (a magic-hardened adamantium grain of rice) into an iron golem body (instructed to auto-fail the item's take-over attempts). It had a rust gauntlet (giving it immunity to rust attacks and an extra touch attack) and a gauntlet that shot fireballs (fire heals iron golems and fireballs explode) plus golems are immune to most magic. I've thought of statting it out, but having your main body bought as an automoton follower reaked of foul play (not to mention the thing was near-invulnerable, especially since the inteligent item could long range teleport away to get a new body).
  7. Re: New Character Idea... Is the host going to retain all their own stats? The limitation on the arm's strength seems to point to that (the arm can lift the car, but human skeletal structure can't!). It might get annoying if you lose your ride every few attacks. Either way, I've had similar ideas about inteligent items as character's with a follower as their meat-puppet (in some ideas, it's an altered human; others, it's an iron golem).
  8. Re: anti-Hummingbird gadget Any obvious holes in my plan, suggested fixes, and ideas/stats for the new vehicle are welcome. I want the vehicle to be useful for other uses too, so it should have more function than for this single plan (I think that shouldn't be too hard). An AI could control knockout gas defenses should anything go wrong, and serve various uses after this senario.
  9. Re: anti-Hummingbird gadget This week's update: Melissa (HB) has started to ask about "next week's date" (I didn't mention anything, she is just giving the impression that if I don't plan anything, she will). She also redecorated my room in the team base (she put framed wedding pictures, replaced my single bed with a king sized (made for my weight), and put various pink, heart shaped, and scented soaps in my bathroom. Luckily, this cutesie style annoys Junkyard Dog, so I think I can count on her help (I even got an offer of mental defense gadgets without asking). We actually have several team vehicles/bases purchased, but not statted out yet, so I think I'll make one up for this plan (maybe a safehouse). Sadly, I am not the one with the most problems in the group. Icy-Hot's traumatized DNPC, Wendy, has moved in, redecorated his home, and started looking at baby-proofing books and cribs. After almost being sacrificed to infernal powers twice, she has been displaying multiple, thinly-veiled signs of super strength and other mystic powers (fairly obvious to players, but apparently invisible to any character). She had been told that Icy-Hot's non-heroic ID worked as a contact of our group, but when she insisted on coming along on a job, he had to reveal his secret. After the initial panic, she still insisted on coming, revealing a sawn off shot-gun and two .44 caliber revolvers. I think I need to revise my plan a little, but I won't have time for much. I'll repost a revised version.
  10. Re: anti-Hummingbird gadget The only thing I know for sure is the press will never shut up about it. Our female energy projector let slip she had a date once near the press and started a several week running gag about the press reaction. "Who is Solaria dating?" came up every time we met the press, found a magazine, or watched the news. Even when she didn't attend the session, there would commonly come up. Th GM loves to use the press. One of the players had enough wealth to fight back by sueing Fox News, and winning. The reporter is now head of a female villian group (composed of Sagitarius, Black Diamond, and Caterran, all of whom he defeated at one point or another) devouted to his painful death (he sees it as a symbol of his success as a hero).
  11. Re: anti-Hummingbird gadget I actually thought of that, but I forsee a few problems: 1) My 10pre probably won't convince Hummingbird (she hasn't listened to me yet) or anyone else. 2) The GM could replace Hummingbird with an equally annoying male stalker (or several). 3) I'd have to listen to the media chatter about it. 4) There is a very real chance that some crazy, inquisitor-esque, Christian villian appears for apsolutely no reason to hunt me (plus, I'm not sure how my religious teammate, Angel, will react, though he hasn't been too bad so far). 5) I don't want to act "fabulous" for the rest of my hero career. Thanks for the idea, but it's a real can of worms.
  12. Re: anti-Hummingbird gadget Interesting... As long as she doesn't sense it, the second one might work. I'm not sure if persistent will be allowed for a semi-offensive power, but that can be worked out. I could layer that into my own plan, but I want to make sure this actually makes her leave me alone, instead of making things more interesting by using me as a puppet. I also have to consider how she will handle it with the "marriage." repped
  13. Re: anti-Hummingbird gadget It just seems like more of a personal afront than normal attacks are. Have you ever seen a fight in which a female character (or sometimes a male character) is physically hurt repeatedly, but really starts to get angry only when their hair/face/clothes/shoes get damaged? Space balls example: "He shot my hair!" *princess proceeds to mow down every soldier in the area* The mental d-shield would likely cause more confusion than pure rage, but now it seems impractical too.
  14. Re: anti-Hummingbird gadget I don't think it's looks that attracts HB (my com is 10). It could be my strength. It could be Interface's e-mails (she mentioned poetry). It might be a mental trick some, more powerful villian is using. Maybe she's just a nut. I don't like the situation, but I kind of like plotting a way out. I think it will be more satisfying to get out of this with a clever plan than crying to the GM. My previously stated "date" plan should get me a semi-safe talk and keep her from sending me on another mind-controled night that makes me want to smash something.
  15. Re: anti-Hummingbird gadget I really think temporarily disfiguring my stalker won't make her all that happy. Best case scenario, she sends one of my team mates to attack me instead, probably Angel or because he recently mentioned to the GM his lack of mental defense (almost everyone else has some mental defense, Icy-Hot might not). Worst case, she blows up and hits me with her strongest one shot and runs off crying to indirectly make my screw with my life in another mass mind control (see paraphrased history above).
  16. Re: anti-Hummingbird gadget Interesting, but I don't think this GM's Hummingbird will believe the threat and the second she leaves my sight, all bets are off (GM will get her bat repellent or something). Anyway, I'm not sure how to do it with a gadget pool and I have a code vs. killing (the bats seem a bit dangerous if I'm forced to use it). A continuous, area effect, NND attack (stun gas) in an enclosed area (like the Dumpster of Justice) would be a non-lethal alternative. A mental damage shield needs uecv and anything else would require me to attack Humming bird (with her crazy dcv). One idea I had was a giant fly swatter: Area of effect on str with OAF, etc. ~18dcv huh, *SPLAT*
  17. Re: Ape Name Needed You could just give him a normal name (John Smith or something) and a hatred for puns and jokes about his species/cyborg nature. Also, a British accent and no nonsense personality. He casually kills anyone who starts making jokes so they can get back to business before things get too far off track.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... If having glasses on protects your secret ID then I guess pants would probably work too. My GM played the glasses card too. A while after fighting Cataran, the player started a relationship with a Scotish girl named Heather. The GM forgot about his targeting, discriminatory, and analyze on almost all his senses (all that and tracking on his scent) at 18-. Despite grapling with her in, and out , of hero ID, his character apparently couldn't tell (every player in the group could easily tell and the GM would never let us get away with a stunt like that, but oh well). paraphrased GM: "But Heather wears glasses, she couldn't be Cateran Me (other player in group, ooc): Didn't she take them off at least once during one of their "sleep-overs?" GM: (invoked the I don't care, I'm the GM, this is more interesting) Luckily, the player agreed, especially because his Hero ID is a slime with no similarity in appearance to his normal ID (though most of his stats and senses work out of Hero ID), making discovery improbable and danger minimal.
  19. Re: Transform: Class of mind I agree with major transform for actually changing class of mind. It would essentially make an allied character immune to any mentalist that didn't spend points on expanded classes of minds. Even then it would be pretty over-powered (I pay for a 1 pip major transform with a bunch of limitations and flick it on before attacking PSI). Adding classes of minds is a little less clear. Game effectiveness would depend on a) ammount of mental attacks in your group and number of mind classes you effect, the diversity of mind that you fight, etc. The only upper limit (disreguarding parties with multiple, similar mentalists) would be the points needed to expand your powers to effect the necesary mental classes.
  20. Re: anti-Hummingbird gadget Saturday update: Good news! Because of various tests that prevent me from getting to sessions on time (SATs must be the sick creation of some evil madman) and other players the GM has to mess with, I think it'll be a few sessions before I become the target of the session. Also, Hummingbird (aka: Melissa which is how I'll be refering to her as in session to prevent that Damn mental suggestion) has been emailing me 5 times a day, so I can contact her if needed. In other news, we beat Mechanon! I think I'll need to add to my plan to increase chance of success. The GM seems reluctant to fudge dice roles (he roles so low that mechanon couldn't hit a thing and has roled 666 more than anyone I have ever seen (at least once per session)), so if I get the drop on him and do really well, he might let me win a small victory. It has to be airtight to even have a chance of working.
  21. Re: dealing with unconscious villains Many villians have ways out of normal bonds. Flip on the damage shield, use bricky strength, desolidify, teleport, destroy the bonds in another way, etc. Unless the feds get there in less than five minutes, all they'll find is shreads of rope... if they're lucky enough to avoid finding a freshly awakened, grumpy Grond.
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Necronomicon Ex Mortis Deadites got nothin' on Cthulhu! Don't mix those two up or instead of flute-playing skeletons (without lungs:confused:), you'll get your mind turned into swirling crazy mush and unleash the apocalypse. Army of Darkness in great, but it isn't Lovecraft.
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