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Everything posted by Nerdnumber1

  1. Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom! Changable in combat or limited somehow?
  2. Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom! Wear does she carry her toys? Utility belts are the standard, but a backpack or toy chest (hooked to a suped-up big wheel) might fit the character conept better. If you give some details about the power framework she plans to use (mutlpower with Xactive points, variable power pool with Y active points oif, etc.), we could write up complete slots. Also, what is the psy-limits and tone of the character (I have a little trouble seeing a 5~6 year old heroine cutting off arms and heads with a hka without some serious issues developing.) Black harlequin has a similar powerset, but he's a murdurous psychopath that butchered his parents, not a hero.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Half fire elementals.
  4. Re: Col. Blinky Though Col. Blinky will likely be part of the "sane" beholder minority, most beholders are insane, xenophobic creatures that will kill any other beholder on sight. This would make sexual repoduction a little difficult. Anyway, as long as Blinky is going to be the only one of its kind, genderless characters can offer some interesting rp opportunities. I had a kobold character once (kobold society thinks of sex as a simple means of expanding the community, not for its ownsake). He would look at the soap-opra-like situations of the other characters and provide advice that was blunt and logical. He looked at the antics of these "smooth-skins" with an acedemic amusement. He also had the ability to monitor nearly everbody at once, even durring the "fade to black" scenes, he just really didn't care. Hm... Interesting, I'll keep it in mind. Lords of Madness does mention that beholders need to observe magic to charge their eyestalks, so Blinky could have lost some of its power by magic starvation (possibly it tried to conserve power for a few favorite abilities and the rest attrophied). I was just going to give the col. more firepower and ignore the dependency (the game is in 1940 and the Nazis accidentally upped the world magic level in 1938, so the back ground level might be sufficient). As for getting arround magic defences, the guns would help. Normally beholders counter anti-magic by throwing things with telekenesis, disintigrating parts of the ceiling so it falls, and biting. Not that crazy about that build, but thanks though. I think that Blinky might need extra speed with the limitation: only to use eyebeams not already used this turn. Beholders are specialist in attacking multiple targets at once with multiple types of attacks, so a standard multipower at low speed would not capture the spirit of the beholder (not to mention a heavily armed one.)
  5. Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom! Acid as in causic fluid or acid as in halusiogenic drug?
  6. Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom! Although a multipower is cheaper, I'd suggest a vpp if you have the points. The possibilities of a tini-tinkerer are endless. If you want a change for a battle, you'd be able to make a holloween costume... that hapened to be power armor.
  7. Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom! A ping-pong gun. Tike made a better one.
  8. Re: Primary Antagonist Organization in a low-powered "like real Earth" campaign. Firstly, Rasputin needs to be a past or current member. He apparently used hypnotism to treat potentionally deadly hemophilia, ignored being poisoned, survived near disembowlment, survived multiple bullet wounds without apparent impairment, and when his body was fished out of a river, cause of death was hypothermia, not drowning. This sounds like accounts of "life-force" manipulation and "hypnosis" for a quasi-historical mystic game. If he can manipulate his own life-force to such an extent, he might have been able to fake his death and live an extended life span (some accounts of his cremation describe the body spasming as if alive, but it has been written off as tendons burning and releasing tension, but thats what they want you to think).* Besides that, I think the whole men-in-black, agent cliche would be a nice touch for persuing enemies. Got to love the classics. As for how they got to the top, hypnosis is a great thing. And if you choose the extended life-span idea, then you have wisdom that could aid in any goal. *Note: I know that the Rasputin story can be explained rationally, but it has enough grey area to fit into a fictional setting.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Hey, I'm not the one with the robot army (they cost a fortune in maintainance alone). I have a theoretical understanding of villian strategy. For example, I would know to go to the hellgate doom world with more than a pistol and brass knukles in my bag.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Standard procedure is Build an army Invade Hell through some magical or technological means Conquer Hell Build a DAMNED Army Work your way up from Hell and take over the world and anything else out there. Hell is full of veteran warriors/soldiers (from the dawn of war) and a century in a pit of fire probably didn't turn them into chior boys. I'm not saying that all soldiers go to hell, but even if only one out of every million soldiers from all of history were damned, it would still be a world conquering force. And thats not counting demons and non-military men.
  11. Re: A new hero for Christmas..... I once considered a fear-based, always-desolid character. PRE attacks are one of the few things a desolid character can do without buying a +2 advantage and pre (only for fear atks) is dirt cheap (plus you can add from normal pre and negitive comeliness (the concept had a lovecraftian appearance when it revealed its true form, which was hidden for the sake of innocent eyes)).
  12. Re: Col. Blinky I've been looking at varient beholders to find other options for eye-beams (likely put in a multipower). Fine manipulation telekenesis is a must for a being without arms, but two charm spells and slow are definately replacable. I definately imagined an accent, but I'm still not sure which. The game in question is wwii champions (pcs are allies). I have a displaced German mage as my main character concept, but, even if I won't be able to play it*, Col. Blinky demands stats. DT, could you clarify what the equipment in the picture is suposed to represent? (Especially some of Col Blinky's right missle pod(s)(?), and whatever is on the top of his head/body). What I see is: one chin mounted "vulcan machine gun" three large rockets on Blinky's left side two missle pods(?) on its right side a tageting device on one eystalk (for a missle/rocket?) something that might be a com device on its left some unknown device(s) near the eyestalks. *All beholders are genderless (according to a 3.5 suppliment) which is why I chose not to refer to the col. as him/her.
  13. Re: Col. Blinky Naked beholders have ten eyebeams with powers ranging from impairing to instantly lethal, 360deg vision, keen minds, and armor-like hide. They fly slowly, are the size of a car, and don't seem like the stealthy type, so that armored hide will probaly be tank-like. I think that the eye-beams would have to be tweaked a little at the very least.
  14. Two thoughts popped into my head when I saw this beauty posted a while back: a) WTF, and this thing needs to be statted out. I've even considered it as a PC, but my next game is 250points and likely wouldn't do it justice. Any ideas, hints, or complete stat blocks would be helpful. I don't even know what every piece of equipment is.
  15. Re: "Uh ... you can *do* that?" Except tank armor and brick walls.
  16. Re: Edward Hoffmann: WWII German Mage Ok, I rechecked and you're right. The Nazis had a hoard of chemical weapons and the Alies were affraid and prepared for chemical attacks. The Nazis just didn't want to risk retaliation with poison gas attack. Then again, the Nazis did have these effective, devestating weapons since WWI, so fictional mega-nazi enemies could crack open their stores.
  17. Re: Edward Hoffmann: WWII German Mage WW2 had lots of poison gas. I don't know that much about my game either. My current game is 100 more points and 60 years appart. But my GM will screw with the players at any opportunity.
  18. Re: "Uh ... you can *do* that?" No pain, no gain.
  19. Re: "Es lebe die Freiheit!"- German Resistance Champions A mysterious benefactor helps a character that later displays teleportation powers that are compared tp Hiro Nakamura's, only not quite developed (ie. only teleportation so far): the whole thing points to subtle clue about her future progress. Mysterious benefactor+undeveloped teleport/time travel power=monkying around in the past (actually, any mention of Hiro kind of points to it).
  20. Re: "Es lebe die Freiheit!"- German Resistance Champions So the part where she learns time travel and sets up a fund for her past self comes after Hitler goes by-by. I assume that's what happens, it seems pretty obvious.
  21. Re: THE ULTIMATE BASE -- What Do *You* Want To See? How about more "magic sanctum" things. There is a world of unexplored area there. Variable power pool floor-plan, endless librarys, vault of plot devices, and just about anything the fiendish mind of its creator could want.
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